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Kickoff Coverages the

Penn State Way

O n behalf of Joe Paterno and
Pennsylvania State University coach-
ing staff and players, it is truly an honor and
we truly mean players who are first team
defense and offense. We want our best 11
on the field at all times. We want a special
privilege to have this opportunity to con- team player who is pure and can play with
tribute to the AFCA Summer Manual. reckless abandon and not feel restrained
Penn State’s approach to winning is we by technical sophistication. Of all the
believe there are three departments of ingredients that are considered in the
play: offense, defense and kicking. It is our selection of special teams personnel, the
feeling that we must win the kicking game. most important ingredients a player must
Players and coaches must believe and give possess are personal character, unselfish-
attention to the kicking game because it is ness, team oriented, courageous and an
one third of the football game. More big enthusiastic winner. These things will
breaks occur in the kicking game than any- make our special teams successful. Our
where else. Breaks occur where a team or kickoff coverage team consist of lineback-
player is not prepared for a situation. ers and defensive backs that are good
Kicking situations should be practiced over open-field tacklers and that have outstand-
and over so that we make these breaks ing speed.
ourselves. It is our belief that most close
games are won by the team with the best Kickoff Coverage and General Information
kicking game. We will win two more games The kickoff team can set the tone for an
a year if we have a good kicking game. entire game or half by making a great play
or an exceptional big hit. Remember, the
Special Team Philosophy kicker must be a big part of setting the
Great teams don’t merely have ade- tone, being precise and consistent in hang-
quate special teams. They have special time and location of the kick.
teams that can break games open, score The only statistic that has real signifi-
touchdowns, force turnovers, give their cance in kickoff coverage is the yard line.
offense and defense good field position as Our goal on the kickoff team is not to allow
often as possible. We want to be attack-ori- a return past the 20-yard line. Each mem-
Larry Johnson ented. We want to be very competitive. We ber of the kickoff team plays a major role in
want to break it down into little battles that keeping the yard lines as low as possible.
Defensive Line and Special are fought on every play. We want them We can have great kickoff coverage only
Teams Coach fighting until the whistle blows. Once you by having:
get those little battles going on, it becomes • High, deep kicks.
Pennsylvania State University very intimidating for the other team. • Proper (directional) kick placement
with appropriate distance.
State College, Pa. Elements of a Successful Kicking Game • Aggressive, fast reckless coverage
Elimination of Mistakes: Concentrate personnel.
on assignments. Learn vital rules to take full • Proper lane distribution.
advantage of them. Be aware of the situa- • Proper positioning of safeties and con-
tion. Be aware of what your opponent is try- tain men at all times.
ing to accomplish. • Speed, speed, speed and more speed
Intensity: Refer to every little detail in the • Great second effort.
kicking game. Must be all out Pride-Hustle- • Toughness and hitting.
Fundamentals: Precise skills are Our major points of emphasis in devel-
involved. Punters, snappers, holders, place- oping our teams:
kickers, must work many extra hours at their • Kick placement (location).
skills. They must concentrate. Distances at • Get off.
which holders and kickers must locate them- • Speed.
selves, timing and getting kicks away must • Adjustments to the ball.
be worked on tirelessly. The above needs • Beat blocks.
precise and constant attention. • Close and tackle.

Personnel Selection Mechanics

The success of any special team unit is Stance
the selection of the players. We believe • All turn and face the kicker with your
that we must play our best players to be hands on your knees bent and able to see
successful. When we say the best players, the kicker and the ball.

