1000 Sun An

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I I, .

(Sa .'-j'lgs & A cIS' of The P tllptll1et:J

Every Day & Night

Compiled bJ

haykh Khaalid AI ... 11U aynaan

More than 1,000 Sunan Every Day&.Night

Sup.~rvi-sed :0)':


~(;:~ M.3;k:tab. Dar~us~Salatn,. 2on~

Ki'n.g· .J."ahd .N.~·4JD,.11,~t6:I:"ry ,:t:lltaL9giR~-'in~Publ i~ilrlOJi nll~ hi u..'iilyrman; Khal id

~Qte than 1,,000 Sunan ·e"'::ery.day night; I Kh'1l1·in Hu~ayn~arl~ AhgQ: lsinaaeEI·M,uujr - Riyadh ,'1.006· 176 p ~ R ,x; 12 ·~tr~~

lS;BN: 996ojnd6~4"7

l-AI-H:~KHlh:,.; r_iiteraty collecnons 2- Al-<!~adjLb - TlT.m,slat~pnsjn.h;i English J~AJ .. Had'ithCommentaries .' l_·Al'tOQ. !smaaee:l

. Munir( translator) It-title

. .

·.231J de 1 427/J46'1

L.D. 1;19., 1~2,7~l IS'B.N!~'lf.I6..4., 7

. . -';:. ~ . . _... - ~ , .. , .

More than 1,000. Sunan Every Day &; Nigbt

Based on the Arabie BOQ,k Aktha.r Min .Alf·Su 11 nah.

Fee- Al~YawmWtl, Al- Laylal1

. Compiled by

Shaykh Khaalid Al-Husaynaan

Tran:s:la:t¢d by:

Aboo Ismaa' eel Munir

: . - .



F~,o··. ·~wo··r'd··.

'.I.'~' rv-, ,_ I I ","

A;'YVor.dJrPIfl;tQe Tta'nslatbr , r-. ':.:'

Table of Voy~els



T.abi~,"Qf· CQr~oMnts" eontimied .A·u~.~orEs introduction.,

W.~king-up , "-. ; ii, ,-

Ent'f!:ring: and leaving t:~e tailet -.

·Wuao.(r~. , , ;, ,

'Benef:i:ts' ,of ;obs.ervmg Jh~Se SUMlin iitWu4:ru/: ,.,:: ,. Genefalw.ord5i.of.qdvkl;~. from Imaam -

·Ari..:Naw:awee.:, ' ,.' -_ .:. _ "';'.;

U stilg a $hJ}p-t:Jk ; "

Weanng shoes .

Dre$sing an~ undressing _ ,

'Entering, ~p41e?lving the house " :: j 1

G.oin.S ~.Q; the·,Mas}id . ,':,. ""','" ,', ,., ,.: ... :.

The Adlwan ,

The Jqqal~,!~i:1

~(lyilJg' tp~wardsa~· Sttfnth lssu~s regarding·the Sytr{lh

Benefits o:f obsetving ,this_$I~n1Jal.g ";

,The',op:fi;o'llal pTay~rS: , , _ _ _ ,.. ,_

~"night prayer ""'. """,., .....:;:; _ _ 't

~gs.,that.heJ.p one tp',perfonn .q.iyaam- Al .. l~lyl:

.:'e Witr' pr~Y'ei- , , _ .' ,_ " """'.: l' "

The ~"D...' -,

sf,'·aJr.J;,.ayer._. -.- .. -, ,--,,-_ .. -" .--, ", . ,.- --, .-- ,.,', .

. : ."ttln:g· _aJ~~tthe rqjr:.Pra-yer .. , ";'

~it of sitting 'in the 'ArlasJi-a~ , ,

~t..~ '$.~.q 9tiring1hti. pta.yet

POlnt~to note: . t I ',_


. ~ ~ : "

,. ;.: J.-.j ,.!

I I 1".Ij••

'7· '9 13 f3



14· 15. 20 22. 24 29'·

30 ~31

33 34 a6. 3:9:



47 49 49 50 52 55' 61 62 64 {~6 .66',',·

~~ .



Actio:n.s performed in tbe p:r~yer '

·A.,4?, ~ikbD' .. '


.111 .. !ll1sah ,.

Ule'firlal Tash41lhud

SttI'tJfl).ary· of actiens in the prayer: :: ~

nep.er~] W(~rf'~s oE.advice· from IbnAI-Q~:yyim; .. :".:

,After the o~bH.ga;toTY '.pltay~.r .... . .e- : •.•

B~nefit.s sit fh~$,e Ailhklltl'r: . , , , "" , ... " " " .. ! .'':: ' ., -. Adl.lk't:li;lr of the' m (ltning<.: and evening ..

Po.ints to rtote; , , "

. .-:_ ,~ .

M~:gting peqple

Eating. ..", , ; .., ,.,.. .,,'

Diin1d,ng: , .. !,.! ,_,'.,; .;" '. , ,,'

P:e,ifon'Tiing vo.luntary praYl?X~ at bbrne·., ,. Imiplerhentittg ·th~.s;.e. v~)luIl:t~gry p:rajiets 'in the

hOU£Ef'iS a .means to; .... '"., ',' , ,'. ,

Leaving a .gatheffiig , __ , .. .'. '.: .. .'. ~ ,. ,. ".".' '. !"!"

Fromthe beneHfs:>of implementing tNs '~llfln.ah::T ." , Ibl1'(Al-Q~y)iittl sa'kt'thfi gatherin;g of~''''!J~l\m'$' i,s .. of

two type-s:' ',' ,,!,,!,.! .,' ., •• , ., ., . , , t

Making. ,tbe·'cqtre~t intention

tmpQ.rfa;nt P9jnt",., " ' ~.' , ,.:'

~C:om'bi.ning_lnul H-ple acts 'Of ,·wprsHip.

Here ate· SOl,~'lge)(ulJlP:le~,:, , , !' ..

Reinen1her~ng"All.ah fit ~n~.ttrn:es. ,.;. Points. to note.reg'?l·n~Hng Dhi.krt?~AIlah:

RefleCfirig~ ON the blessings of A.-1.1all. Comph~nrig thc.Qur"an eve~y rnoofh

B¢foh:q~:ofrf1~ hi sleep . , :

Ben~fits J of :these. S:unaf-1 when ge.ing:.t~J sJ.eep,~

'CqnCl USi'Qfl . ' , ' , ,

GJQ$sary (If terms " :, , ' t t t t


- " ~ .. -~. .

','1','1' +-

73· 74~'

74 75: 1:7'


78 2.9 BD $6 8'9

'lOB t04

--"'", .





114 115 117

lIZ ll~· 11$: rpl" 119. 12l 121 1'25' 12£' 129 13.1' 140- l41 1.49



In the Name of Allah,. the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, .May the praise of Allah, in the Kighest of assemblies, and His 'peace;safety and security, both inthis world and

.the next. be on .Muhammad (~.), the best of mankind and. the seal of theProphets and, Messengers.

Th_H Prophctic s:ay!h:.,gsla.ctions and approvals contained in this booklet represent. a, goo.d selection of the important 'matters necessary for 'every Muslim ill. their

.daily life. .

It is hoped that if we implement these practices qailyl. doing' so sincerely Jot 'the 'pleasure of Allaht we 'willhave fulfilled the two conditions fer the- arceptability of acts of worship, 'name! y:' (i). Al-Ikh laa~ (sincerity) and (il) AI-Mutaabq:~ah [adherence to the w'ay ,ofPro:p,hetMuhamtri~d (~)]. In this way, the true believer has hope of achieving the greate~t success, At-Jann.ah. 0 Allah! W:e. ask of You Al-Jannah and seek refuge "in you

&om An.- Naar!- ..

As 1. sat with the translator of this book, 1 7 I

Ah9·0 Ismaa'eel, reviewing this work.: in the Iibrary of a Da'toah centre in the city "of Doha, 'Qatar, it brought back mernories of those davs when we sat. with Aboo Safwaan, the translatorof a similar work, Hi~n Ai-MuslInl, in the library of th'e Prophet's Masj'id in Al-·Madeena.hA·nNabaweey ah reviewing .similarissucs

' ' . . ... ' ." . .... ",' . '.'. .'. ' ." :,.....

, . ,

I do not thinkany of the brothers involved

in that work imagined the acclaim it would achieve,

However, success, is from Allah and we hope that He 'will grant equal successto this work, make it a 'benefit to all thosewho read it and reward all those.' who have had anything to' do with its realisation,

Indeed! He, the Mighty and the Majestic, is Generous and Abletodo all things ..

Abbur-Ra'uf Shakir Doha,. ~State, ,'0£ Q~tar Iumaadi Al-Awwal, 1426


,- ... ~ .'" - . -. ' .

All praise is for Allah",' Lord .ofthe worlds, May fhe 5citaah :and.5al.tl(l,1I1;" ofAI1~ be on the :.finaIP·ro~phet!Muha.~ad (~) his family; Colnpanions arrd :a11 thosa who follow· them "in righteousness, untjl the Day

of Jtld:g~meilt: .. -

Is it 'not amazing. that. -in the ceurse of a nermal iday, many oJ,qs are c;.pableof pl'ac-ti¢ing more than r , l,OOQi SUilti:rt? Surely, in clingi~g to the> ·~rt"'lnah is g.a1ety' and' secu . .rlty, as Imaarrt Maaliksaid:

The·: S1!-J:fna,h is Jik~ lhe :A rk: ._of·NoahWHDe'lJe,r e:tttba·rks on it readtee 'scilvation an_d' ,ioiuJeve:;rcfu.se~' is. dt;(JtJ) ned ..

Before you is a 'shnr:t bo91<1~l conta::irun;g state~m·enJ$·and actions of the Prophet 'MUhammaQ. (~) that .ate·performed ill a ty.p'icaI day -how 'many' Ot these arepart of

Our daily lives?' .

rhis. wo rk- is the Errg llsh-Ianguage trans.lati.drt of the Arabicb,ocikle·tt.Mart: Than l;Ooa $UtlJ;ltl EverJl 'Day & N.igh.t, .. compliedby Sh.ay_k·h ~ Khaa ltd l:t.l1:s~yn.a~n.H'e is a' -C()nJe~:por:~ry' sfUde.rit" ofktiowledge: of our


time Wl10, is ·preoc.cupied with .reviving a .. nd fo l lo wing th .. e. Su n n uh of PTo .. ph.et Muhammad (~)-

There are a . few issues readers should, be aware .of. 'Firstly, all footnotes have' been added byrne and: were not part of the' original booklet,

Secondly, the. order of some points has been' changed from the origina] r Arabic work, In aU cases, however care has been exercised to ensure that the- origina] intent and meaning has. not been lust. Thirdly, all Arabic. terms that are ita liciz ed have been defined in the ClossaryOf Terms at the end, Finally, a, clarification on themeaning of Ihe title - th·r. original Arabic booklet did not specificall y mention 1,'000 separate Sunnah; rather, tn,e' intent was 'that by' performing the Sunair mentioned, 'with the frequency advised in the Ahlilldee.th" nne can end. up. . fulfilling. during. a .single day and. night, more than 1,000 Su nan. .

No human-effort is free from. error and so l ask A1.1~hJ': the Most Merciful, to forgive m?, for a~y inadvertent 'mistakes within this booklet

Readers are encouraged to contact us if they notice any errors, whether in translation, grammar, "use of S'OUTces or points. discussed.

I ask Him, the 'Mos't High, by His beautiful .Names and, Attri butes, that Heguides us to the truth and that He purifies 'our intentions and ·gives me and thosewhopartieipated .. in. the translating andpublishing of t.his book, whether in edititrg/, checking, formatting or :designing" .a bountiful reward for striving in His way. 'May Allah make this of benefit.for us in this 'Life and the. Next.

. . ,. -' -.' ".

Aboo Ismaa'eel Munir

~ . ~

Doha, State of Qatar

JUrba.i;ldi AI-A wwal, 1-426

The transliteration system used 'In this book, is based on the one created by Dr . Hila] Philips, This .system was preferred over others .nu-e to the' ease with which English ..

speakers.could understand i{., ,

However, a few clarifying: .comments rnav be of assistance .. 'First]y~ ftie Arabic ·detinit~e· article is written variously as -! A,l: r -or within the' first Jetter of the following word, when pronunciation requires this; e. g. A t-Ruhmao» is written. and pronounced Ar-Rahmaan i- 5ecqnglyt · 5had.daFr' (written .~ ), is represent e d. by. _q_ 0 u bl e d',c on son' ant 5.· Finally, iTaa Marho.at~h I .:( .0 ) is represented by '~H' (e~g.~tlla.ah). Readers -shouldriot~\ however, that ina construct .p]ttas-e r. the 'Ta« Mttfbootab' acquires a 'T' sound (e.g. Soora f' AI-Baq,artih:, not: SOQrab AI-B.aq~rah).

Table of Vowels

, ..

.. ",..





,Taa. MarbJ)o-tah

[ ,.: I h. I
I aa,










. .....




1_ 13 ~


Table Of Consonants, continued






[1.4 1


All praise is dueto Allahr the Most Merciful the Al1-fot'giv:ing" the Most Generoust. the ~All~P.;owerful" the Turner -of hearts and sight, t}.le ~ower of the seen 'rlllci the UIlS~n. I ebntinliou:slypraise Himin the :~v;en~ng and the' :momjng;:.

And I t~tlly that Mnhammad C-;) Is His 'ocht;lsen Messenger -~:ay; the 'p.~~ace: and blessmgs of Allah be "ofihltrt and on his

fantily/ruswives and Companions, all 'of who,ll'I are vdeserving of :ex.alt.atio·u .and .revere.ncH';: .a praise which "~s as everlasting as

th~: day and the, night~ ...

To:. 'proceed: The most important thing that, a Muslim can attend to and take eare 'of in his. daily life. rs ~··cti.n:g according to the Sttn:nah: of the Mf;5Sel1g~r .~.- wbether it is. 'the ··Sunnilh. of msHatakaatoi" SakaniWt, th'e S#nnah' t .. f' his·' actiOnS' ~'.' ··Until thep.erson ..

~,'g·~riises his. life. In. accordance vto the StLJ'~n-ah of the Messenger (~l,from th'e ~otrtitt~ totheevening,

OIlUll'-Nun AJ .. Masri said:

[ 1-5 1

Front the signs.' of one'» loue for -AJlah". is following His b'eloved PrQpltel'"s .(~) ilC't ion S'irn an rt: e rs, commands and recommendations ..

Allah' (~) says.:

~r ~.t.. 2 .• z . ~ ~~ .~\ S;.·~.·'":" .. ~.t ... !-: ? :- ,;~t.~1 ... ~:~ ..

. ~- q..... _:.;.." ~ ~ '"'"'. ~,.

Ai JJ..'" ~. a:.~ -: "~~~ .~." '.: '..J, .. ?J:. ·1""'.· .. · .' .•. ''''''''.'

'~"~. i';.J .JP' ,4i~' :;4jJ jN __,~i.JJ

'U5ay; "if you realty' love Allah .. then ,follow me and Allah ·will- ·love' you and jorgi've yOHf sins. And AltaJz. is 0f!-:Forgivlngi

M· t M· . iiu):' .~r .. ' as : .. er.~[fK.

·(Aa·l-Imrattn, .3:31)

Hasan Al-Basri said:

The sign. of their 'love (for Allah) is in their tldhererce'" to the 5 unnah. qf His, Prophet

~. .

The .rank of the believer is- measured by his' followingio! th~MeE?s~nge.r t~)- he' is high:eta'nd mote e'x·;~lte.dwit.h Allah according to the' extentof his 'practicing' 'Of the Sunnah,

For this reason T compiled this brief treatise .... torevive the 'S.utl.1iah ·of the. Prophet l~) in the affairs of the Muslims, whether it is In


thejr daily Iives, worshipping, sleeping, eating and drinking; dealingswith people, in their purification, entering and l~aving. of t.heir homes, -dressing and .. everything remaining ·0'£ actions pertairting to Harakaat' and S.akan~.t.

It is interesting to note. that if oneof us lost some money, how concerned'and worried W'e would l,e and how much effort we 'would. exert in trying to find it.

