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-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump

-- version 3.2.4
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Nov 25, 2010 at 10:16 PM
-- Server version: 5.1.41
-- PHP Version: 5.3.1
-- Database: `dbbuilding`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `buildings`
`building_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`building_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`building_id`)
-- Dumping data for table `buildings`
INSERT INTO `buildings` (`building_id`, `building_name`) VALUES
('001', 'Academic Building (CON&CICT)'),
('002', 'Alvarado Hall (AH)'),
('003', 'Mendoza Hall (APP)'),
('004', 'Athlete''s Building (AB)'),
('005', 'Carpio Hall (CH)'),
('006', 'CHE Building (CHE)'),
('007', 'Flores Hall (Admin Bldg.)'),
('008', 'Federizo Hall (FH)'),
('009', 'Law Building (LB)'),
('010', 'Natividad Hall (NH)'),
('011', 'Roxas Hall (RH)');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `category`
`category_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`category_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`description` varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`category_id`)
-- Dumping data for table `category`
INSERT INTO `category` (`category_id`, `category_name`, `description`) VALUES
('001', 'Classroom', 'All rooms used for classes, includes Audio Visual Rooms, M
ultimedia Center and Laboratories.'),
('002', 'Library', 'School Libraries'),
('003', 'Park', 'Parks, students'' lounge and open spaces.'),
('004', 'Eating Area', 'Eating and Dining area inside the campus.'),
('005', 'Sports Area', 'Rooms & other areas used for sports activities.'),
('006', 'Dormitory', 'Dormitories'),
('007', 'Dean', 'Dean''s Office.'),
('008', 'Faculty', 'Faculty & Teacher''s lounge'),
('009', 'Accreditation Room', 'Accreditation Room'),
('010', 'Research and Extension Office', 'Research and Extension Office'),
('011', 'Office', 'Includes SG Office, Scholarship Office, Admission Office, Stu
dent org. office, Coop and Others.'),
('012', 'Clinic', 'Medical Facilities, includes dental & medical clinic.'),
('013', 'Gate', 'Entrance & exit gates'),
('014', 'Stockroom', 'Stockrooms');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `other`
`i_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`i_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
`category_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`i_id`)
-- Dumping data for table `other`
INSERT INTO `other` (`i_id`, `i_name`, `category_id`) VALUES
('001', 'Admission / Scholarship Office', '011'),
('002', 'Activity Center', '005'),
('003', 'Alumni Office', '011'),
('004', 'BulSU Canteen', '004'),
('005', 'BulSU Central Library', '002'),
('006', 'Chess Institute', '005'),
('007', 'Cooperative', '011'),
('008', 'Heroe''s Park', '003'),
('009', 'Hostel', '006'),
('010', 'Rizal Park', '003'),
('011', 'Student''s Park', '003'),
('012', 'Student Government Office', '011'),
('013', 'Tennis Court', '005'),
('014', 'Food Court', '004'),
('015', 'Wifi Area', '003'),
('016', 'Main Gate', '013'),
('017', 'Second Gate', '013'),
('018', 'Third Gate', '013');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `rooms`
`room_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`room_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`room_desc` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
`floor_level` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`link` varchar(500) NOT NULL,
`category_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`building_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`room_id`)
-- Dumping data for table `rooms`
INSERT INTO `rooms` (`room_id`, `room_name`, `room_desc`, `floor_level`, `link`,
`category_id`, `building_id`) VALUES
('law_001', 'CL Library', 'College of Law (CL) Library', 'Ground Floor', '<a hre
f="Structure Pages/law_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '00
2', '009'),
('law_002', 'Mood Court', 'College of Law (CL) Mood Court', 'Ground Floor', '<a
href="Structure Pages/law_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>',
'001', '009'),
('law_003', 'CL Dean', 'College of Law (CL) Dean''s Office', 'Ground Floor', '<a
href="Structure Pages/law_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>',
'007', '009'),
('law_004', 'CL Fac', 'College of Law (CL) Faculty', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="S
tructure Pages/law_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '008',
('law_005', 'LAW 103', 'LAW 103 or CL 103', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure
Pages/law_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '009'),
('law_006', 'LAW 104', 'LAW 104 or CL 104', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure
Pages/law_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '009'),
('law_007', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/law_ff
.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '014', '009'),
('flores_001', 'Clinic', 'University Clinic', 'Ground Floor', '', '012', '007'),
('flores_002', 'Dental Clinic', 'University Dental Clinic', 'Ground Floor', '',
'012', '007'),
('flores_003', 'DOST Office', 'Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Offic
e', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '007'),
