The First Book of Maccabees Chapter One

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They captured the fortified cities in the

land of Egypt and he plundered the land of Egypt.
Chapter One
After subduing Egypt, Antiochus returned in the
“After Alexander, son of Philip the Macedonian,
one hundred and forty-third year. He went up
who came from the land of Kittim, had defeated
against Israel and came to Jerusalem with a
King Darius of the Persians and the Medes, he
strong force. He arrogantly entered the Temple
succeeded him as king. (He had previously
and took the Gold Altar, the Lampstand for the
become King of Greece.) He fought many battles,
light and all its utensils. He took also the Table
conquered strongholds and put to death the kings
for the Bread of the Presence, the cups for drink
of the Earth. He advanced to the ends of the Earth
offerings, the bowls, the golden censers, the
and plundered many nations. When the Earth
curtain, the crowns and the gold decoration on
became quiet before him, he was exalted and his
the front of the Temple. He stripped it all off. He
heart was lifted up. He gathered a very strong
took the silver and the gold and the costly
army and ruled over countries, nations, and
vessels. He took also the hidden treasures that he
princes and they became tributary to him.
found. Taking them all he went into his own land.
After this he fell sick and perceived that he was He shed much blood and spoke with great
dying. So he summoned his most honored arrogance.
officers who had been brought up with him from
Israel mourned deeply in every community;
youth and divided his kingdom among them
rulers and elders groaned, young women and
while he was still alive. And after Alexander had
young men became faint, the beauty of the wo-
reigned twelve years, he died.
men faded. Every bridegroom took up the lament;
Then his officers began to rule, each in his own she who sat in the bridal chamber was mourning.
place. They all put on crowns after his death, and Even the land trembled for its inhabitants and all
so did their descendants after them for many the House of Jacob was clothed with shame.
years. And they caused many evils on the Earth.
Two years later the king sent to the cities of
From them came forth a sinful root, Antiochus Judah a chief collector of tribute and he came to
Epiphanes, son of King Antiochus. He had been a Jerusalem with a large force. Deceitfully he
hostage in Rome. He began to reign in the one spoke peaceable words to them and they believed
hundred and thirty-seventh year of the Kingdom him. But he suddenly fell upon the city, dealt it a
of the Greeks. In those days certain renegades severe blow and destroyed many people of Israel.
came out from Israel and misled many saying, He plundered the city, burned it with fire and tore
“Let us go and make a covenant with the Gentiles down its houses and its surrounding walls. They
around us, for since we separated from them took captive the women and children and seized
many disasters have come upon us.” This the livestock. Then they fortified the city of
proposal pleased them and some of the people David with a great strong wall and strong towers
eager, went to the king, who authorized them to and it became their citadel.
observe the ordinances of the Gentiles. So they
They stationed there a sinful people, men who
built a gymnasium in Jerusalem according to
were renegades. These strengthened their
Gentile custom and removed the marks of
position; they stored up arms and food, and
circumcision and abandoned the Holy Covenant.
collecting the spoils of Jerusalem and they stored
They joined with the Gentiles and sold
them there, and became a great menace, for the
themselves to do evil.
citadel became an ambush against the Temple, an
When Antiochus saw that his kingdom was evil adversary of Israel at all times.
established, he determined to become king of the
On every side of the Temple they shed innocent
land of Egypt, in order that he might reign over
blood; they even defiled the Temple. Because of
both kingdoms. So he invaded Egypt with a
them the residents of Jerusalem fled. She became
strong force, with chariots and elephants and
a dwelling of strangers. he became strange to her
cavalry and with a large fleet. He engaged King
offspring and her children forsook her. Her
Ptolemy of Egypt in battle and Ptolemy turned
Temple became desolate like a desert. Her Feasts
and fled before him, and many were wounded
were turned into mourning, her Sabbaths into a necks. But many in Israel stood firm and were
reproach, her honor into contempt. Her dishonor resolved in their hearts not to eat unclean food.
now grew as great as her glory. Her exaltation They chose to die rather than to be defiled by
was turned into mourning. food or to profane the Holy Covenant. And they
Then the king wrote to his whole kingdom that did die. Very great wrath came upon Israel.” (1st
all should be one people and that all should give Mac. 1:1-64)
up their particular customs. All the Gentiles Chapter Two
accepted the command of the king. Many even “In those days Mattathias son of John, son of
from Israel gladly adopted his religion; they Simeon, a priest of the family of Joarib, moved
sacrificed to idols and profaned the Sabbath. And from Jerusalem and settled in Modein. He had
the king sent letters by messengers to Jerusalem five sons, John surnamed Gaddi, Simon called
and the towns of Judah. He directed them to Thassi, Judah called Maccabee, Eleazar called
follow customs strange to the land, to forbid Avaran and Jonathan called Apphus. He saw the
burnt offerings and sacrifices and drink offerings blasphemies being committed in Judah and
in the Temple, to profane Sabbaths and Fes- Jerusalem, and said,
tivals, to defile the Temple and the priests, to
build altars and sacred precincts and shrines for “Alas! Why was I born to see this, the
idols, to sacrifice swine and other unclean ruin of my people, the ruin of the Holy
animals and to leave their sons uncircumcised. City, and to live there when it was giv-
They were to make themselves abominable by en over to the enemy, the Temple given
everything unclean and profane, so that they over to aliens? Her Temple has become
would forget the Law and change all the like a person without honor. Her glori-
ordinances. He added, “And whoever does not ous vessels have been carried into exile.
obey the command of the king shall die.” Her infants have been killed in her
streets, her youths by the sword of the
In such words he wrote to his whole kingdom. He foe. What nation has not inherited her
appointed inspectors over all the people and palaces and has not seized her spoils?
commanded the towns of Judah to offer sacrifice, All her adornment has been taken
town by town. Many of the people, everyone who away; no longer free, she has become a
forsook the Law, joined them and they did evil in slave. And see, our Holy Place, our
the land. They drove Israel into hiding in every beauty, and our glory have been laid
place of refuge they had. waste. The Gentiles have profaned
Now on the fifteenth day of Kislev, in the one them. Why should we live any longer?”
hundred and forty-fifth year, they erected a Then Mattathias and his sons tore their clothes,
desolating sacrilege on the Altar of Burnt Sac- put on sackcloth and mourned greatly.
rifice. They also built altars in the surrounding
towns of Judah and offered incense at the doors The king’s officers who were enforcing the apos-
of the houses and in the streets. The scroll of the tasy came to the town of Modein to make them
Law that they found they tore to pieces and offer sacrifice. Many from Israel came to them.
burned with fire. Anyone found possessing the And Mattathias and his sons were as-sembled.
Book of the Covenant or anyone who adhered to Then the king’s officers spoke to Mat-tathias as
the Law was condemned to death by decree of follows,
the king. They kept using violence against Israel, “You are a leader, honored and great in
against those who were found month after month this town and supported by sons and
in the towns. On the twenty-fifth day of the brothers. Now be the first to come and
month, they offered sacrifice on the Altar that do what the king commands, as all the
was on top of the Altar of Burnt Sacrifice. Gentiles and the people of Judah and
According to the decree, they put to death the those that are left in Jerusalem have
women who had their children circumcised and done. Then you and your sons will be
their families and those who circumcised them. numbered among the Friends of the
And they hung the infants from their mothers’ King. And you and your sons will be
honored with silver and gold and many innocence; Heaven and Earth testify for us that
gifts.” you are killing us unjustly.” So they attacked
But Mattathias answered and said in a loud voice, them on the Sabbath and they died with their
wives and children and livestock to the number of
“Even if all the nations that live under a thousand persons.
the rule of the king obey him, and have
chosen to obey his commandments, When Mattathias and his friends learned of it,
everyone of them abandoning the reli- they mourned for them deeply. And all said to
gion of their Fathers, I and my sons and their neighbors,
my brothers will continue to live by the “If we all do as our kindred have done
Covenant of our Fathers. Far be it from and refuse to fight with the Gentiles for
us to desert the Law and the Or- our lives and for our ordinances, they
dinances. We will not obey the king’s will quickly destroy us from the Earth.”