But 'how many' Sunan have we Iost in our lives? Does this sadden us? Have we strived tor~v·~v,e them in our lives?

One· of the problems we suffer from is' that \~re: 'have begun tevalue and admire the: dinar and dirham more ·than the. Sunnah: If

~. ~ .

people were' told that 'whoever observed a

Sunn'ah from the Sunan of the Prophet (~) Would receive a certain amount of money, fh~n you would. certainly findthem 'weanling to and. striving: to observe ·"the Suninan 'in .. all ,oftheir .affairs, from the jnoming to the evening.

'WhY'?'Onlyb~~use they would ~gain. some ntoney for-every Sunnahpractised.

How will this wealth benefit us: when we are placed, in our grav·es. and the eatth~s "dust is poured OI1l!s? .....

Allalt f~) says:

fi-Nay, you prefet the.-, Ufo of ,:tl~is worf:d ,alth,Q14ghthe fle:reafier isbet:t'Br an·d more. lastin.g:, .1:"

(AI-"A:laa~~ 7.:16~17) The Sunan mentioned, in t'his booklet are

• • c - ~ I .: - ....~

those. ·things for 'Which the one performmg rhern i:.s: rewarded, while .not "b:eing penalized for leaving. them, .-'

. . .~

In :a:ddi tion, :they' are those .thing..s that are

repealed in the. day .and night and ar'e therefore within the c;a_p~ci:ty and. ability :of

everyone to perform, .

1 f0,und·fh·a t it is 'possible for every'person" jr .they :strove, to observe these daily BunRn, to perform no, less than a 'thousattd Sunan d,.aily,t;o~~rip-g··a.n:as;pects of their lives.

This little bo.:oklel is ot)thtg more than clarification offhe easiest "w,ay' to -impletne~nt these Su ,ft an . If the Muslim sought to; observe ·a thousand Sunan in. the day:' and

[ 18]

night~ this would. be approximately thirty thousand Sunan in :a month ..

Look 'aJ the person who is' ignorant ofthese SUn-ail or who 'knows them butdoesnot act by them: how muchrank and rewarddoes he forfeit 'for himself? Indeed Jte is truly deprived ..

From the benefits of adhering 'to the Sunna·h . are·:

D.Ta·reach the Ievel of .Iovc= Love of Allah (~) for-his .. believing slave,

D It is a means to' compensate for any deficiency in the' obligatory actions,

o 11 is a. protection from falling into

· t' '


o It indicates the exaltation of those .things.

that represent the 'religion of Allah. [1] .

By Allah, OUm1.nah of Islam, revive the Bunan of your Messenger (~) in allaspects (if your Iives, for the Suttnall is evidence of 'your complete love for the Messenger of Allah (~) and, ,a sigrrof y·our sincerity in

£ .'11" .. hi . .

" '0 . owing .' m.


. - To exalt, in this. sense means to adhere to, or

comp~ly w·ith something,

~. J.


1. Wipe the effects of sleep from the face with your hands:

Imaam An-Nawawee tand Ib,nHajar stated thiswiping to' b¢ desirable based on. the following:

WIzen. the Messenger of' Allah (~Ju~oke'" up, he: "lt~ouJd sit u-pan4 rub. a.way t:Jt'e ejJec_ts.ofs~.eep front: his face UJfth his lian:d.T

2. Say the supplication ferwaking up~

j \J/ t; L4 \ ~., J.;.; ~ ~ f ,~.~ I 411· 'Ji~J \i)

~ ..... - • p. ~'~ ~ .

. t6" ~.

;.'-.~ .' W-· " :':'~ q


)lU praise is: for Allah I{Jhp ga:zyc· us l:ife· aft~r de.alh . (sleep) and to Him ls the. re·suttee-tion.2

3..U se <;1 Sitoaak:

WIzen the' Prophet (~) ~(jke: 'l{P',jro111 the n:igh:t (steep), h:e used' io clean ni$' mou til with a S·iwaak,.·a.

4. Sn:uff water:

V'/hen onedjyou wakes upfron1 sleep!: then s'ntlf! water three times. For indeed, Shay!aa_" "spends. the ll~ghtih the upper

l 20 t . ,

part of his nose.

5. Was:h' both 'hands three times:

JlVl1,e,rr on.e l~f.You u'akes. up frOtH sl'ecp, he must nt: t dip h is han d i n to '(J u ie nsi,l U H ti 1 he usashee i! three times. A" 5


1. Enter with the left foot and leave with the ri,ght.. r1.1

2. 'Supplicate when entering the toilet:

',- .;lo '-:J ;;iI. ,.. s _ c ~'-" -::.

- 1-:<·\ I"':!. "·tl'" ~l· J.~I I ~"-,

(~\..:.. ~.~I Q. ~ • -"~ s "':''';''.1)

~ ..... .• j..... ~. r :J". I'

~ . ~ - ,

o Allah, [seek refuge, in'. You_.fro1:J·lAIKIIU btll and,Al-J01aValt 'ilt i. 6

31 Supplicate when lea V ing:


~... ',.'J

[( ~ .. ~~,jS. '))


1 n,sk You (A.lta":i) jorforgivenes8.7 People use the bathroom manytimes durirrg the day and night, If they observe these SLUUlH for entering and leavinj; every time the;ygo, they will fulfill two Sunan for entering and two Sunan tor leaving.

Al~kltlj:'bth and A·l-Khabaa'ith - These are male

" . .'"" _. • • _-=' . ".".. .'~.' . .' ~ . ; ~ -. .

III N'(J evidence. for enterrng with the lef.t foot 'and leaving with the rightw:as found. Therefore, 11 ·seem~· that gene'ral evidences.indicating the useof the :right for .good and the. left for .the . opposite have been used,

and female devil~..r11 Itt order "i.e: be protected ·by-Allah from their evil, one should seek refuge from them when e.nb~,ring the toilet. The toilet is one of their places o.f abode.

[IJ Th- - .

. . ... eretwo opinions as to. tnemeaning-.oLAl:-khubfh

and AI:-khab·aa'if1'l .. The first is that itmeans, an 'evil

,_... .... . .

and evildoers and the. second is .thaJ it means,

·male and female devils. The~ Shayklt ft;Uows· the

latter opinion, .

[ 23·]

WUDD··O::/ -,

~: ~. .

·1., Beg~,rtwithA ·t;_·T.aSNliJlflll:· '((.~ I ,~=q,) U

.P.~ ~~.:. -:-

In tht' ,Na:lne~fAllRh.: [11 8

~ y,~,

2:. W.a$·h both hands fhree times at thestart ofWudO.o·.1,

.' _ .. :.:....._ .'

3:~ Rinse. the_ rnnuth and snuffwatei' info th:~'

. . . '(" ," - .

nosebefore washing the. face ..

4·, Expel water frotii toe.- nose usingthe left hand:

Hf?" b~) ti;~ashed ht~ n~"cH{il~ ·t11rcJ?· times, J/Jell rl\ns~·~t. his J1UJJith, .: 5ituffed'l:~JaJer and" b,leu) it. OJl-t.,[21. Then he tlft1shett /tis fuce three: times: ~j

[11 This _is ba sed on th:eHadecth ofA'1:~pQ.Hl:rray(ra h ,{,~\~ l.

I ~There is nlJ JJ.rtlycr: fqr lllE; . .pe:r~(_):tl U~h~1 ho« "i..1(~t. 'J(!.rfo-rn}e(tW~t:4qo 1 and theN! i~. u.(, WlJ:tj_o.c/ .. Jor tll(! i;}f;H'Vu?ho:;docf/ no:t; :tJ.feriti:ou the. N{l-1l1c:.of Anal!. '"' .

There Is '3 :dif:fere:nc~ of :op:ininn .a;l1J"Yn~st th~ scholars .feg~r4ipgthis Hade/JUt -Sha,Y'k_hj\·l~ Albaanee. has, fn:entkuyed th~ scholars whn. haVt':

). - - - - - - - - ~ .'

declared thJs"H-ade,e'tf~ as g,qod (If J,luthenli,·· in

Inoan Al-.Gha-(eel·J \l;o.lu·me·l,. .. f-fadectJl 8-1.· . .

t~l The use. o'f 'lhe left netna ,wa'S net e:xplit-it1..Y

menfioned in this :HadeeD:tt btl t there' is '3 n~rration

..: ~ . . .'

of Ad. .. tJa,,~Jiw;eJ?,' Ahd KhaY'r sa-id, ,I... we wi/n~


,~. Be .. thnro:ugh . in: rittsing. fhe· 'mouth and ;srtuffing W·ater>a·s mentioned in the HadeetJJ:

','and betl1o~~u~6 in SfWlfi1!g'tlltiter unless YOf~ are fastl ng, .

The m;,eanihg of being ,ho.rou,g:h in 'rins:i~ng the -, njouth is' to pass the water around to" all parts of the. mouth, The meaning ef being thorough in sfl.ufjing'· w,(fter is tQ: sn;ufl .. the water to the uppermnst part of

the··no.se. .

., - , ~, .. ' . -

sitti_ng,while "i:qQking, towards' 'l·A lee (.~) lis' ,1Ieu~as p.etfotiiiitig Wit40f;j:!~ He ,t?:nte:1!'fa.· a h{lJujfi11 ·of walt?;r 'into 1ii-~n;ldu.tllwUl:t his rigbtha'l1{t aiut t{!'a$h~d: hi'S ~()U_t}J. qnd nOfiC. (?~nfi he,' 'fttdl' e-ipeUeii tlte. Y..'i#e:t /f'tnfl hie niJ:'ie<u~.ifh his teft }l.qndt .· .. He ,d~:.~l f!ri~5 -, tltr?e:tblie·$ 'afi ti then sdi"a:~ !'VV}rdezre l' I[-i:a rft t; fa $ ee- Jb,~ 'lk]J111 p-f pUrifiCa.tit7H . of. th~~ NIesFeh.ge~r '0f Allah (-l, then tlrif.: :1$.. ,his pu'ri]ira-ttiJl1 " r

Shaykh Al-Albaanee said that. this .kfa4fcth, has -an auth@ntic chain (if narra tors· in his notes en A1- Mishkal{t :rt 'i§ worth no.lirrg·, lhaf···this follows thtf ··Sij.nie· pr'inciple_; lnentinne~d infoptno~.f. -2 In the. p:reviou.s·Ghapte;f.;. A.Ls-6; Mtf-er fO, the re{ereItc~' 'Q.£. Z'~4 ~J~Ma·l.iJad~ and by Ibn Al-Qayyim mentioned in Hade~tth reference ·nunlbcr .~. at- the. end of the

""L._.':- ..' .' - e- . '.



6. Rinse the mouth and place water of the nose for snuf:firtgcyvith. the :sam~ handful of water:

_, .-

They! he ($) put his haml (itl the umter) atl~dri'isitd his mouth and snuffed H.p water(fol' cleanil1A_- the nose) from the nalm df one hand ...

Note that the. same handful of water- was used ,_. ,he; (B) did not separate between

thetwo action b-yusin.g one 'handful for the first action and, another for the second.

7~ Sirvaak and its position with regard to rinsing the mouth, from the: fladeet1t::

flail ii :rtol been that I ntigh·t cause ha·rdship to. rny Urn 111f:111, I would hare ordered them to' use .Q Sfrva,ak-ivith evetv Wudod'112 L '

8. Run the fingers through ~, thick beard when washing the face, .

The Prophet (~)rl;rtl his fingers: .tlv'~Q-.~.t.gh his bea,yd'when ptrjotnting,Wl!:dOtli_13"

9. Wipe: the head,

The way of wiping the head is to: start from the forehead until the nape of the

( 26 I

nock and 'back tothe Front :zl:g.a_in~,

A$ for what is :6blig~tory of w'ipin.g . the head, then:' it is wipm,g the whole 'of the head. inanymanrrer, from the 'fronJ to:'. the bask.and fer the frorrtagaln.

,0' and ··tJleMe:s'se-l1get ·of A1Jci1l (~) nuped his' he.ad: upi:th his ~·hVfJ luultls fr0V'1 the fir:rn t ,to:. the: backanil. then _1Q :fhejron t again .... J it

lO.l{tAn water through th'e: :fingers and tees; Pe'rfor:rn. WUB.OO'- ptoperi.yanii:. run "ivCiter through- the~flhg.er5' aittl 'foeS.15.

11. Be;gJn with the risht hand and foot:

Tlte' ·Propfte..t (~) prefer:r:edto b~gill IPj.th; tn:,:e ,tfgh.~t tuhen IVJJ.a rLn.g h i» . 's~~ndflls

( S.hD~O s), .C om bin g Iti?' Ita i ra tNt i 11 pu rijlrCJ,·tion .(lAlH~o,Of),!.? 6-

12,. Increase washing Irem one- to three rune-sf :wh.enw'asn1ng lh~.ff.lc-~l:artits· and

feet.I? .

13. 'Pr0:tl-"<.l un c:e the ShJll-1Jl;.a·d([lbup on cernpl etion;

of·il10rsltiJi. eXlW:l,tAlltih flfld J bear untness tJ"lC1Jt Mu1uult,na·d (~) is H.is~ .Slt~·ve,· '(lud

,----" '_.'

Mt.,c'C'°n° ver

. .~ L"'~;~" '--'.6 .:, .~.

The benefit of its;.-prOn,UJ1Cia tien is that" . . , tlle eight doors 010;' ·Pa-rildf!ie. zvUI be

. .

o.pelze.ij'- jbt; lzit:n anti he; can ruier .!roi"1J

u;litiche:c)ei one·of them he- desire» . 1 #~

,. ~

14 .. Perf"o.rmWndoo'· a .. t home;

·YV'heev.er p'u::rifi'll5f (£ . .e. perftir11lS WudOQ 7 "in hie house and then: ttl111k J(j. (j.l1~: of the Hp1:j:'$es' ,.of· :AHah fi . .J?·,f.lte'Mllslid) ro pretfotirt ll11 D~Ugt1lio1:1 L?f AU:ah (i .. c. O-ll:e -of 'everytooo step s; 'a sl:tl.i,$:· teUlQ1}(?:d Cltrd u:tul1 tJ,re oihe» i . h is 1 ei),gl i1 $' pai"sC"'ff 'ffrl

POFCl;ai'se.}?,g . . .

15:. 'Dalk - this is' to rub-water over the btlds

.0' 0 • °h'o' 1..., 0 h '0 ·d·· d ..' o. l~,' d 0,,20" .-

parts Wlt . .the naru . : rr ,:prIng ¥-v,fi~OQ .' '; '.

16·.:Ec.dncimies, in fhe use of water:

.' ,

'~ .. 1~~e Pro,1hct .,(~) u:s-e/[ .to.,~1~rftfrrn avJ.u.tipri

l·,;11·tl·o· /:r M· . o,·,-laP] ""f7'1J.flt·nr,,21

V'" 00.1 ~:t..'. 'J '«",:', Vi ,1,"'. H,.£,.' .•

l'l. Exceed the 'area of what is .obligC)tl1fY when washing the hands and feet:

Wh.el1 AbO'oH:urayrah (~~) perforrneti h.is

fl.1 -See: :,G lossary of Terms, for an eXp'la.n~:H.'ondf th;i'~ word,

WUdO'O~, heroashed his hiii1ll-up to his upper arm (i.e ~ Up to hts elbou: and just: ·beyond it) and then said, 'This-is the u7ay I saw the Mesysenger C!f,AUaIz ($) perf(Jrtlt

·Wudoa'F'.~. 22 d - • '

.' . .....ii..,. . . ~

18. Perform tw"oRak'alJ after completing


JAlhoevetpe:rjotrns WudQo; in. way ·tluzt J perfonn it and then prays tuio ,Rak' ah of prayer and doe: not ·think pf' any thing else (u,n:r~late·d, to the'pray.rr) 'during it; his P4st sins u1il.l fJe~forgivef1. 23-

In another Hadeeih. it was mentioned:

._. " ':.,

... Paradise tvou:ldbe· made. obUgato.ryfor him24 ..

AmusHm performs Wudoo'} many times dUring the day and rnight. Some. 'people Perform it five times and others .perform 'it rnor~, depending on whether they pray ~dditi9t)aloptional prayers, such as Sa14ah

. ·d ... O~ or Qiy~am' ·Al.-Iayl~ .

