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Changing the Tempo of the

Game: Ferrum College

W e feel honored to represent Ferrum
College and Head Coach Dave
Davis, David Harper (offensive coordina-
was not an exception. We had the fifth
leading punt returner in the nation, Tim
Carter. This was after an injury to our start-
Punt Return tor), Bob Brown (quarterbacks), Horace ing punt returner. The punt returners have
Green (runningbacks), Cleve Adams always been skilled athletes at Ferrum but
(defensive backfield), and Brian Zyglocke the whole unit deserves credit for all of the
(wide receivers). effort given on the field. As mentioned ear-
Special teams are as important as any lier in the article we have five goals as a
other unit on the field. Many teams say this special teams unit. The five goals are:
but we really believe it. We feel we can 1. Gain 10 yards on a punt return.
Timothy Norling make a difference and change the tempo of 2. Field all catchable balls.
the game. The blocked punt or long return 3. No penalties.
Defensive Line can change the tempo and the momentum 4. Stop all fakes.
Coach of the game in a huge way. Often teams 5. Pressure the punter both physically
are even defensively and offensively so the and mentally.
Ferrum College special teams will be the key to victory. We These goals give us a way to evaluate
look at special teams this way. We have the punt return unit. The goals are evaluat-
Ferrum, Va. specific special team goals for each aspect ed for each individual punt. We will post the
of the special teams. Many teams practice results each week just as the offense and
special teams at the beginning of the prac- the defense does with their goals. With the
tice or at the end of practice. We practice evaluation of the special teams the players
special teams in the middle of the practice and coaches can see how the team is
with everyone on the team involved. This doing and we are able to evaluate ways to
lets everybody know how important the improve the team. Each of the goals serves
practice time is. We do not always follow the return unit in a different way. If you
the same schedule for special team prac- complete all of the goals on a particular
Chadd Braine tice either. As with offense and defense we punt the result will be a positive result.
will work with weak spots or spots where we We will break down film as to be able to
Linebackers believe we can exploit another team’s understand tendencies of the opponent. We
Coach weakness. This takes time, and since we will look at the punter’s average, steps, the
do not have a specific special teams coor- snap, and the characteristics of the cover-
dinator, we all must work together as a staff. age unit. We want to be able to attack the
The offensive staff is in charge of kick-off defense just as an offense attacks a
return, PAT/FG and punt teams. The defen- defense. We will run various returns or
sive staff is in charge of punt return, kick-off blocks depending on the strength and
return and field-goal block. Since the spe- weakness of the team’s punting unit. When
cial teams are split in this way the whole these aspects of the punt team are studied,
coaching staff plays an important part in the the return unit can gain a major advantage.
special teams aspect of the game. Every Every week will be different. We will try
day in the staff meeting we talk about where to determine blocking schemes of a punt
we need work. We will divide time up for the team in order to pressure the punter the
special teams accordingly. best way possible. This helps us because
We will use some starters on our special many teams will look at our previous game
teams so we do not view this as a time to film and prepare for that specific block. We
rest players. The starters on our offense will execute a different type of block or
and defense involved on the various units return against their team because of the
will rest on offense or defense but not on characteristics of their unit.
their assigned special teams units. We will We will run an alley return, middle return
play our best athletes on the special teams. with various blocks, and a safe punt. We
For instance our All-American defensive will try to make every return including the
end Tone’ Dancy was on the punt and punt block look like a block. This is a way where
return. He was a very good example of how we will pressure the punter both mentally
important the special teams units are to the and physically. The punter will never know
success of our team. The punt return team when we are going to return the punt or try
is made of mostly defensive players in case to block it.
the offensive team decides to go for the
first down unexpectedly. Middle Return
The punt return team has been our We had a lot of success last year with
strong point in the past few years. This year the middle return. With the middle return

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2001 •

Tim Carter returned two punts for touch- this situation because we will have players As drawn in the diagram, one side of the
downs in one game. As mentioned before with as much speed and hopefully more return will be a man-blocking scheme while
we will line up with a 10-man front with desire to make the blocks. The returner will the other side will attempt to block the kick
everyone in a head up alignment. The only hopefully have a nice lane to run through and form a wall. The difference between
players who will not be in a heads align- the center of the field. the man blocking side compared to the
ment are the ones who will pinch the cen- middle return is the blockers will try to give
Diagram 2
ter. We will do this with all of our returns or an inside release to the man they are
blocks. The only difference is the location blocking. This will enable them to be in the
of our safeties. The location of the safeties best position to keep the defender out of
could change on every return. the wall.
Number one will set up the wall and
Diagram 1
everyone will follow his lead. The rest of
the blockers will set up the wall three to four
yards apart. The important player is num-
ber five who is responsible to make sure
Wall Right/Wall Left the ball is punted and there are not any
This is one of the more common returns fakes.
in the country, but if executed the return is This return is the hardest return to exe-
one of the most successful returns as well. cute, not only because of the blocks, but
The return requires a lot of effort from your the ball must be punted at the right spot
The middle return will be man blocking players in order to be executed. The return and depth. If the punt is short or far away
for everyone except the number ones and can also be considered a block since one from the wall the returner must adjust the
the safeties (fours). The ones will block of the sides is always coming for the block. return and make a “may-day” call to go on
who number four was lined up over and the Since there will be pressure on the punter his own. If the returner makes the “may-
safeties will watch for fakes and block the he will have to get the ball off on time and day” call the blockers may be able to
center and any players who were not this could cause a problem in itself. We did adjust and help him a little bit. Without the
blocked. The big key to this return is not let- have one block this year off of this return. communication the returner may not have
ting the players on the punt team release Diagram 3 any support.
inside on the punt. Everyone except the We have been lucky to have success
safeties will make a push as if they are try- with our special teams and great effort from
ing to block the punt. Once the push up our players. With this in mind, we hope to
field is over, we will give them an outside continue the tradition of strong special
release and follow them down field. The teams at Ferrum College. We hope this
key is not blocking the player too early. article can help somebody and we appreci-
They need to wait until they are in good ate the opportunity to share our thoughts
position and down the field to set the with members of the American Football
blocks. We hope to have an advantage in Coaches Association.

Make a Difference: Insist on Secure Assistant Coaches’

Contracts When Moving to a New Position
AFCA members moving into a new position as a head coach can make a difference when it comes
to improving the football coaching profession.

Coaches who are in the process of interviewing for a head coaching position should make it a point
to ask that assistant coaches’ contracts run from July to July or the equivalent (such as January to
January plus six months) when negotiating with an institution’s representatives.

Only those within the profession can put an end to poor contracts.

It’s up to you.

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2001 •

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