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R2D2 Beanie

created by

The Nerdy Hooker

All parts crocheted using a G hook unless explicitly stated otherwise

Main Hat
In grey (indicated by black text) and blue (indicated by blue text):
R1: sc 8 in Magic Circle
R2: *[2sc in st]* x8 (16)
R3: *[2sc in st, sc 1]* x8 (24)
R4: *[2sc in st, sc 2]* x8 (32) + 1 sc
finish off blue, attach grey1
R5 (starting in last blue st of R4): *[2sc in st, sc 3]* x8 (40)
R6: sc around (40) + 1 sc
Finish off grey, attach blue1
R7 (starting in last grey st of R6): [2sc in st, sc 4], [2sc in st], [sc 4, 2sc in st], [sc 2], [sc 2, 2sc in st, sc 2], [sc 2], [2sc in st,
sc 4], [2sc in st], [sc 4, 2sc in st], [sc 2], [sc 2, 2sc in st, sc 2], [sc 2]2 (48)
R8: *([sc 6], [sc 2])* x5 (48)
R9: [2sc in st, sc 5], [2sc in st, sc 1], [sc 4, 2sc in st, sc 1], [sc 2], [sc 2, 2sc in st, sc 3], [sc 2], [2sc in st, sc 5], [2sc in st, sc 1],
[sc 4, 2sc in st, sc 1], [sc 2], [sc 2, 2sc in st, sc 3], [sc 2] (56)
R10: *([sc 7], [sc 3], [sc 7], [sc 2], [sc 7], [sc 2])* x2 (56)
R11: [2sc in st, sc 6], [2sc in st, sc 2], [sc 4, 2sc in st, sc 2], [sc 2], [sc 2, 2sc in st, sc 4], [sc 2], [2sc in st, sc 6], [2sc in st, sc
2], [sc 4, 2sc in st, sc 2], [sc 2], [sc 2, 2sc in st, sc 4], [sc 2] (64)
R12: sc around (64)
R13: *(2sc in st, sc 7)* x8 (72)
R14: sc around (72)
R15: *(2sc in st, sc 8)* x8 (80)
R16: [sc 35], [sc 12], [sc 33]2 (80)
R17: [*(2sc in st, sc 9)* x3, 2sc in st, sc 4], [sc 5, 2sc in st, sc 6], [sc 3, *(2sc in st, sc 9)* x3] (88)
R18: [sc 39], [sc 13], [sc 36] (88)
R19: [*(2sc in st, sc 10)* x3, 2sc in st, sc 5], [sc 5, 2sc in st, sc 7], [sc 3, *(2sc in st, sc 10)* x3] (96)
R20-25: [sc 43], [sc 14], [sc 39] (96)
R26-27: sc around (96)
R28-32: [sc 3], [sc 16], [sc 3], [sc 4], [sc 3], [sc 4], [sc 3], [sc 4], [sc 3], [sc 3], [sc 2], [sc 10], [sc 10], [sc 7], [sc 3], [sc 12], [sc
6] (96)
R33: sc around (96)
R34: sc around + 6 sc (96)
Finish off grey, attach blue1
R35 (starting in last grey st of R34): sc around (96)
R36: sc around (96)
R37: sc around (96)
1 Joining method I used is detailed here: After I
pulled up the initial loop in the stitch from the knotted yarn, I started the sc in the same stitch since the loop pulled up
isn’t a full sc. I think this method helps the concentric rows look smoother and less broken up.
2 From these points on, as long as the pattern calls for both blue and grey blocks of color in a row, the colors for all other
rows following the first should be the same as the stitch you are crocheting in. If you know how basic circles/hats are
usually formed it is following that pattern, I’ve just written it out with the color changes so it’s hopefully less confusing.
Also, at these points I sc over the color I wasn’t using and didn’t actually break the yarn so I didn’t have a lot of loose
ends inside the hat.

Projector If you look closely, the

In grey centered in grey portion indicated on hat: crochet stitches do not
R1: sc around posts indicated in picture to form a form (12)
circle a perfect grid.
R2-R4: sc around3 (12) Instead, they fit in slightly
skewed to the rows above
Projector Cap and below like in this grid
In black:
R1: sc 6 in Magic Circle (6)
R2: *(2sc in each st)*x6 (12)
Finish off, sew or slip stitch onto projector (stitch one st of cap
to one st of projector—each has 12 sts). The cap is larger than
the projector, so make sure the extra pushes inside.

In black: Spaces between
R1: sc 8 in Magic Circle posts are
R2: *(2sc in each st)* x8 (16) marked by the
R3: *(2sc in st, sc 1)* x8 (24) black boxes. It’s
R4: *(2sc in st, sc 2)* x8 (32)
hard to see the
Finish off, sew onto largest blue block
skewing in this
Mini Black Circle picture though.
In black, using F hook:
R1: sc 8 in Magic Circle (8)
Finish off, sew onto right side of largest blue block directly under the one with the screen

Red Circle
In red, using F hook:
R1: sc 6 in Magic Circle (6) Screen
Finish off, sew onto left side of largest blue block
directly under the one with the screen Mini Black
3 If the directions are too hard to follow, just ch 12,
join, sc around 4 times, finish off, and sew onto the
hat. I like crocheting it directly on because I think it
makes it more sturdy and it also works up quicker

with cap

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