! .. ~.ttefits of observing these Sunan in rvudoo'··

.._,~. . ..

tl 'The person, win fall under the category of people in his' (~J saying,:


lIVhoel1er perfonl1s ablution uell, 'the sins Leane. hie bodye:.7,}.c1.1 from under .11£$ ..

jingerrf.ails .. 25 -y •

o The Prophet (~) also said:

There' is=n» one. anlDng·s·t you wh·o,. 'perform» 'Wudoo' uiel! and then p.erfo.rm.s . . iuio Rak' ah of prayer wi.th 'his heart and face .(i..e.w·ith Al.-Kh.ushoo;J" except: ·that. Paradis« will be made o,bl.igatQry for .' him

and hewHI be':!D"giv~n. 26 .'. e-

General words of advice from Imaam AIl'


Indeed, a person obtains tllis level (of AlKh-u~?l~.o9ll by sf,rlv;ing .against his. own -self (i.e. hfs loiv'ly desir?'$) and (lgainst.tl1e·· wh:tsperitrg oj Shayt~a.11 -- repulSing them'

!ro.m h.imself· suet: th-a.t he is .fztlJy preoccupied unih this- striving} unthout lQ~ .. ing foCl:ls eoen for the blink of an. eye ..

Hence; he 'is :safeguatdedfrorfJ Shliy!a.art due to his $,fri-vtng and i?mpfying hisheart of everything' that is harmful to ft.


A,Si,w.Q.a.k can' be used .on .rmmerrrus. occasions:

t.For 'eV-'ery pr,a:y:er~. as the Prophet (~) said; fla:a it n;OJ heen lhlft ImJghJ ClrUSf?' hil.rdsh"ip· to 'it:ly pBople( J UJould have orf1efeI12:)f0u ttiuse a Sfwaak far ftvery prayeT.

the Muslim lJlay use a $:iwti'akrnarty times,dilring' th'e mght. and day ~ for the. five obiliS;a-toryptaY'e:rs! A,y-R.a:.tlJ,aat"i"b Sunnah, prayers of Ad-.D.ubaa+Al--WH'f etc ..

2.~ When -, entering the house.

~. the Praph¢.-f r~) {~:t1terc:d /1is 1!c1n·te"

. he beg(ln .:1:!y' ,u..S"it18, a SiWa,*;28.

:3., When -recitil.lg t"he.~Qurl:an'.

4. Wlu~n. the s·mEll. 'of themouth changes.

5. When. waking 4p.29 .

6~ Wh~;n performing' Wl;,t·dpQ'.:

~iwa~k ·is tl purifi;et .fot the ;fllolrt11 'and .. ·ple,Clsi.:ng to.. ike Lord .. ?!9

rb~. 'benefits from impleme·ntin:g fhis

SJltt·ft;,".h: . ~ .


o·The.Pleasure.of Allah (~) ison His slave, o It is a purification. of the mouth,

Modern unedicine has discovered that Sitvil,.ak contains many substances thatare or benefit to hurnanscespccially for the . gums.:

There are' $U bstances tha ~ coun teract .gertns.~ act a's purifiers" .ha ve cleaningproperties for the teeth and freshen the smell and taste of the mouth.


PUt shoes on starting with the .right foot and take .th~.rn off starting "with the left:

.JiVhen you pu! s.itQc,tt Ql1.,. b.egfn n#ththe .righ.t· andriJhetl you remote them, begin with t1!e' left. Or, ,'{vear Hrern 60th, or leave them.bo.th Djf [1] 31

Th.ervtuslim does this many times during the: d~ay and nlght-wnert entering and lea'ving the MllSJid, the bathroom, the house, when going to wO'rketc. Whenever the Muslinl.·puts on or removeshis shoes iit accordan'ce with the Sunnah, witli this

. .

lht~,ntiQ~l in mind, "h,e obtains a great

·reward. An4. all his actions ufHctrakaa:f and Sakal1tlat will then 'be' according to the Sunn~h.t

tl]. ~ ',' " ", .

I.e. 40. not. wearjust one shoe,



: ,-, ", '., .

1. Say At- Tal111liyah when 'dressing', o.r undressing,

Imaam An-Nawawee said:

To s.ay·'fhe Ta.s:l1liyah" "is preferred in all

actions. [1] .

2 .. Usethe Prophet's (~)s'UppIication.

When he put on a 'Thawb; long· shirt, uppe'r".gatmertt or turban, hewould say~

,;,,~~, ,;:... ..... ' . .r.-' .~ ", -~, -:.,~ . -<. rr'~ : I '," "'- ~.~.

~'j)J (~j.JI) \» ~L::S ~~I··'~~ ~I))

._.J'_;'. .,.,. ....

'(f •• 0;; 'lj ~:J~~.~.

;JJ ! . ~ .. /. ~._ ~.~.~ " ;..rI

All praise is. far Allah, vV1Jv nas c1.6th(?d. me 7;vi.th th·is· gnnnen.l an d pfQvi·deil it fo'Y'mc~( loi.tn no -pOUter or nlight ~fr0111, 111yself [2) 32

3'. Begin with the right side:

Hl No evidence for 9'aying the Tas):ni:yaJi wheli "dressing 'Wjas. found. However, general evid~nces show the. desirability of ~ayi:flg it before CerN_!.U.~ actions. The opinion of Imaam An-Nawawee i~

that isdesirable.tosay itinall actions.. .

,·2l The Du 'tia found .in the original Arabic'

manuscript has beeit replaced with this m(Hil~' authentic one.

Wh.en .. yq.u wear: clothes .and perform ,Wijdod' :he..ginwith the' right,33

4 .. · l~eg4t t:~k;i.1).g; cIQ"thepo:ff from th·e· left

side111 . -, -.

·tll. There is nosp'ec'ific evidence.for. this, but it seems fh~.t general evidences "indicating~ tei" begin 'witb ~,rw:·Tight·(tor lhings that are good). andthe l~ftfQr the, opposite have been used" This; W&rs' used in -relatiQn "to 'puHiQg on clothes .. , i ,.e. tn. pur them 'on·. $ta~ting. witl;1_ i.he right;, th~t~.fqrel. when la'king

tQem off i be:ain wi.th ,the left v



. - ":: - ~ ..


Imaam An-Nawawee said it is preferable; 'To Silll theTasnilyah~ increase tnthe

~. ~

remembrance of' A llah and ta greet tue


1., Remember Allah when entering:

V\I11..en a man enters his 110u.s~ and men t,iQtlB, .t.heN·a-rne o] Alla}l' ''[ollile entering and uihil« eating' Shautaan. S{J,Y5 (t(ithe .otJl~r ShayqateenL· 'There is 11 (1 abode for,'You and 'no food·t-~34

2:. Supplicate when entering:

.'~ ~.. /: ;r" ~-., r: ~ ~ ~ ( .'t! . ~. . ~

~;:_: q ~:I.: ~~_.G,-: q ~tl \. ~..lH.~ 1:.1, r- ~U 1)1

c:~ ~:J ~.~ ff· ., ...j.f." ','

~I " (-~J .~ G:-; ~'I ~J ,. ~,), ~t.~

.... -; ~' .. ' .. ' ~ \ _";,. .. ~.~ ~. ,~

.pr':~ ;.r..r-~, _., ~ ';" . ~. .".-

,.! ~ f fl,'~' II I '.J\.~.. (is,, .... 1'-;,~~,·,·'·-",

'U.A I , .. .c ~ .~ .. ;o - ~. 'I(' :.._...~ WJ'

..... J' ' \ - .... ~-, 1 ~.. -

o .Allah? I ask You fortlie· best . o.ren·tering and the best vf leauing; In the·Nam·~ of A}14h we enter, and 'in ,-the Name of Allah we leaVe,flfJ.d in our Lord, zve place our

trust arid then to ~g1;eg,f it~ inhabitatu».

(.. . fl' . "'J ) 3S-

,l.e.,umhY:·· .

By this, the person is consciously seeking tQPilt his reliance onAIliih when entering .and leaving the house. This is 'also a.means to create a permanentbond with Allah,

3~ Use.a SiU'cl-ak:

VVhen tite Prophet (~) entered his home, . he began~y'- u-sb~g a SiUUlO.k. ~6

4. Say·. the Tqslgem':

~J.;,. VVh-enyou. enie« the "houses) gree-t one another with ·.a gre-e-li·ng .fr.am- Allah,

·bles.·· 'd· . d· . ." '. d rr

. ·se· an goo ....

(fin-Nonrt .24:61) 'Gre:etfng from _A-.Hah·' m-eans to. say Tiisleem...'

5~ l..eavewit.h. the followingsupplication:

.::::;'! .......... 0'" '''''~.,!, s • J .1:1:;< .... : :.. {i

o y 'J J J._;> '1 J 9 \ ~- ~ . .lS.,y.~- ~ -n»)'

.,- .~

U.4UL ~t

1-"',-. t. .

. " ~

Itt the Name tyf Allqh, lplare rny trust in:

Allah,. and _fljete is '11·0- might or power _excep t witll Allah,.


It "will then be said to the one whosays this:

You have been suffir.edtl.nd have beenpro.t~c,ted"~and SJiaylaan lutsretreate.4..·37

The Muslim enters" and leaves his 'house

. . . ." '. .

many times during the day and nights: for

prayer in the .Masjidtwork, household d uties .etc .. 1f hepractices these Sunan when he comes "and :goesl' hoe will obtain for himself gre~tbehefit 'and: reward.

Some benefits of practicing: ·the"~.e" Sunan are:

'0 The servant vwill be sufficed in his important affairs, whether worldly 0'(:

reHgjpus matters. "

o The servant will be protected from every evil .and adversity, whether from linn or mankind.

o The servant. w-ill receive guidance - Allah" will guide you in all of ·your religious and worldly affairs,


1. ·Go early, as the Prophet (~) said:

If NJa-nkind kne·tv uihat (rewcirq)wtlS {,1 the .caUl1J and in J/le first roo,i.2Jand·.!o.und. no .otlurt; :way to .get that frex.l}lird)e'Xccp f. by d~rawin g kits, then . :they wlJul:dltaz.~e d:rau?n Jots .

.. , .. " ~.nd:if they k;n.rn1 'what (fet:J.Jatd) rt'tls' in.

~·prY.lYJng.' S:a·laahA;dh:~D1'zuhr in, i:tsel1iLiesJ. time (Tah.iee·t_)fh·ty. w'Ouldhave-ra:ced fat

il~,.... .

And' if .they kl1etv the reward of ;Al-J lsh,ll Q)iuJ AI-.F~Ir pruyer in. co:ng-rega:#011:" tbey woutd come" to" offer . them" euen if' .-tlzey toould come to 'Offer Jhem. even if tJ1't;y had

io crauil. 38 '-

lmaam .An-Nawawee .. said the word Th.1i}"e.et

means. 1'000' early for the pray.~r. -

'·.2~ Supplicate When g.oing·lo. the Ma-sii:d::

J ,,'.,,';;:" .,~ _;.,. ,~~:.

'·l,:J ...:!~. ., t :#", . '. .' 1 i .:1 \ : .. ~, r-+u ,'))

,~ .~. IJ.(.J. .)~ ~ ~.j> ~. .'

-.,.. - ,....., .. ~

~ -. --

[l] ,..' .. '"...;. ." ..... ".. ,,' .' _ ..

,(2,1 ,! .. e. to pro.rlO~l1Ce th~. ~dha.~.n.. " .. .' . .. ." ."

t.e, to pray 1.n the- first row -of the congre~gatI.onal

-, s - -, -,


. [Ig]

• IlI' .... ,. _,. ;;.:, .. J., !:io .r" :~- _:.. ,II .... . ".. .. i

~ FI.J.' .1; \JY /~.:!!:'~*r: ~ ~\"J t \)y

;",,~. .~~. ,,. ,r;i '~'; ~O, ._ --I:I-.~ _~' ..... !. _ ' .... ' .,»

~J .IJY~.~ .~ ~I,,; \Jf'. t$r";

~.; .~ Ij~ ~,~~, :~IJ "~Ij}' .~~.~·I

. ~·F . II. ~ ~, , ";'" . "'" 'J ~'. ':"'

'(( i j.~ ..... / '. t..,:., ,:~ I .. ~.~ 1'1 (0 \ J ~ . ....:>coJ ... ,~,., .• ,.~

,.--iil" ~ ~ :~'~.J ~~'<--z

.~. ~

Q :Allah;: p:la:ce'ligltt in Jtty -he~i~t, tj:nd Hgn.t

Q.u 11ry tongue, and: l~gh:t ti)itl-liii 'm:y ,.ear~, tuid Ifgb.t i,rimy ·:eyes; und 'plate '4~hi:tzdmB Ughtand In; itOt1t qf. me .ljg1l:l and abovi! me ltgJitl1Jld be.11:.e(,ith. -!ne ·light, 0 ALLah,

bes:to'uJ on, 'me Ifgl1 t [J.9 .

3:. Walk wi:th.Sake~J~alt and Waqa:a:r.

Jf you hear tile Jqaama~, then roa:lk. to the:: pr.~yet ~.tlith;Sakeefl:ab.and· :Waqaar~ Lin

• Sa:keellah is' b:_l move :realml y and avoi.~i (rivoIity and

• Waqaaris to lriwe~ flit? 8a.~.e. tl!n-d -ooic«, and ~v()iiiin:g excassiue looki'ng "a,foutJt:t

4. Walk,·to fhe·:MasjjLi':.

The jU:rjs.btha;v~ stipula.fe,d that in ottiet to· increase ther-~~w ard, it has: been recommended in th-e SUn~11,tlJl,; to ,go to the Ma'S?ji.d :"walkm"8 and to avoid haste. The Sh-at~e'~h texts shew the': rnanymertts, in

[40 J

walking to the' Masjid. The Prophet .~ said:

~5hiilJ J 'nat, show 'you something h-y which AUdhremovcs your uJrorig-.4oin:gs and

r(lises you.r l.ev~el (in Paradise)'"? i .

'Tne (the Companions) said; i Yes, 0 Messenger of -Allah ', He (~) i,te'n tiatrcd th(l·t from thO$e thin gsis· takifi g man y. s:tq;s_' to the Masj-id. 41-: .

5. Supplicate when entering the Ma.sjid: ·Whe·n one of: you enters the Masjid, send ~.alaah 0.11 the: Prophet (~) and. s_CJ.y:

~ ., o· ~ 'a..

U~)_ ~";':' J ~\ r·iU')t

Q:All~jopen for me the doors of YQut

mercy. 42.< .

6. Enter with the right foot.

ThesaYin.g 9£ Anas bin Maalik (*).: ~ro.m the Sunnah i--"s that: if you .. enter the' Ma:Sii:d} -, enter ·'l;l).itb you.r· right fOQt and when~ yo.l.l.l.e(i,v.¢, leave . with .ydutleft fiidt. 43·

j. l"ayT ah.i:yaa t ,Al·~Masji_d' w hen ent~ting:

J.'Vhen· aile of you enters the .Masjid, do-not 8i_t· until :you pta,y noo R'aJr'ah Dfpra.yer.:'"

lrnaam Ash-Shaafi' ee- said: .


Tuhiuaa! Al-MasJid is legislated, even' in the forbidden times.

Also, ImaamAl-Haafidhbin Hajar said:

The P,(;~9P1e of Fatul4fI .(r·e. the. Scholar~) itgre:edtha"t T·ahiya,{J·t .Al-M'asjidis -Surfn-ah'. [1]

-8 .. Proceed to the first row:

If mankind knell) toluu (rt.'1vard)wa-s in the caUI2] 'and in theftrst ro.wI3Jal1d they foun4. nQ other 'Wtly to gel tha) Jre.~ul-rd) excep-t" by d ra'{JJing )0 is, . '··then theylvou ld

]" ". d r:«, la: 45 .lave -ra-'wn.:o: s" ... ~"

'9. Supplicate when leaving the Ma$JhJ:

.-; .' ~:- ~ .;: .''-f- ~t~· ~. ;,.~. .'

