Letter Writing

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Invitation Letter

R. Selva
V.V. College of Engineering

Sub: Invitation for function in our college – reg.
It is proposed to inaugurate the ________________ on
________________ at 3.00 pm. in the ___________ hall of our college.
I request you to inaugurate the ____________ and also to address our
students. I request you to enlighten our students about the latest
developments in the field.
As you are an expert in this field, you will be able to give guidelines for
our future career. I will be thankful to you, if you could accept our
invitation and confirm.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
Letter Accepting Invitation

R. Selva
V.V. College of Engineering
Sub: Function Invitation – Acceptance – reg.
I received your letter dated ____________ and noted the content. I am
extremely happy that I have been invited to deliver the _________
address held on _______.
Being the _______________ I consider it my privilege to attend your
________ programme. I shall reach your institution around __________
on that day. I hope you will make necessary arrangements for my travel
and accommodation.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
( )
Letter Declining Invitation

R. Selva
V.V. College of Engineering
Sub: Function Invitation – Declination – reg.
I received your letter dated ____________ and noted the content. I am
extremely happy that I have been invited to deliver the _________
address held on _______.
I would have loved to be there and be a part of your college, but I am attending an international
meeting in the second week of March and I will be out of country for a month. Hence, I regret
my inability to accept your invitation.

However, best wishes for your entire endeavour.

Thank you
Yours faithfully
( )
Permission Letter


Sub: Permission for industrial visit – reg.
We the students of _____________ college, seek permission to visit
____ company on __________ at 10 am. Dr.____________ and Dr.
_______ are ready to accompany us on this visit.
We request you to grant permission to go on this visit and provide with
our college bus. This visit will be beneficial to us during the project
work and campus interviews in the forthcoming academic year.
Thank you
Yours faithfully


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