words by turning aside from our reli- So they made this decision that day,
gion to the right hand or to the left.” “Let us fight against anyone who comes
When he had finished speaking these words, a to attack us on the Sabbath day. Let us
Jew came forward in the sight of all to offer not all die as our brothers died in their
sacrifice on the altar in Modein, according to the hiding places.”
king’s command. When Mattathias saw it, he Then there united with them a company of
burned with zeal and his heart was stirred. He Hasideans, mighty warriors of Israel, all who
gave vent to righteous anger and he ran and killed offered themselves willingly for the Law. And all
him on the altar. At the same time he killed the who became fugitives to escape their troubles
king’s officer who was forcing them to sacrifice, joined them and reinforced them. They organized
and he tore down the altar. Thus he burned with an army and struck down sinners in their anger
zeal for the Law, just as Phinehas did against and renegades in their wrath. The survivors fled
Zimri son of Salu. to the Gentiles for safety. And Mattathias and his
Then Mattathias cried out in the town with a loud friends went around and tore down the altars.
voice, saying, “Let every one who is zealous for They forcibly circumcised all the uncircumcised
the Law and supports the Covenant come out boys that they found within the borders of Israel.
with me!” Then he and his sons fled to the hills They hunted down the arrogant and the work
and left all that they had in the town. prospered in their hands. They rescued the Law
out of the hands of the Gentiles and kings, and
At that time many who were seeking right- they never let the sinner gain the upper hand.
eousness and justice went down to the wilderness
to live there, they, their sons, their wives and Now the days drew near for Mattathias to die,
their livestock because troubles pressed heavily and he said to his sons,
upon them. And it was reported to the king’s “Arrogance and scorn have now be-
officers and to the troops in Jerusalem, the city of come strong. It is a time of ruin and fu-
David, that those who had rejected the king’s rious anger. Now my children, show
command had gone down to the hiding places in zeal for the Law and give your lives for
the wilderness. Many pursued them and overtook the Covenant of our Fathers.
them. They encamped opposite them and “Remember the deeds of the Fathers
prepared for battle against them on the Sabbath which they did in their generations and
day. They said to them, “Enough of this! Come you will receive great honor and an
out and do what the king commands, and you will everlasting name. Was not Abraham
live.” But they said, “We will not come out, nor found faithful when tested and it was
will we do what the king commands and so reckoned to him as righteousness?
profane the Sabbath day.” Then the enemy Joseph in the time of his distress kept
quickly attacked them. But they did not answer the commandment and became lord of
them or hurl a stone at them or block up their Egypt. Phinehas our Father, because he
hiding places, for they said, “Let us all die in our was deeply zealous, received the
Covenant of everlasting priesthood. lion in his deeds, like a lion’s cub roaring for
Joshua, because he fulfilled the com- prey. He searched out and pursued those who
mand, became a judge in Israel. Caleb, broke the Law and he burned those who troubled
because he testified in the assembly, re- his people. Lawbreakers shrank back for fear of
ceived an inheritance in the land. him and all the evildoers were confounded and
David, because he was merciful, inher- deliverance prospered by his hand.
ited the throne of the kingdom forever. He embittered many kings but he made Jacob
Elijah, because of great zeal for the glad by his deeds and his memory is blessed
Law, was taken up into Heaven. Hana- forever. He went through the cities of Judah and
niah, Azariah and Mishael believed and he destroyed the ungodly out of the land. Thus he
were saved from the flame. Daniel, be- turned away wrath from Israel. He was renowned
cause of his innocence, was delivered to the ends of the Earth and he gathered in those
from the mouth of the lions.” who were perishing.
“And so observe, from generation to Apollonius now gathered together Gentiles and a
generation, that none of those who put large force from Samaria to fight against Israel.
their trust in Him will lack strength. Do When Judah learned of it, he went out to meet
not fear the words of sinners for their him and he defeated and killed him. Many were
splendor will turn into dung and wounded and fell and the rest fled. Then they
worms. Today they will be exalted but seized their spoils and Judah took the sword of
tomorrow they will not be found be- Apollonius and used it in battle the rest of his
cause they will have returned to the life.
dust and their plans will have perished.
My sons, be courageous and grow When Seron, the commander of the Syrian army,
strong in the Law, for by it you will heard that Judah had gathered a large company,
gain honor.” including a body of faithful soldiers who stayed
with him and went out to battle, he said, “I will
“Here is your brother Simeon who, I make a name for myself and win honor in the
know is wise in counsel. Always listen kingdom. I will make war on Judah and his
to him. He shall be your father. Judah companions who scorn the king’s command.”
Maccabee has been a mighty warrior Once again a strong army of godless men went
from his youth. He shall command the up with him to help him, to take vengeance on
army for you and fight the battle against Israel.
the peoples. You shall rally around you
all who observe the Law, and avenge When he approached the ascent of Beth-horon,
the wrong done to your people. Pay Judah went out to meet him with a small
back the Gentiles in full and obey the company. But when they saw the army coming to
Commandments of the Law.” meet them, they said to Judah,
Then he blessed them and was gathered to his “How can we, few as we are, fight
Fathers. He died in the one hundred and forty- against so great and so strong a multi-
sixth year and was buried in the tomb of his tude? And we are faint, for we have
Fathers at Modein. And all Israel mourned for eaten nothing today.”
him with great lamentation.” (1st Mac. 2:1-70) Judah replied,
Chapter Three “It’s easy for many to be hemmed in by
“Then his son Judah, who was called Maccabee, few, for in the sight of Heaven there is
took command in his place. All his brothers and no difference between saving by many
all who had joined his father helped him. They or by few. It’s not on the size of the
gladly fought for Israel. He extended the glory of army that victory in battle depends, but
his people. Like a giant he put on his breastplate; strength comes from Heaven. They
he bound on his armor of war and waged battles, come against us in great insolence and
protecting the camp by his sword. He was like a lawlessness to destroy us and our wives
and our children, and to despoil us, but
we fight for our lives and our laws. He go into the land of Judah and destroy it, as the
himself will crush them before us. As king had commanded. So they set out with their
for you, do not be afraid of them!” entire force and when they arrived they
When he finished speaking, he rushed suddenly encamped near Emmaus in the plain. When the
against Seron and his army, and they were traders of the region heard what was said to them,
crushed before him. They pursued them down the they took silver and gold in immense amounts
descent of Beth-horon to the plain; eight hundred and fetters and went to the camp to get the
of them fell and the rest fled into the land of the Israelis for slaves. And forces from Syria and the
Philistines. Then Judah and his brothers began to land of the Philistines joined with them.
be feared, and terror fell on the Gentiles all Now Judah and his brothers saw that misfortunes
around them. His fame reached the king, and the had increased and that the forces were encamped
Gentiles talked of the battles of Judah. in their territory. They also learned what the king
When King Antiochus heard these reports he was had commanded to do to the people to cause their
greatly angered and he sent and gathered all the final destruction. But they said to one another,
forces of his kingdom, a very strong army. He “Let us restore the ruins of our people and fight
opened his coffers and gave a year’s pay to his for our people and the Temple.” So the
forces and ordered them to be ready for any need. congregation assembled to be ready for battle and
Then he saw that the money in the treasury was to pray and ask for mercy and compassion.
exhausted and that the revenues from the country Jerusalem was uninhabited like a wilderness; not
were small because of the dissension and disaster one of her children went in or out. The Temple
that he had caused in the land by abolishing the was trampled down and aliens held the citadel. It
laws that had existed from the earliest days. He was a lodging place for the Gentiles. Joy was
feared that he might not have such funds as he taken from Jacob, the flute and the harp ceased to
had before for his expenses and for the gifts that play.
