Notes On Religion

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a Materialist (body is real; soul not)

secular Jew
negative view - attack on Xtianity, less on Judaism
capital society kept people oppressive in their freedom to serve the
interest of the rich, factory owners
religion was apart of the oppression; that it encouraged it
starts with the assumption that all religions are false
Marx = religion is an illusion; it encourages religion presents false picture th
at reality that people take to be true.

2)where does religion come from? society; people in power produced by humans and
human society.
3) religion expresses how people wrongly think of themselves. Xtianity shows how
they view themselves
4_religion expresses the real suffering of people in society and provides consol
religion helps people get thru the day
5. the task of the criticism of religion is to unmask religion as illusion, so t
hat people see their situations as it truly is, then they will seek to end their
genuine suffering

Xtianity produces slavery, gender inequality but some within the religion makes
them want to improve their fellow man's lives. i.e. King, Malcohm X religion mak
es you aware of injustice
Like Hume, Marx thinks science will gradually replace religion


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