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,Co,mm,issi,c,ning I nst1r'UcUon.s







tt, 1, Pr!l Commi~~lon;1"I9 Checb d .2. Socon dnry I njec Ii on T esb dI.3 01'1 l ncd Ch",k..s





5 8

The (;0!1v~fiano,1 uni] ~pt,t gellElrotor hes Iha neUIH]~ oorlhad through a resi!;Icn(o loodud dislrlbulion Iyp Imnsformer. For a :smgle grOlind lauh lI'IecJr I'ho

neutre] and of the wTndins, ri1ere will be ~gpa1iOl"laroly le~5. vohag ovciloble 10 d~ivQ tho cummt through Ithegrcu!ld. resuhing in a lewer 'C!! curront end 0 lewer I'ilmtrol bJS disploC'cmenl voltogo AI the Icrv;I'er [imi. 0 .Qul, on Ille neulrel bus w~1I nuult in ria fcul~ currenl Oli dis,plcc~men~ .... cllag£l 01 ell,

Low mcgnifudo fundanumkill ~50 H:z~ '9,round cun,enh moy How under norm,al cond'il'io,n, possibly due to generator winding irobalQm:es or d~Q 10 faults en the HV sid e of ltile' unit trci'i,sform or or 0I'lI Ihe l;ccolldwy of Ihe gBn~rctor poleni!al'fro!"lsformers" Unclel rhes.' cOl'ldllicns. rI1e senero'ior ~!'ould nol' b llilflilm-ed IJr,OIiIl :S8N'ice. To ollow rer lhasa Ilew mognlludo emlhra b c:uliu,mls. Itrip I,eltingl ror O'oIer voltage ground re!cys m,e genEMc.lly e'l b deleet n!miral displaccmool' voltcge$ in e;!«;:€i~s 0' 5-10% or Ike pl1c~~lo-nculrol vCirlage~.

The possibilily of em undelec:lec


'~ClrthfauJI In the low, r portion of me winding. wh&e me corr ~po!'1dlr.9 mH.I~ral dl~pl(Jcerrmnl

v olrQSe is below the IOrthfouh relcy trip string mor, 'ther fore, mli.'Q.

'If an QeIIlh foul! eeeurs e rH~ remains, undote.::l'ed becousn of its Ioc;glion or otherwise, d,e probability of a set:ood fouh oc::c1Jning is !'I1'IlIJch This second routl may r esu]] from jn~ul(lHon dol'eriarotion eeused by h"ol'lsil'[ I 0""('1"

..... oIlages du,e 10 errcllc, I,ow clIJfr'snl', Ulnstahle orcin,gl al tne fjrsl feuh paint. This seeend fault mey yield cUU nts dJ lorger mQgniI'Uclo!.

A 100% slotOl' 8Cirth!oult proTection Is. de!isnedl fo de'lec'l

orlhfaults occurring in 'the ul'giom of mochitUi wrnding5 d05;O 10 ~6 neutral end. Type, PVWA 163 is 0 compm,ihl' solie moduior r, 101)/ !hoi gi v e~ 1 00% ~tatm earlhfoult proledioo for IIIHi!chin el, wh o~e neu!rals, are not diroc~y e(Jfthed.~ wO!"ks on 'rile p.irw:iple involvrn monilming of the neutral :sido and

I i n&~id III cern pon en t~ of the Ih f rd hOrmQl'iic YCllt~ge~ proouud Iby sr: generCl~rs in ~~e. Type, PVMM 1,6..:1 iI, ,similcr to !YIPO

PVMNt, 1 OJ bUI with an extra

nCIJ 01 di~pIQcem~l'1I' delector unit.

2 .. O,peraling Principle

AC. 98nenltors ln 'sorvica produce a certain ffiagniludfi of Ihrrd harmonic voIltl9fi in !'heir windingls. However, 110 ,thl,d hcrmOl'lllc w~taglt, app,9;gn ocra:u phas,Els of ~tar COOil'l6ctM or delt,c coornocl'ed ge:ne.rglou. mou9h thore will exist (l' cerlcli'1"I magn1'luda or Ihird harmonic voltage bel'Nesn eoch pf1a~' Clnd 91round of ,the machine output_ 1111, lfQiro9,o. In Ifne OOM:! Q'r mochlnas earthed ~roIJS," !iJ h ig~ imp edam:a,. ndll a5. UU.ktii'll"81:y ioad ad

d i ~ trrbu tion lramlrMm €If, co n c a u So tile Row of a tlhitd hcrrnonlc current cemean !he ground c'l'Id !he machine nQlllrcl. In roct under heo'thy conditions of war ing