he used to give more lavishly than preceding Then they gathered together and went to Mizpah
kings. He was greatly perplexed in mind and then opposite Jerusalem, because Israel formerly had a
he determined to go to Persia and collect the place of prayer in Mizpah. They fasted that day,
revenues from those regions and raise a large put on sackcloth and sprinkled ashes on their
fund. heads, and tore their clothes. And they opened the
He left Lysias, a distinguished man of royal scroll of the Law to inquire into those matters
lineage, in charge of the king’s affairs from the about which the Gentiles consulted the likenesses
river Euphrates to the borders of Egypt. Lysias of their gods. They also brought the vestments of
was also to take care of his son Antiochus until the priesthood and the first fruits and the tithes,
he returned. And he turned over to Lysias half of and they stirred up the Nazirites who had
his forces and the elephants and gave him orders completed their days and they cried aloud to
about all that he wanted done. As for the Heaven saying,
residents of Judah and Jerusalem, Lysias was to “What shall we do with these? Where
send a force against them to wipe out and destroy shall we take them? Your Temple is
the strength of Israel and the remnant of trampled down and profaned and your
Jerusalem. He was to banish the memory of them priests mourn in humiliation. And here
from the place, settle aliens in all their territory the Gentiles are assembled against us to
and distribute their land by lot. Then the king destroy us! You know what they plot
took the remaining half of his forces and left against us. How will we be able to
Antioch his capital in the one hundred and forty- withstand them if You do not help us?”
seventh year. He crossed the Euphrates river and
went through the upper provinces. Then they sounded the trumpets and gave a loud
shout. After this Judah appointed leaders of the
Lysias chose Ptolemy, son of Dorymenes, and people in charge of thousands and hundreds and
Nicanor and Gorgias, able men among the fifties and tens. Those who were building houses
Friends of the King, and sent with them forty or were about to be married, or were planting a
thousand infantry and seven thousand cavalry to
vineyard or were fainthearted, he told to go home to Gazara and to the plains of Idumea and to
according to the Law. Then the army marched Azotus and Jamnia, and three thousand of them
out and encamped to the south of Emmaus. And fell. Then Judah and his force turned back from
Judah said, pursuing them and he said to the people,
“Arm yourselves and be courageous! “Do not be greedy for plunder
Be ready early in the morning to fight for there is a battle before us.
with these Gentiles who have assem- Gorgias and his force are near us
bled against us to destroy us and our in the hills. But stand now
Temple. It’s better for us to die in battle against our enemies and fight
than to see the misfortunes of our na- them and afterward seize the
tion and of the Temple. But as His will plunder boldly.”
in Heaven may be, so shall He do.”” Just as Judah was finishing this speech a detach-
(1st Mac. 3:1-60) ment appeared coming out of the hills. They saw
Chapter Four that their army had been put to flight and that the
“Now Gorgias took five thousand infantry and Jews were burning the camp, for the smoke that
one thousand picked cavalry, and this division was seen showed what had happened. When they
moved out by night to fall upon the camp of the perceived this, they were greatly frightened and
Jews and attack them suddenly. Men from the when they also saw the army of Judah drawn up
citadel were his guides. But Judah heard of it, and in the plain for battle, they all fled into the land of
he and his warriors moved out to attack the the Philistines. Then Judah returned to plunder
king’s force in Emmaus while the division was the camp and they seized a great amount of gold
still absent from the camp. When Gorgias entered and silver and cloth dyed blue and sea purple and
the camp of Judah by night, he found no one great riches. On their return they sang psalms and
there, so he looked for them in the hills because praises to Heaven,
he said, “These men are running away from us.” “For He is good and His forgiving,
At daybreak Judah appeared in the plain with loving-kindness endures forever.”
three thousand men but they did not have armor Thus Israel had a great deliverance that day.
and swords such as they desired. And they saw
the camp of the Gentiles, strong and fortified, Those of the foreigners who escaped went and
with cavalry all around it and these men were reported to Lysias all that had happened. When
trained in war. But Judah said to those who were he heard it he was perplexed and discouraged, for
with him, things had not happened in Israel as he had
intended nor had they turned out as the king had
“Do not fear their numbers or be afraid ordered. But the next year he mustered sixty
when they charge. Remember how our thousand picked infantry and five thousand
Fathers were saved at the Red Sea cavalry to subdue them. They came into Idumea
when Pharaoh with his forces pursued and encamped at Beth-zur and Judah met them
them. And now, let us cry to Heaven, to with ten thousand men. When he saw that their
see whether He will favor us and re- army was strong, he prayed saying,
member His Covenant with our Fathers
and crush this army before us today. “Blessed are you, Oh Savior of Israel
Then all the Gentiles will know that who crushed the attack of the mighty
there is One who redeems and saves warrior by the hand of your servant
Israel.” David and gave the camp of the Phil-
istines into the hands of Jonathan son of
When the foreigners looked up and saw them Saul and of the man who carried his ar-
coming against them, they went out from their mor. Hem in this army by the hand of
camp to battle. Then the men with Judah blew Your people Israel and let them be
their trumpets and engaged in battle. The Gentiles ashamed of their troops and their caval-
were crushed and fled into the plain and all those ry. Fill them with cowardice! Melt the
in the rear fell by the sword. They pursued them boldness of their strength! Let them
tremble in their destruction! Strike Thus they finished all the work they had under-
them down with the sword of those taken.
who love You and let all who know Early in the morning on the twenty-fifth day of
Your Name praise you with psalms.” the ninth month, which is the month of Kislev, in
Then both sides attacked and there fell of the the one hundred and forty-eighth year, they rose
army of Lysias five thousand men. They fell in and offered sacrifice as the Law directs, on the
action. When Lysias saw the rout of his troops new Altar of Burnt Sacrifice that they had built.
and observed the boldness that inspired those of At the very season and on the very day that the
Judah, and how ready they were either to live or Gentiles had profaned it, it was dedicated with
to die nobly, he withdrew to Antioch and enlisted songs and harps and lutes and cymbals. All the
mercenaries in order to invade Judah again with people fell on their faces and worshiped and
an even larger army. blessed Heaven who had prospered them. So they
Then Judah and his brothers said, celebrated the dedication of the Altar for eight
days and joyfully offered burnt sacrifices. They
“See, our enemies are crushed; let us go offered a sacrifice of well-being and a thanks-
up to cleanse the Temple and dedicate giving offering. They decorated the front of the
it.” Temple with gold crowns and small shields. They
So all the army assembled and went up to Mount restored the gates and the chambers for the priests
Zion. There they saw the Temple desolate, the and fitted them with doors. There was very great
Altar profaned and the gates burned. In the courts joy among the people and the disgrace brought by
they saw bushes sprung up as in a thicket or as on the Gentiles was removed.
one of the mountains. They saw also the cham- Then Judah and his brothers and all the assembly
bers of the priests in ruins. Then they tore their of Israel determined that every year at that
clothes and mourned with great lamentation. season, the days of dedication of the Altar should
They sprinkled themselves with ashes and fell be observed with joy and gladness for eight days,
face down on the ground. And when the signal beginning with the twenty-fifth day of the month
was given with the trumpets, they cried out to of Kislev. At that time they fortified Mount Zion
Heaven. with high walls and strong towers all around to
Then Judah detailed men to fight against those in keep the Gentiles from coming and trampling
the citadel until he had cleansed the Temple. He them down as they had done before. Judah sta-
chose blameless priests devoted to the Law, and tioned a garrison there to guard it. He also for-
they cleansed the Temple and removed the tified Beth-zur to guard it, so that the people
defiled stones to an unclean place. They deli- might have a stronghold that faced Idumea.” (1st
berated what to do about the Altar of Burnt Sac- Mac. 4:1-61)
rifice which had been profaned. And they thought Chapter Five
it best to tear it down so that it would not be a
lasting shame to them that the Gentiles had “When the Gentiles all around heard that the
defiled it. So they tore down the Altar and stored Altar had been rebuilt and the Temple dedi-cated
the stones in a convenient place on the Temple as it was before, they became very angry and they
Mount until a prophet should come to tell what to determined to destroy the descendants of Jacob
do with them. Then they took unhewn stones, as who lived among them. So they began to kill and
the Law directs, and built a new Altar like the destroy among the people. But Judah made war
former one. They also rebuilt the Temple and the on the descendants of Esau in Idumea, at
interior of the Temple and consecrated the courts. Akrabattene because they kept lying in wait for
They made new holy vessels and brought the Israel. He dealt them a heavy blow and humbled
Lampstand, the Altar of Incense and the Table them and despoiled them. He also remembered
into the Temple. Then they offered incense on the the wickedness of the sons of Baean, who were a
Altar and lit the lamps on the Lampstand and trap and a snare to the people and ambushed them
these gave light in the Temple. They placed the on the highways. They were shut up by him in
Bread on the Table and hung up the curtains. their towers. So he encamped against them,
vowed their complete destruction and burned
with fire their towers and all who were in them. Gilead.