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2000 •

Start base alignment, we will make individual keep leverage on the ball. There are three
• The referee will signal the ball ready adjustments all designed to time up kick zones that you must be concerned about.
for play. one yard behind kicker as he kicks the Speed and Read Zone: Sprint down
• The kicker will check both sides to see ball, running almost full speed. Once the field while reading your return key to
that we are ready. you learn your proper alignment, study see which return the opponent is using, as
• He will lower his hand to signal the the place-kicker’s step and approach. well as the direction of the return.
coverage team members the start of his Align the same place every time. T h e Avoid Zone: Avoid all blocks to the tail
approach. From this point on, everyone key to our success is great timing and of the opponent, then get back into your
must time their approach so that we are at speed. lane except for contain persons; never
full stride at the time of the kick (one step Huddle avoid blocks to the inside.
behind the kicker running full speed). A. We will always first, huddle on the Contact Zone: Attack and play through
• It is imperative that no one is ever off- sideline with the coach. Players will be all blocks and defeat blocks; cannot get
side. One and eight are responsible for checked and reminders given. caught on a side of a blocker in the contact
reminding everyone once we line up to be B. On the field huddle: This will take zone. We want to see every player of the
on side. place on the 25 yard line. opponents knocked down on the kickoff.
• Wait until the kicker starts. See him -- C. The kicker will give the call and say
as the kicker starts his cross-over step, roll ready, call, clap and everyone will sprint to Hit the Line like a Steel Rod
into your speed. Do not take a false step. their spot for that call. Now let’s be more specific and divide
Your approach is the same as the kicker. D. We have 25 seconds to kick the ball the actual coverage down into the physical
Time it up. As he hits the ball, you must be off. components of kickoff coverage. Kickoff
at full speed with your eyes up. Alignment and Assignment Base coverage has four distinct phases. Each
• The whole unit should hit the line togeth- 1: Five yards from sideline. Straight has a skill that we try to develop and
er like a “steel rod” driven through the unit. down, maintain outside leverage, do not let improve through drills and work in funda-
Diagram 1: Base Alignment them kick you out. mental techniques. These skills are:
2: Five yards from sideline. Straight Get Off: This must be timed with the
down, find the ball, do not let them split approach of the kicker. It includes stance,
you. alignment, proper vision of the ball and
9: Five yards from outside of hash, immediate acceleration to maximum
Straight down, find the ball. Make the ball speed.
carrier commit in one direction. A. Stance and Alignment: We have
3: On the hash. Straight down the hash, already described this. We must have prop-
you own it, then get to the ball. er spacing and see the kicker. Utilize a two-
4: Four yards inside the hash. Straight point stance with the weight up on balls of
We always align the ball two and a half down, proceed to the ball , wedge breaker. the feet. As the kicker passes, begin your
to three yards off the left hash. We do this 5: Four yards apart, straight down, pro- takeoff. Remember we want full speed on
for two reasons: 1. we want to limit the field ceed to the ball, wedge breaker. the take off.
space and 2. we want to limit the number of 6: On the hash, straight down the hash, B. Proper Vision: Never lose sight of
returns a team can run against us and in you own it, then get to the ball. the kicker. Poor vision and timing will result
most cases, we see the same return each 7: Three yards outside of the hash. in an offside penalty. Let the kicker pass
week. Straight down, find the ball. before we take off.
You should never let your alignment 10: Three yards apart, straight down the C. Acceleration: This is as the cover-
interfere with the kicker’s ability to field, find the ball. Make the ball carrier age men cross the 35 yard line. Accelerate
approach or see the ball. We ask our kick- commit in one direction. Rover. to maximum speed. Keep your eyes down
er to directional kick aiming for the bottom 8: Three yards from the sideline, full field. A maximum burst will allow us to
of the numbers at the five yard line. sprint 20 yards, fold behind 6, 7, no further cover the next 45 yards in the shortest
Coaching Point: When we direction- than hash unless ball is committed away time.
al kick from the hash, number three and from you (maintain leverage). Sprint and Ball Adjustment: This is
four must be aware of this alignment Kicker: Kick the ball to the left bound- the important skill of running down field
and everyone else for timing. From our ary. Become the safety on the left, hash, and making a decision on when to adjust
Diagram 2: Kickoff Coverage Huddle Diagram 3: Zone Chart the course of the run. This decision should
be based on the following factors, game
plan and individual techniques will dictate
A. Flight of the Ball: It is important that
we look early above our head to see (or
feel) the ball.
B. Location and Direction of Return
Men: Find the return specialists. As they
proceed to where the ball is caught