('flores_004', 'Accounting Office', 'Accounting Office', 'Ground Floor', '', '01
1', '007'),
('flores_005', 'Cashier', 'University Cashier', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '007'
('flores_006', 'Registrar Office', 'Registrar Office', 'Ground Floor', '', '011'
, '007'),
('academic_001', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/c
ict_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '014', '001'),
('academic_002', 'AC', 'College of Nursing (CON) Accreditation Room', 'Ground Fl
oor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b>
</u></a>', '009', '001'),
('academic_003', 'CON FAC', 'College of Nursing(CON) Faculty', 'Ground Floor', '
<a href="Structure Pages/cict_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a
>', '008', '001'),
('academic_004', 'LC', 'Level Coordinator', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure
Pages/cict_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '011', '001'),
('academic_005', 'CON Dean', 'College of Nursing (CON) Dean''s Office', 'Ground
Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</
b></u></a>', '007', '001'),
('academic_006', 'N6', 'N6', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_ff.p
hp" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_007', 'RAE', 'College of Nursing (CON) Research and Extension Office'
, 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>V
iew this</b></u></a>', '010', '001'),
('academic_008', 'N5', 'N5', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_ff.p
hp" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_009', 'N4', 'N4', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_ff.p
hp" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_010', 'N3', 'N3', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_ff.p
hp" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_011', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/c
ict_ff.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '014', '001'),
('academic_012', 'N2', 'N2', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_ff.p
hp" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_013', 'N1', 'N1', 'Ground Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_ff.p
hp" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_014', 'Nutrition Room', 'Nutrition Room', 'Second Floor', '<a href="S
tructure Pages/cict_sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001',
('academic_015', 'Ana-Physio Room', 'Ana-Physiology Room', 'Second Floor', '<a h
ref="Structure Pages/cict_sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>',
'001', '001'),
('academic_016', 'Micro Biology Room', 'Microbiology Room', 'Second Floor', '<a
href="Structure Pages/cict_sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>',
'001', '001'),
('academic_017', 'Skills Lab 5', 'Skills Lab 5', 'Second Floor', '<a href="Struc
ture Pages/cict_sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '00
('academic_018', 'Skills Lab 4', 'Skills Lab 4 or Conference Room', 'Second Floo
r', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></
u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_019', 'Skills Lab 3', 'Skills Lab 3', 'Second Floor', '<a href="Struc
ture Pages/cict_sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '00
('academic_020', 'CON Library', 'College of Nursing (CON) Library', 'Second Floo
r', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></
u></a>', '002', '001'),
('academic_021', 'Confucius Institute', 'Confucius Institute', 'Second Floor', '
<a href="Structure Pages/cict_sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a
>', '011', '001'),
('academic_022', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/ci
ct_tf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '014', '001'),
('academic_023', 'CICT Dean', 'College of Information and Communications Technol
ogy (CICT) Dean''s Office', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_tf.php
" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '007', '001'),
('academic_024', 'OJT Office', 'College of Information and Communications Techno
logy (CICT) OJT Office', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_tf.php" t
arget="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '011', '001'),
('academic_025', 'CICT FAC', 'College of Information and Communications Technolo
gy (CICT) Faculty', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_tf.php" target
="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '008', '001'),
('academic_026', 'IT 1', 'IT 1', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_t
f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_027', 'IT 2', 'IT 2', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_t
f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_028', 'IT 3', 'IT 3', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_t
f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_029', 'IT 4', 'IT 4', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_t
f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_030', 'IT 5', 'IT 5', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_t
f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_031', 'AC', 'College of Information and Communications Technology (CI
CT) Accreditation Room', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_tf.php" t
arget="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '009', '001'),
