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Uzair Ba-Yunus

How to Promote Bahria University through Personal


We can assume the prospective buyers/consumers (Students/Parents) for

the Bahria University in large numbers, so according to my knowledge
the promotion of Bahria University through personal selling can be done
in number of ways:
1. We can focus on some of the well-known colleges, coaching centers,
aptitude test preparation centers and tuition service centers and promote our
university. E.g. (Giving short presentation about our university, telling
benefits etc.)
2. We can focus directly on famous teachers of the colleges or tuition centers,
persuade them to promote our universities by giving them certain benefits
because they can persuade their students and their parents fairly easily than
any other salespeople, as we know one teacher represents hundreds or
thousands of students.
3. One more way to do this is to open college or tuition centers of the same
name by the organization itself to promote their service/organization
directly. For example BAHRIA college.

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