Then he crossed over to attack the Ammonites, So Simon went to Galilee and fought many
where he found a strong band and many people, battles against the Gentiles and the Gentiles were
with Timothy as their leader. He engaged in crushed before him. He pursued them to the gate
many battles with them and they were crushed of Ptolemais. As many as three thousand of the
before him and he struck them down. He also Gentiles fell and he despoiled them. Then he took
took Jazer and its villages and then he returned to the Jews of Galilee and Arbatta, with their wives
Judah. and children and all they possessed, and led them
Now the Gentiles in Gilead gathered together to Judah with great rejoicing.
against the Israelis who lived in their territory and Judah Maccabee and his brother Jonathan crossed
planned to destroy them. But they fled to the the Jordan and made three days’ journey into the
stronghold of Dathema and sent to Judah and his wilderness. They encountered the Nabateans,
brothers a letter that said, who met them peaceably and told them all that
“The Gentiles around us have gathered had happened to their kindred in Gilead:
together to destroy us. They are prepar- “Many of them have been shut up in
ing to come and capture the stronghold Bozrah and Bosor, in Alema and Chas-
to which we have fled and Timothy is pho, Maked and Carnaim”—all these
leading their forces. Now then, come towns were strong and large, “and some
and rescue us from their hands for have been shut up in the other towns of
many of us have fallen, and all our Gilead. The enemy is getting ready to
kindred who were in the land of Tob attack the strongholds tomorrow and
have been killed. The enemy have cap- capture and destroy all these people in a
tured their wives, children and goods, single day.”
and have destroyed about a thousand
people there.” Then Judah and his army quickly turned back by
the wilderness road to Bozrah and he took the
While the letter was still being read, other town and killed every male by the edge of the
messengers with their garments torn, came from sword. Then he seized all its spoils and burned it
Galilee and made a similar report. They said that with fire. He left the place at night and they went
the people of Ptolemais, Tyre, Sidon and all all the way to the stronghold of Dathema. At
Galilee of the Gentiles had gathered together dawn they looked out and saw a large company
against them “to annihilate us.” When Judah and which could not be counted, carrying ladders and
the people heard these messages a great assembly engines of war to capture the stronghold, and
was called to determine what they should do for attacking the Jews within. So Judah saw that the
their kindred who were in distress and were being battle had begun and that the cry of the town
attacked by enemies. Then Judah said to his went up to Heaven, with trumpets and loud
brother Simon, shouts and he said to the men of his forces,
“Choose your men and go and rescue “Fight today for your brethren!” Then he came up
your kindred in Galilee. Jonathan my behind them in three companies, who sounded
brother and I will go to Gilead.” their trumpets and cried aloud in prayer. And
But he left Joseph, son of Zechariah, and when the army of Timothy realized that it was
Azariah, a leader of the people, with the rest of Maccabee, they fled before him, and he dealt
the forces in Judah to guard it. And he gave them them a heavy blow. As many as eight thousand of
this command, them fell that day.

“Take charge of this people, but do not Next he turned aside to Maapha and fought
engage in battle with the Gentiles until against it and took it. And he killed every male in
we return.” it, plundered it, and burned it with fire. From
there he marched on and took Chaspho, Maked,
Then three thousand men were assigned to Simon and Bosor and the other towns of Gilead.
to go to Galilee, and eight thousand to Judah for
After these things Timothy gathered another
army and encamped opposite Raphon on the of the forces encamped and he fought against the
other side of the stream. Judah sent men to spy town all that day and all the night, and the town
out the camp and they reported to him, was delivered into his hands. He destroyed every
“All the Gentiles around us have gath- male by the edge of the sword, and razed and
ered to him. It’s a very large force. plundered the town. Then he passed through the
They also have hired Arabs to help town over the bodies of the dead.
them and they are encamped across the Then they crossed the Jordan into the large plain
stream, ready to come and fight against before Beth-shan. Judah kept rallying the lag-
you.” gards and encouraging the people all the way
And Judah went to meet them. Now as Judah and until he came to the land of Judah. So they went
his army drew near to the stream of water, up to Mount Zion with joy and gladness and
Timothy said to the officers of his forces, offered burnt sacrifices because they had returned
in safety. Not one of them had fallen.
“If he crosses over to us first, we will
not be able to resist him, for he will Now while Judah and Jonathan were in Gilead
surely defeat us. But if he shows fear and their brother Simon was in Galilee before
and camps on the other side of the riv- Ptolemais, Joseph son of Zechariah, and Azariah,
er, we will cross over to him and defeat the commanders of the forces, heard of their
him.” brave deeds and of the heroic war they had
fought. So they said,
When Judah approached the stream of water, he
stationed the officers of the army at the stream “Let us also make a name for our-
and gave them this command, selves! Let us go and make war on the
Gentiles around us!”
“Permit no one to encamp but make
them all enter the battle.” So they issued orders to the men of the forces that
were with them and marched against Jamnia.
Then he crossed over against them first and the Gorgias and his men came out of the town to
whole army followed him. All the Gentiles were meet them in battle. Then Joseph and Azariah
defeated before him and they threw away their were routed and were pursued to the borders of
arms and fled into the sacred precincts at Car- Judah. As many as two thousand of the people of
naim. But he took the town and burned the sacred Israel fell that day. Thus the people suffered a
precincts with fire, together with all who were in great rout because, thinking to do a brave deed,
them. Thus Carnaim was conquered. They could they did not listen to Judah and his brothers. But
stand before Judah no longer. they did not belong to the family of those men
Then Judah gathered together all the Israelis in through whom deliverance was given to Israel.
Gilead, the small and the great, with their wives The man Judah and his brothers were greatly
and children and goods, a very large company, to honored in all Israel and among all the Gentiles
go to the land of Judah. So they came to Ephron. wherever their name was heard. People gathered
This was a large and very strong town on the to them and praised them.
road, and they could not go around it to the right
or to the left. They had to go through it. But the Then Judah and his brothers went out and fought
people of the town shut them out and blocked up the descendants of Esau in the land to the south.
the gates with stones. He struck Hebron and its villages and tore down
its strongholds and burned its towers on all sides.
Judah sent them this friendly message, Then he marched off to go into the land of the
“Let us pass through your land to get to Philistines and passed through Marisa. On that
our land. No one will do you harm. We day some priests who wished to do a brave deed,
will simply pass by on foot.” fell in battle, for they went out to battle unwisely.
