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Savages in Disguise

To plunder, slaughter and rape they give the false name of empire, and where they make a
solitude they call it peace.- Tacitus

I. Conquest of Earth(6)
Light dawned upon(5) us to help
Duty(20) as conquerors(25) to try(10) to make them civil(6)
Belief(25) to mend his fortunes,(6)
From weakness of others. (6)
It(5), of slightly flatter
Of rib bones(59)
Of dirt(11)
And of rags (8)
Is emptiness.(28)
Arms extended(59) to take under (61) savages.(7)
Perhaps(20) all the wisdom(8) of Europe(11) can- try (15)
To provide(18) future guidance.((59)
Low (61)
Very low, (61)
laid (7)the hungry(6) savages.(7)
Down the river(7), on all fours,(7)
Crawls(58) the creatures of (10) disease,(17)
contamination. (49)
II. Phantom Brother(6) on Four Knees (7)
Wind was(17) nearly calm, (4)
The blue sea(5) glittered, (6)
The sun(5) born(15) after a rainy day(10)
Then(5) looms(15) a speck in the sea(17)
I blinked,(5)
Charging(10) into my land,(6)
in pose of Buddha(6) preaching(30), an abstract(50)
Down the river(15), the bushes shook.(59)
A brother(62), a thief(50)?
He(5) neglected(35) to(10) help us.(50)
In the(11) midst of incomprehensible,(6)
Fascination(6) became(11) robbery with violence(7)
Became(11) powerless devotion(17)
Strength-arising from weakness.(7)
Ivory(11) for the(10) price of men.(34)
All becomes(24) hopeless despair.(61)
The(1) big trees were kings (33)
But(2) conquered(10) by some perfect tax gatherer.(6)
Lost(33) the light (6)as they entered(10) into heart of darkness.(33)

Massacre or a Pestilence
Sick, sick (61)
They were dying slowly(17) black, dry, sunken(57)
Then(2) dying like flies(6)
From(10) prehistoric man(35) to shadow,(17) non existent(61)
Not enemies,(17)
Not criminals,(19)
Just dirt.(45)
They surrender(17) without a say-(25)
Wild glances (59) and(50) savage movements(59) all around(50)
No(30) way(32) to break(50) the spell(65)
No(30) awakening(35) of forgotten morals(61)
No(30) escape(7) from brutal instincts(57)
Oh the horror, the horror.(69)
Whose(10) to be called the(30) monstrous(65)
Unlawful soul(65)
With the(30) tar(11) heart(5)?

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