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Do you get angry often
in your life that makes
you loose focus on
what is right and
wrong? Is there been a
time that you failed to
see reason because you
were very angry at
something or
someone? Do you
scream at your spouse /
children / friends /
subordinates when you
are angry?
Welcome to the
party - you are
one among
millions who are
victims of this
much devastating
volatility which is
as good as a
human bomb
ready to explode
any time!
Stress, High Blood
Pressure, Relation-
ship getting
spoiled, at times
even getting
isolated among
friends, colleagues
& family
Getting angry doesn't
improve the situation
and life's too short to
waste on feeling bad. It
can only help us to
loose our reputation as
a person who gets
always angry. When we
are angry, if we keep
our mouth shut, no one
can ever know how we
really feel !
When the anger runs through
our blood streams, try doing
the following
1) Calm Ourselves
Take a deep
breath, picture
a relaxing scene
we like and tell
" relax, take it
easy "
2) Think twice before we say anything
When angry, it is
easy to start
cursing or saying
wild things to our
target. Pause a
while and think is
it worth picking
up this fight. Is it
better to be
3) Take a small walk
Walking makes
our brain to
which gives a
sense of well
being and
makes us relax
4) Work with people who
made us angry
Do this when we
are calm to make
sure that the person
or people who have
angered us will also
be calm. This way,
we will all be able
to focus on the
problems at hand
5) Don't hold grudges
Be forgiving to the
people who have
angered us. This is a
great way to show
them that we are
not angry anymore.
But don't expect that
the other people will
follow our example
6) Make an " Anger Log Book "
Write down all situations
that set us off in an
"anger logbook". This
keeps track of our
reactions to everyday
situations. This is a very
useful tool in keeping
our anger in check as we
can review the situation
and try to solve it on a
latter date.
7) Learn some relaxation skills
techniques like
deep breathing
exercise or
meditation or
yoga can help us
to control our
8) Let go our anger
Now that we have our
anger under control, we
can start expressing it
without damaging any
relationships or
properties. Always
remember, anger can
really damage our health
and its better we let it go
than bringing our blood
pressure up
You are no
more a human
bomb who
carries anger.
Keep smiling
and welcome
to the " anger
free world " !
Thank You !
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management topics :

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