IhLrd h,.'::irmol1ic, voltag9 gon~rollfld by Itho moe:hullul, i~ ~hmifld bglw.8 (l Ihe phase to ground c.cpcc:ilil,l'e impadance at !hI) moch~n6 lefmi r'IClll c rid the rleu IHl~to-g r eund impedanoe at III mcchlne neulroi, The 10 tier will (;on!li!lt or rhe grounding, rQShtOf and Iful neutralIr~roundl ccapoclfgnCe of 8 rncchlne 0$ 5i-u;)'W!'l in Fig, 1

~c & bl. The mild harmOnic volrcgc dislriburicm will be ers shown in IF,ig'. 1 Ic~ for a Iypiccl opemling cond;rlon. 111 ~~nE)rol, under heohhy condl:1onl ;~B l;no (lnd noutral impndt::mces ere ri!ilud. Thus iruupoctiv!l cl IhFJ JT1agni. rvdal 01 the gencrcled Ihird I1crmol"l~c rv:'H. rMe :'MIld horrnoruc

voltages c,t th. mcu;~tne luo,a end (Vlj~ cnd rHKIl'rgJ end (VN3:J $'hovld beat a l"lKIsonably conslant wgli!ll'. In proclica hOlN'aver Ihe ro'o [Vl311IrtNJ) does not ramain oonslgnL lit roll~ ill nOrHinear

pc H!lrn g ~ dQ picred in Fn 91, ~ rdJ. Th It fI OrHT n OO[ 11)" iJ C'C u sed por~y by coupl'j'ng of Gl HVI)''sm Ihir,d harmonic volklge through

i ~envindingll!;(JpocifaiOC& a d par~y due, b non-tinooritie5 ln the machine_ The aclual ,",clue e] third ~armonic vo!'·ltJg 8 prodlJlced in 0 moehnne undGf ne load eondlHon een vary' 'OOI'YliSel'1 0:2' to 0.5% of, reiod term ingl v01l'Ogo 0 ~ 11'I<i~ rneehlne. Also, '!he ,acliJol velu mey vary wl'lh Ihe machine adive/ ,ieacl'iiv9 output typically be""""t: Jl 0.:5 'cmd 5 ti!'l'le~ Iho ne toed vclue,

Re ~eHi ng to fi.g _ '2 iI may' ba nalod !hOlt vlhen a faull' occurs (I'r Il painl ~gy F on tl,e IT'Icchine windins_ rho voltage, dishribution VN3/Vt3 i.indef90o~ 0 change from rhol during h Ithy nmn,ing condition. In ttie axlrume case el a fcuh oo:urril1lS on lit! mcd'llne m;;iI!Jlrcl, VNJ 6ecomll~ zero and VL3 bQoCome~ oqLlCilllo "13. 511'111- ~I(ldy ...... han C! rouh occurs 01'1 tho p~'CI~e termiM~ YN3 b&coml'n ,equal to Vl_ For all 0 er fouh positiorn and dependingl on !h" IFauh l"'Euistonce, Vl3 ond VN3 m09nirudQ~ will vcry_

FJ,S' J !i.hO'W~ lhOi ['IN3) V~ {VDI plor under i'iooltl,y opflom:ing

condlllOJ"lS. II :~ dear Ihol m or.i('J

to n:mcin ~,o'LJlc under hcc!thl' cond!hon~ lin' re~ayshc'Jld re~ITOi 11 w,1 lin me two lines (1m t &. line 21 drown in !;ucn a wcy c ~ 10 dose all the healthy condi lens

mar ed ,hu~ 1"1. The ~Iope~ or Ihl'! two liMS nomel)' rn 1 & m2 can bf! $LJi1cbly !.o1 to nnsure ~1obi~i~,

There mo)' be how • ... er a I IN pOints in tho winding. a~ wh1ch il

en ecrrh raul' occurs, the volu s d

. N13 and VLJ wi~1 bu such thai Ihe tom~~pondiI"lS points .moy be between line 1 and I!ne 2 of fig.

