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How to add a system call in Linux

1. Download Kernel Source code from

2. Unzip and intar the Linux source code.
3. Make directory “mycall” at ./linux-2.6.X.x (mkdir mycall)
4. Create C file in mycall directory for the defination of the system call (sys_mycall in our
asmlinkage long sys_mycall(int i)
printk("Hello World %d \n",i);
return i+10;

5. Create a Makefile in mycall directory for mycall.c

obj-y := mycall.o

6. Add sys_mycall in system call table in file arch/x86/kernel/syscall_table_32.S

7. Assign System Call number to sys_mycall funtion from file
Add "#define __NR_mycall <Last_System_Call_Num + 1>" at the end of the list
Increment the "NR_syscalls" by 1

8. Declare sys_mycall in include/linux/syscalls.h

Add the following line at the end of the file:
asmlinkage long sys_mycall(int i);

9. Compile the kernel code

1. make menuconfig
2. make
3. make modules_install
4. make install
5. mkinitrd -o initrd.img-2.6.X.x 2.6.X.x

10. Write a test program for make system call

#include <sys/syscall.h>

#include <unistd.h>


int main()

printf("Return value is %d\n",syscall(338,21));

Output: On Screen
Return value is 31

In /var/log/kern.log
Oct 5 11:34:00 alok-laptop kernel: [ 326.170004] Hello World 21

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