{t~l. h', . ....0 J1J~: l . _j \. ~ . .' ',. ·P)

JI' u--....... L..:t l~ •

. ". . "'''. ",...

o A.llab" I ask you from. Your boun·ties..46 .Also narrated by Aboo Daawood, with the addition. of sending Salaoh 'on th¢·

Prophet (~)'. .

r ' .... . ,.'........ ·47

10.+ Leave with.the left foot."

11J In this .context, SU1tnah 'is S.6inetrui:ig that is n~ll

obligatory'. '.'

r2]·, . - - . . ' .. " . '. . 'h" . A' dJ:.··· .<

.. 'J' l.e.· ... ~ to.; .. p . .TQ.no .: .u.n. ee t ..... e :·.ltaan.... . '.' l'

l~' . ' . . , th fi - f" h . '·'1

- i.e. to pray mtne trst rOW.9f tl e congregappn._.



Th~re are five Su.rfl1n ofth:e· A·d/raa:n .as ~etitianedb-y Ibn Al-Q~yyim in. Zaae;i Al~ .Maland:

1. 'The. Person hearing HleAdha-an repeats vih'at the ,Mu tadh=a.dlI in ~sa:jts, except for when-hehears:

_. ,~,~.~,"~- ~_~:..r"<"' ._ ,~' .~ :':- 'r:"' ~ ~ ~;r' ,

(tL')\4J\ .~ :r ~,e~\ ~ ern


"Come fa. prayer., Cam -to.: :p:rasperfty

,+.~ instead, .he ·s""Y~:

. ~ I K ~;.-, . .-i·

(L~L ')~ ~g.?~j: J~. 'd I)

JI' ,;.. .;~,." .-. -_

There ,iq 11.0 111ightiJfpflufer, eXGtp~t 'with

AUah.48· .,~ -

The benefit :-of th~S':S.l{Y1:nah· is that it makes Paradise q,bljg~.toty:,.. as mentioned in the" narration by Ml:,l;sliitt.

··2 .: Then,. the "onehe~tiT1p th~-A_rl1frtl4nshould say:

4:~ ~';1;.J ~ l~l. :4Jl. '1: .~l .~.~o~l Ll-J))'

.",.' - ..,. .,;

:;0. . , . . ...J . .~ .:;,.. ~..~.~ , '"

~.i ~L ~~w4i) ~Al~'jJ ':~':l$"\~ iU,\;' .. ~

. , '. "'.; 'I:"' ~ _ ' • ~ "', '--., _-. •

. -~ .-:'., .~,.... .' ~ .J~' .'Zi ... J ';-'

({~~ ·r··~'JL.::II. ~ ~ . .l: ~J

!"-.~' ': ~, • '.'-/- .Jil~-/--..~ • - ..

~'. ~ ..., ..

~ .

{4<3 I

Ana. I also bear toiiness that there is '11 (1 c;teffy wotrthy of' .worship except Al1aJlr aloru: UJi thqu t al1Y partners, and r hear 'u,itltes5 that Muhammacf (~) .is: His .51aJ)6 and Messenger.! am p:leased·'7;L,·ith,Allah (lS the Lord;~withMuharnltuld as the Mel-'!;,el1fllr and with Islam tis tile religion. . ~.

The b.enefit qf this Sunn~h is tha] the person's sins wouldbe forgiven.

3. Then, send.~alat1h :01'- the Prophet (ifJ):

VVhi?n you hear ihe Mu 'O,dhdhin/ BQ;Y as he says~ tliense.n·dSalaah on.me for tohoener sends Salah on me, Allah· sends Sal.aah on

him ten times. 50 -

Thefu 11 es t ,f 0 rm i s Salaah. A / .. lbraaheemiyyah:

I-."·~· .... tj. ~ ~ JT fo/'" ;.. .. ~, .. r'~' ~~.:" J;P~'. < ~ r ~~ I i)

.~ ~.~ ....• ~" "

111 ._' ~ ; . - ( .,.- .

.$1 i~I;'!~T J;.j ~ 1;1 j;. ~ 1;' - " ~, 'r;;i I-~ ~U \ ~·l .~..~ .~, ~.J ~. ~ ;.J1·~ ...•. : .... '. (.~ J-a:~

JT -, _L;·~- ::~_,.:., ... dl .1~_ d~·t.; 45: ~. J.1

~ ~ J ~ ~~ ~ .J .. ~ .~' . ~

'~, .;.~. _. " - ~ .; ....

l sl"t .. 1"""\

,(....l..>r:..o. .' _t.~ ~.I'· ~'" '" r . ..J

... • .... iIr-' (r '_ .... ~...... Jf'~

, ~ .'~

o Alltlh~ Bend Satalln '611 M u hammadand

~. - . ',- .

[~4 J

·his fanl'ioly:J liB .yn.u. sent S.aZaah CHi Ibrasheem und his famil.Y- VeriJy yo~-a-re· Praised, M~ies·Uc. '

o Allah, send blessings' ·on MuhanUllfJd .and his fan1i1y as yOU. eent bl"essiJ1gs on Ib. .. ;.:.r.:ar).h.eem.·., CllL.'.d .. · his family. Verily you are

. 5t"·'· ,

Praised, .Majesfi,c. . .

"Ihe jneaningvof .Allah'sSal6.lah on his Servant is: Allah praising the servant in the ,his·hes;l of . .g~the:rin.gs (i,e, of the angels) ..

"4 Aft'· h ·S·l J'. he P . ·h· ... (.' ... ) ....

· ... er te ~tl (laJ. on t .. e.; rophet .. ·~'·,~;ay:

s- 0 ~ .. ~.Y. ~~ \ ' _, •• ~ •• o. ~ lA..~:;' J..'~..-~. I .

« 0:·1~.". -u', . .' ... ~!

. ~"""""'J: 1·.... ..3; ~.' .. , .. , r ,'"

- .~.~.J '.'I! J


o Allah;. Lord oj this·Perfei:t CatI and Owner of f1-rlsPrQyer to be pe:rforrned" bestow· :on Mu}unn:nzadAJ-·Wilseelah and Al-Fadeela1l.:fh"at "You promised hint. 52

The. benefit ·0£ this supplica tion is fhat Whoever says. it will be ;granted the ,~rophet/s. (*) intercession ·on theDay of Resurrec"t"idn ..

51, Pin:a.U·Y';, ~ .supplicate fo.ro'nes.elf,. asking I 4~,1

Allahfrom His Bounty, for surely He '\Mil l respond:

S ~·Y a 5th-e·y . are. s·a·!ring t.. e .... fheMU,crq.dhdJ1::ih).. ..When you have .ji:ni.:sheti,

a:~k. ($U ppli c:a~tfl1.. for it tlJi 11 be. .given· -to

Y· 'au .:53 . " .


TH" E I'n A A ~4 AU . ' .' . ~fU'l1Y:U1.Cl:,

Perform points 1 to 4 as mentioned in ,the previous 'Chapter - Sunan of' the AdJutan. 54.

1115t. as 'for the' Ad'zan.n" the Sunnah for the one hearing. the lqaamq:h Is to repeat what thepe(s.oil .. calling the Ioanmah say. Ht;lweverl when he :says>

.... "1 S.t t j.;:; -.,. ,1~.'~T i;:.·",·,-·

((C:JW1 ~t;>' J •. ~ ... /~I~: ~~~

Conj:e ta. prqye.·r, coine~Q p.tospeniy~

··.h one should. not repeat this, but instead. say.,·:·

. ""

. '.; ..... ; ......, , ;.0;

K~:·4 .'}.1 c_f.i 'J~, J _;;.~, H

- :.r- " .

There is no Hlight or .pQJ{~erf except ~vitlt

Allah.. .

}\lote, when the person calling the IqlJ!11:!1a11 SQ·flg.·

. ""':7',

S( ....-:....-: . .~. ".~

~l;;~'\. ~;:~ ,Jj.))

. ~ ~. . .

the §alaah -is ubou i to be .estl1:bJished.

'. the- 'person hearing it should say likewise

~ he shouldnq] say, ...

1t~\;rJ !11 ~liTn

r 4i]

Allah lias established it (Nle prayer) dud has: p-reserved .

.. .as the Hadeetlt that mentions this week.f

- '." _. - - - - .


TheProphet ,~,said:

J-\ihert one .of you 'prays.,. pray 't.()~a.rii$a .Sutrah. Stand. close to il and do l1V't- let anyone pass beitoeen ·you'·and: U. 56

This text. is general' re:gar,ding·l~·kin.g a Sutrah,- irrespective ofwhether it is irt the Masjid orhome, for inert orwomen, 'Some "peQpl.e do nat adopt this 'Sunnah, sowe find thentpra,ying without a Suftah.Th'is ,$unnah is repeated, by a Muslim many times during ~he dav and night-for the' SUn1{u.J!', A ripwaa:ti-b" Ad-:Duh'aaf Tah~ya:af AI-Mp;~jfd and ,AI-Wit'r 'pra.yers. 'For a woman itis repeated when she .. :pray-s her obligatory prayers at home. As- for the congre'g .. tionalprayers, the hnaam is, the Suirah forthose behind him.


1. The- SUfrah can 'be 'whatever the ,perHon praying: sets in, from ofhim whenhe is fa:~ing the Qiblah - such as a. wall, stick or 'Pillar. There is no Iimit to its width.

t" It. should be. at least: th~ height 01 the back .. of a-saddle (about a hand sF~n).,57

r=4~ 1

3-. The spa-ce from the feet to the Sl.ttrtih should be about . three' arm-spans so that there is- .. sufficient .room for Sajdah.

'4: .. The' Suiron "has 'been legislated for the Imaam as' well as for the person praytng alone, for the obligatory arrd optioru prayers aUke.59

5,. The Suf.rahof the lmaam is' the Sutrqi1 'of the, peo.plepraying behind him, It is permissible to walk between the lines .'of

thif·.·· ··t~hpe6rle- "Pt~Yd:~~' (Le .. infront of them)

. '. - iere IS a nee ".

Benefits of observing this Sunnah:

o Itprotects the ... prayer hom being' broken.

o When someonepa·sse.s i:h from of a praying person, it cuts or .reduces the value of the ·prayer. 'Thin-gs thatbreak rhe Salaah,whe.n they pass between the ODe praying andhis Suirah, are a female pa~J the age ofpuberty.und a black dQg.6·;r

o The person 'praying. provides .a apace fiil' the people to' pass by, thereby not ,giving, them a need to passdirectly in front ot him.

[j It protects the eyes' from wandering and

I .50 I

Jop·king ~JO.ui;l,t, because theperson usingthe SittrphwDuldal:v."ays -fbeushls ~.ighf to the area before, his Suirah. In thlsWiiy;.; it JS· easier to ~c:onlemplat·e oil the mea.nirt~gs<o£ the . prayer z


1. Ar- RaUHU}:tib ,prayers:.

'111e:r~: ie. not a Musli ttl servant zvhp piilJlfi tt1·, Allah, ttoehie R,ak:'aa·t, other than ',the' obLigatory 'prdyeX$, e.v[J:ry day und "ill ubedien ce to Hi 111, excep,t tha! Allah buil-ds

,for him a hou Sf iri Paradise; ora hou se toill .be built'far hint in Pa,radise.62

These extra, recommended .praye.rs are:

.' Four Rak:tIat before Salaah Adl'l-Dlrultr 'and

WC) afte~ it.," ,_, ~

• Two Rrik"ah after Salaah. Al-Maghrib."

'. Two ,Rak{ {7:ah<before Salaa,h .Al.-'lsha and

• TwoRakJ(t~h before Sala.ah,~Al~·Fttjr.

My dear brother, do younot yearn for a house ill Paradise?

Preserve this Prophetic advice and 'perform twelve Kak: aah, in addition to the obliga tionprayers,

2. ~ala:ah Ad-Duhaa.

In the human' dody, there are three hundred and .sixty joints. In order vto express gratitude for this blessing, cha.rUy is required to QE!: given on behalfof every

l ?2 ']

'one of these Joints 'daily! yetjihe' full .reward of this, tanb:e attained QY prayirt.g the two R~ak~'a-h of A d ... [)'Uhlltl::

.;Every· n1:prn.-in.g,CAAtity is due on every" jOint of 11 per-san'.·_ every Tasheeh. is :a. t;htirity,. to enjoin good is elf charity and to forbid evil 18 .a charity. .All . of' th.is. is

sufficed, 'b,y tux: S'ak' ah. pra.ye·d fl:tAd-

Duhaa, 63 . ..

Aboo Hurayrah (~) 'said:'

My fri~d O~) a.dvised· me io fast three day$ ofe:verymonthPJ ;;.,. ·p·.ray two Rak~a1J of. A~-Lluhaa«nd fr(l~ AJ-Witr befote lYlng down (toe sleep): ..

Its time begins approximately fifteen minutes .after the sun rises 'and lasts until approximately fifteen minutes before ~alaahA·d~-:-OhuJir. The 'best or 'preferred time' to perform it "i.s~ at 'the time 'of preferred time to perform it is. at the . time of intense heat. The minimum number of Ra-k'aat is two and the maximum is etg·ht. It has also been said that there is no limit to the . number .

HI I'·' h· . hr d f th fu "}'1' . hi 'h th

i.e. t,.e t .. ee .. cay ot me ... r moonwrncn are' .~~

l3.th- 15thoft.he Lunar month.

1 .. 53, ]

3. Sunnah. Of Sa.laah" .Al~/Ast:

.-~.., ,_ '-.'

May Allah h(ivemetcy' on aperson. fl~ho prays tout Rak·J'aat before· Sqlaah ,A.}-A~r.65

4. Sun'nah d/Sa.l(luJ.I Ar-Mllghrib~·

. .

J Pray befare· the. -obligatory prayer of

/r1.ag/ir£b" .. 1He said i-t three. times and. an the . t.hirdti11re he said, 'For nuhoeuer

J '66

.toanis .,',

5! Sunnah ofSal{1.~ltAl-'IsJm:

'Bettoeen (every) tioo calls' to prayeri$ a. ·prc1-y-er.. 'Betuieen (e.very) wei call» to pra.yer is' a p,ra-yer. "B.e.tu~eell (every) luJ.o 'caUs to praye:r 'is a :prayer. " On the 'lh:ird.~. 'time he added, 'For tohoeoer uumis 1'~'6?

Irnaam An-Nawawee said the intended meaning. of 'ih« two, calls to prayer' is the ~Adl1QQn and .lqaanttih.

THE. :NIGH.T 'PR:AYER Regarding. Qiya-anl .Al-L~yl, theprophe.t(.~)

said: .. ' .

( ~.

'the mos! exceUe.ntfast ,(lIter the ul0nthoj' Ramadan, isfas-ting in the 111:0n th QfAtlaTl( 'Al-Muharram': And the mos! exce-lletft prayer aft~rth~ oblig.atory prayer'is/he night T! rayei.·68

I, The-preferred number of Ruk'ua·t for the night.p.rayer ~s: 'elev~e~ or thirteen, 'with prolonged standing:

The Prap~het 'f-) p·ray¢~. eleoen Rak' aai and f·lta· iu: 'h .. . ... 69

-.:., . .... ,"w4S ·JS prayer. ~ .. " .

Jn.anothcr 'narration,

~~j~)fr!ayed, in the night, thirt¢en

t~':atlt ... · '.

2 .. It is recommended that when a. person ·.gets up tor 'Qiyaam . Al-Layll he cleans his tee'fh. with a Si·'(vaak?land recites the last Verses' 0:£ 'Soorah .Aal- 'lmraan, from:

IJ'''' .,." ... -':......~i ~~..... ~ .~./'::.,Ie .... ::; I . .;.( .. '~.'

~.\ u~LI ~_ti~ ~.if,./~J\ .. ~L~ J ~.\.- ..

fir _.I' ~ .. ~ .. ..".~ ~ . ..-! '~.

·~·~_ij~T J {'1 . ..:.i~. _)(~-t .. ~

.. :..r' .... . ~ "., _,. ,_ .. ~.~

~'VerilYt in tbe creation. Df the heaoens and

[ 5'S i

the; earth, and in' the' a·J ternaiion. of nigh.f: and. daythe.re are indeed 518MB/or men of

d '. d'; 1-;'

un ersian. ·.lng.