('academic_032', 'IT 6', 'IT 6', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_t
f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_033', 'IT 7', 'IT 7', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_t
f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_034', 'CT 2', 'CT 2', 'Fourth Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_
4f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_035', 'CT 3', 'CT 3', 'Fourth Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_
4f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_036', 'CT 4', 'CT 4', 'Fourth Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_
4f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_037', 'CT 5', 'CT 5', 'Fourth Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_
4f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_038', 'CT 6', 'CT 6', 'Fourth Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_
4f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_039', 'CT 7', 'CT 7', 'Fourth Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_
4f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_040', 'CT 8', 'CT 8', 'Fourth Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_
4f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_041', 'CICT Library', 'College of Information and Communications Tech
nology (CICT) Library', 'Fourth Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_4f.php" t
arget="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_042', 'CT 9', 'CT 9', 'Fourth Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cict_
4f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('academic_043', 'CT 10', 'CT 10', 'Fourth Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/cic
t_4f.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '001'),
('law_008', 'A4', 'A4 or LB R01', 'Second Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/law_
sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '009'),
('law_009', 'A6', 'A6 or LB R02', 'Second Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/law_
sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '009'),
('law_010', 'IT8', 'IT8 or LB R03', 'Second Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/la
w_sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '009'),
('law_011', 'A5', 'A5 or LB R04', 'Second Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/law_
sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '009'),
('law_012', 'LB R05', 'LB R05 or Academic Room 1', 'Second Floor', '<a href="Str
ucture Pages/law_sf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '0
('law_013', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Second Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/law_sf
.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '014', '009'),
('law_014', 'CHE 1', 'CHE 1', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/
p" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '009'),
('law_015', 'CHE 2', 'CHE 2', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/
p" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '009'),
('law_016', 'Office', 'Office', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/law_tf.
php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '011', '009'),
('law_017', 'LAW 301', 'LAW 301 or RMT U or CL 301', 'Third Floor', '<a href="St
ructure Pages/law_tf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '
('law_018', 'LAW 302', 'LAW 302 or CL 302', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure P
ages/law_tf.php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '001', '009'),
('law_019', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Third Floor', '<a href="Structure Pages/law_tf.
php" target="_blank"><u><b>View this</b></u></a>', '014', '009'),
('app_001', 'Supply Room', 'Supply Room', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '003'),
('app_002', '', '', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '003'),
('app_003', 'APP 101', 'APP 101', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_004', 'APP 102', 'APP 102', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_005', 'APP 103', 'APP 103', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_006', 'APP 104', 'APP 104', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_007', 'CSSP Library', 'College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) Li
brary', 'Ground Floor', '', '002', '003'),
('app_008', 'CSSP Dean', 'College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) Dean'
's Office', 'Ground Floor', '', '007', '003'),
('app_009', 'A', 'College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) Associate Dea
n''s Office', 'Ground Floor', '', '007', '003'),
('app_010', 'B', 'College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) Department He
ads Office', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '003'),
('app_011', 'C', 'College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) Office of the
Local Registrar A', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '003'),
('app_012', 'D', 'College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) Office of the
Local Registrar B', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '003'),
