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“T My GG an CHAMPIONS Dot Championship teams, almost without exception have one common denominator. They are comprised of individuals who have a burning desire to accomplish a mission. Championship teams are dominated by selfless individuals who recognize that the welfare of the team must always be paramount to any other considerations. Itis easy to identify a team that is championship caliber. First, they celebrate individual successes as a team. They display tremendous emotion, excitement and enthusiasm when one of their members makes a great play. They share success; they share victory. : Secondly, they recognize that the greater the challenge, the greater is their opportunity. They see what appears to be adversity as opportunity. They possess competitive toughness which is essentially the ability to create and sustain a peak performance state regardless of the circumstances of play. They love the pressure and competition o! the big games, and yet they have the maturity to prepare for-every game with a consistent, intense work ethic. Third, they possess a-unity and a single-minded determination to win that fs obvious to everyone who watches them. They have great morale - great camaradetie. They-care ‘about each other. They are considerate of each other; and if occasionally they fail, they fail as a team. There are no cliques and there is no toleration among them forthe bitchers, the complainers, the shriekers, the losers. Inevitably, during 2 championship season, great leadership emerges. ft is never leadership based on arrogance or power. Rather, it is leadership guided and directed by love and courage. Love for the members of the team and courage to make the proper decisions, even when they are difficult or unpopular. Courage to take a stand; to stand alone if necessary. Every Michigan team must ultimately be confronted by the moment of truth; thattime when they will - or will not be recognized as CHAMPIONS. WHAT WILL BE THE FATE OF THIS TEAM? D1 WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO PLAY DEFENSE AT MICHIGAN? 1. A COACHABLE ATTITUDE Without a coachable attitude you cannot earn the confidence of your coach, which is necessary for you to crack the lineup. What is a coachable attitude? “Coach, take me, mold me, discipline me, push me, do whatever it takes to help me realize my potential. 2. CONSISTENCY Anyone can have a great day, a great game or even a great year. it takes character and determination to perform consistency over a long period of time. Consistency is n asure of fe ! 3. KNOW YOUR ASSI |GNMENTS . Abitity eee gives you a chance to be good. Repetition of physical mistakes or mental errors indicates an unreadiness to play. 4, TOUGHNESS AND AGGRESSIVENESS Those who draw back will not play. Explode - Hit - PURSUE - TACKLE. ONIN! We place a premium on the ability to move and run for four quarters. Speed, reaction, ability to change direction are critical 43 types of speed). These are qualities that can be developed through intense training and great desire. 6. RELIABILITY Being reliable is a virtue that is all or nothing. You are either reliable or you are not. If you are reliable most of the time, you are simply not reliable. If your parents, friends, teammates, coaches and instructors were asked to grade your reliability, how would you fare? A orE? 7. PERSEVERANCE it will never be easy and very often it will take longer than you anticipate. Life is a series of opportunities and those who seize and act upon those opportunities are the peak performers who receive recognition, respect and admiration. Prepare yourselt for your opportunity because it will come. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP! WHAT YoU Do! 1, Always huddle up with coach before you go back into the game. 2. Gain Control of your thoughts and get yourself ready to play defense again. 3. Realize what an opportunity you and your teammates have. 4. Go all out to make the big play yourselt. : 5, Now is the test of our defense. Accept the challenge. 