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PSB Seminar 2010

The Challenges of Public Service Broadcasting

November 8 to November 9, 2010

Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy in collaboration with

Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS)

PSB Seminar 2010

Table of Contents Page

1.Background 3
2.Aims 3
3.Impact/Results 4
4.Lessons Learned 5
5.Recommendations 5

Annexe I
Programme details 8
Annexe II
Evaluation 9
Annexe III
Comments by the participants 15
Annexe IV
List of Participants 20

PSB Seminar 2010

The challenges of public service broadcasting

Nov 8-9, 2010, Thimphu, Bhutan

The media industry is undergoing a major change spurred by developments in media and
technology. The rapid commercialisation of media, de-regulation, and the ever increasing
volume of media content is changing the way people view and consume media. This
brings to question the role of public service broadcasting in an era of specialized
programming, niche audiences, and unlimited content.

Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy (BCMD) in collaboration with Bhutan
Broadcasting Service (BBS) hosted a two-day seminar starting to discuss the nature and
role of public service broadcasting in an increasingly commercialised industry.


 Sensitise participants on the need for and importance of public service

 Garnering the support of people on public service media at a time when we need
it most – to serve the needs of the citizens of an evolving democracy.
 Recommend how Bhutan can nurture a public service broadcasting model that
complements the development journey towards gross national happiness.

The seminar discussed:

 The role or present status of BBS as a public service broadcaster.

 Striking a balance between commercialisation and meaningful programming in a
PBS that serves it audiences as citizens rather than consumers.
 Programming for diversity.
 Creating public service oriented content for a Bhutanese audience, especially for
children and youth.
 Legal frameworks for a public service broadcaster.
 The experience of PSBs in other countries.
 The importance of public service broadcasting in today’s changing media

PSB Seminar 2010

The speakers for the seminar were:

 Joe Carlos, CEO, Global Media Centre for Development, an initiative of the Asia
Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development.
Presentation on: Why Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) matters – the future of
 Gerda Meuer, Managing Director of DW Akademie.
Presentation on: The role of PSB and its shape in Germany.
 Thepchai Yong, Managing Director of the Thai Public Broadcasting Service.
Presentation on: PSB – a necessity for developing countries. Thailand’s Public
Broadcast Service model.
 Dr. Venkat Iyer, barrister and academic, University of Ulster.
Presentation on: Legal and Regulatory Aspects of PSB.

The participants present included:

 Editors, Journalist and media professionals from print, radio and television media.
 Members of the National Council of Bhutan.
 Members of the National Assembly of Bhutan.
 Government officials from various sectors and ministries.
 Members of civil society and private sector.

Total Number of participants: 78 (23 Females and 55 males)


 Greater understanding about the concept of Public Service Broadcasting (PSB)

and the need for PSB in an evolving society.
 Discussed about the role of BBS as a Public Service Broadcaster in Bhutan
adding clarity to its current status.
 Made recommendations to BBS for enhancing its programmes, editorial
independence and to strengthen its management.
 Participants learnt how PSB functions in different countries and identified
applicable ideas for PSBs in Bhutan.
 Strengthened understanding of why PSBs should be independent of the
government and commercial interests.
 Participants were educated on the legal and regulatory framework of a PSB.
 Recommendations were made by the speakers and participants to develop a PSB
model for BBS and to ensure public obligations for all media in Bhutan.

PSB Seminar 2010

Lessons Learned

 Participants felt that such a seminar, the first to the held in Bhutan, was much
needed as it added clarity to the role of media in Bhutan.
 Increase the length of the session on legal and regulatory framework.
 Should give more time for Q & A sessions.
 Role of PSB in promoting GNH should also be included in future seminars.

Publications available on PSB are on BCMD’s website,

Recommendations from the seminar

These recommendations include suggestions for the national broadcaster, the Bhutan
Broadcasting Service, as well as for all broadcasters and media at large.