('app_013', 'APP 109', 'APP 109', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_014', 'APP 110', 'APP 110', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_015', 'APP 111', 'APP 111', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_016', 'APP 201', 'APP 201', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_017', 'APP 202', 'APP 202', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_018', 'APP 203', 'APP 203', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_019', 'APP 204', 'APP 204', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_020', 'APP 205', 'APP 205', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_021', 'APP 206', 'APP 206', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_022', 'E', 'Criminal Justice Educational Laboratory', 'Second Floor', '',
'011', '003'),
('app_023', 'F', 'Center for Psychological Wellness', 'Second Floor', '', '011',
('app_024', 'Psycho Lab', 'Psychology Laboratory', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '0
('app_025', 'APP 210', 'APP 210', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('app_026', 'APP 211', 'APP 211', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '003'),
('che_001', 'CHE 101', 'CHE 101', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_002', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Ground Floor', '', '014', '006'),
('che_003', 'CHE 102', 'CHE 102', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_004', 'CHE 103', 'College of Home Economics (CHE) Restaurant', 'Ground Flo
or', '', '004', '006'),
('che_005', 'CHE 201', 'CHE 201', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_006', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Second Floor', '', '014', '006'),
('che_007', 'CHE 202', 'CHE 202', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_008', 'CHE 203', 'CHE 203', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_009', 'CHE 204', 'CHE 204', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_010', 'CHE DEAN', 'College of Home Economics (CHE) Dean''s Office', 'Third
Floor', '', '007', '006'),
('che_011', 'CHE FAC', 'College of Home Economics (CHE) Faculty', 'Third Floor',
'', '008', '006'),
('che_012', 'CHE Library', 'College of Home Economics (CHE) Library', 'Third Flo
or', '', '002', '006'),
('che_013', 'CHE 303', 'CHE 303', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_014', 'CHE 304', 'CHE 304', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_015', 'RAE', 'College of Home Economics (CHE) Research and Extension Offic
e', 'Third Floor', '', '010', '006'),
('che_016', 'CHE 401', 'CHE 401', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_017', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Fourth Floor', '', '014', '006'),
('che_018', 'CHE 402', 'CHE 402', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_019', 'CHE 403', 'CHE 403', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_020', 'CHE 404', 'CHE 404', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '006'),
('che_021', 'OJT', 'College of Home Economics (CHE) OJT & Student Teaching Offic
e', 'Fourth Floor', '', '011', '006'),
('flores_007', 'HR', 'Human Resource & Records Office', 'Second Floor', '', '011
', '007'),
('flores_008', 'AO', 'Administrative Officer', 'Second Floor', '', '011', '007')
('flores_009', 'PIO', 'Planning & Information Office', 'Second Floor', '', '011'
, '007'),
('flores_010', 'QA', 'Director University Quality Assurance', 'Second Floor', ''
, '011', '007'),
('flores_011', 'VP1', 'Vice President - External Affairs', 'Second Floor', '', '
011', '007'),
('flores_012', 'VP2', 'Vice President - Administration & Finance', 'Second Floor
', '', '011', '007'),
('flores_013', 'RO', 'Research Office', 'Second Floor', '', '011', '007'),
('flores_014', 'VP3', 'Vice President - Planning & Extension', 'Second Floor', '
', '011', '007'),
('flores_015', 'VP4', 'Vice President - Student Affairs', 'Second Floor', '', '0
11', '007'),
('flores_016', 'VP5', 'Vice President - Academic Affairs', 'Second Floor', '', '
011', '007'),
('flores_017', 'Office of the President', 'BulSU President''s Office', 'Second F
loor', '', '011', '007'),
('ch_001', 'CH 101', 'CH 101 Office', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '005'),
('ch_002', 'CH 102', 'CH 102 or LHS 102', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_003', 'CH 103', 'CH 103 or LHS 103', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_004', 'CH 104', 'CH 104 or LHS 104', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_005', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Ground Floor', '', '014', '005'),
('ch_006', 'CH 105', 'CH 105 or LHS 105', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_007', 'CH 106', 'CH 106 or LHS 106 or Physics Laboratory', 'Ground Floor',
'', '001', '005'),
('ch_008', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Ground Floor', '', '014', '005'),
('ch_009', 'CH 107', 'CH 107 or LHS 107 or Biology Laboratory', 'Ground Floor',
'', '001', '005'),
('ch_010', 'CH 108', 'CH 108 or LHS 108', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_011', 'CH 201', 'CH 201 or LHS 201 or Office', 'Second Floor', '', '011', '
('ch_012', 'CH 202', 'CH 202 or LHS 202 or Laboratory High School Accreditation
Room', 'Second Floor', '', '009', '005'),
('ch_013', 'CH 203', 'CH 203 or LHS 203', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_014', 'CH 204', 'CH 204 or LHS 204', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_015', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Second Floor', '', '014', '005'),