But Judah turned aside to Azotus in the land of
But they refused to open to him. Then Judah
the Philistines. He tore down their altars and the
ordered proclamation to be made to the army that
carved images of their gods he burned with fire.
all should encamp where they were. So the men
He plundered the towns and returned to the land
of Judah.” (1st Mac. 5:1-68) made him ruler over all his kingdom. He gave
Chapter Six him the crown and his robe and the signet so that
he might guide his son Antiochus and bring him
“King Antiochus was going through the upper up to be king. Thus King Antiochus died there in
provinces when he heard that Elymais in Persia the one hundred and forty-ninth year. When
was a city famed for its wealth in silver and gold. Lysias learned that the king was dead, he set up
Its temple was very rich, containing gold shields, Antiochus the king’s son to reign. Lysias had
breastplates and weapons left there by Alexander brought him up from boyhood. He named him
son of Philip, the Macedonian king who first Eupator.
reigned over the Greeks. So he came and tried to
take the city and plunder it but he could not Meanwhile the garrison in the citadel kept
because his plan had become known to the ci- hemming Israel in around the Temple. They were
tizens and they withstood him in battle. So he fled trying in every way to harm them and strengthen
and in great disappointment left there to return to the Gentiles. Judah therefore resolved to destroy
Babylon. them and assembled all the people to besiege
them. They gathered together and be-sieged the
Then someone came to him in Persia and citadel in the one hundred and fiftieth year. And
reported that the armies that had gone into the he built siege towers and other engines of war.
land of Judah had been routed and that Lysias But some of the garrison escaped from the siege
had gone first with a strong force but had turned and some of the ungodly Israelis joined them.
and fled before the Jews and that the Jews had They went to the king and said,
grown strong from the arms, supplies and abun-
dant spoils that they had taken from the armies “How long will you fail to do justice
they had cut down. They had torn down the and to avenge our brethren? We were
abomination that he had erected on the Altar in happy to serve your father, to live by
Jerusalem and that they had surrounded the Sanc- what he said and to follow his com-
tuary with high walls as before and also Beth- mands. For this reason the sons of our
Zur, his town. people besieged the citadel and became
hostile to us. Moreover, they have put
When the king heard this news he was astounded to death as many of us as they have
and badly shaken. He took to his bed and became caught and they have seized our in-
sick from disappointment because things had not heritances.’
turned out for him as he had planned. He lay
there for many days because deep disappointment ‘It’s not against us alone that they have
continually gripped him and he realized that he stretched out their hands. They have
was dying. So he called all his Friends and said to also attacked all the lands on their bor-
them, ders. And see, today they have en-
camped against the citadel in Jerusalem
“Sleep has departed from my eyes and I to take it. They have fortified both the
am downhearted with worry. I said to Temple and Beth-Zur. Unless you
myself, ‘To what distress I have come! quickly prevent them, they will do still
And into what a great flood I now am greater things and you will not be able
plunged! For I was kind and beloved in to stop them.”
my power.’
The king was enraged when he heard this. He
“But now I remember the wrong I did assembled all his Friends, the commanders of his
in Jerusalem. I seized all its vessels of forces and those in authority. Mercenary forces
silver and gold and I sent to destroy the also came to him from other kingdoms and from
inhabitants of Judah without good rea- the islands of the sea. The number of his forces
son. I know that it is because of this was one hundred thousand foot soldiers, twenty
that these misfortunes have come upon thousand horsemen and thirty-two warrior ele-
me. And here I am, perishing of bitter phants. They came through Idumea and en-
disappointment in a strange land.” camped against Beth-Zur, and for many days they
Then he called for Philip, one of his Friends and fought and built engines of war but the Jews
sallied out and burned these with fire and fought usalem against them and the king encamped in
courageously. Judah and at Mount Zion. He made peace with
Then Judah marched away from the citadel and the people of Beth-Zur and they evacuated the
encamped at Beth-Zechariah, opposite the camp town because they had no provisions there to
of the king. Early in the morning the king set out withstand a siege, since it was a sabbatical year
and took his army by a forced march along the for the land. So the king took Beth-zur and sta-
road to Beth-Zechariah, and his troops made tioned a guard there to hold it. Then he encamped
ready for battle and sounded their trumpets. They before the Temple for many days. He set up siege
offered the elephants the juice of grapes and towers, engines of war to throw fire and stones,
mulberries to arouse them for battle. They dis- machines to shoot arrows and catapults. The Jews
tributed the animals among the phalanxes. also made engines of war to match theirs and
fought for many days. But they had no food in
With each elephant they stationed a thousand storage because it was the seventh year. Those
men armed with coats of mail and with brass who had found safety in Judah from the Gentiles
helmets on their heads and five hundred picked had consumed the last of the stores. Only a few
horsemen were assigned to each beast. These men were left in the Temple. The rest scattered to
took their position beforehand wherever the their own homes, for the famine proved too much
animal was; wherever it went, they went with it for them.
and they never left it. On the elephants were
wooden towers, strong and covered. They were Then Lysias heard that Philip, whom King
fastened on each animal by special harness and Antiochus while still living had appointed to
on each were four armed men who fought from bring up his son Antiochus to be king, had
there and also its Indian driver. The rest of the returned from Persia and Media with the forces
cavalry were stationed on either side, on the two that had gone with the king and that he was trying
flanks of the army to harass the enemy while to seize control of the government. So he quickly
being themselves protected by the phalanxes. gave orders to withdraw and said to the king, to
When the sun shone on the shields of gold and the commanders of the forces and to the troops,
brass, the hills were ablaze with them and “Daily we grow weaker, our food sup-
gleamed like flaming torches. ply is scant, the place against which we
Now a part of the king’s army was spread out on are fighting is strong and the affairs of
the high hills and some troops were on the plain, the kingdom press urgently on us. Now
and they advanced steadily and in good order. All then let us come to terms with these
who heard the noise made by their multitude, by people and make peace with them and
the marching of the multitude and the clanking of with all their nation. Let us agree to let
their arms, trembled, for the army was very large them live by their laws as they did be-
and strong. But Judas and his army advanced to fore; for it was on account of their laws
the battle and six hundred of the king’s army fell. that we abolished that they became an-
Now Eleazar, called Avaran, saw that one of the gry and did all these things.”
animals was equipped with royal armor. It was The speech pleased the king and the com-
taller than all the others and he supposed that the manders and he sent to the Jews an offer of peace
king was on it. So he gave his life to save his and they accepted it. So the king and the com-
people and to win for himself an everlasting manders gave them their oath. On these con-
name. He courageously ran into the midst of the ditions the Jews evacuated the stronghold. But
phalanx to reach it. He killed men right and left when the king entered Mount Zion and saw what
and they parted before him on both sides. He got a strong fortress the place was, he broke the oath
under the elephant, stabbed it from beneath and he had sworn and gave orders to tear down the
killed it but it fell to the ground upon him and he wall all around. Then he set off in haste and
died. When the Jews saw the royal might and the returned to Antioch. He found Philip in control of
fierce attack of the forces, they turned away in the city but he fought against him, and took the
flight. city by force.” (1st Mac. 6:1-63)
The soldiers of the king’s army went up to Jer-
Chapter Seven their blood they poured out all around
“In the one hundred and fifty-first year Demetrius Jerusalem and there was no one to bury
son of Seleucus set out from Rome, sailed with a them.”
few men to a town by the sea and there began to Then the fear and dread of them fell on all the
reign. As he was entering the royal palace of his people, for they said,
ancestors the army seized Antiochus and Lysias “There is no truth or justice in them, for
to bring them to him. But when this act became they have violated the agreement and
known to him, he said, “Do not let me see their the oath that they swore.”
faces!” So the army killed them and Demetrius
took his seat on the throne of his kingdom. Then Bacchides withdrew from Jerusalem and
encamped in Beth-Zaith. And he sent and seized
Then there came to him all the renegades and many of the men who had deserted to him, and
godless men of Israel. They were led by Alcimus some of the people and killed them and threw
who wanted to be High Priest. They brought to them into a great pit. He placed Alcimus in
the king this accusation against the people: charge of the country and left with him a force to
“Judah and his brothers have destroyed help him. Then Bacchides went back to the king.
all your Friends and have driven us out Alcimus struggled to maintain his high priest-
of our land. Now then send a man hood and all who were troubling their people
whom you trust. Let him go and see all joined him. They gained control of the land of
the ruin that Judah has brought on us Judah and did great damage in Israel. And Judah
and on the land of the king and let him saw all the wrongs that Alcimus and those with
punish them and all who help them.” him had done among the Israelis. It was more
So the king chose Bacchides, one of the king’s than the Gentiles had done. So Judah went out
Friends, governor of the province beyond the into all the surrounding parts of Judah, taking
Euphrates River. He was a great man in the vengeance on those who had deserted and pre-
kingdom and was faithful to the king. He sent venting those in the city from going out into the
him and with him he sent the ungodly Alcimus country. When Alcimus saw that Judah and those
whom he made high priest and he commanded with him had grown strong, and realized that he
him to take vengeance on the Israelis. So they could not withstand them, he returned to the king
marched away and came with a large force into and brought malicious charges against them.
the land of Judah and he sent messengers to Then the king sent Nicanor, one of his honored
Judah and his brothers with peaceable but princes who hated and detested Israel, and he
treacherous words. But they paid no attention to commanded him to destroy the people. So Ni-
their words, for they saw that they had come with canor came to Jerusalem with a large force and
a large force. treacherously sent to Judah and his brothers this
Then a group of scribes appeared in a body peaceable message,
before Alcimus and Bacchides to ask for just “Let there be no fighting between you
terms. The Hasideans were first among the and me. I shall come with a few men to
Israelis to seek peace from them for they said, see you face to face in peace.”
