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Hugh's High School

Department of Information Technology

Grade 13 Duration: 2 Hrs Hr

Name: ______________________________________ Date: October 08, 2010

Instruction : Answer all questions

Assessment Test #1

True/False (5 Marks)
Instruction: Write T for True or F for False in the lines provided.

1. Data is a collection of processed facts, figures which by themselves doesn’t have any significant
meaning _______
2. A database management system allows users to create forms and reports from the data within a
database _______
3. The data in a distributed database exists in many separate locations throughout a network or
the Internet _______
4. Databases require less memory, storage, and processing power than a file processing system
5. A relationship is a link within the data in a database _______

Multiple Choice (5 Marks)

Instruction: Circle the most appropriate response to each question below

1. ___ information has an age suited to its use.

a. Organized b. Timely c. Cost-Effective d. Verifiable

2. In some tables, the primary key consists of multiple fields, called a ______
a. composite Key b. secondary key c. key field d. column

3. All of the following are strengths of the database approach, except_____

a. less complexity b. improved data integrity

c. easier access d. reduced development time

4. All of the following are functions of a Database Administrator except

a. Decides on the proper placement of fields
b. Creates and maintains the data dictionary
c. Monitors the performance of the database
d. Checks backup and recovery procedures

5. The ______ contains details about data, therefore it is sometimes referred to as metadata.
a. Data mart b. data dictionary c. data modeler d. data warehouse

Matching (5 Marks)
Instruction: From the list of words provided on the left, write the correct letter on the lines provided
on the right

a. Recovery utility 1. ______Listing of activities that modify the

b. Data modeler contents of a database
c. Log 2. ______Specifies the kind of data a field can
d. Database Administrator contain and how the field is used
e. Query Language 3. ______Defines the maximum number of
f. Primary Key characters a field can contain
g. Data type 4. ______Uses the logs and/or backups to
h. Field size restore a database when it becomes damaged
i. GIS or destroyed
j. Field name 5. ______Person who focuses on the meaning
and usage of data

Short Answer
1. Give three advantages of using a relational database rather than a flat file storage and retrieval

2. A data flow diagram consists of several components that represent how data flows through an
information system. For each of the following components, draw the symbol used to represent
that component and describe how it is used in a dataflow diagram
i) Process
ii) Data Store
iii) Entity
iv) Data flow
3. In a certain order-processing system, there is a CREATE-ORDER process that performs the
following functions:
a. It accepts ORDER information from a CUSTOMER
c. It creates an ORDER RECORD in the ORDERS file
d. It gives a BILL to the CUSTOMER

Draw the data flow diagram for the CREATE-ORDER process.

4. .

Examine the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) below . Identify FOUR errors found on the diagram

For Three of the errors identified in (a), show how each error may be corrected.

Explain why DFDs are important to the Software Engineering Process.


5. Briefly explain three(3) qualities of value information

6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. Briefly Explain the relationships between users, DBMS, and database.

8. Differentiate between Traditional Approach to Information Management and the Database

9. Differentiate between Data Mart, Data Warehouse and Data Mining


10. List the various types of File organization and explain any one

11. List the various types of Data Model and explain any one

12. Draw a diagram to illustrate the distinction between a field, a record and a file

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