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Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness, apprehension, fear, or worry. Some fears and worries are justified. Problem
anxiety interferes with the sufferer's ability to sleep or otherwise function. Anxiety may occur without a cause, or it
may occur based on a real situation but may be out of proportion to what would normally be expected. Severe
anxiety can have a serious impact on daily life.


Sedation is the act of calming by administration of a sedative. A sedative is a medication that commonly
induces the nervous system to calm.


A presumed altered state of consciousness in which the hypnotized individual is usually more susceptible to
suggestion than in his or her normal state.


Depression is a serious medical illness that involves the brain. It's more than just a feeling of being "down in the
dumps" or "blue" for a few days. Symptoms include Sadness, Loss of interest or pleasure in activities you used to
enjoy, Change in weight, Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, Energy loss, Feelings of worthlessness, and Thoughts
of death or suicide.


Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling mental illness. It affects men and women with equal frequency.
People suffering from schizophrenia may have the following symptoms:

 Delusions, false personal beliefs held with conviction in spite of reason or evidence to the contrary, not
explained by that person's cultural context 

 Hallucinations, perceptions (can be sound, sight, touch, smell, or taste) that occur in the absence of an
actual external stimulus (Auditory hallucinations, those of voice or other sounds, are the most common
type of hallucinations in schizophrenia.)

 Disorganized thoughts and behaviors

 Disorganized speech

 Catatonic behavior, in which the affected person's body may be rigid and the person may be


a severe medical condition characterized by extremely elevated mood, energy, unusual thought patterns and
sometimes psychosis. Possible causes for mania include drug abuse and brain tumors, but it is most often
associated with bipolar disorder, where episodes of mania alternate with episodes of major depression. These
cycles may relate to diurnal rhythms and environmental stressors. Mania varies in intensity, from mild mania
(known as hypomania) to full-blown mania with psychotic features (hallucinations and delusions).

Manic patients may need to be hospitalized to protect themselves and others.


a chronic sleep disorder, or dyssomnia. The condition is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness
(EDS) in which a person experiences extreme fatigue and possibly falls asleep at inappropriate times,
such as whilst at work or at school. A narcoleptic will most probably experience disturbed nocturnal
sleep and also abnormal daytime sleep pattern,which is often confused with insomnia. When a person
with narcolepsy falls asleep or goes to bed they will generally experience the 4th stage of sleep REM
(rapid eye movement/dreamings state), within 10 minutes; whereas for most people, this shouldn't
occur until generally 30 minutes of slumber.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition in which a person has trouble paying
attention and focusing on tasks, tends to act without thinking, and has trouble sitting still. It may begin in
early childhood and can continue into adulthood. Without treatment, ADHD can cause problems at home,
school, work, and with relationships. In the past, ADHD was called attention deficit disorder (ADD).


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