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Write in the fruit or vegetable eaten in each box Total







Dear Parents/Guardians,
To have a positive learning experience, I am asking for the
assistance of family members in the following class project.

Operant Conditioning Project

In Psychology Class, we are covering Operant Conditioning, Learning

through rewards/reinforcers. The class decided to do a project on Healthy
Living Habits. One that is easy to measure and use is to “eat 5 fruits or
vegetables daily”. The chart is given and can be printed out and put on the
refrigerator or in an easy to see place. The students are asked to try to follow
the habit for at least three weeks. Since it is a habit that all people can
benefit from, I am encouraging families to do this together. If a behavior is
changed for three weeks, it is much easier to follow it as a permanent habit.

When the student has met the goal of “5 fruits and/or vegetables” 6 out of 7
days, then Operant Conditioning Theory suggests a reward/reinforcer. I am
asking for family help in providing those rewards. Some suggestions (from
the class) are:
Helping to pay for gasoline
Letting the student use the car one evening
One on one time with a parent/guardian
Student’s Choice of a meal
Student’s Choice of restaurant if the family is eating out
Other ideas that may be specific and rewarding to your son/daughter

I appreciate your support in this project. It can be a great experience for the
whole family. I will be keeping track of my fruit and vegetable intake too.

At the end of three weeks, the student is to turn in the record sheets and a
one page paper on how the task went: was it easy?, do you think the new
behavior will continue?, Is this a good way to learn good habits?, etc.

Have a great and healthy 3 weeks!

Mary Shoukat, Psychology Teacher, Hayfield Secondary

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