('ch_016', 'CH 205', 'CH 205 or LHS 205 or Chemistry Laboratory', 'Second Floor'
, '', '001', '005'),
('ch_017', 'CH 206', 'CH 206 or LHS 206', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_018', 'CH 207', 'CH 207 or LHS 207', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('cit_023', 'Room', 'Room', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('ch_019', 'CH 208', 'CH 208 or LHS 208', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_020', 'LHS Fac', 'CH 209 or LHS 209 or Laboratory High School Faculty Room'
, 'Second Floor', '', '008', '005'),
('ch_021', 'CH 210', 'CH 210 or LHS 210', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_022', 'AC', 'BSED and BEED Accreditation Office', 'Third Floor', '', '009',
('ch_023', 'CH 306', 'CH 306 or Drafting Room', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '005')
('ch_024', 'CH 307', 'CH 307 or Drafting Room', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '005')
('ch_025', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Third Floor', '', '014', '005'),
('ch_026', 'CH 308', 'CH 308 or LHS 308', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_027', 'CH 309', 'CH 309 or LHS 309', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_028', 'CH 310', 'CH 310 or LHS 310', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_029', 'CH 311', 'CH 311 or LHS 311', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_030', 'CH 312', 'CH 312 or LHS 312', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('ch_031', 'CH 313', 'CH 313 or LHS 313', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '005'),
('fh_001', 'GS Library', 'Graduate School Library', 'Ground Floor', '', '002', '
('fh_002', 'AC1', 'Graduate School Accreditation Room', 'Ground Floor', '', '009
', '008'),
('fh_003', 'SAO', 'Student Affairs Office', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '008'),
('fh_004', 'GS Dean', 'Graduate School Dean''s Office', 'Ground Floor', '', '007
', '008'),
('fh_005', 'SL', 'Student Lounge', 'Ground Floor', '', '010', '008'),
('fh_006', 'FH 104', 'FH 104 or Biology Room', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '008')
('fh_007', 'RAE', 'College of Science (CS) Research and Extension Office', 'Grou
nd Floor', '', '010', '008'),
('fh_008', 'FH 106', 'FH 106 or Biology Laboratory', 'Ground Floor', '', '001',
('fh_009', 'FH 107', 'FH 107 or Physics Laboratory', 'Ground Floor', '', '001',
('fh_010', 'FH 108', 'FH 108 or Physics Stockroom', 'Ground Floor', '', '014', '
('fh_011', 'FH 109', 'FH109 or Physics Laboratory', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '
('fh_012', 'FH 110', 'FH 110 or Physics Laboratory ', 'Ground Floor', '', '001',
('fh_013', 'FH 111', 'FH 111 or Chemistry Laboratory', 'Ground Floor', '', '001'
, '008'),
('fh_014', 'PESO', 'PESO', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '008'),
('fh_015', 'Science FAC', 'College of Science (CS) Science Faculty', 'Ground Flo
or', '', '008', '008'),
('fh_016', 'STO', 'Science Stockroom', 'Ground Floor', '', '014', '008'),
('fh_017', 'ICE 7', 'ICE 7', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_018', 'CAL 02', 'CAL 02', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_019', 'ICE 10', 'ICE 10', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_020', 'ICE 11', 'ICE 11', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_021', 'ICE 12', 'ICE 12', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_022', 'CSSP FAC', 'College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) Faculty
', 'Ground Floor', '', '008', '008'),
('cit_001', 'Tool Room', 'Tool Room', 'Ground Floor', '', '014', '002'),
('cit_002', 'ATD', 'Automotive Technology Department', 'Ground Floor', '', '011'
, '002'),
('cit_003', 'Lab 1', 'Laboratory 1', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_004', 'Lab 2', 'Laboratory 2', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_005', 'Lab 3', 'Laboratory 3', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_006', 'Lab 4', 'Laboratory 4', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_007', 'Lab 5', 'Laboratory 5', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_008', 'Lab 6', 'Laboratory 6', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_009', 'Lab 7', 'Laboratory 7', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_010', 'Lab 8', 'Laboratory 8', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_011', 'Lab 9', 'Laboratory 9', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_012', 'Office', 'Office', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '002'),
('cit_013', 'MSP', 'MSP', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_014', 'MSP Room 1', 'MSP Room 1 or CNC', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002')
('cit_015', 'Room 104', 'Room 104', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_016', 'Room 105', 'Room 105', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_017', 'Room 106', 'Room 106', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_018', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Ground Floor', '', '014', '002'),
('cit_019', 'Room 101', 'Room 101', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_020', 'Room 102', 'Room 102', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_021', 'Room 103', 'Room 103', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_022', 'CIT FAC', 'College of Industrial Technology (CIT) Faculty', 'Ground