! IT 'When waking up f(1f the nightprayer, the Prophet (8) used to read this Du ·~aai·a.fter making. T akbet;'!.t asnarrated itt a.nother Hadeeil: byA l-Bukhaaree.


F" ~. ~ 5

'" II<~. ',. t"':·"" } ~ "'.:;: t _;.. r I:i ~ •.. t ! . ' ~:;;. t ".

,",";';_r. lA J 1 ~J.g loA· i...$:. P u '" ~..Q;J: 10>-

:,.r .",. ~ ." ~ ~

'" ~.t.".. , ji,!J ".. ~." .J 111 111 wI .... -: ,. 1'. -~ 0 ~ I - ...

. ~\J '''r · .. 1 ~ .... d ~~_cdl..AJ. '"~)r\ ~J

(((il·';o'~j~ ~ ~~ l) ~f .~.\ j, .~ ~ .. ~~\

. J:? ~ .J. ~.~ . T-

, '-. .~. ,..,..;,. ....... - -

:0 Allah~fo-r You is t;ill praise .. YQ~ are the cuetodian of· the heavens lind the' f(1rth and :wlmtever i~ in them a."a ,for 'You. is ul! praise.

rOlf are the. Source ·of Li;ghl of the li'e(lv:e:tts und the earth. ana ·what~e.r:i.sin them and. foY· Yau is: all praise.

Yours is the. dominion. Df· the heaoens and the earth :.and tahateter i$ in them and fot YOl{ is aU praise.

You are Iting of the heaoensand earth ctnd

for You is.::·.all-praise.

You ate ·Truth and: Your promise is the. tru·th and the ·m.ee.ting· withYo-u is true and Y OUt Word is truearui Panuiise £8 true and the Fire is true and the Prophets are true and Muha·mma,d ~. -is true and ·the

:_ ". _. ..

Hour is 'true.

o Allah, to You I have submifted· and in You l have believed a,ld .on Yo.u J ·.have placed 'my:tru-s't an-.d to :You I h;c/rpe

[ 57 ]

:fepetlted P'1'U7 aoer- Ypu, J 11;ave';~dis:puted and "ttx -Yoll J hil·ve.· tu rnedfo-r iuagemel1J~

PQ., fo·rgi~?ceme· fox m.Y 5£115; tfl:at have

t[lnie4 forjudgmen .. t. -

. . .

So, forgive -me !orm/y sins 'ih(i:f_,h:avt. cttn1:C

to ptl.Ss' and' of n;z.y sins that tv·ill cometo p-ass~':Cind'UJ}Iai J have concen.led andtonut. 1 JUl1)ema_d~ ,p.u'~lic.

:y 0·11 a re A.l- _M 14 q a d.d t m .a' n .dA 1' .. Mu 'aJd1khl r. There is. no defty, uuxr:t~'Y :of~ tv.ptshJp· ~xtiep:tYou ...(9" .thr;!'rc' is np 'd:e:i ty

W(jft1.~y- of vJorshipqther than YoUJ.~·;73. .

4.AJso from the $1:.l;nrJ.tili of' Q;~y.aam,·Al~L-a]/l.) is to. beginwith two shert :Rak'aiJ"r so thi;lt you. become active for what-comes after:

VVh.en.. on« ·C!!'YPll stan..ds; up for the' ni,ghl pta.y~.r, ve,giu ziJi~h~o light ·Rakl ah· (i.e.

'h' - .)' -74 .

s·o.r~,.:,· .

5. It •. s recommend to' begin. with. the authentic supplication :.esfablisheu·ftpIP th-e Prophet 'n~)'::'

.. "'LiJ~.\_; ,-L\~_' ,'LW':'" ~) ~..fll\11

~ .~' ~ •. <" v;; -~,' ~ .. J~.! ' .... ,-"

!I .-r ~I 'r' .'_ , .' ? (". ",. . .,...\ ;;;; . . _.;. . .:

___ .," .,,J \ .:., Li \ .. ,..b ) 'i \ J' ...:.; I _j<A' .. ;, ..• JJ ~.u~

;'~". r' ~ '.. '_ -1. ~ :.~ .

. :) - .~. - ~ ~ ....-:.,. r6','-, '.J ~ ... :i:I~, ... - ." ,~ .. _ ::r'

~, '. ~ ~iIJ - ,ts ~/;.!1.),~ .. ::.' ~.'.~'. L.· '. C .. , , ..... !.9." ";' ~ ~ 10 4~ l .•. -: .~ r i

'~'':''ri' •. J . ' ... :.-- ,.r !I;".:,;r. ~."!"""II! r,...-:·!MIII' . ...,' .,~

[ $8' 1

·" ,,_ ~;.. ". ,..~ ...-": .i:I

«. ~ .. ~~. J,', .rf-.' ". J. , ': l.1j ~~. ... ,:t' \: ~ .~ 1 JJj; L

,.,t'-'- •• ~ . ,,' ~. '. ~'~'" ....' ..

, ... -1;1 ~ ~ - "" " :...... • ' • PI, ~- _.' ,.,,;' ...-:;

. " , " .' ,

0' AUah, the. Lord nf I ibrau'eel; Mi.ekcwl eel

,ana .Israafeel, Originator' of the' heaoens and ·:the eatth, Knower. of the "$eerz and-unseen. You are. the OheVvho .arbitrates behve"en

'You r seruan ts in tha t tvh'ich they dz.s.pufe" Guide me to the' truth .by 'Yo'ur le«pe. in . that, whic:l1 tJl£:Y haoe d~iJ1e.red. V¢rUy" you gu ide Whoms~ler YQ~ 'lviU fotlle straight' ppth.75.

'6~ It, is recommended to le'D,gthe,n the ,prayer:

The Mess,enge.r .of Alrah, (~) was -aske4, I'whi.ch p,ray.er is the meet excelient prayer? "He said, f'TJU1t .. p'rllyer tn r.vh:icJl there is. prqlongtd Q'unqa,'f~.7.6

The meaning of Q:U.noo:t'll here is :Qi.ya:am. ,', ~ the standing position mpraycr,

7, 'It is recommended to!

• Seek refuge in Allah on hearing or,

ilJReter to the explanation of this Hadedh in SlIhlie!_t

AfusUm 'by Imaam An-Nawawee, in which it is tnet\tione'd that the 'meaning of QU11"OOt, in the :'!1:Itideeth, ls Qiyaanz.

! 59]

t~a.ding ')terses Oipu.nishrttelltbys'Eiytng(:

" ., ,~-,

u 4.1 ~-.dJ;; ce .~r L .~';' ;,~:

~.;_ ' .. :~ ......... ,.r.~ '!"':' ;, .

. J seek_ refug:e: irrA'llu,h- .j'rofn ·A:Uah 1S Pun:ishmen t: .. '

•. _ .! .... - •

• Ask forHis Mercy onVerses. ofmercy,

._,' . ~I:I ,-. :...' J·~t··t ~ ~. , .~.

II ~, il '1 ..... ,~, :~ I ,t 't .j! l' ,. \. 'rf. .\J,' • I' ~,~.

·\1 ~" • aJ ~ -,...4 ~'~ i . ...Jo ' .' fj

':7;', ',- - - ~r~ '. .'. '.' '~~:~~. /. - .

·QAJ·lahl. J ask You ftrim ¥b:u T- bou ~l::ti.es .. . _ Praise Hifn on Verses of glorificatio.n1

{~~\ ,3~',~~

., • iIIl

Fat vemoned. is, .A·lInn Jro::m any 'if1~pe-rfec.ti6·n ..

This is from the' Ha:dee-tll:

. : . - '.~ . - . ..... . . ~. .-~ , ~

· .he ·.(~2 read.· slo.tofy (wi~thieft~ctifiHJ. If'hl-l; read '4, Verse 'Of glarificatiol~i he glo-r'ljied ·Hlm -. 1f'1i'f --read' a ·.Verse t!j"request, ·heil$'/te.-d from Him, If he react n Ver~~. $eeki:ng

refUge,;. he'.slJ_tight·refo8~ ,itl;l-jim.I1] . '.'. ~~

[llTIiis .Hndeeitl1 states ·tllat the. Prophet f~lglorHlgJ:· Allah" requested Him ~i;hd sbughf refu.ge'·in· l:i.iI~' HQw~ver, no:: s:pectfic woxdiI1g forhow he (~) did ,this was meri:tloned.. T1ier:e;t9t~;. the~ .Shaykh flJ:5

. . ~ v ~., . ~'.

'gi'ventls;·:som;eexarnpl'es.of whatcan be said o.

. .

l 6.0 J

~; that help one to perform .'Qiyaam AI.t,qY·l:

0. Supplication. [1']

o Avedd staying up late at night.

'0 Rest between Adh-Dhuhr and' Asr (Qayloolah) .

o Refrain: from.all forms of disobedience,

o Strive against 9h~(S desires,

Ul t~_

- ~-~ ask Allah to a,ssj~;t you and make it easy fOT


I _, .

"" .

~"~. .~.


1. Whoevet performs three Rak'aa:.f of AiWilr, should read the following after i\{ .. F aa:tillah:7{8

In the first RfJk'ah,

.~.:t;~\ cl.~~" ~1.~-.~:·-"-f·

.~~ _';;''' r » -r-

. .

iJG·lbr~fy th.e Name of ·yo.u Lord, most-High ... ; 'f.

In the second,

1:1" J~WI (~t£..",~~.

~ V.?J: '-r- -.j.. i..F7

"'5· ~ a:y' r» '0'. - y' . o u dis:b'ilfeve,rs' ff}

• '_ 11;, ~ '. • .'. • " • !I. "I!!. "!!

(AL-.Katifiroo_n, .109:,1 - 6J

And' in third

. '.. '.. . J

,~ 1&.r ;J,.

n Sa y: ''lie 1 s· A llah. lh e 'On e, ~t !l.e-

U· .. " , ' t r »:

.·.nzque, ..

(A.I-fkhtaa~ 112~· 13 - 4) 2. ':Say' afte-r Tasleem (at. the end of the prayer):

IFaJ~' remooed i:s ihe :1\ing". ·th·e 1JQly jr0't11 'any

'", ,.. . .",£ • ·(.'77' . '. . .... .) 1·9 . ,-

·lm'p,er/tctUJtl:S,. . .... A ree· ,tun"s »

Ntd itt another narration, 'cpnected~y Ad-Daaraqutni,

Aft~:r th¢ fi11J1I saying of,

Jo .'-, f:I .;0-.",

. w.~JjlJ', .~~ ~~JI


., ... he .(~) f{.ti-S·rlti .and ptolvng-eil his voice and ·,srtz:··d·

'"'~ .-!

J . . ~. ..... ~ . );,

.<'((.r.J ..•. ~JIJ~ ~.~! ~j))

~ r.r ,;J '.- ' "i!' ~ .. . ~ .

.,. . . I~' 'J

t» t. d- if' 'J' l' ii ,- R'" f'

. .' ' .. " " ,: ·c·.<:,., .. ' " ": . :" • 1

.. . ;e ..011.;' [), t 1:e·· ange .. s a~ .. i\ .. r,-: . ao t~ v'

[ll"In this·c.:C)nh:~)t1l A"-.Rnolr:r.efers to the angel Jibraa~~el.

1 63 I


Salaalt AI-Fajr has specific Sunan relafed to 'it; [rom flfl10ug ihem is to:

1. Shorten the' length. of Sun'nahpray.~r/. on the a uthori t.y 'of 'Aishah (~)~,

The Prophet (~) prayed tuio. shor-t' R'ak.'ah betuieen. . the Adhalu1 and J qa:aUlah. of F aj r

p.rayer, HO ._

2. From therecommended Verses to. recite 111 theSu:nirah prayer, ate th~:·'f91Iowing/n

In the firstRak 'oh, ..

,£ .•. \::;i, jj~ tj ~~ e\;,· i:t·:~~·~.

~ .. t:-, ~ .- -~ /' ~..:r:?

"Say: 'We believe in ~A, Ua.1r and' u,hat ·teas sent down to IlS, •. 1-11

(AI-.B:aqa-ralt! 2':136) And.in the last Rak' ah either read,

(Aiil-'bnraa.l1, s. 52)

... orread,

"'" ~:.""'.' ~,"''''' , "' . .-: ~, " t' Y E.', ~>" '. ,.~,' /p, .... TJ;., "", .. " "J,.~."

\. ' ~, ' .. ~~ d'" ~ft p' .. "l J.-~' ji'_'

:.. ;, J .. l.....,;.t~'~ ~~. ,,~ " ~L,·.I "'!.'

,~. _f"'..7""'"' .; ... ' , ,,"' , )..'''' ..." "

r 64-1

~ .... ~~

~, Say: ~ 0 people ,of the. Scrip turf, come to a uiord Ihai istus: beiioeen us and you.~.n"

(Aat./I1iH""Uatt:r 3 :6.4)

Alternatively, read in thefirst-.Rak1alr:,82

~:'; .... s. ;/ _ .. J'~I ~"'~t.··.;;: .. ;, ji.Jo .... ~ ... . : IJJ~I .: .. ~ . .

. ' Jr~ .,., .. . .~'

uSay: l.O· yo.u: disbelieoert: ... /" (A:l-K~firoani 109::·.1-6) And in the last Rak'ii/l"

.~. :&l ~.,.: .~~ .. "( _,.. Lt"T.

"Stfy:.'He is: Allah, the One an-d Unique .: ·u; (A·l .. Jkhlaa~.112:.1- 4J

3·~Take~ a rest afterthe Sunnah prayer:

Wi.en the Prophet (~) tfrayeqwo Rak I ah of ·the Sunnah ·prayer of AJ·-Fajtt he. wouldlie down on. his:'-right side.l1J

After you have prayed the two Rak'ab. Qf the Sunnah ofAl~<Falr,. try· to lie down on your right side, even for a minute or. SQ, so that you can fulfill

this Sunluth~ .

l1J·Th:e·general 'practice of the Prophet (~) Was to .pray the- Su:nJuih 'Of .Al-Fqjr ~.t horne,


··SITTIN:G AFTE'R. T"HE FAJR PRA.Y}:R, It is·;froffi- the S:UitlUl.h lo<si.tajterthe prqye,y:

VVhenthe Prophet (~)'prayed ,A:l;~fflirl 1~r: Silt in !1:i:s···,ilace· until .th.e .·sui! rose H~'ssiinaa.84

Imaam Art-]'~awi;l:wee said :Hassalt(la, in this .~~r.ta mmati.c a Ifot:.m I.me·:an s ·".·ri S Ern .pe1;fe~tl;(.,[l] .

'ijenefit of si.Hin.g. in the Masiid:

4Unfz:· :(~J .{-~~tructe(lthe·,.angels~ .to prlryjor :f(j~g'-ive:tle~ss !o'~ ~bQ.$·e sEtting in ~~th:e Ma,sllaji-d, zphethet .tt is befOJ'~ o-r J!fier the ·SaJaah btl stltiin (1:

_- - .{ ... ,. .j~., ·0

"~'1' ~. . ~. ~:.' ~'r r, (( ~ie~' '~' ~).

6- AJla-n:, !o.t-gir)e: him.

/" - - ~

~{ ~ ~"_""~ ... ~ t".r.· ,u ~}}

~J., .

O:A·Ua~.!I ha.v-e·Mettg"oit .hinf,85

What isa g.r~f'?terbl~ssin·g tha.n·.Uris·?· Look. aJ your status with Allah if ,you, obey Him, 1Fe angels .... the' creation that ~is'· close to Alla.h ~. a:re·instructed tosupplicate rot you!

PI i.e, has c~ll1pJ~;t~:]y cleared th~ 'horizQn.




"From the Sunan of(wh:~t should be said during fte ptayer,.ls:,

'1. Recite the opening supplication after -the first Takbeer (Tali-beer i\I ... 1h.raamJ:

~ ". .:..., ~. -:.;: ~-yo~.

!l·~t:j"J"r.. , .. ~.LL~:J::' ~ .. j l \ ,dj~))

~ . ,;. ..... ..

..- .

..". ~. ~ . .1' - ~ J ~'"J <:»

:~l !l > ~;jl 'j J .f. !11?- ~ ~j ~ ~ I

. ~ .

Fat 'te m 0 tied are !lO u fro m an Y irnperfection,0 A Uah . and prai$~: be to ·You. ' .

