VonStrassburg LitencycPeople5392

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Literary Encyclopedia: Gottfried Von Strassburg

Gottfried Von Strassburg (1190-1250)

Albrecht Classen (University of Arizona)

Fiction writer; Poet.

Active 1210-1210 in Germany; France

Little is known today of the life of Gottfried von Strassburg. He is identified in the Manesse
manuscript as šmeister,Š which indicates his high level of education which he probably received
in Strassburg. We only know for sure that he wrote the monumental Tristan romance [see entry],
and also believe that he composed some courtly love poems. In the prologue to Tristan, he
integrated the acrostic of his patron, Dieterich, perhaps a wealthy and educated Strassburg
citizen. Diverse poets such as Rudolf von Ems (ca. 1240), Konrad von Würzburg (ca. 1270),
Konrad von Stoffeln (late 13th century), Heinrich von Freiberg (ca. 1300), and Johann von
Würzburg greatly praised GottfriedŸs poetic art.

Citation: Classen, Albrecht. "Gottfried Von Strassburg". The Literary Encyclopedia. 20 May
[http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=5392, accessed 21 December 2010.]

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