6. When you stop them, now you will have even a greater psychological advantage, and make a great name for the defense! D156 HE SUDDEN CHANGE IS OURS!!! Sudden Change Success Rate: 1971 - 1 TD out of 14 oppurtunities (93%) 1972 - 2'TD out of 8 oppurtunities (85%) 1978 - 1 TD out of 13 oppurtunities (92%) 1974 - 1 TD out of 10 oppurtunities (90%) 1975 - 3 TD out of 11 oppurtunities (73%) 1976 - OTD out of 7 oppurtunities (100%) 1977 - 2 TD out of 13 oppurtunities (85%) 7 1978-6 TD out of 6 oppurtunities (00%) 1979 - 6 TD out of 20 oppurtunities (70%) 1980 -2TD out of 7 oppurtunities (72%) 1981-3 TD out of 4 oppurtunities (25%) 1982 - 5 TD out of 12 oppurtunities (59%) 1983-3 TD out of 8 oppurtunities (60%) 1984 - 4 TD out of 16 oppurtunities (75%) 1985 - 3 TD out of 9 oppurtunities (66%) 1986 - 4 TD out of 12 oppurtunities (66%) 1987 - 4 TD out of 11 oppurtunities (64%) 1988 -2TD out of 5 oppurtunities (60%) 1989-4 TD out of 8 oppurtunities (50%) 1990 -3 TD out of 9 oppurtunities (67%) 1991-2 TD out of 3 oppurtunities (33%) 1992-1 TD out of 9 oppurtunities (89%) 1993-1 TD out of 4 oppurtunities (75%) 1994 - 4 TD out of 14 oppurtunities (71%) 1995 - 5 TD out of 18 oppurtunities (72%) 1996 - 4 TD out of 6 oppurtunities (33%) 19977 ? 7 T PEAK - SUMMIT DIE MICHIGAN DEFENSIVE HUDDLE Ww SM LENG 3T RB WHSS M FSSC DISCIPLINE STARTS WITH THE HUDDLE! A. ALIGNMENT 1. Nose guard will set the huddle 3 yards from the ball by raising his hands and yelling - "Huddle-Huddle-Huddle." 2, Zip end and Sam - align with eyes up, hands on knees - to the left of the N.G. 3. 3 Tech and Rush - align with eyes up, hands on knees - to the right of the N.G. 4, Secondary and Mack Lber will align in back row with hands on hips - standing straight up. 5. Wide half and strong safety to the left of the Mack LBer. 6. Free safety and short corner to the right of the Mack LBer. B. MECHANICS b ‘Will LBer look to sidelines for signal. When he receives the signal he steps to the huddle and communicates the defense. Example - Zip 6/3 Ready Break - everyone claps hands on break. Mack LBer also looks to sideline to double check the signal. If signal caller has a problem picking up the signal - Tug on facemask Prior to LBer giving defense, safety should call out down ahd distance. Absolutely no one talks in huddle except LBer. When offensive huddle breaks, front should assume position. When the offensive center puts his hand on the ball front should be ready. Strong safety must communicate when the ball is in the middle. LBers make the front declaration and call out the bi ; Safety: Make coverage call when the offensive formation is shown. SPA Baw wIs NOTE: WE WILL BE THE MOST DISCIPLINED FOOTBALL TEAM IN THE COUNTRY. THIS STARTS WITH - HUDDLE DISCIPLINE! D17 TACKLING MUST KNOW: 1. Do you have the blind shot 2, Where is your help. A. Acorrect tackle incorporates the fundamentals of the: ‘Approach Contact Finish B. Tackling Progression The most difficult tackle is an openfield tackle; therefore, there exists a fundamental teaching progression. This teaching sequence begins with the: Fit: Place yourself into the ideal tackling position. (knees bent, back flat, eyes up, arms wrapped, and hips rolled). Once you have assumed the ideal position, you then have a model to strive for. (Visualize this position). : Contact: The pop is the coordinated skill of making contact in the correct position while rolling the hips, thrusting the arms, and utilizing the power of the lower back and legs. The first contact is made with the top of your shoulder pads. The arms are utilized in three steps. 1. AS contact is made, thrust the arms in an upward direction around the ball carrier. 2. Wrap the arms around the buttocks of the ball carrier. 3. Pull the ball carrier toward you. Finish: The combination of the contact and the leg drive allows the tackler 40 finish the ball carer by placing him on his back. ‘Approach: Once the fit, contact, and finish have been taught, it becomes necessary to concentrate on the approach. The single most important skill tobe learned is how to gather your momentum and close the distance between you and the ball carrier, and concentrate on the belt buckle. Your point of aim shouldbe the inside number on side tackles. The approach is divided into 5 situations. ‘Nose to Nose. Side Boundary Open Field Desperation A Proper miss Cc. Do’ Keep your Eyes up. 4, Hit with top of your pad Wrap your arms. 5. Keep your feet moving, with a good base. Keep a good base 6. Hit on the rise. Climb his frame. eyse gaaeNs D18

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