Floor', '', '011', '002'),
('cit_024', 'Food Lab', 'Food Laboratory', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_025', 'Food Lab', 'Food Laboratory', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_026', 'Food Lab', 'Food Laboratory', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_028', 'Bar Room', 'Bar Management Room', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002')
('cit_027', 'Food Lab', 'Food Laboratory', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_029', 'Room', 'Room', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_030', 'Room', 'Room', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_031', 'Room', 'Room', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_032', 'Academic # 2', 'Academic Room 2', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002')
('cit_033', 'Academic # 3', 'Academic Room 3', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002')
('cit_034', 'Academic # 4', 'Academic Room 4', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002')
('cit_035', 'Room', 'Room', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_036', 'Academic # 5', 'Academic Room 5', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002')
('cit_037', 'IPTO', 'In-Plant Training Office', 'Second Floor', '', '011', '002'
('cit_038', 'Academic # 1', 'Academic Room 1', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002')
('cit_039', 'ESO', 'Extension Service Office', 'Second Floor', '', '011', '002')
('cit_040', 'Room 204', 'Room 204', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_041', 'Room 203', 'Room 203', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_042', 'Room 202', 'Room 202', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_043', 'Room 201', 'Room 201', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_044', 'Room 208', 'Room 208', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_045', 'CIT FAC', 'College of Industrial Technology (CIT) Faculty Room', 'S
econd Floor', '', '008', '002'),
('cit_046', 'Room 205', 'Room 205', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_047', 'Room 206', 'Room 206', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_048', 'Room 207', 'Room 207', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_049', 'CIT Dean', 'College of Industrial Technology (CIT) Dean''s Office',
'Second Floor', '', '007', '002'),
('cit_050', 'E-Learning', 'E-Learning', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '002'),
('cit_051', 'CIT Library', 'College of Industrial Technology (CIT) Library', 'Se
cond Floor', '', '002', '002'),
('fh_023', 'AC', 'College of Science (CS) Acceditation Office', 'Second Floor',
'', '009', '008'),
('fh_024', 'Math FAC', 'College of Science (CS) Math Faculty', 'Second Floor', '
', '008', '008'),
('fh_025', 'CS DEAN', 'College of Science (CS) Dean''s Office', 'Second Floor',
'', '007', '008'),
('fh_026', 'RAE', 'College of Science (CS) Research and Extension Office', 'Seco
nd Floor', '', '010', '008'),
('fh_027', 'AVR A', 'College of Science (CS) Audio Visual Room A', 'Second Floor
', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_029', 'CS Library', 'College of Science (CS) Library', 'Second Floor', '',
'002', '008'),
('fh_030', 'FH 206', 'FH 206', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_031', 'FH 207', 'College of Science (CS) Multimedia Center', 'Second Floor'
, '', '001', '008'),
('fh_032', 'FH 208', 'FH 208', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_033', 'FH 209', 'FH 209', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_034', 'CAL 01', 'CAL 01', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_035', 'Eng and Fil. FAC', 'College of Arts and Letters (CAL) English and Fi
lipino Faculty', 'Second Floor', '', '008', '008'),
('fh_036', 'CAL Dean', 'College of Arts and Letters (CAL) Dean''s Office', 'Seco
nd Floor', '', '007', '008'),
('fh_037', 'FH 212', 'FH 212', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_038', 'FH 213', 'FH 213', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_039', 'CAL 03', 'CAL 03', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_040', 'Fil Room', 'Filipino Room', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_041', 'Audio Room', 'Audio Room', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_042', 'FH 301', 'FH 301', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_043', 'FH 302', 'FH 302', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_044', 'SC', 'College of Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA) Student Center',
'Third Floor', '', '011', '008'),
('fh_045', 'CAFA DEAN', 'College of Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA) Dean''s Of
fice', 'Third Floor', '', '007', '008'),
('fh_046', 'PMO', 'Project Management Office (PMO)', 'Third Floor', '', '011', '
('fh_047', 'CAFA FAC', 'College of Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA) Faculty', '
Third Floor', '', '008', '008'),
('fh_048', 'CAFA Library', 'College of Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA) Library
', 'Third Floor', '', '002', '008'),