“A priest of the line of Aaron has come So he came to Judah and they greeted one an-
with the army, and he will not harm other peaceably but the enemy were preparing to
us.” kidnap Judah. It became known to Judah that
Alcimus spoke peaceable words to them and Nicanor had come to him with treacherous intent,
swore this oath to them, “We will not seek to and he was afraid of him and would not meet him
injure you or your friends.” So they trusted him again. When Nicanor learned that his plan had
but he seized sixty of them and killed them in one been disclosed he went out to meet Judah in
day, in accordance with the word that was battle near Caphar-Salama. About five hundred of
written, the army of Nicanor fell and the rest fled into the
“The flesh of your faithful ones and city of David.

After these events Nicanor went up to Mount displayed them just outside Jerusalem. The peo-
Zion. Some of the priests from the Temple and ple rejoiced greatly and celebrated that day as a
some of the Elders of the people came out to day of great gladness. They decreed that this day
greet him peaceably and to show him the burnt should be celebrated each year on the thirteenth
offering that was being offered for the king. But day of Adar. So the land of Judah had rest for a
he mocked them and derided them and defiled few days.” (1st Mac. 7:1-50)
them and spoke arrogantly, and in anger he swore Chapter Eight
this oath,
“Now Judah heard of the fame of the Romans,
“Unless Judah and his army are deliv- that they were very strong and were well-
ered into my hands this time, then if I disposed toward all who made an alliance with
return safely I will burn up this House.” them, pledging friendship to those who came to
And he went out in great anger. At this the priests them. He had been told of their wars and of the
went in and stood before the Altar and the Tem- brave deeds that they were doing among the
ple. They wept and said, Gauls, how they had defeated them and forced
“You chose this House to be called by them to pay tribute and what they had done in the
Your Name, and to be for Your people land of Spain to get control of the silver and gold
a House of Prayer and supplication. mines there and how they had gained control of
Take vengeance on this man and on his the whole region by their planning and patience,
army and let them fall by the sword! even though the place was far distant from them.
Remember their blasphemies and let They also subdued the kings who came against
them live no longer!” them from the ends of the Earth, until they
crushed them and inflicted great disaster on them.
Now Nicanor went out from Jerusalem and en- The rest paid them tribute every year.
camped in Beth-Horon, and the Syrian army
joined him. Judah encamped in Adasa with three They had crushed in battle and conquered Philip,
thousand men. Then Judah prayed and said, and King Perseus of the Macedonians, and others
who rose up against them. They also defeated
“When the messengers from the king Antiochus the Great, King of Asia, who went to
spoke blasphemy, Your angel went out fight against them with one hundred and twenty
and struck down one hundred and elephants and with cavalry and chariots and a
eighty-five thousand of the Assyrians. very large army. He was crushed by them. They
So also crush this army before us to- took him alive and decreed that he and those who
day! Let the rest learn that Nicanor has would reign after him, should pay a heavy tribute
spoken wickedly against the Temple, and give hostages and surrender some of their
and judge him according to this wick- best provinces, the countries of India, Media and
edness.” Lydia. These they took from him and gave to
So the armies met in battle on the thirteenth day King Eumenes. The Greeks planned to come and
of the month of Adar. The army of Nicanor was destroy them but this became known to them, and
crushed and he himself was the first to fall in the they sent a general against the Greeks and
battle. When his army saw that Nicanor had attacked them. Many of them were wounded and
fallen they threw down their arms and fled. The fell and the Romans took captive their wives and
Jews pursued them a day’s journey, from Adasa children. They plundered them, conquered the
as far as Gazara, and as they followed they kept land, tore down their strongholds and enslaved
sounding the battle call on the trumpets. People them to this day.
came out of all the surrounding villages of Judah The remaining kingdoms and islands, as many as
and they outflanked the enemy and drove them ever opposed them, they destroyed and enslaved
back to their pursuers so that they all fell by the but with their friends and those who rely on them
sword. Not even one of them was left! Then the they have kept friendship. They have subdued
Jews seized the spoils and the plunder. They cut kings far and near and as many as have heard of
off Nicanor’s head and the right hand that he had their fame have feared them. Those whom they
so arrogantly stretched out and brought them and wish to help and to make kings, they make kings,
and those whom they wish, they depose. And out deceit. Thus on these terms the Ro-
they have been greatly exalted. Yet for all this not mans make a treaty with the Jewish
one of them has put on a crown or worn purple as people. If after these terms are in effect
a mark of pride but they have built for themselves both parties shall determine to add or
a senate chamber and every day three hundred delete anything, they shall do so at their
and twenty senators constantly deliberate con- discretion and any addition or deletion
cerning the people, to govern them well. They that they may make shall be valid.”
trust one man each year to rule over them and to “Concerning the wrongs that King
control all their land. They all heed the one man Demetrius is doing to them, we have
and there is no envy or jealousy among them. written to him as follows,’
So Judah chose Eupolemus, son of John, son of ‘Why have you made your yoke heavy
Accos, and Jason, son of Eleazar and sent them to on our friends and allies the Jews? If
Rome to establish friendship and alliance and to now they appeal again for help against
free themselves from the yoke. For they saw that you, we will defend their rights and
the kingdom of the Greeks was enslaving Israel fight you on sea and on land.’’’ (1st
completely. They went to Rome, a very long Mac. 8:1-32)
journey, and they entered the senate cham-ber
and spoke as follows: Chapter Nine
“Judah, who is also called Maccabee, “When Demetrius heard that Nicanor and his
and his brothers and the people of the army had fallen in battle, he sent Bacchides and
Jews have sent us to you to establish Alcimus into the land of Judah a second time and
alliance and peace with you, so that we with them the right wing of the army. They went
may be enrolled as your allies and by the road that leads to Gilgal and encamped
friends.” against Mesaloth in Arbela and they took it and
killed many people. In the first month of the one
The proposal pleased them and this is a copy of hundred and fifty-second year they encamped
the letter that they wrote in reply, on bronze against Jerusalem. Then they marched off and
tablets and sent to Jerusalem to remain with them went to Berea with twenty thousand foot soldiers
there as a memorial of peace and alliance: and two thousand cavalry.
“May all go well with the Romans and Now Judah was encamped in Elasa and with him
with the nation of the Jews at sea and were three thousand picked men. When they saw
on land forever and may sword and en- the huge number of the enemy forces they were
emy be far from them. If war comes greatly frightened and many slipped away from
first to Rome or to any of their allies in the camp, until no more than eight hundred of
all their dominion, the nation of the them were left.