.BJessed be you.r Name and lofty is Your -pO$ i tion.

And none has the 'right to be W:Qrshi.pped except You. 66

AI terna tively, you may say:

.... 0,::'- .... (I ~ 1"" L;5 ..... l~'t" -:. -"!O~~ .. '" "rj1J' :. ~ ...:,.J.l$.\..l ., _~. ()~. \;;;H.;.I;:2>.- ~~., ::.J' ; .~ # ~ '. .: d)

~'r ... '~ of! ~ .. ol·· ...... "-"""...;.! :.-' I ,""

- ..'

,..-. 'J<' II·. ",,_ ;.. '''''.. - iii ~ .' o' (I

.",,4,' k>J l .~ ,~, r·,.tn '" ~ J~~;J'J iJf:~·H

~I v • ...;.1JI"'~ ~a~j~\ '~111 ~ W'

." .... ~~." "~~' - - - .- • .. . .. 'J' . " .-: ,.

_,.I! _ DO;; ., CIo -, ...... 0> (Ii ..

«(.~.<"'~\ ~ ~.'.;., \,... f WL~ l;lk;..!.~ L_"~ I,

.. r.J .. J .... :~L?;. ~~

. . ~ .

o A114h, distance ~m my sins just

You hal)ft distanced the ea« tfrom the wes-t. O.A l.la1z, pu rify me of mjr s-i1:lS' tiS 4 uhi te Thawb is pUrifi·ed of filth~ 0 Af:lah, cleanse

. ., 01:+ i.1.-T . • l' toith : OU' uxuer " d ic e 87

n,,'e ~tlly su.s ~V s: ', sn "?r:" ' '.r- 'an·' ,,' ... '

2 .. , Seek: refuge in Allah before reciting from the .. Qur'an:

~, . ' , ~

.,;. ~ I -. , I) . \. '" .1 • 1 .1'

.~ 7' 0tp4't~I.·~ ~fL ;)~,

\ ..... -~ - .I ~ u·:~'~'; "

Jseek refog§em Allah from Sh~y!atJ11, (he

'accursed: .' ,

3. Then recite Al-Bastnala:

.' .. "

.., -~


. - . ,...:;.

In th:e Name of Allal1 - the most Gracio'U"St

t·,· , M' ifu"l 89 : te most: ercttu ....

4. Say .J--: .. AT (A, Hteen) after reeiting_Al-

F Lihah' , 90 .' iWU' ..

5: .. Recite. a 'S'oorah after Al~Faatihah, ..

The' person praying alone should recite .'it Searah, or part of one.after .. Al-Faa.tihah in the first two Rak~ali of all prayers ..

For the one who is praying behind the lmaam. in congregation, he should read ~~l Soorah. after AI-.Faaljhahin, the first two Raki.ah ofthe silent praye.r~.

f 6S ,

As, for' the fits t ,two RJ;zk'i tilt of the lou;d pray:ers...he· does . not react but instead list mst th' 1'" - . .. I'. ····t .. ,~, . . .91

~'. eru;' " 0 .. ···e ' ... macnn.srOCl ~l:LIon:. ..

6;. Sup.plicate upon rismg_.fromR,ukoof":

The heavens t1l'l(l the ca;rth and till that is "tween ··-them. il.bbund. 'wi th You'rp raises 4n"d ·aU iha t'you will a.ooli1id wi-thVour

P" ·:ra·';s·e:s

;I&., ~L, •

. ·0' F'O$:Sl?ssot oj' prais{t alld:m.aj~sJYI the JMst th.ing (1- slave had suid(of You) .and tB~,.ar.e alI'Ybur slaves;.

::0" AJ.laJtje ritttfe can pteve.n t wl1a,t¥ou !Jri.lled ia be« tow: .. an·'d,.'lon.e can ··b-es.tour ,What· yDU wini1ri to p,revenJ and -no;wea,l.th

L 69 1

or tflafe~sly can b:enefi·t, anyon-t:., as all

Wealth. and Mafesty-isfrom ·Y(iU.93 ".

I. Repeat the Tas~eeh· more than once:94 'TheTasbeeh while bowing:

~ r; .rF

,~ ....... , e ~./ .. · .. I.·.r':fl,Y.'l ({ ,.' '., ~"" ~.J~ )

",~,'" ,~). .

,,;.. "

Far remoueti i-s 'my Lord [rom

imperfection», the Supreme.

The Tasbeell while p-rtfstta ting':,

'I;. \.! 1 . ~... .~ 1 ,;.. «»

I(~' l,' u:.) u,~))


Far remiroed is my Lord [rom (Iny imperjectums, the Mosl High ..

,8.' Repeat this supplication more than OJ1,(.f w h il e silt i n'g betwee n the tT,A/ {~ 'prostrations:

,an tj


My Lord, fo:rgive rne_9S

9" Supplicate after the final Tashslla.ltutl.~

,/ram th e punishment ,of' 'Hell' aHd 'tru~ punishment f!!'tJ1e grave and ,frvin the trials of'life and deatH and fro'nt the :,ev'il "trja.l'~f the ,Dajjaa[96

1:0.. Length"e'n 'th,e' su pp lica fion w hen prostrating.

It "is preferred for the person not to shorten the, supplication after the initial 'Tash-eell inprostration,b'ut Oil the contraryto increase the supplication, .as he wills. This 'is taken from the following Hadeeth:

~ .. :":

The closes.f thi seroant is, fa his Lord, ie wh¢n he is prostrating ~ so' increase the supplication ,ilti-.t.9:7

P~oint:s to note:

o The SU11.an "or speech are performed in every R'ok.tali, except the operring supplication and the supplication after

the "Tas1rshcihud. .

o There 'ate other'supplications .. Whoever desiresto know then, may refer to Hi§n ,A:l-Mus'lr,m, b:ySh,a,ykh S~a(.~.e,d AI-

. 'Qahtaanee.

;So,the,total number of the Sunan mentioned


above" in the obligatory J?ra:yers, amounts to ·ten~ As for the optional prayers performed in the day 'and night in which these two S unan are repeated, ·their total amounts to twenty-four $unan .. This ma'y be. increased by performing Qiya(ln'l Al~Laylt Ad-Duha« ana TaHiY(;Ul~;t ,AI ... /VIasiid. By performing more often the Sun-an that occur once in' the .Sal:aah,.., the person's reward. will be increa.s,ed and his 'hold onthe Su;l1nah strengthened ..



~_ni .the Sunqn actions of the prayer, is: l .. ,:~Raise the-hands at-thefollowing times: .= '-When saying TakbeerAl-Ihraa1n. 9$

• When going info .Rukoo·!,.99

• ·When rising from Rukoo',' 00

, : When srandin s up for the. third,Rak<ah.:1 01 2.> The manner of raising the hands:

• When raising and Iowering the hands, ::the fingerssh9u1d be 'close tog~th~r, ,stretchea nut and with the palms of > the hant;ls facing the- Q"i blah~ IQ2

'Raise the hands-either to the side. of the sho~ld~~s or to the bottom of the ears.}03

.~:~ Place-· the right hand ·qn the left, or .·grasp '~h,-e left wrist bone with yo-utrig:ht

·'hand .1~04 ..

:~ :~_ol< towards the. place ,0:£ prostration, 105 ~. ~ep -s arate your feet to .a comfortable ,_. tlista·nce when standing.

I Recite the. Qur' aan with T ar teel and OJntemplat~ on what is being sald:,l06

I ·7"3~1

"And recite the Qu.r'qan (aloud) with Tar ieel. '., ~


From the: Sunan of RU"kOO'" is.:

1. Crasp fhekrtees with the hands, 'while thefingersare ap·art.J07

. .2.·Exle·nd the back so that it is' flat. lOS·

'3:. The .. head should be in line with. the. ba.ck, without lowering it Or raising: it. P1 1.09-

4. Keep the up}?er arms away from the sige. of the body. . a


From the Sunan of SuJ6('d~ is:

1., food' .l~~;·Pt"h··· thb,e dUP~~~ arms awayfrom till 81 ae or t te ' .0" .y. .

2. To keep the stomach away from thr thighs.

[1-] ·'i .. e. Ule head should be in line with f~f straightened back.

I .. To .ensure the thighs are .a:w:ay· from the

shinsJ11 -, .

;, ·Te separate the··;kneesJ2]

.~s..~ To .,k~p the feet uprigh;t:l-~2

··6 .. , To ensure the toes h"fa-ce the Qibi.alJ, -so that the join ts of:" tb:e toes' test on ·the.'J1Qor.113.·

'1 .. Tf()"tl'h.,··ress thtre f:etf?:ffther for the duration o .-: e pros .. ffi,IJJ;n.

>S. Toplac'e th'e hands in line with the .shoulders :0'1: ears, ias

9:.Io~·traighte,fi fhe hanl:ls.1t6

to",'Tcr ens.ure lh·e fin·_g.~ers a.T.,E· c lose ~o.geth~r.? 17

11. ~oend·':su,rh.···,e Qt~b:el'- :J_f:ifl .. ~e-r~~ are _p>ointin:g

... ow·ax. :'5 t ,'e, . ~J.,~ .. ·.:·ci.l:,.· .


tiT'he 'siftIng. {.o't ]alsahJ J?etween the prostratiort isof two ~ypes; ..

_. The first ls· called ·A.I~lqRt(T' whichiljs_ to sit

j}J l.ft. K~p the ~nfsttin,gs ilway. &0'111 the calves,

I2J N.n -specific evi.denc::~ was f.P~und for Pbints 2 td 4.

Hb·wever,ftdm·. the description o£ the. Prophe.(s; (*j ~lljitaht he (s") ;was I1ott}ram,ped,'u"p~put rather

.he w~"s spread qut. Y

r 7S;H1

on the heels with both feet upright. PI 199.

• TIle second is called A r-lfti.'faflsl~.~ This is to keep the right foot-in an uptight. position 'and lay the Jeft, :£O'ot .flat on the floor,

2. The sitting fat the. first TashshqJrud is also Al,.. JJti-ra4sht except that it is, to sit onth~ left 'foot with:' the righ t foot u.pright.1-2tl

It i$ Sunnah to lengthen,Jalash Al-Ifjirat;lsl1:

The PrOphe'tO~J.. used. to lengthen tll-is· sit:t~i-ngJ 'U n til a- person WQ"uld s.·ay, , P'e'rh··ap.s,.;. Jte h'a'S"!6tgo tten (to :can tinue)', 12] 1:.21

3. The other ty[f of sitting is called falsI?/!

Al~lstiraahah. -'1 .l~t is performed after the

second prostration before standingup, in the first and third Rak'ah.'Thete· are no supplications in. it and the.Suft.:rttll1 is to· sit briefly.122

til This type" of si ttin;g "is only permitted for d;ye sitting between the two prostrations and not 191' the Tashahhu d ..

Pl This is an indication that the Prophet (~) used ·to

sit,'ihthisposition for a _lpng fime.

P·l [alaSh Al~IsJi'raahnh is performed in the .:s,Grnlt'

manner as lalashAI~Jfti:raash 'isperfnrmed ftl'T t be· first T~·~hahllu~.

TH" -E' -- 'F---IN'-"A" L- 'T' -:4- 'S'HAH' "'-, ' ; -, 'HU" "IJ" N,

o '.' \. • " , - •

- ~ , ;','-.- -- '_ - .. _-. ~"'., ".:' i, -' .. " -",- _. ,'-,. " .; ".~ , ' ... -~. ~.,.' ~'. _' ~-~.-:- ....

'1 .ThivS; final sitting. has. three forms:'

, ,~-t*-;Ta;warr:u:k: This is to keep the right foot :'upright:" while pla-c.in;g the left foot ~~der

-tho , , '·'··gbt- -- L..!...... -- -, d t ,-- it ,- th -- fl' - - 123

. z . y·e n°· _-~ ,. SJllll an'.Q 51 0:0': e .' ' .QQ,"': .•

\- Sit 'In the same position asabcve.except tb_at t:h_,e right_ (_,'oat-_i's_' "not ·pla,-, .• ce:,d ·u, '.pr,'·."ig_,:ht. ,--. • ,_. '114-

bu.! itJQll0wsthe direction of the left' _.

~l 'To.ke'e:p .the~ rightfoot up'right and to place the left leg .. between - the shin .and

thi· .". L.., ,- f .. " h .,} - 125-· " ,, __ , .gn 0 _ rlg:f,'eg~ ..

,~~ Place the hands, onthe thighs .... the rl:ght hand 'ott the right thlgh and. the left. hand "O~ the left, --flu.g,h :.. with the _fin·g~.rs

. Out$tr.etche-d and close togethel\ 126 .

~:~',Po.in-t w :.iththe:., index .,f'm~;;~-g·· .. er d u rin '.g,,'-.'.; this.

-:;, :- ~. . '-'._ - _. - .~. '_ -~ , '.' . - I· . ....". . . --.

, , ·Tq.shtihh:ud1 from the. beginning' 'to the end

and connect the' thumb with, the middle fing~r 'to form ·a· ~iicle:. Focus tbe sjght oil

fh - '1"'7'

:'.' eindex finger~· ~ ..

,. 1\t ... T4.s_leem.:Utis is to turn. the. head to tlJ_e r.ight then left. when firrisbing the .praY'er .12~

[ 1'71

SummaryofactionsIn theprayer:

There are twenty-five Sunan pertaining to the actions repeated in.:everyRa.k"ah..Fr0m amongst thos:eSu··i1.:iln that are not repeated in the prayer more than once or twice:

tITo 'raise the hands with initial Takbeer.

o To raise the hands to the shoulders or bottom of the ears when standing. up: for the third Rak.'ah, inprayer comprising of two Ta.shl1hhu ds.

o Topoint with the index finger from the beginning of the: Tadtahhud to the end ofit; ·wh.ether it is the first vor s;econd Tashahhud.

o la"l:s'(lh, /l...l-Js.tiraahuh,. whichvis, rep'e~ted·

'twice, itt the rprayer consisting of fout R·.akr·aat, and once in the remaining 'p,layers, whether it is art '0 bliga tory of voluntaryprayer, .

ri A t- Ttnoarruk: This is in the secoti(1.

Toshahhud, in, a prayer 'with tvVt1 Tashahhu ds.

o To turnthe head to the right and th'€ ]e{t

in-concluding the 'prayer (TasleemJ. .

These Sunan ate' all repeated once, e.x·ce~~t


_"poirttirig with the index finger during ,j ~ ". hh'u{j'. which jsp'etfor::Jir~~d twice in,

"wet:y ebligatory prayer (apart ftom Salaah efajr)attd' Jalstflh Al-Isfi:raa.ltah-r- which is· tep~a.te.d twice'"in .a fo.ur-I{-;ak'l·a.a.fprayer.

1b;es,~. Sunan total thirty ~fO,UI '. .

·~~t:riv:e to' -b:.ea·u,ti_fYYl~j"U.t p.tay·e:rb·y'· :_plemen~fil;1g these Sun-·arl, of speech and . actioft .so th.a t" yourreward is in€rea.sed and

yom status "with Allah is raised.

. - . . - .. - - ~ ~ - - ~. . ... .;,. .. ~ . ~

·~eralw:ord.s of .a,dv.tce from Ibn Al~ 'Q1\yYinl: .

The setuan! ·is betaeen .the ffands' ·of ~llah in W(t SH~ClH;Ons. The firs:t . is, du.ring the- time' of

"lJ'rt1cyet a:nil {hoe' secJtnd' is. an the D'!1:Y of .~ee:ti-ttg: (te.~ Jh~ L}ay.olIu agtttent).

SQ,; w.hoev:er ~lfits> his duJy inthe firs:t <si~ation tp#l 1tap~.: r ease in. . the second, 'qnd ·t.ohDev~run4eresti:1na .. tes.· t,te: fl'npprtance of the·, fir.st sftuatifJna·n.-d does nut jU.tjj.ll its rights; ·~~viil1 have /i(trdships' in ·tJlesei:,ond~



There 'are. many Adhkaclf that can bEf' ,said after- the obligatory prayerv Frorn '~rrrong them is:

1. To. say:

i ~. \ .r... '-P')" ~':"I .J. .•. ,~::(I \ ,. ~'.~. ....,_J. ;J'I.,I.... .~~ .. -~.