They recognize that Public Service Broadcasting is a vital component of a GNH society
for Bhutan, and the need for public service obligations to be integrated into existing
policy and planning, and in media development.

A. Legal Structure/Framework
 The BICMA Act needs to be amended to incorporate a chapter on PSB. This will
enable PSB obligations to be applied to all broadcasters present and future.
Details of those obligations will be spelled out in individual broadcasting licenses.
The amendment may also consider public service responsibility for all media.
 Consider enacting a new Act to provide legal basis for BBS. This will take into
account the existing Royal Decree, the Company’s Act and any necessary
revisions thereof. Revisions need to take into consideration the inherent conflicts
of BBS being governed by the Company’s Act and the social mandate of PSB.
 Set up an independent Media Council to promote professionalism and to resolve
media disputes.

PSB Seminar 2010

B. Management:

Governance Board:
 Should have wide representation from all sections of society
 Nominations can be made by an appointing committee equivalent to that for
constitutional appointees or by institutions representing cross-sections of the
 Appointment as per Charter/broadcast legislation
 Members will serve a term of three years, renewable once

Role of the Board:

 Ensuring policy directions
 Ensuring editorial independence
 Ensuring transparency and accountability

Managing Director:
 Open competitive selection

General Manager:
 Open competitive selection and/or Nomination by the Management Committee

Role of Management:
 Day to day management and decisions
 Medium and long-term planning

 Assured funding from the state
 Diversification of products and services
 Review budget and funding procedure
 Advertising compatible with PSB mandates
 Adequate funding for HRD

PSB Seminar 2010

C. Balance, Objectivity and Independence in News

 Recognising Constitutional guarantees for freedom of media, put in place policy
guidelines for editorial independence from internal and external pressures,
including commercial pressures.
 Strengthen, review, and publicize code of ethics so that audiences can help
monitor compliance.
 Ensure nationwide coverage in News.
 Appoint an ombudsman to address complaints from the public.
 Adequate remuneration to attract and retain staff.
 Encourage public interest and participation by introducing more mechanisms for
people to participate.

D. Creating Public Service-oriented content for a Bhutanese audience

 Provide programming that inspires learning.
 Encourage public interest and participation in programming.
 Ensure diversity in programming.
 Provide programming that promotes local culture and traditions.
 Ensure increased programming for children and youth.
 Provide airtime for public notices that promote enlightened citizenry and civic
 Commission independent programmes covering a wide range of topics, to develop
and encourage local producers.
 Conduct content analysis/ research on pertinent issues on a regular basis in order
to judge if programmes conform to the code of ethics.
 Promote education and awareness on PSB values and principles.

PSB Seminar 2010

Annexe I
Programme details
Day 1 Monday, 8 Nov., 2010

Time Activity Presenter

8:45–9:15 Registration
9:15–9:25 Welcome address Aum Sangay Zam, Chairman, BBS Board
of Directors
9:25-9:40 Short film on BBS
9.40–9.45 Overview of the programme Aum Pek-Dorji, Director, BCMD
9:45–10:45 Why Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) matters - the future of PSB Joe Carlos, CEO, Global Media Centre
followed by question and answer for Development, an initiative of the
10:45–11:00 Tea Break
11:00–12:00 The role of Public Service Broadcasting and its shape in Germany Gerda Meuer, Managing Director, DW-
followed by question and answer AKADEMIE
12:00–1:00 PSB – a necessity for developing countries. Thailand’s Public Thepchai Yong, Managing Director, Thai
Broadcast Service model followed by question and answer Public Broadcasting Service
1:00 – 2:30 Lunch
2:30–3:30 Legal & Regulatory Aspects of PSB and followed by questions and Dr. Venkat Iyer, Barrister and Academic.
answers Law School, University of Ulster.
3.30-3.45 Wrap up for the day

Day 2 Tues, Nov. 9th

Time Activity Presenter
9.15-9.20 Welcome – introduction to 2nd day’s programme
9:20–10:20 PSB – challenges. Lessons for Bhutan. Joe Carlos, Gerda Meuer, Thepchai
Panel of 4 speakers (each 10-15 mins) followed by Q&A Yong, Venkat Iyer
10:20-10:30 Tea break
10:30–12:00 Break –out groups to discuss recommendations to build a PSB
model for Bhutan
12:00–1:00 Group presentation and wrap-up Each group to appoint a person to present
their recommendations
1:00 – 2:00 Lunch
2:00 Post lunch: Rapporteurs to edit the recommendations after
discussion, and submit to resource persons.