Jews shall act as their allies wholeheart-
edly, as the occasion may indicate to When Judah saw that his army had slipped away
them. To the enemy that makes war and the battle was imminent, he was crushed in
they shall not give or supply grain, spirit for he had no time to assemble them. He
arms, money or ships, just as Rome has became faint but he said to those who were left,
decided. And they shall keep their “Let us get up and go against our ene-
obligations without receiving any re- mies. We may have the strength to fight
turn. In the same way, if war comes them.”
first to the nation of the Jews, the Ro-
But they tried to dissuade him, saying,
mans shall willingly act as their allies,
as the occasion may indicate to them. “We do not have the strength. Let us
rather save our own lives now and let
And to their enemies there shall not be
us come back with our kindred and
given grain, arms, money or ships, just
fight them. We are too few.”
as Rome has decided. And they shall
keep these obligations and do so with- But Judah said,

“Far be it from us to do such a thing as “Since the death of your brother Judah
to flee from them. If our time has come, there has been no one like him to go
let us die bravely for our kindred and against our enemies and Bacchides and
leave no cause to question our honor.” to deal with those of our nation who
Then the army of Bacchides marched out from hate us. Now therefore we have chosen
the camp and took its stand for the encounter. you today to take his place as our ruler
The cavalry was divided into two companies and and leader, to fight our battle.”
the slingers and the archers went ahead of the So Jonathan accepted the leadership at that time
army as did all the chief warriors. Bacchides was in place of his brother Judah.
on the right wing. Flanked by the two companies, When Bacchides learned of this he tried to kill
the phalanx advanced to the sound of the trum- him. But Jonathan and his brother Simon and all
pets. And the men with Judah also blew their who were with him heard of it and they fled into
trumpets. The Earth shook from the noise of the the wilderness of Tekoa and camped by the water
armies and the battle raged from morning until of the pool of Asphar. Bacchides found this out
evening. on the Sabbath day and he with all his army cros-
Judah saw that Bacchides and the strength of his sed the Jordan.
army were on the right. Then all the stouthearted So Jonathan sent his brother as leader of the
men went with him and they crushed the right multitude and begged the Nabateans who were
wing, and he pursued them as far as Mount his friends for permission to store with them the
Azotus. When those on the left wing saw that the great amount of baggage that they had. But the
right wing was crushed, they turned and followed family of Jambri from Medeba came out and
close behind Judah and his men. The battle seized John and all that he had and left with it.
became desperate and many on both sides were
wounded and fell. Judah also fell and the rest After these things it was reported to Jonathan and
fled. his brother Simon,
Then Jonathan and Simon took their brother “The family of Jambri are celebrating a
Judah and buried him in the tomb of their Fathers great wedding, and are conducting the
at Modein and wept for him. All Israel made bride, a daughter of one of the great no-
great lamentation for him. They mourned many bles of Canaan, from Nadabath with a
days and said, large escort.”
“How the mighty have fallen! The sav- Remembering how their brother John had been
ior of Israel!” killed they went up and hid under cover of the
mountain. They looked out and saw a tumultuous
Now the rest of the acts of Judah and his wars procession with a great amount of baggage. And
and the brave deeds that he did and his greatness the bridegroom came out with his friends and his
have not been recorded but they were very many. brothers to meet them with tambourines and
After the death of Judah the renegades emerged musicians and many weapons. Then they rushed
in all parts of Israel. All the wrongdoers reap- on them from the ambush and began killing them.
peared. In those days a very great famine oc- Many were wounded and fell and the rest fled to
curred and the country went over to their side. the mountain and the Jews took all their goods.
Bacchides chose the godless and put them in So the wedding was turned into mourning and the
charge of the country. They made inquiry and voice of their musicians into a funeral dirge.
searched for the friends of Judah, and brought After they had fully avenged the blood of their
them to Bacchides who took vengeance on them brother they returned to the marshes of the
and made sport of them. So there was great Jordan.
distress in Israel, such as had not been since the When Bacchides heard of this he came with a
time that prophets ceased to appear among them. large force on the Sabbath day to the banks of the
Then all the friends of Judah assembled and said Jordan. And Jonathan said to those with him,
to Jonathan, “Let us get up now and fight for our
lives for today things are not as they and killed them.
were before. Look! The battle is in Then Jonathan with his men and Simon withdrew
front of us and behind us. The water of to Beth Basi in the wilderness. He rebuilt the
the Jordan is on this side and on that parts of it that had been demolished and they
with marsh and thicket. There is no fortified it. When Bacchides learned of this he
place to turn. Cry out now to Heaven assembled all his forces and sent orders to the
that you may be delivered from the men of Judah. Then he came and encamped
hands of our enemies.” against Beth Basi. He fought against it for many
So the battle began and Jonathan stretched out his days and made machines of war.
hand to strike Bacchides but he eluded him and But Jonathan left his brother Simon in the town
went to the rear. Then Jonathan and the men with while he went out into the country. But he went
him leaped into the Jordan and swam across to with only a few men. He struck down Odomera
the other side and the enemy didn’t cross the and his kindred and the people of Phasiron in
Jordan to attack them. And about one thousand of their tents. Then he began to attack and went into
Bacchides’ men fell that day. battle with his forces. And Simon and his men
Then Bacchides returned to Jerusalem and built sallied out from the town and set fire to the
strong cities in Judah: the fortress in Jericho, and machines of war. They fought with Bacchides
Emmaus, Beth-Horon, Bethel, Timnath, Phara- and he was crushed by them. They pressed him
thon and Tephon with high walls, gates and bars. very hard, for his plan and his expedition had
And he placed garrisons in them to harass Israel. been in vain. So he was very angry at the
He also fortified the towns of Beth-Zur, Gazara renegades who had counseled him to come into
and the citadel and in them he put troops and the country and he killed many of them. Then he
stores of food. And he took the sons of the decided to go back to his own land.
leading men of the land as hostages and put them When Jonathan learned of this he sent ambassa-
under guard in the citadel at Jerusalem. dors to him to make peace with him and obtain
In the one hundred and fifty-third year, in the release of the captives. He agreed, and did as he
second month, Alcimus gave orders to tear down said. And he swore to Jonathan that he would not
the wall of the inner court of the Temple. He tore try to harm him as long as he lived. He restored
down the work of the Prophets! But he only to him the captives whom he had taken pre-
began to tear it down, for at that time Alcimus viously from the land of Judah and then he turned
was stricken and his work was hindered. His and went back to his own land and did not come
mouth was stopped and he was paralyzed, so that again into their territory. Thus the sword ceased
he could no longer say a word or give commands from Israel. Jonathan settled in Michmash and
concerning his house. And Alcimus died at that began to judge the people and he destroyed the
time in great agony. When Bacchides saw that godless out of Israel.” (1st Mac. 9:1-73)
Alcimus was dead, he returned to the king and Chapter Ten
the land of Judah had rest for two years.
“In the one hundred and sixtieth year, Alexander
Then all the lawless plotted and said, Epiphanes, son of Antiochus, landed and oc-
“See! Jonathan and his men are living cupied Ptolemais. They welcomed him and there
in quiet and confidence. So now let us he began to reign. When King Demetrius heard
bring Bacchides back and he will cap- of it, he assembled a very large army and
ture them all in one night.” marched out to meet him in battle. Demetrius
And they went and consulted with him. He sent Jonathan a letter in peaceable words to honor
started to come with a large force and secretly him, for he said to himself,
sent letters to all his allies in Judah, telling them “Let us act first to make peace with him
to seize Jonathan and his men but they were before he makes peace with Alexander
unable to do it because their plan became known. against us, for he will remember all the
And Jonathan’s men seized about fifty of the men wrongs that we did to him and to his
of the country who were leaders in this treachery brothers and his nation.”
So Demetrius gave him authority to recruit abundance. When Demetrius heard of
troops, to equip them with arms and to become these things he was distressed and said,
his ally. And he commanded that the hostages in ‘What is this that we have done? Alex-
the citadel should be released to him. ander has gotten ahead of us in forming
Then Jonathan came to Jerusalem and read the a friendship with the Jews to strengthen
letter in the hearing of all the people and of those himself. I also will write them words of
in the citadel. They were greatly alarmed when encouragement and promise them hon-
they heard that the king had given him authority or and gifts, so that I may have their
to recruit troops. But those in the citadel released help.’
the hostages to Jonathan and he returned them to So he sent a message to them in the following
their parents. words:
And Jonathan took up residence in Jerusalem and ‘King Demetrius to the nation of the
began to rebuild and restore the city. He directed Jews, greetings! Since you have kept
those who were doing the work to build the walls your agreement with us and have con-
and encircle Mount Zion with squared stones for tinued your friendship with us, and
better fortification. And they did so. have not sided with our enemies, we
Then the foreigners who were in the strongholds have heard of it and rejoiced. Now con-
that Bacchides had built fled. All of them left tinue still to keep faith with us, and we
their places and went back to their own lands. will repay you with good for what you
Only in Beth-Zur did some remain who had do for us. We will grant you many im-
forsaken the Law and the Commandments, for it munities and give you gifts.’
served as a place of refuge. ‘I now free you and exempt all the Jews
Now King Alexander heard of all the promises from payment of tribute and salt tax
that Demetrius had sent to Jonathan and he heard and crown levies and instead of collect-
of the battles that Jonathan and his brothers had ing the third of the grain and the half of
fought, of the brave deeds that they had done and the fruit of the trees that I should re-
of the troubles that they had endured. So he said, ceive, I release them from this day and
“Shall we find another such man? henceforth. I will not collect them from
Come now, we will make him our the land of Judah or from the three dis-
friend and ally.” tricts added to it from Samaria and Ga-
lilee, from this day and for all time.
