Dirty Enid's Awesome Alternative Xmas Pub Quiz 2010: Questions and Answers

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Dirty Enid¶s Awesome Alternative

Christmas Pub Quiz
Question Sheet
Before we begin«
Yc affle
Yc ancy Dress
Yc J rounds inc music + picture round + modelling with a break half
way through.
Yc ½odelling theme is µSomething you¶d like to find in your stocking¶
and you will need to bring your finished models to the bar during
the break.
Yc ëe will also mark the picture round after the break.

ound one: Christmas Celebrity alse or

1.c Liz Hurley not only grows her own organic vegetables for Christmas dinner, she also
rears and kills her own organic Christmas turkey. (alse)
2.c On Christmas day in 2005, Kerry Katona gift wrapped her own children and presented
them to her friends as gifts. (alse)
3.c American pop start Taylor Swift hangs antique plates on her Christmas tree as
decorations. (True)
4.c Annie Lennox is born on Christmas day. (True)
5.c or one of ½ariah Carey¶s festive concerts she demanded a rider to the value of
$500,000 which included 25 bottles of Kristal for her entourage and a rench mastiff
puppy, one of the world¶s most expensive dog breeds. (alse)
6.c Hollywood actor Nicholas Cage once flew his whole family to Bath to have <quote> µA
Dickens Christmas¶ (True)
J.c Bruce orsyth has broken his wrist on two separate occassions whilst putting up
Christmas decorations. (alse)
8.c Britain¶s Got Talent competitors Twist and Pulse turned on the Christmas lights in
Gloucester this year. (true)
9.c Katie Price took her children to Lapland last year for a Christmas holiday.
Unfortunately one of the reindeer pulling their winter wonderland sleigh collapsed and
Harvey was catapulted from the sleigh (false)
10.cDavid Camerons¶ middle name is Chris. Short for Christingle. (false)


ound Two: Christmas Porno

1.c How the Grinch fucked Christmas (True)
2.c Double Anal on 34th Street (alse)
3.c Silent Night (True)
4.c I saw ½ommy fucking Santa Claus (True)
5.c ëe¶re no angels (alse)
6.c Cumming down the chimney (alse)
J.c rosty the blow-man (alse)
8.c Santas little yelpers (alse)
9.c Dirty Santa (alse)
10.cHome A-bone (alse)

ound Three: General Geekery

1.c ëho is the CEO of Google (Eric Schmidt)
2.c ëhat happens if you drop the internet?
3.c Eloi Cole was arrested at the Hadron Collider this year. ëhy? (Claiming he was from
the future)
4.c ëhat is the name of the new open source network that is being promoted as an
alternative to acebook (Diaspora)
5.c Sega have recently demo¶d an interactive game controlled by what? (Urine)
6.c ëhere does the white queen sit on the chessboard? (E1)
J.c ëhat altidude is the sun at during winter solstice? (46.56 degrees)
c c
9.c Name 4 Thundercats
10.cHow long does the average American player of online role playing game ëorld of
ëarcraft spend playing the game, to the nearest hour: 23 hours

ound our: Name that snack


ound ive: Tricky Trivia

1.c ëhat year was Sesame Street first shown on the television? (1969)
2.c ëhat do you get if you combine the ages of Bruce orsyth & Buckingham Palance,
and add that to the year the Eiffel Tower was built (1969)
3.c ëhen was the barcode scanner invented (1969)

4.c 1J5241 divided by 89 (1969)
5.c ëhat year was olf Harris¶s µTwo Little Boys¶ Christmas number one (1969)

ound Six: Christmas number one or not

Christmas number one.
ound seven: Christmas Crackers
1.c ëhy didn¶t the skeleton go to the ball? (Because he had no body to go with? (Because
he had no body to go with)
2.c A very small mother (ëhat does minimum mean?)
3.c How did the human cannonball lose his job? (He got fired)
4.c Deep pan, crisp and even (How does ather Christmas like his pizza?)
5.c ëhat¶s white and goes up? (A confused snowflake)
6.c Stick with me and we¶ll go places (ëhat did the stamp say to the letter?)
J.c ëhere should a dressmaker build her house? (On the outskirts)
8.c ëhat¶s ½ary short for? (She¶s got no legs)
9.c A car park (ëhat¶s grey and can¶t climb trees)
10.c ëhat should you do if you see a space man? (Park in it)

ound one: Christmas Celebrity alse or

1.c alse
2.c alse
3.c True
4.c True
5.c alse
6.c True
J.c alse
8.c True
9.c alse

ound Two: Christmas Porno

1.c True
2.c alse
3.c True

4.c True
5.c alse
6.c alse
J.c alse
8.c alse
9.c alse

ound Three: Geek ound

11.cEric Schmidt
12.cAll answers get a point
13.cClaiming he was from the future
1J.c46.56 degrees
 c c cc cc c
 c c
" c# c
" c$ c #c%c

" c
&'# c
20.c 23 hours

ound our: Name That Snack

1.c Bacon ries
2.c Pork Scratchings
3.c Tyrells Parsnip crisps
4.c Transformer snacks
5.c Prawn ½cCoys
6.c laming hot monster munch
J.c Salt & vinegar chipsticks
8.c Space aiders
9.c Cool Doritos
10.cSalt n Shake

ound ive: Tricky Trivia

1.c 1969
2.c 1969

3.c 1969
4.c 1969
5.c 1969

ound Six: Christmas number one or not

Christmas number one.
1.c 19J5/Queen/Bohemian hapsody/Yes
2.c 2003/Gary Jules/½ad ëorld/Yes
3.c 2009/age Against The ½achine/Killing in the name of/Yes
4.c 1994/½ariah Carey/All I ëant for Christmas/No (Number 2 ± Beaten by East 1J)
5.c 1984/ëham/Last Christmas/No (Beaten by Band Aid)
6.c 198J/Pogues & Kirsty ½cColl/No (Number 2)
J.c 198J/Pet Shop Boys/Always on ½y ½ind/Yes
8.c 19J3/Slade/½erry Christmas Everyone/Yes
9.c 2002/Girls Aloud/Sound of the underground/Yes
10.c2000/ay Keith/ Chopper/ No (Beaten by Bob the Builder)

ound seven: Christmas Crackers

11.cBecause he had no body to go with
12.cëhat does minimum mean?
13.cHe got fired
14.cHow does ather Christmas like his pizza?
15.cA confused cornflake
16.cëhat did the stamp say to the letter?
1J.cOn the outskirts
18.cShe¶s got no legs
19.cëhat¶s grey and can¶t climb trees
20.c Park in it


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