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2000 •

(Left/middle/right), they will tell us where fast as possible. Diagram 5
the ball is located. F. If You Get Blocked: You must not
C. Set up Back Blocks: This will give a stay blocked!
strong indication as to the type of return Close: Close is the movement after we
developing. have beaten the blockers. Take the most
D. Front Line Blocks Set-Up: The direct course to the ball. We must make the
direction indicated by the first wave (line) of tackle (or force the direction of the ball).
blocks. At times, this can be inaccurate, Your distance from the ball will determine
due to a misleading path or technique of this action. Never get past the ball or deep-
the blocker. Study them on tape. Know the er than the ball.
opponent. A. As soon as the ball is kicked, sneak a
Note: Proper adjustment will take us to Coverage peek at the tackle to your side for an “indi-
the correct side of the field in which to stop The technique utilized in coverage will cation” of the type of return. Do not slow
a return. As we adjust, it is critical that we be determined by the assignment for that down!
begin to manipulate the block in front of us. particular coverage called. We must have B. Beat the first line of blockers (speed).
Keep our eyes on a swivel so we can react an understanding of the following terms as C. “Avoid” them if you get blocked
to all circumstances. they apply to each position and what the immediately.
Beat The Blocker: As the cover team responsibility is, especially if we move the D. Keep your head up, eyes on a swivel.
closes the distance as fast as they can rovers around (No. 9 and No. 10). The fol- E. If you are getting blocked, “squeeze”
between themselves and the first wave of lowing is an explanation of the key points of by leaning into the blocker. Don’t careless-
blocks or first blockers (or a blocker coverage as we tell members of the Penn ly create a lane. Use your hands to drive
approaches him), they must begin to State coverage team: the opponent back.
“manipulate” them. Manipulate the blocker Shoulder Men: As you “sprint” down F. Go make the play!
by swerving or weaving using head fakes in field, make your adjustments. Once this is G. By game plan or poor kick, you could
the run, cause the blocker to stop his feet, established, maintain designated shoulder become a shoulder man.
adjust his course, crossover or create an leverage on the ball carrier (Diagram 4). H. You must become very efficient at
imbalance in his base as he attempts to Attack the blocker if he tries to block you adjustment technique. Ball men have this
block the cover persons. On the approach, based on your distance from the ball carri- happen all the time.
using these techniques, slightly widen the er. Anything too far away, beat him with Contain Men: (No. 1 or No. 8) You have
base. This will allow us to go to either side speed, moves, then get back in your lane. an extremely important job. On base kicks,
of him. Contact is necessary. Diagram 4 No. 8 is the contain man (Diagram 6).
A. Run past Him: Avoid, get him off bal- Diagram 6
ance by waving, swerving, head fakes, etc.
Begin these seven to eight yards from the
blocker. If he appears off balance, run right
past him without any moves.
B. Employ a Shoulder Dip: Avoid con-
tact if possible. Freeze him with a weave
and utilize an arm to the side of the block-
er. Try to go around to the side of the kick.
Dip and rip as you accelerate by him. If he A. Keep your heap up -- vision.
makes contact, keep the feet moving. Do B. Proper shoulder on the ball. A. Keep the ball on your inside shoulder.
not try to shoulder rip if he has latched on. C. If you are getting blocked, “squeeze” B. Never be deeper than the ball.
C. Hand Shiver: If a blocker makes back into your lane. Do not create a seam. C. Do not open up a running lane. Be
contact, attack him and get the hands on Use your hands. physical and squeeze, but be ready for a
the inside of his hands in the number area. D. If you get knocked out of your shoul- cross-field return. Turn everything inside.
Then grab and shrug him aside. Use an der leverage, recover and regain it. Second Use your hands. Stay square.
“arm over” or “rip by,” drive him back in to effort offsets everything else. D. If you are on the backside of a direc-
the return and react to the ball. Come to E. Come to Balance (CTB). Get under tional kick, still squeeze but be ready for a
Balance and play off him. He will be off bal- control, find the ball and fight off the block cross-field return. Turn everything inside.
ance when he attacked. to the ball maintaining proper leverage. Use your hands. Stay square.
D. Shoulder Drive: This technique is F. You have to have an aggressive men- Safety: (kicker and possibly others)
used against the wedge or double team. tality and be responsible. A. Kick ball high and deep.
Drive your shoulder through the designated Ball Men: They will be our designated B. Follow behind the wave of defend-
man and force the ball by driving the block- “hit” man. They are expected to make the ers to the ball. If the return is inside the
er back. Eliminate forward progress. Use play or force it as quickly as possible numbers, mirror the ball. If the return is
up two blocks. (Diagram 5). As you sprint down field, outside the numbers, you become the
E. Change up: Start to come to balance make your adjustment. You will usually run safety to that side. If the returner breaks
and then explode by him, stutter step as into an immediate encounter. out, buy time by forcing him back to your

