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Understanding the migration pattern in

Meerapur Panchayat, Muzaffarpur

district and cash flow analysis

Sunil S Gandewar
Somesh Mehta


Under the guidance of:

Aga Khan Rural Support Programme-India

Muraul, Muzaffarpur
Table of Content:

a. List of Tables
b. Acknowledgement
c. Acronym
d. Abstract
e. Introduction
f. Background

g. The Organization- AKRSP (I)

i. Mission

h. Objectives

i. Research Questions

j. Methodology

k. Findings
i. Outcome
ii. Impact
List of Tables:

We would like to thank our host institution AKRSP-I for giving

us opportunity to study the migration pattern in Meerapur Panchayat
and making very conducive environment throughout our stay in
Muraul office and during our field work. It could have never been
possible without the consistent help from SHT (Spearhead Team) and
AM, Mr. Rajesh. We are grateful to the indispensable effort of Mr.
Rakesh, Mr. Sashi, Mr. Priyadarshi and Mr. Saurabh.

We would also like to thank Muzaffarpur HQ, for providing us

necessary amenities during our RLLE programme, especially Ms.
Asha George, for her friendly gesture towards our hurdles.
And finally, we are deeply indebted to the all villagers at different
tolas of Meerapur Panchayat, teachers of ECD and LSC for constantly
visiting with us for support, without whose cooperation, kindness and
openness we would not have been able to conduct our survey and

AKRSP (I): Aga Khan Rural Support Programme- India

LSC : Learning Support Centers

ECD : Early Childhood Development

MIAD : Multi Input Area Development

CTLC : Community Based Technology Learning Centers

SRI : System of Rice Intensification

BPL* : Below Poverty Line

FGD : Focused Group Discussion

PRA : Participatory Rural Appraisal

SC : Scheduled Cast

*BPL Red Card : 15 kg Rice + 10 kg Wheat

*BPL Yellow Card: 25 kg Rice + 10 kg Wheat
The Organization- AKRSP (I):


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