Group Work Resource person

Group 1: Management, sustainability, and independence Joe Carlos
Group 2: Ensuring balance and objectivity in News in PSB organisations Gerda Meuer
Group 3: Creating public service oriented content for a Bhutanese audience Thepchai Yong
Group 4: Reviewing and setting in place appropriate legislation and regulatory frameworks for a stronger Dr. Venkat Iyer
public service broadcast sector

PSB Seminar 2010

Annexe II

PSB Seminar 2010

PSB Seminar 2010

PSB Seminar 2010

L evel of partic ipation in the

breakout s es s ion dis c us s ion
Number of res pondents



R ated 5 19
R ated 4 13
R ated 3 2
R ated 2 0

PSB Seminar 2010

Top comments of the Seminar on Public Service Broadcasting (PSB).

PSB Seminar 2010

Please refer Annexe III to view complete remarks/comments/feedbacks.

PSB Seminar 2010

Annexe III
Comments by the Participants
Remarks from Day 1’s evaluation.

1. Has the seminar improved your overall understanding of PSB? Is there anything
else about PSB you would like to learn about?
 Understood about the PBS better after the presentation by the resources persons.
 Seminar improved my understanding.
 I would like to learn more on do’s and don’ts
 Yes
 Overall understanding of PSB has increased
 Getting confused as it is difficult to define
 Definitely
 Seminar was very interesting and pertinent
 Have personally come to learn more and understand PSB.
 Understanding for PSB has enhanced
 Enhanced the understanding of the subject
 More case studies will be valuable
 No
 Up to certain extent
 Should have PSB if so why? And if not why?
 Yes I understand PSB more now
 Greatly enhanced
 Would like to learn as to how PSB deals with media literacy
 Should there be monopoly of PSB or should there be more than one player to
create some competition to enhance the quality of media contents?
 Which one would be appropriate for Bhutan?
 More on commercial activities that can be taken up by PSB without
compromising its PSB role
 Would like to learn more about PSB editorial independence program scheduling
under PSB and funding for PSB
 Definitely
 Seminar was useful, educative and informative
 Once again it has reminded us to how to go about with our responsibilities
 Yes pertaining to Bhutanese PSB would be great
 What initiatives are there in Bhutan to establish PSB? i.e political , public
 Who is for or against PSB
 Yes it has improved my overall understanding of PSB
 Know on Bhutanese’s context
 How free is our media
 Was informative
 Though provoking and very timely
 Covered major topics relevant to PSB
 More information on the functioning, set up in various countries
 Great introduction of PSB
PSB Seminar 2010

2. List of topics on which you would like to spend more time

 Stressed more on whether BBS is really PSB
 BBS can be independent but how to go about it from the present status.
 Legal and regulatory aspects of PSB
 Politically independence of PSB
 On alternative funding (license fee, tax…)
 Types of media/model
 Media model for Bhutan
 GNH versus PSB
 Revenue and independence looking at population of Bhutan
 Commercial; market for advertisement
 The legal topic
 No comment
 Regulatory issues including electronic media.
 Case studies
 Guidelines/ Code of conduct
 Broadcasting protocols with regard to covering news – example King, Prime
Minister etc
 Role of public service broadcasting
 Need of PSB
 Funding method of PSB
 Content of PSB
 Sustainability of PSB
 Policies if any to work for PSB
 PSB legislation
 PSB neutrality and public response to PSB services
 Extent of editorial independence
 Management Boards independence
 Independence from the other agencies – institutions religion, business, political
 All topics were covered well
 Programme scheduling
 Public and Public interest under PSB
 More on PSB Thailand
 Sources that funds the broadcasting media and its areas of interference
 Challenges to overcome it.
 Legal Models
 Establishment of PSB in other countries
 Would have been better if speaker would have talked more on practical use of
PSB in Bhutanese context
 PSB role in fostering and strengthening democracy and media literacy
 Details on challenges faced by Bhutanese broadcasting media
 Unbiased and independency of the PSB
 The mentality of the government