And he wrote a letter and sent it to him, in the Jerusalem and its environs, its tithes
following words: and its revenues, shall be holy and free
‘King Alexander to his brother Jona- from tax.’
than:’ ‘I release also my control of the citadel
‘Greetings! We have heard about you, in Jerusalem and give it to the High
that you are a mighty warrior and wor- Priest, so that he may station in it men
thy to be our friend. And so we have of his own choice to guard it. And
appointed you today to be the High everyone of the Jews taken as a captive
Priest of your nation. You are to be from the land of Judah into any part of
called the King’s Friend and you are to my kingdom, I set free without pay-
take our side and keep friendship with ment. And let all officials cancel also
us.” the taxes on their livestock.’
He also sent him a purple robe and a ‘All the festivals, Sabbaths, new moons
gold crown. So Jonathan put on the sa- and appointed days, and the three days
cred vestments in the seventh month of before a festival and the three after a
the one hundred and sixtieth year, at the festival—let them all be days of immu-
Feast of Tabernacles. And he recruited nity and release for all the Jews who are
troops and equipped them with arms in in my kingdom. No one shall have au-
thority to exact anything from them or the king.’
annoy any of them about any matter.’ When Jonathan and the people heard these words,
‘Let Jews be enrolled in the king’s they did not believe or accept them because they
forces to the number of thirty thousand remembered the great wrongs that Demetrius had
men and let the maintenance be given done in Israel and how much he had oppressed
them that is due to all the forces of the them. They favored Alexander because he had
king. Let some of them be stationed in been the first to speak peaceable words to them
the great strongholds of the king and let and they remained his allies all his days.
some of them be put in positions of Now King Alexander assembled large forces and
trust in the kingdom. Let their officers encamped opposite Demetrius. The two kings
and leaders be of their own number and met in battle and the army of Demetrius fled, and
let them live by their own laws, just as Alexander pursued him and defeated them. He
the king has commanded in the land of pressed the battle strongly until the sun set and on
Judah.’ that day Demetrius fell.
‘As for the three districts that have been Then Alexander sent ambassadors to Ptolemy
added to Judah from the country of King of Egypt with the following message:
Samaria, let them be annexed to Judah
so that they may be considered to be ‘Since I have returned to my kingdom
under one ruler and obey no other au- and have taken my seat on the throne of
thority than the High Priest. Ptolemais my Fathers and established my rule—
and the land adjoining it I have given as for I crushed Demetrius and gained
a gift to the Temple in Jerusalem, to control of our country. I met him in bat-
meet the necessary expenses of the tle and he and his army were crushed
Temple. I also grant fifteen thousand by us and we have taken our seat on the
shekels of silver yearly out of the throne of his kingdom— now therefore
king’s revenues from appropriate let us establish friendship with one
places. And all the additional funds that another. Give me now your daughter as
the government officials have not paid my wife and I will become your son-in-
as they did in the first years, they shall law and will make gifts to you and to
give from now on for the service of the her in keeping with your position.’
Temple.’ Ptolemy the king replied and said,
‘Moreover, the five thousand shekels of ‘Happy was the day on which you re-
silver that my officials have received turned to the land of your Fathers and
every year from the income of the ser- took your seat on the throne of their
vices of the Temple, this too is canceled kingdom. And now I will do for you as
because it belongs to the priests who you wrote but meet me at Ptolemais so
minister there. And all who take refuge that we may see one another and I will
at the Temple in Jerusalem, or in any of become your father-in-law as you have
its precincts, because they owe money said.’
to the king or are in debt, let them be
So Ptolemy set out from Egypt, he and his dau-
released and receive back all their prop-
ghter Cleopatra, and came to Ptolemais in the one
erty in my kingdom.’
hundred and sixty-second year. King Alexander
‘Let the cost of rebuilding and restoring met him and Ptolemy gave him his daughter
the structures of the Temple be paid Cleopatra in marriage and celebrated her wedding
from the revenues of the king. And let at Ptolemais with great pomp as kings do. Then
the cost of rebuilding the walls of Jer- King Alexander wrote to Jonathan to come and
usalem and fortifying it all around, and meet him. So he went with pomp to Ptolemais
the cost of rebuilding the walls in Ju- and met the two kings. He gave them and their
dah, also be paid from the revenues of Friends silver and gold and many gifts, and found
favor with them. A group of mal-contents from
Israel, renegades, gathered together against him Joppa, but the people of the city closed its gates
to accuse him but the king paid no attention to for Apollonius had a garrison in Joppa. So they
them. fought against it and the people of the city be-
The king gave orders to take off Jonathan’s gar- came afraid and opened the gates and Jonathan
ments and to clothe him in purple, and they did gained possession of Joppa.
so. The king also seated him at his side and he When Apollonius heard of it, he mustered three
said to his officers, thousand cavalry and a large army and went to
‘Go out with him into the middle of the Azotus as though he were going farther. At the
city and proclaim that no one is to bring same time he advanced into the plain, for he had
charges against him about any matter, a large troop of cavalry and put confidence in it.
and let no one annoy him for any rea- Jonathan pursued him to Azotus and the armies
son.’ engaged in battle. Now Apollonius had secretly
left a thousand cavalry behind them. Jonathan
When his accusers saw the honor that was paid learned that there was an ambush behind him, for
him in accord with the proclamation and saw him they surrounded his army and shot arrows at his
clothed in purple, they all fled. Thus the king men from early morning until late afternoon. But
honored him and enrolled him among his chief his men stood fast, as Jonathan had commanded,
Friends, and made him general and governor of and the enemy’s horses grew tired.
the province. And Jonathan returned to Jerusalem
in peace and gladness. Then Simon brought forward his force and
engaged the phalanx in battle (for the cavalry was
In the one hundred and sixty-fifth year, Deme- exhausted); they were overwhelmed by him and
trius son of Demetrius came from Crete to the fled and the cavalry was dispersed in the plain.
land of his Fathers. When King Alexander heard They fled to Azotus and entered Beth-Dagon, the
of it, he was greatly distressed and returned to temple of their idol, for safety. But Jonathan
Antioch. And Demetrius appointed Apollonius burned Azotus and the surrounding towns and
the gov-ernor of Coelesyria, and he assembled a plundered them. And the temple of Dagon, and
large force and encamped against Jamnia. Then those who had taken refuge in it, he burned with
he sent the following message to the High Priest fire. The number of those who fell by the sword,
Jonathan: with those burned alive, came to eight thousand.
‘You are the only one to rise up against Then Jonathan left there and encamped against
us and I have fallen into ridicule and Askalon and the people of the city came out to
disgrace because of you. Why do you meet him with great pomp.
assume authority against us in the hill
country? If you now have confidence in He and those with him then returned to Jerusalem
your forces, come down to the plain to with a large amount of booty. When King
meet us and let us match strength with Alexander heard of these things, he honored
each other there, for I have with me the Jonathan still more. He sent to him a gold buckle,
power of the cities. Ask and learn who I such as it is the custom to give to the King’s
am and who the others are that are help- Kinsmen. He also gave him Ekron and all its
ing us. People will tell you that you environs as his possession.” (1st Mac. 10:1-89)
cannot stand before us, for your Fathers
were twice put to flight in their own
land. And now you will not be able to
withstand my cavalry and such an army
in the plain, where there is no stone or
pebble or place to flee.’
When Jonathan heard the words of Apollonius,
his spirit was aroused. He chose ten thousand
men and set out from Jerusalem and his brother
Simon met him to help him. He encamped before

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