1" seek: .the .fo.rgi"v,f!:n.¢;ss of A.llah.. (Thre«

times) .

Followed 'by,


f j;J \ ~j' r J\;J I ..:..Ji r tU I

pl~<~ 1-' J'~ I ~~ l;. cijl.:;

, r-.~ . r'" H ~ _.

:0 Alla.f11 You ate Peace: and. from 'You' i~ all Peace.

Blessep,' are You ... 0: Poseessor of .MtJjesty

'. 'd" H' - " " 129 .

tin:,' ."". -pnou.J.

2", Tosay;

41 ,.. ~

('0 -; ··"loW . ~,.~.) . .& I .. ~

, .. f' .~.. J '. ... ' .0. .

F ar remo v ed is' A II (l h [rom a nil itnpe·rfoc:fjO.Jis,. (I11irty-·~three times)

·.",. f'.. J:, (I

(.0"; , ,.r.~_Q'~~:):' ~ Jl.;.J I

'J ~ , v "-' '

·AU·praise ls jor Allal1. (Dti·ry-·tirnes)

~' .' .""

(,'~ .- . . :. -..L ,. lj 'I & ) .. -' .- < , J ~ , r· .0r:" ,';".J,j., .,) ~ ·.r iIijJ

·Allah is the G reaiesi, (tIr.i:rty-tit rec times) On completion of thisthensay:

~_:j\ ~ ':J 4~· ~. '~J;_J ~~ ~.! ;]1. ';f1i

, ~ ~

« .. ~ ~ . ..J .~} J ;~ 1< \';7". ~~ j' j;;j, ~J

:/..-~ d~ .u.~~.T' ., -:


There is' no deity 'W{)yt~y of w(J'rship, .. except All-ah alone, hav:ing' ··'n·opar.tners. To Him be-lOngs aU sove,reign:ly -.andp:taise andHe ie ooer aU -thing~:,:; ·Om-inip.otenfI30

~iOi Tosay:

:J~. ' :t i!_j'1 ';3':J d. ,~, ''1 ... ~~. p ~ .. ;~. I ~l j~ '''1»

J ~- . 1 .. " ,;,~. ,...l>- J ~.~ .,.~ .~.

. -~ - ~ .

... .- !!!J.J ...... J '" " ._0

.f"''', " .. :; J5.... r ;~ -";. "" -~ ... . I! ~-,;II .- H

.J!,...1Ji .~.q.~ . -,:. cs"" jAJ .~~J. ~ .~,

.... ,. .. p+..:?" '. " _ .', . . .. ....-'! ~. :~.' ::H!

(~',~ ;~.~.)

There is ne dei ty war·thy of: -worship, except. AUahat6n'ej having ~,q partners. 1'0' Him 'belongs ull sooereign ty and praise. He .give-s Ufe lln:d deatlt and He' 'is over all th£ngs! Omnipoten i,

'To be said ten times after the Magh'rib and


Fajt' prayers. 13.]

AU of these 'praises should be .. counted On the~ hand, There is a difference of opinion about the au thenticity of riarr ation spec~ihg the use of only the right hand, butthere are gene.ral evidences that indicate the use of the right hand.13~

4. To'· say':

~ I !~:t,' d t'" "'f ti ~ .. I, .... t: ",,' ;,' ~ _' - »: I ,,1,-"\ .':1,\ ',f,)

~;..t .. Q...J .~ ~ ~r:l e.~ J 4JJ l c "V! . J, '

. ~ ~

-} f~.LI , .... J.i ~-.,_j JS~., y;: ~ J .l!;j1 .'j~

." -I"~ ~~ ".,_' ~ . ...T., ,J

'1J~, ~::;. LW Ja;J ''J ~ G:b;i" w t!:~",.,~

, "",,,,~ - .,r. , "F


l' ~'.. ;;:~ ,.. '~

(('l;JJ ..!lL, .j;J:, L~ ~," ',;;':

'" ~ •• 'I, : ...

There is, ito deity _worthy -of wo.rship, "except' AI{ah alone, ha:vi'ng no partners. To Hitf) belong,s: all :$O'oerefgitty and praise and He i~, ouer all thhlgS, 'O:rfltl'ipo ten t.

o Allah, ','f'l.b one prevent, what. You have willed: 'to beeuno and no one can bestow

. ~. ~ .... '. ". .

toha! You. haoe unlled to p retien t anti. no

weal.:fh or majes'ty can beneflt' artyon~, ~aS, jrom'Y (JU is all wealth 'and majes.ty.123.

s. To 'Say':

~t ... 'l'la, .-', . .1'1 ,~! ~ ,.. ,'f s. '" Ii - s . , ,~ ~'~ ,Y ~ J '~..,~.o" '10\) .4; 4~ :J ~J>J ,411,\ j 1 ,,,-,.1 :'~ )l

r 82. _] e: ..

There is no deity uJorthy of worship, except .Allah alone, .having :110 p(l,tttu:rs. To Him belongs all s.ove.re.igcnty ~nd praise ,He is eoe» an ·things, Omnipotent .. There isnv1ni8hl~ or pousr, ·exe~tw:f th Al,ldh~ There is no deity ·worthy of .worship excep! Allah and We ·wQrslhp· none, excepiHim.

For Him le aUja·vou.tt .. grace -. and gloriiJil~$ praise. There is no delty: ,worthy Qf·;(~iJ.or$hip,

e~cept All~l~We are ·sinc~.re in ~Uf faith lO:'

H··· , r, Ii ·h di belie .. rl.11···k· .'. 134 . tml" eve}1. inoug .. t .. e.ts' ... eueoere ul.S· t ·e ii, .

0 .. To. say:

~j iJ)jj .1}~ J;.~i ;,lJli

. .",. T" orI' I ~

~ .

. «~;t:P

Allah., he] p tne in ·your remembrance urul. In gratltu de, to.· ·Yau and 1.11. perfect uJorslzip_ -of

v . 135 ' .

IOU. .

,~ To 'say:

'(10 .-:,..,., "" ._.Ii) ... ,....... '!i' ... ,;;

~i1 .~ /~~1J; ~I .& .~.~;··1.uJl.._'~,.ul)):

CI ~, oar _ . ~::..'" ".,. ~ .. ,,r.; _ '~ .. ~ '0' ~_ +'!'~ .r.-: '_ ..-' ..1" ~

",.~, ....... C! • 0 ..,. ,;. ;.;.- 1 .. ~ t ' \' (I.f- ., ... _. ,1'.

C .. ...v I~;.:J. ~. ~ l j$-' \:l ~I :k'.j'j \ cr \ ~) I

",,;,r', "'. • - ;" ;'1)':'" ~ . ";... . ,;'.. ~.... '.:, .' ?~; J'r""

{( f;S\ I ~'I J.s;. :J.1' .:.4, :J',y'1 s

- ~ . . -

o .Allah;! I eeek: 'r~fitge :-£n '¥o-utlrn1M

cow·ay;dfce: And t ',seek' refuge in. You from re -, turni"n.g {o :the worst. FifJr't pI Hty· life,. A1.uLI

,seek, re~ge in 'y:o~u fr(iJn. the·tttals.c ~Qftl1·e (Ja,~y,t A114 r seekrefug, In' Yvu from the 'pu ntshm.en·( Of·U.leg.rave.· .. Ji

>8.T~ say::

,) /." oiI"": ,. >" ;;. .,r,' a- .~~ ,~\ ~ 'G;~_ rI" CI ,~' .~, - '~.' ~,' ~, ....,.. ~'.~

W!l;:) ~ .. ~ ~:.'; , .. "" .:' J< I l.::. .. ..:.,j 'r'" .:~, & \..,:.s;, .... , . ...3 :". '''-''. :, ~J)

• ',r - " . '. . •. J~' ~, '~-:;'.. ,$

. - . ~

'fMy~ LOJd,sa've·.~me-'from,: Your purl·i$1im.cnt (1 the ·Day u,.'h.~nro~· resurrect Citglit'her Your

1 ,,"

S,·il'Oes <.

This, is from tile toll.o.wingHf!.di?t;.tbi. narrated by·AJ. ... Barraah (~) who said ~ Wlt~n. '.we, p;rayed, behind tlieMes.senger. (~,:

Allah r.)( 'we JI)is./ted ta he, im hi's:r~gh:i'BQ lH?" "WQldd tu rn. and [ae« us afie-rtJ.1Je p'rayer~A.·nd .

. Lheard: ·h·i1frsay~ -. .

i'" , Ii ,. ' ... .~' ." .v-v- " , .... ~ ..

«'.!l:il$ ~..... ~~;. ~ I~+.Z ,..~ ,~' ·Jlj.l~, ,:._:.t :':',' ~~~)J

..... ~ L- ~ J L. , .. --!.~ .~I· .~:;, ~ J

·tMy to·rd save· me:foQ:11l YQ.ur pu,n-fsJrmlt1tt OJ'I

[8,4' I

·,'the rJa.y· ·u'he,tt. You. re"su rteci or .g-a·ther .:toge:flu~:.r~· your s:lape~·t t. f3' 7

9 ':to recite the. last three S'Utvat of the';

" - .• .. - -. • - . -. " I' .'. ":".' • -'~


·~~1 ~T .~ .$."

(l"Say: .. "He is All-ah t}u.~ One, the Unique.: ),) (Ail-Ikhl:al!l~ 112:1 - ,4) it J;lJf~~r .. l' '~1 ?~.A..'"

'tt .. , ., ~~~y. ~'''/'

"Scty: ~.I seek refUge; ·.r;vltJtthe'. Lordo] thq

daybteak~,~ .. ,; 'F .

{Al~Fdhtq, 113.; 1. ... :5)

·~·.~.6f ~~ 1;1 .. lf~

~ .. ~ ~"-' ~.

:l1·Say:·, it seek reJugi! u)i-th tiu: Lord vf

. .' " k: .';.1 j"t;t

'11'l4n.J11- t4- • •• .

Repeal each Soo;raJt three times, afterthe Fajt and M-agh.ri-l:r pray'ers·., After 'all other ()blig-~toty; pr,a'yers .repeat them only once ... .138

10. fa Recite A~yah. Al~.Rua:see:

t· . . F;:~i J',Jf ~ 1l ;El ~-111f~

t 8;5' I

UA lluh, none has the rigl'f~ to' be 'loqrsh.ipped, buiHe, Hut Ever-Li.vi.1ig ... "

(A 1- B-aqarah, 2 :255)'139

11. To say these supplications while in the plac~ .. o .•. ·f .. prayer rand not to change positions. [1'1 140'

Benefits uf these Adhkaar:

Some of theben.~fits. of observing and preservirig these 5 U riai:l after every

"obligatory. prayer:

o If aMuslim preserves these supplicatior» after every obligatory prayer then. Jive hundred Sadaqa-at are written for him from the' saying of the Prophet (~):

Every Ti1sbeeh 'is." Stnlriquh;, .: every T cikbeer i~ Sud-aqai1i e-vcl}/Ta1.1J11eed is S~;daqal1 _l1}ld :every Ta11:eel is $adaqal1.141

Imaam. An-Nawawce said ~pers.Qn galll' therewardas ifhe 'has paid this amou],lt in chari ty,

[lJ The narrations thatmention to .supplicate In thr· place of prayer, refer .to after ~alaah A.J.~Fair: and AI-A~r only, and are: therefore not ·,~ppJicable W other pray'ers.Reade.r~. s.hol!Jd note. that nL' narration was found to supportthispoint.

I. 86. I

':t.r~f:ive hundred trees will be planted for the Muslim who preserves these supplication after everypra'yer during. the day and 'night:

The MeS:Si!Hge.r of All4lh (~) pd$sed by' ·Aboo Huravrah' (~). tohile he" uaspkmiing ;s.omething and. eaid:

l:O Aboo: Hurayrah,shalJ I not sh.Qii.) you a planting. bet-ter than. this?'

He. sa-i.·d·:~·Ofl7o,u.r$e, o Messenger "Of

Allah.·1 '

fIe-' (~)$nid~' "say;. ~'.

" ~ ~

.~.,.J~! ~1 ';dJ 'ij ~~l~~~~j\j,t',Sq))

.... .,

.g ;,-_.


., .. subha.an aHaah,til-h_tHndu lill-aah; laa ilalJ.ha ·il'la"llanhl al1aali U akbar, ..

..•. Ql1d a tree lvill be plqn.t£!d for you in Pa-raU-i-s-e.jor everyone: you sa.y;,.1.42

lJF'ot the one 'who preserves the reading of A·ayah ,A.I-K·u.rsee .after e.very Salaah, there is .nothing between him ahd: enterirtg

Paradise, .exce·ptdeath.1..41)., .'. ,

tJ -Whoever preserves these praises will have his-sins 'rerrmved.ieven if they were

[ 81 ]

as.abundant as the foam on the sE?a:.144

o The. one who 'preserves thesep.raises after every prayer, will not be afflicted with failure or disgrace, in. this world or the Hereafter:

The one wh:o .sa_ys the Mu ~aqqib·aa.t .loiU notte l~fflicted toi th jail ure.: and he men tfonf.d

i1. . .. '. l4:J

nese prtusee.

o Itvcompensates fat the lacking aog deficiency in one's performance of the obligatory · .. prayers.146'


.. -. - ... - . ~ ..

5qnteAd}1,~at.1r to! be said 41 the Q;tqtning· and evetrinO'·

.- ',,-,0·

1. Aayatr A.f-l(u.rs·e.e"J

.> ~ ,[:,:, . " ' '.' , - " ,.-.!' . ,'. y., .

;L,A ~, .~,......... .,..'" ' ~ . ....~ ._,..... r: '" ~

"~. ~ . ~jJJ,,' ,JJ'I ,~ ~ t '4!1~ '1, ;~:I t

~ ~ . . ~

·"tAl1ah.~ none has the -righ·t in be ·worship.ped, but ,He:, the E:Vfr~L,iving..·. ~ r.r

(AI-Baqarah; 2:,2-55)

From itsbenefi ts is:

1'Vhoever t;:ays ':,it i n ··th·c momi rt:g· ~piJ.l b.e prb:te'·rtedfranl ..-the j-in,n ijnti,l evini:ng; and ;w:hoet:Je:r says: 'it In. th.e enening. uiill, ~e

.. protec'tedjrorrt tJlc:rn·.·utttil the m'on:#:rtg,,14.7

l AI'" I • .. "

: 0: ,'.' :~Mu:a'wwJdha'at;

t";~Kf. :J.,' ::;.~ ..,.'1- ~'.,;.,., t.,'

.l:.....:>' 4]1 :~ ~',

. ,- - ., ,r.': .,~,

"$ay:JHe 'is .Attah ·'the .CJt'ie; t11e' Un.-i·que •. ". to (A1-I,khlaas; 112:1 - 4)

(A'tt~N(tas, 114:: 1- 6) 'Prom irsbenefits is that:

l?Vl"loev'er says·t1t·¢.m .fi1Je(!,ti1-71:f!S: in the euen in g an d . m tty I! tng I they <tvill b-.e sl!-ffici;entfor hitn';in roerythfllgr;l]

• "j

;3":, ln$tllltfehA t~'Ta-rg!1eebWaA t - Ta-rheelr:

\ &g ;r,. y ~. <: " .. f ~ .. I ~.- " .. _ .~" T.... .~. ,'~.:.. " .. "" "'. .!.... I'C'I

'. ".~': . . .... ~ ·1;",....<_t.Jl!' ... ...vJ 1 ~. ij,;! p w.u ;~.;:,- ;U J

~i' '" ~ d'~ . ~ - .# ~ \.J:T ~,~, ~.- 'f!!

. . o·_ <" o:·t., ~> T ;,'1 e'~ "1':' J T~.~ 2 .0.

~l,'~ ij,~ ~~I~· .:J_J w' ~.L..;

~t: '," ~.~~ ,,:. ~ ~"_' "?'" '-.~',."...'

o :E·~ver-L:h7,-il1gi ;0 S;e·lf~S'tjB?is:lfrrgand S:~(pp(1rte:r of allt.by Youi"' Jl1¢ity . L ;;e:el( ass-is iance.