PSB Seminar 2010

 Media literacy
 Future of PSB, its relevance with increasing trend of public reporting through
other format
 Legal aspects should be covered more
 Media and democracy
 Information law

Please provide any overall comments/suggestions.

 What should Bhutan derive from the PSBs of Germany, Thailand should be laid
 Possible problems that might come-up and solutions.
 Was an enriching meeting arena.
 The resource persons are knowledgeable, experienced and thorough with their
areas of work.
 Excellent and timely.
 Interesting seminar
 BBS should organise such workshops occasionally so that public, government an
the stakeholders are aware of PSB.
 We would be grateful if you could also provide some of the media guidelines and
references in hardcopy.
 This is a knowledge based as well as attitude based seminar. Overall it is timely
and I appreciate it.
 It is a seminar that is most timely; just a little unfortunate that many
parliamentarians missed it.
 Seminar is good and helpful
 More balance of who’s chosen for questions.
 Please get ruling government NA participation.
 The seminar was overall very knowledgeable and had given us knowledge on
 The seminar was very informative and interesting.
 This seminar was very educative and beneficial. Would like to attend more of
such healthy discussions.
 Very happy to be included. Thank you.
 It will be good to follow up and keep the debate alive and get results required.
 Timely – the workshop is very relevant and timely.
 Well organised.
 Need more participants from parliament, especially the MP’s from the ruling
 Presence of NA members would have made it more meaningful. Unfortunately no
representations despite invitations.
 Some of the responses were great some of them were vague.

PSB Seminar 2010

Remarks from Day 2’s evaluation.

Has the seminar improved your overall understanding of Public Service

Broadcasting? Is there anything else about PSB you would like to learn about?
 Yes, improved my understanding.
 Sustainability of PBS
 Dos and Don’ts of programme
 Case studies around the world
 Would like to learn more about Media Act
 The seminar was informative and learnt a lot on PSB, excellent seminar on PSB
 Greatly improved my overall outlook of PSB
 Management and Operations of PSB would be interesting.
 Would like to know more on sustainability of PSB in the intent of democratic

List of topics which you would have liked to spend more time.
 Management, sustainability and independence.
 Funding status of BBS on PSB
 Detailed discussions on actual standing of BBS
 Content of programmes
 Management, sustainability and independence.
 Management, sustainability and independence.
 Content analysis
 Relevance of PBS
 PSB vs GNH – How can PSB support GNH
 Content and electronic media
 Future of PSBs
 Legal Section and Management
 Analyse/study content of existing station that functions with PSB mandate
 Creating public service oriented content for a Bhutanese audience.
 Sustainability and Funding model. Editorial independence
 Legislation
 Legal and regulatory aspects of PSB
 Editorial independence and legal framework revision.
 Q and A

PSB Seminar 2010

Please provide any overall comments/suggestions.

 Useful
 BBSC should be a PSB funded by other means not by Government.
 Well organised and hope to have such seminars in future.
 Very educative
 Should organise such seminars regarding PSBs
 A useful exercise
 BBS should be strengthened as a PSB that meets and works towards achieving
PSB principals, values and professionalism.
 A very good initiative by the BBS particularly at this time when Bhutan has a
democratic system of governance.
 The programme went very smooth and the important thing: it is very useful to all
the people of Bhutan.