('fh_049', 'FH 308', 'FH 308', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_050', 'FH 309', 'FH 309', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_051', 'FH 310', 'FH 310', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_052', 'FH 311A', 'FH 311A', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_053', 'FH 311B', 'FH 311B', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_054', 'CAFA Comp. Room', 'College of Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA) Comp
uter Room', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_055', 'AVR', 'College of Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA) Audio Visual Roo
m', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('nat_001', 'ICE 1', 'ICE 1', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('fh_056', 'FH 314', 'FH 314', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_057', 'FH 315', 'FH 315', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_058', 'FH 316', 'FH 316', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('fh_059', 'FH 317', 'FH 317', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '008'),
('nat_002', 'ICE 2', 'ICE 2', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_003', 'ICE 3', 'ICE 3', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_004', 'GSO', 'General Services Office', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_005', 'MIS', 'Management Information System (MIS)', 'Ground Floor', '', '0
11', '010'),
('nat_006', 'STO', 'Stockroom', 'Ground Floor', '', '014', '010'),
('nat_007', 'RAE', 'College of Information and Communications Technology (CICT)
Research and Extension Office', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '010'),
('nat_008', 'ICE 4', 'ICE 4', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_009', 'E 101', 'E 101', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_010', 'E 102', 'E 102', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_011', 'E 103', 'E 103', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_012', 'AC', 'Accreditation Room', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '010'),
('nat_013', 'VP', 'VP for External Affairs Office Classroom', 'Ground Floor', ''
, '001', '010'),
('nat_014', 'E 211A', 'E 211A', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_015', 'E 211B', 'E 211B', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_016', 'E 210', 'E 210', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_017', 'E 209', 'E 209', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_027', 'E 309', 'E 309', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_018', 'SO', 'Student Organization Office', 'Second Floor', '', '011', '010
('nat_019', 'E 212', 'E 212 or Robotics Laboratory', 'Second Floor', '', '001',
('nat_020', 'Room', 'Room', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_021', 'E 207', 'E 207', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_022', 'E 206', 'E 206 or Storage Room', 'Second Floor', '', '014', '010'),
('nat_023', 'COE AVR (E 201, E202)', 'COE AVR (E 201, E202)', 'Second Floor', ''
, '001', '010'),
('nat_024', 'E 203', 'E 203', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_025', 'E 204', 'E 204', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_026', 'E 205', 'E 205', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_028', 'E 308', 'E 308', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_029', 'E 307', 'E 307', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_030', 'SO', 'COE Student Organization Office', 'Third Floor', '', '011', '
('nat_031', 'E 310', 'E310', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_032', 'E 306', 'E 306', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_033', 'E 305', 'E 305 or Department Head Office', 'Third Floor', '', '011'
, '010'),
('nat_034', 'E 301', 'E 301', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_035', 'COE Dean', 'College of Engineering (COE) Dean''s Office or E 302',
'Third Floor', '', '007', '010'),
('nat_036', 'E 303', 'College of Engineering (COE) Associate Dean''s Office and
Department Head Office or E 303 ', 'Third Floor', '', '011', '010'),
('nat_037', 'COE Fac', 'College of Engineering (COE) Faculty or E 304', 'Third F
loor', '', '008', '010'),
('nat_038', 'E 408', 'E 408', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_039', 'E 407', 'E 407', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_040', 'E 406', 'E 406', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_041', 'SO', 'COE Student Organization Office', 'Fourth Floor', '', '011',
('nat_042', 'E 409', 'E 409', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_043', 'E 405', 'E 405', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_044', 'STO', 'Stockroom or E 404', 'Fourth Floor', '', '014', '010'),
('nat_045', 'COE Library', 'College of Engineering (COE) Library or E 401', 'Fou
rth Floor', '', '002', '010'),
('nat_046', 'E 403', 'E 403', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_047', 'E 509', 'E 509', 'Fifth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_048', 'E 508', 'E 508', 'Fifth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_049', 'E 507', 'E 507', 'Fifth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_050', 'SO', 'COE Student Organization Office', 'Fifth Floor', '', '011', '
('nat_051', 'E 510', 'E 510', 'Fifth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_052', 'E 506', 'E 506', 'Fifth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_053', 'E 505', 'E 505 or Meditation Room', 'Fifth Floor', '', '011', '010'