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2000 •

help. If he gets sidelined, use it for proper Versus a Side Wedge: (Diagram 8) The team (drive man) if you can, always to the
leverage. base aiming points are: No. 1 still play safe- sideline side. Get back in the lane fast
ty; come down and be ready to fold and (Diagram 9).
Coverage Versus Wedge Returns contain. No. 2 attack and squeeze the out- B. Attack the double team (Diagram
Versus Middle Wedge: The front line will side shoulder. No. 9 attack the middle of 10). If we have time and there is space,
set up and block to a designated side the chest of No. 1 blocker. No. 3 attack the split the double team. “Freeze” one of
(Diagram 7). The back line will set up in front inside shoulder of the No. 2 blocker and them, usually the drive man when this is
of the returner, very close together. When No. 4 attack the outside shoulder. Use executed.
we beat our blocker and get to the wedge, them both up. The key is to attack and pen- Diagram 10: Attack
we must see how far we are from the ball. etrate. Use them both up.
Diagram 7: Versus Middle Wedge Diagram 8: Versus Side Wedge

C. The key versus double-team is to

never slow down, always get our pads
A. If we are more than far enough away, Counteracting the Double Team under theirs, accelerate through and do not
avoid or bet the wedge and make the tackle. A double-team is used to create a soft be eliminated (Diagram 11).
B. If we are close enough to the ball car- spot in the coverage. Any combination of Diagram 11: Wedge Double
rier, take on the wedge. Stop the progress players, front-line, back-line or wedge can
of two of the blockers. Know by cover- execute a double-team block on us.
age/alignment and type of wedge where we Game plan and scouting reports will
“fit.” Attack any split, pads down, knock alert us to a double-team. As we feel or see
them backwards. Use up two blockers. a double-team block begin to happen,
Force the ball to go laterally. The base aim- remember the following:
ing points on the middle wedge return are: A. Go around it to the side of the double
• Fives attack inside of the inside man of Diagram 9: Avoid
the wedge
• Fours attack on the inside eye of the It has been an honor an a pleasure to
outside man of the wedge write this article for the AFCA Summer
• Threes attack the outside eye of the Manual. We tell our player’s that special
outside man of the wedge teams is attitude in meeting, attitude in
• Twos attack the outside edge of wedge practice and an attitude in games. If we can
(wings). Utilize a knife technique to make be of any assistance in the near future,
this play. If this is not possible then fold. please feel free to call. Thank you.

Adopt Safety-First Coaching Techniques

According to legal experts, “failure to warn” usually is one of the primary accusations made
against those in the coaching profession in litigation which involves catastrophic injury to a player.

To help prevent what could result in the destruction of a coaching career, as well as massive
financial loss, adopt “safety first” coaching techniques:

1. Have a clear and complete understanding of the intent and correct application of safety rules.

2. Make graphically clear to players the risk of violating these rules and use the available printed
material as a constant authoritative reminder to them of the importance of correct techniques.

3. Point out in exact terms the risk of accidental catastrophic injury in athletics before the first
practice begins.

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2000 •

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