 The seminar created more awareness of the need to strengthen the BBS as PSB in
our country.
 The seminar was useful, important and educative. It would be great if the sessions
could be conducted for more than 2 days.
 We need more time on legal section, the dos and don’ts for journalist and
 The programmes have been very interesting and educative, and I’m looking
forward for such seminars in future again.
 Commendable job towards sensitising people on PBS.
 Very informative and the recommendations are apt. I hope these
recommendations are taken up and we have a PSB of the people, for the people.
 Thank you was a great learning experience.

PSB Seminar 2010

Annexe IV
List of Participants (Placed alphabetically)

National Council
1. Pema Lhamo – National Council
2. Kuenlay Tshering – National Council
3. Naichu – National Council
4. Sangay Khandu – National Council
5. Tashi Wangmo – Member, National Council
6. Tashi Wangyal – National Council
7. Sonam Dorji – National Council
8. Sonam Kinga – Deputy Chairperson, National Council

National Assembly
9. Damchoe Dorji – National Assembly
10. Tshering Tobgay – National Assembly

Board BBS
11. Phuntsho Namgyal – MoAF, (Board BBS)
12. Sangay Zam – MoE (Board BBS)

13. Airaj Tamang – BBS
14. Ashok Moktan – BBS (GM)
15. Ashok Tirwa – BBS
16. Damber – BBS
17. Dawa – BBS
18. Dorji Phuntsho – BBS
19. Deki Choden Dorji – BBS
20. Dukpo Wangdi – BBS
21. Eshoree – BBS
22. Karma Dorji Tamang – BBS
23. Karma Wangchuk – BBS
24. Kelzang Thinley – BBS
25. Kesang – BBS (GM)
26. Namgay Zam – BBS
27. Ngawang Dorji – BBS
28. Nirpa Raj – BBS
29. Nyema Zam – BBS
30. Pema Dorji – BBS
31. Nima Yangchen – BBS
32. Pema Choden – BBS (Managing Director)
33. Pema Dorji – BBS (GM)
34. Pema Tenzin – BBS
35. Phub Dorji – BBS
36. Rajesh Kafley – BBS (GM)
37. Sherpem Sherpa – BBS
38. Sonam (News) – BBS
39. Sonam – BBS

PSB Seminar 2010

40. Sonam Darjay – BBS

41. Tashi Choden – BBS
42. Tashi Dorji – BBS (GM)
43. Thinley Dorji – BBS
44. Tshering Choden – BBS
45. Tshering Chhoeden – BBS
46. Wangchuk – BBS
47. Wangdi – BBS
48. Yeshi Nedup – BBS

49. Dekey C Gyeltshen – PMO
50. Phuntsho Choden – PMO

51. Anju Chhetri – Sherubtse (RUB)
52. Sangay Tshechu – Sherubtse (RUB)

Government Offices
53. Dawa Penjor – DoIM
54. Kinley T Wangchuk – DoIM
55. Monira A Y Tshewang – DoIM
56. Tshering Wangmo – DoIM
57. Choiten Wangchuk – DNB
58. Dorji Tshering – Department of Culture
59. Kaysang W Samdup – Department of Revenue and Customs
60. Phuntsho – MoIC
61. Sonam Dhenup – PPD, MoIC
62. Tshering Wangdi – MoA

63. Chencho Tshering – Kuensel
64. Gopal Singh – Bhutan Observer
65. Karma Choden – Kuzoo Fm
66. Natasha Akin – Bhutan Observer
67. Phurba – Kuensel
68. Rinzin Dorji – APCO – ITAB

Autonomous agencies and CSOs

69. A Karma Rinzin – ACC
70. Chewang Tobgay – BCMD
71. Chimi Seldon – BICMA
72. Jigme Choden – BCMD
73. Karma Lam Dorji – YDF
74. Lakshuman Chhetri – BICMA
75. Nim Dorji – ECB
76. Phuntsho Wangdi – OAG
77. Siok Sian Pek Dorji – BCMD (Executive Director)
78. WangayDorji – BICMA


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