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Type of injuries or First aid procedures


Burn Heat burns

 Quickly immerse burn area in very cold water
 Never prick blisters
 Cover area with sterile gauze to prevent infection
 Sent to hospital
Chemical burns
 Contaminated articles and clothing and the source of contamination should be removed
 Flush the contaminated area with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes
 Cover burns with a sterile dressing (NOT fluff cotton)
 Seek medical attention

Cuts, wounds and  Remove dirt or glass and wash under running water, wash the injured area thoroughly;
fractures  Apply a clean, dry sterile gauze
 Go to hospital for stitches or anti-tetanus injection if necessary
 If bleeding is copious, it must be stopped before aid can be given

Eye injuries  Wash the eye with plenty of continuous stream of water
 Remember to guide the student as he or she will have difficulty seeing
 Send the student to hospital

Electrical shock  Switch off the current supply

 To push victim from current source, the teacher should stand on insulated material
 The victim should be down with head lower then the body, kept warm and still
 Keep the victim’s airway open. If he vomits, turn his head on one side so that the neck is
 Start artificial respiration immediately

Fainting, shock and  Lie victim down in the open, keep crowds away
concussions  Loosen all clothing and place his head between his knees until it flushes red
 Smelling salts should be used
 When he becomes conscious, he may be given some cold water
 Call for emergency medical aid immediately

Insect bite and stings  Identify the source of bite or sting

 If venomous, seek medical help immediately
 Keep victims calm and quiet. Keep injury area lower than the heart

Poisoning  If in mouth, spit it out immediately and wash with plenty of water and then seek medical help.
 If swallowed, give 2-4 glasses of water or milk immediately and induced vomiting. Call doctor
 Do not induce vomiting if poisoning is due to strong acids or alkali or hydrocarbon or when
victim is having convulsions. Call doctor immediately.
 If inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air immediately. Give oxygen if available using a
 Treat the victim for shock until medical assistance arrives

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