('nat_054', 'E 501', 'E 501', 'Fifth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_055', 'E 502', 'E 502', 'Fifth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_056', 'E 503', 'E 503', 'Fifth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('nat_057', 'E 504', 'E 504', 'Fifth Floor', '', '001', '010'),
('rh_001', 'RH 101', 'RH 101', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_002', 'RH 102', 'RH 102', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_003', 'RH 103', 'RH 103', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_004', 'RH 104', 'RH 104 or Guidance', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_005', 'RH 105', 'RH 105', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_006', 'SLA', 'Student''s Lounging Area', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_007', 'OSO', 'Office of the Student Organization', 'Ground Floor', '', '011
', '011'),
('rh_008', 'ILGA', 'ILGA or Institute of Local Government Administration', 'Grou
nd Floor', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_009', 'RH 106', 'RH 106', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_010', 'RH 107', 'RH 107', 'Ground Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_011', 'Prayer Room', 'Prayer Room', 'Ground Floor', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_012', 'RH 202', 'RH 202', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_013', 'RH 203', 'RH 203', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_014', 'AC', 'College of Education (CoED) Accreditation Room', 'Second Floor
', '', '009', '011'),
('rh_015', 'RH 204', 'RH 204', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_016', 'RH 205', 'RH 205', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_017', 'SC', 'Science Centrum', 'Second Floor', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_018', 'ICE (Lobby 2)', 'ICE (Lobby 2)', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_019', 'RH 206', 'RH 206', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_020', 'SG Elec.', 'Student Government (SG) Elections Office', 'Second Floor
', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_021', 'RH 207', 'RH 207', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_022', 'RH 208', 'RH 208 or BSU Language Center', 'Second Floor', '', '001',
('rh_023', 'RH 209', 'RH 209', 'Second Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_024', 'PSM PTA', 'PSM or PTA Office', 'Second Floor', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_025', 'JABEZ', 'JABEZ', 'Second Floor', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_026', 'CO', 'Chairman''s Office', 'Second Floor', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_027', 'Center for Bulacan Studies', 'Center for Bulacan Studies', 'Third Fl
oor', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_028', 'Registrar Office', 'College of Education (CoED) Registrar''s Office'
, 'Third Floor', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_029', 'RAE', 'College of Education (CoED) Research and Extension Office', '
Third Floor', '', '010', '011'),
('rh_030', 'RH 304', 'RH 304', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_031', 'RH 305', 'RH 305', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_032', 'RH 306', 'RH 306', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_033', 'Mentors Office', 'Office of the Mentors', 'Third Floor', '', '011',
('rh_034', 'SLA', 'Student''s Lounging Area', 'Third Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_035', 'ST Office', 'Student''s Teaching Office', 'Third Floor', '', '011',
('rh_036', 'CoED Library', 'College of Education (CoED) Library', 'Third Floor',
'', '002', '011'),
('rh_037', 'OCST', 'College of Education (CoED) Office of the Chairman Student T
eaching', 'Third Floor', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_038', 'CoED Dean', 'College of Education (CoED) Dean''s Office', 'Third Fl
oor', '', '007', '011'),
('rh_039', 'RH 402', 'RH 402', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_040', 'RH 403', 'RH 403', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_041', 'RH 404', 'RH 404', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_042', 'RH 405', 'RH 405', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_043', 'RH 406', 'RH 406', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_044', 'RH 406A', 'RH 406A', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_045', 'RH 407', 'RH 407', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_046', 'SLA', 'Student''s Lounging Area', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_047', 'Quarters', 'Quarters', 'Fourth Floor', '', '011', '011'),
('rh_048', 'RH 408', 'RH 408 or Conference Hall', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '01
('rh_049', 'RH 409', 'RH 409 or Viewing Room and Review Center', 'Fourth Floor',
'', '001', '011'),
('rh_050', 'RH 410', 'RH 410', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_051', 'RH 411', 'RH 411', 'Fourth Floor', '', '001', '011'),
('rh_052', 'CoED Fac', 'College of Education (CoED) Faculty', 'Fourth Floor', '
', '008', '011'),
('fh_028', 'AVR B', 'College of Science (CS) Audio Visual Room B', 'Second Floor
', '', '001', '008');

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