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Seth Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Institute of Engineering &Technology

Department – Information Technology
Sessional Marks Record (Session……… Dec 2010……………..)

Name of the Teacher:……………………………Subject………………………… …………...

Class……IT……………………….Semester……. …….Maximum Marks…………................
Basis of Marks allotment: Attendance : 40%
Sessional Exams : 40%
Class Performance : 20%

Sr. Marks in Sessional Marks in Marks in Total

Name of Student Roll No.
No. I II III Average Attendance Class Marks
(best of two) Performance
            16 16  8
66 Aman Kumar 1208603
67 Pradeep Kumar 1209690

Signature of HOD Signature of Teacher

Principal's Sign.

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