-'." ',-.' ',:" ~. '. Yo"

ReciifJ.j lot me :llIl of:11ty affai.ts· an~d -do ''11D t lell1:Jfiti~ tD ,myself - rotn fifrthii, blink of,an

,:tHe • .1 .t .. l:!:.'~!J< .


4. In . .5aheeh ·MUSU111:

-- v .• ~ .:____., '.~

1.1 I Suffideiit for him in e:ve.rtbifig··m~JlnS, the .. pe:r~.Cll' w i:U: be. prote~l'ed fro.m all kinds. 'Of . 'evflt~§' q)_:entiqrfe"d in TuljfClt A.l-A.huNI,~~ee b}l Sh~:ykh MUharri.m'ad :Al~:Muh;:J.t}l-ra1s,pu:ti-


~'lI';' 4hj.~·_. '~.I 1·lt \.~;1 -!t . ~!,_ ~ ,1' ~ . Ii - ~;. i ,1t

~l ~J ~ ~ .;,.J .. ~ .. "~ 1 C! . .....l?-).oJ .:J ..

. '. ..~. ~

t;- :,;;., ~t~ \ ~) ~ .~~ :!.~ jS )i.) J

.~ i. I ..... e • . ....;. ~

i» J..L ) _';'\J ~:~. 1;. ;If- J a:u ~ .,~jj' .J;

:; r". i :. . '~.' . ..- ;.,. ~.. _'." :'--;

.~ J..i ~)~.Li~· l; ~~J'~ .~ \ o . ..LA . j ~'~"';'

J. .. . I J', ...." ...... ..-: .~: ...i'

. n

'0 .. '.; 1!· r ,,"f " "". ~ '.- t\ .'.' ~' .": .. O'·l ·"'.·~~".l·

_ •. ~ .~ ~ ~ 1 ~ . .. I, """j , ",;.4' ~

v- .' ·7 "J. . p,. 'U'~ .'

_. ;" . . :~>.... ~~...". - .. ~ ,.,.":-

~( :);.;) '\ J1_"~ L~ j ) .. lJJ \ ,~, ~ L.li

...-: . ".. .,.:s- '/' .- ~

We have readied the'e·v.c'ning (and at thfs

V eryt.·i'fll <e )t 0 A llal: bel 0 11 s» o 11 :s.overe.ig.n-tYI and all praise is .fai ti lla It.

, Non-e has the right; to 'be ulo:rshipped:,. except A11ah .. alone, hav.;i.ng no partners. ·-TdHiltt bel.o-~gs·' a H sovere-lgJrty and, 'p raise and 'He is over all things, Omnipotent ..

My Lord, I ,ask . You for the good of 'this nighf and tiu: good af',wltgi fOllows it; and .I peek refttge in. YOl;l' frorn #U?' evil of this tt_ight and the e-pU of ·"(1).Jtctt·foU01Jis. :it.

,My Lord, 1 seek refug« in Yo-u [rom

lazirtess itt-rid senillJy. . .

My Lord; I seek: refuge in You .from ihe torment ol"~~te Fire :an.d the pun.islul1ent of

'the g,rape.15U

I 91 ]

In the .. morning, replace

.J: ~ }'G' .. . . .-: -:

. ~ ~J.::J I ~.1 J.' \~.~' ," .'~ 1

, "t; iii ;"" ...

with ,~, ~I ~i) ~i and replace


with ~:'''JI

'. r Y.:"'


5. In Surmn Ahba. " Ti--rrn:idl1ee.:.15l .

In themorning,

~ ~..,.,. - , .1.'...i.' _..r: .:~ •

~j {o ~;:.~'\ ~J' ~ ~\ ~ 'r~lJP)

. ((} .. ~.~\I ~!J;TI"' ~}-: ~." ~ .

. . .r.:,;:' . H,!J . ~ .. ";) ). .:

/' - ;.r'

Q. AJlah, bv Your leaoe we haue reached "the morn ing a~'d "try You r leaoe uie haoe ·.reached, tHe' ev.ening and by Your leas« 'tOe' live and,iih~ and to 'You is our destinatiim.

'. .' . - _. . ". ' .

And In the evening,

~J • ~f ~j • l::;_r; f ~ r.~UJ II J( ~;'!.~H ~!J .~ _,_:i. ~J~ " ~

. ~ :..:r. .....

,0 Allah, by Your Ieaoe toehaoe reached. the, :evening' and .by 'Your Ieaue :lqe ,fu;rut;' ·reac1zedth.e 'morn'~ng and by Your leaoe we' l·i'Qe andd'i"e andt-o 'YO"u is' out fes .. u;rrec#pn..

.;..~ . . . (I" ... '~o-. '... :.: ' ~'. . ~

:'~l;;'~!r'J· lJ~'~'-,~t ~l .. ,r.-'iJLo

.1' ,/ .... ~.,. "

~ .... :l i. , 4;". i·· -: -" , .. :....... .••..... .:.>. .;.. ......;' .... !:. ... <....,,,,, •• .,1 ;'>-. . .. ~ .. ~ CI.'

:'. _ 1 .,"~. ~j~.~J. '\' .s:

~ W _,II .,. • ';.I'" ."",,! T

. .#!" - ,. - - ~. .",;. . ~ ." .

.•. ;.. ..... F ..•. ~.~ .' '11, '" .... j .. ,Q'~

.l!L~. ~:!1J.;. 5. :~'I ~ \ ill ~; ~ ~ ·CJt

~;h · «.i!1 ~}J 1]1:;. ~~ j iJ • 41


o A·'la#zl vt.'l;iL!t~ .I n.ape reached ·the ,.cJrtiitrg: t1:nd J c.all on,· Yau., the beaters· ;of 'Your thrtJn'€, Yo/ztr· -angels afld Oldt . of :You r

J :9$ l

creation toimes« tht;lt You are Allah.

None has tne r~ghtto. be' u1orsh{ppedf except. You), alone, haomg 11.Q partner and that' Mu~hamm·ad ($) is ·YQ,u.r seroani an.(t Mf$sen:ger • .(Fourti.ff1@s)_1.54,

From its benefits, is that whoever says it .in the morning or evening four times

Allahwillfree him from the Fire.

.Intheevening, say:

. ..-i'.j. ~ :a

j. .... PT "I .~.,:.\

l__:....._A··' ':"~~' .. ' .

"~ . 9'!:- _ .'

o AllaJzJ gmnt mJ.!. ~ody health.

o Allfl1z,., srant lnyhearin$: health.

o AUal1, grant ~y s.ight health ..

Ncr one. ba,s:·fhe right to ,be lIlDrshfpped~

except You. (Three tim;~s),.·15S· .


'"10': :F'" ,," t tlu , ,.- " H 'de. 1 15'6 . . , . rom 1. ,e.sa.me ,_Q ,eet e'

~&Ll pi'!., ~I ::,-. ~ t;1 Jl;Jllll)

~ ./ ;:.;... ./' ..,ri-" F '''',.,..'' " .,'

. ... ,_.. . __ .~ , ',. ....7 j. ~ I;:

'lt~t 'l ,.~., :.~Lli ~ ~. ~y~ Jl

. . ~~

(.~ 1/ ~ ~) .« ~I.:., .. n'

O· Anah~ I seek: tefu:ge in You [rom disbeUe!a'nd pover·ty.

o Allal1;. l~eek refuge iit· You. from the p.itnishmefit of the grave:.

No one has fhe.righJ to be :worshippeil, ext:;eptYpu .. (Three times)

Both of. the above supplication come. in the saOlen~arra.tio:n.they have been separated because in the Hadeeih' they did not come as one single supplication. They are to be read three times each in the morningand .evening,

II ~ In. Saheeh: AI- Bll.khalire·e:

,., .~:~ . '~." ,",J'~'... » , ~.... .'. r

. lt~ I 1J.\u~~JJ I :.~ 'd

~_. Ii ,y.~-. J; ~

ri'" _"

o ,AJl~J~."YQ.~ are. my Lord; none ./;lq'$"tHe right fa b'ewo.yshippe:d(, 'fleep t' ·You.Yau crett"te:d 'rne andl um Yt1ur :seroailt arut I abide b~t Yo.ur cooenunt ,an.dpnJlflise as best asI can:

I seek refuge l~n'YtJ1l from the eviL of what l ha·ve ·conz:milt·ed. r J:"cJalowl"e:i{ge' 'Ybur fav,our onme ,ana J. acknow.le·age: my sin,

. so fo:rg:ive:: me, for 'v~rily ru» on'e: can fo~rgi'J};e

sin e exeeo .. t·Y DU :.15:7 - ..

o. ~ ... 91 .~ ,,-' ~-r' ,._. . .....

From its benefits is that w hoever says it, havin,tg full conviction in lt, and ;d.iB5 :qqr;in,g the night will e.nte,rP·a:ragise; UkeWis:¢';- if he say~s. it ~~tbd di.~$q:Urjjtg the: iiilyhe willenter Paradise, as narra ted 'iI1 th~same Hadeeth.

~2. Narrated "by Itlla,C\;mA.hPlad in hi~ Musnad:

_ ~ .r'-=. '~. 'I!:I : " . ~ __ .• _ _ -:t

.~~ ~, .. ~; ~ .. ,~ . II ," ~ ,"~""'. :.. ~. ~ .c:.;..:~ \ ~,I

. , .. " J ~ .1~ l.. a.. . . .. . ..

~'~ - ~,. ' __ -, ,.' - ~. '~.:." ~~ ,,". .".

" _ .'.~ __ -..r:. .~ ~:~ (J

. '(.··m)·· 1~'''':'!- i"':~'~:' •... <Ii ufP ... ~ .. ,r~ .-' "L~' 'J l

_', .~". _~ ~. ;o,toJ.... , .' "J ,fo.,~ j!'_;:;t:- .;J 1

.. ; '-..~ ¥'j,;', ~~~ ",,' -, -.- ~.:- ,.

~ . ~ ,. '?

.~ .~ l!\ .. ~!, l);~:~!. , ... ~. '. < r~.'~~~.t ~., ;..b..'" \ :; f~ J.~ .•

,;:,t :.r".~ . .~ , ...- .... ~ y'~i~ . ,,!,," .. - ,Ji • .,.' ~, ..

. ~ ~ .

~, ~jl -~ .. ~. 12·

• (f; . '.' . '. . 1 - iiA.·:-· .' l.;'U

~.. ,~r,~ -


[9~ I

We rise (a'lvake)' on tile Fi-trah of'ls..1ant and the word of··pure·faith and on the religi"on·.of· QU r P:ropheJ Muhil11t11j~lt (~) and tl1lf. reJigipn of aUi.fbrefather( lbraqliee:m~ who w'a:sa MU$Um and of true!eti:tJi, and tvnS . not of' those h:w1tOcissocia ted others, with Allah~ 158

13~F:rom.Ama./ Al-Yauim Wa AI~La~y"lah ofAa-

o .~

Nlisaaee ':

, _,r- " .... : ~

I , ~ ~' (:I~' .. _,. CI t'I ~. ~/_~ •.

'wQ J.:>. L jJ ,~ . ..A"" ;~ I l,;....,' I H

U·,;r· ~ :t . ~. ~ -......J. ~ ~~ ". • ...

~ .~ . .

pi'! ;-~ y''''';' _. ./',;r _ ._ , ..,. . ~ !) . .,...

" :Ii I I .~ "It ". ·,,"t '. ~" .'. _ .. ~ '.'" .. Q .....•. ':. i ...... l· .. · ~~.'. ". . : ....:. . , •..... I .c ': ..... t .. ~~.

'~ ".~ cl ~ l :.J~J ~ ~

..,..~/ . t:-:--"'~

.. ~. z . ~~. s- , ;t:l

[( ~.' c' ... :.:. .. t .• 'i' I r ~.~.a .: t 1

.. ~I~.J~

O' Allah; uiheieoer btessi ng .I~. or any o.{ Yaur crea tum has C1,uloken .. on~ ·is jtotn 'You 'alone/ hauing no p{frf'ner-s, so for Yqu alone is all p'riti.~e a.nil to You. a..lQne is an thanks. 1:5'9

From ifs benefits is that whoever said this

- . ". . -. ... - . - . "

in themorning has fulfilled his gratitude to Allah for the day, and whoever says it in the: evening 'has fulfilled his ·watitude to Allah for-the night; asnarratedin the

, same Hadee'th.

1'(~ In Sunan.Aboo Duatoood:

k!#. ~. ,.",

), '~~'. /~ "/~.;l , -;cl \ ~ ·~r ~$ .• 7.;_ .~~

d;b j? ~~;,T '_~. ,~J.:;.. (

~ ~\ ~;:;Jr ~~.: :t

", . .', HI..... - #. - - . ..:r-:..

Allah is s.ufftcietit.for me. No one has ,the r(ght to' 11e .toor-shipped, except Hint. o« Hu» T place -tHy trust and Heis ,the Lord:t~r the greuttlmme, (Seven ·thnes)160

From its benefits is that whoever s'ays 'it seven times itt the. morning and the evening, Allah will suffice for' him an. of 'his irnportarvt affairs related to his worldly matters and to his: reltgjouS matters (i.e, the' Hereafter).

15.1n Si(J,z:l1nA'po_D Dat~'Zl)Ood and other collections:

.;; _,' .,.. ,,. _ "-:-., . ''P. I

.~ ~./~~ .~ I ;;, y.a·; ':1' ~ .. Jj \ qJJ \~ )):

.~ .~ •• ~ ~l'~ '~. _".~ '~~ •• ~ ~:' ,;

_ 0 . .:..:' ~ .. r::~.

'.~ 1-"!'~' ~ ... , .... I."'.:"~" . 'I ... · ~,..r·

• ((_~'""~,JI .,.' . '" '.1 ~J~~~! , j :.0).) ,. ~ ~.'i\

r ~"" . ' ... H ~ ".~. '....:. ~ .. ~.. .J

In the Name of ~lf.aJl:( to! tit toho~se Na! vu: no thing is hormed 011. the' earth or in. the heaoene .find r He is the All~See.ing" the All-

·K.'lUi'P ing. (111Tce· t-im.e.s)J61.· .

From its benefits is that whoever says it' three times in the.morningand three times irr the evening nothing win harm him ..

[ 98 I

lli. In Sunun AbooDaauieod, Mus,uad' Imaam Al1nlad- and in other collections:

, 0",

-::; ' .... ,'_ ......' ,... ~ \. t 'r' '~:"'''' ,J, - r«

~J ~ LJ.:i ,. ~ ~,Lj ~ G,~ ~ l,; .....:..: .. ~.,_~ ))}

'ii' _; , ~,,_. ~ .'~ ,:. " • ..;1. --=:;_ '"', /0 '"" .,.'

(u'\_r4 ..!.J*) . ~j~'

, ~

I am pleased 'wi tit .Atla}l as' a Lord, and' lslaam. as' a rel..igiol1~ anti Mul~aln.1Jla.d (~)

, r. ;. · , ,"162'

,as a Prophet. (111ree times) "

'From 'its~ benefits is, that whoever reads this supplication three times in the morning' and in the evening.ihasthe right that Allah, suffices .him on Day 'of Standing ,(i.~. the Day, of Resurrection), as, mentionedin theSameFJa.deetJt.;

17. In ,Saheeh Muslim:

" "...., :sii ': I;i ··,r

(~~ ~~) .:({.y.'~:~,iJ ~'\ '~~'IH

. ~ ~-..: ... _.rl" ,. ~.,...-'---'-'"

1 ask A.l.la11 fo.rfo.rgivness and to' Him I "repent, (One hU1,ldre'd times in the. day) 163"

~8+Als.o, irtSaheeh MusNtn:

~~ ~ D' :.,.... _ ' . .rJ'.

~,~ Wi) ~~ ;jJ:::O~J'4JJ'0~))

" ,_..r. -1; . ~ __...~~. . .-- oif' :: ... ~. . - ~

(.~, .A ~;Aj) ;(( ~ ~,':~.::;\ ~J'_' ~'~,'~ ~,' ~)~ ,J

.J /,r" .... ' _,... . -~ .r"" T


F« r remoued is A 1:.1 ah [rom llJl.Y impeffec~io;ns and I praiee Hin: by ihe


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