J. Such poinh, Oil tho winding will con!.titul ,0 blind zen for thtl

reloy. FCllul,s towords Ihe lil10 ~ide and I'Ic\Jlrol ,~ide, ",llhe win.ding

w~11 however be p'Hitivl'3ly dolected slnce the poinl's p!ol'cd. win be dm cd 10 eithc r 'of thill, 2 a "r. ,oi

Fig. 3,

HOYl' ever rcuhs I n b~ 1 nd :ro n e

will be delec'lllId by MulTol ,dis.pIOCQI'I19r;.1 rmJd1..llo whh::h ls '~I"I~d 10 hmdomenl{]~ froqueflcy.

3.0 Relay Descripl'.,eu'l 3., II RehlY Modlule'5,

lh'll PVNiM 163 relay con'!(Jim III The powor supply mcdU~9 ~RP[) 6,::U

01 lhe blank module IZSB]

c] The r;eulm~ d~spklCl:lmont Gctec' or modulla (RMV 6Al d] The third nmmonk voltage compara'ior modulo tR/IAM


~i1 ~h,t ccse 01 Iypl;l PVf',.W, 16;t ''''''01).,. ".,p b,en' muJule IS r(' Ieee by onolhel RMV 6d mod u1c,

3.2 Relay Modules De,scri p't~on

3.2."1 power Suppty Unit (RPD b2)

~Modul eo N,Q 1 -+- A$ ~odClIIl d AUX BO)i( ZRB unit moul"Iled 01 recr oJ Re!ayl

lhe powar ~!jpply uni'l hm a yuh widlh modulated s ..... jlcning powur con ... rlDr wi';" fe, olorwcrd conuol of outpull' voltage, which uUlomoticolly ad;,u~b the pube-

..... id:h to Sui! tLD incoming D.C. 1uppl'l vollogo. This 'Powers tho

m louring and output clrcu;'~ of ,htj mea~,.u'llm~lfll modlJle~ in ~nQ solmKk. A main leaturtl of lnili power !Ii1pply IS Ihl:! i.~o~al_on

I.J tween the O.c. inpul ~upply end Ihe, output vo~lcge, w~lch helps ~11 mproviillg '. noi~8 immunity

c9 CI Lnst high freG U !;Incy com rn on mode interrcflence. The D.C. ~upply hellllthy indication is

di5ploy d in Ihe franl pone! by ir.o. lndlcCl'or. Tl10 D.C.· D.C. tOO'll"aI!ef oolpul i~ c.ontil'llJo\J~ly rnon.itorod and ony fciluH~ ~U!!;l-I 0$ !>~od circuil or open cirellil is ~en:5~ end [I U!ed, "oloy is Op(l~ ated. 11;i reed relay conrad IS wired cui for Nlmoto signallins.

Ll'l CI dilion ero I~ CI glen rU~6 provided in~ide tn6 module, Ie



, \

, I






l' I! i 1

l l

protect Iho elec~nT:c cln::;uTk:uy lTom l~i5 fu1(ii b easny cp,ProG.c'hgbie and con DB r,Q,p'''eed. for difr~ent aUXmgry D.C. Voltages. thel ru:s.a rltll!il1ll~ ~$ 9 iven h8'CIV!I~

N'OIInil'uJ~1 V·CO.I, FU'H! IllItill'l:9

220/2'50V 500~

l'i 0/12.5'11 A

41E!l6rJY 1 .. 5A

3.2.2 'he INeulral Dis,pfac:emenf DeleC:lion Unit· (RMYMJ

11""1:1 bloc} dkl.g,l'\cmt oJ I:hb unit hi 'SlVefI ln fig. 4.ThEI nellh'lc!l end vO~'lUg:a· i ~ red b ~e salting

am pi ifi er throlCl9h an inlerpo~in 91 fTc ns1f<XfflcfH·. Tho salting IDImplifil9r hCl~ a selscoon n::lrlge of 3. to 3.4 vah in 3~' equt'!! steP! o~] vo~ ,. each by mean.s of a bjil'l~HY S'oIII'flk;;h provided on Ifi.a front PQn~. Thel selfinQ It! mpliiief l1iJtpu~ b Fiherl~cl to rarnova arl)' D.C. orFsal$ or'ld

h ignef Ilmmoo~. by a b<!"dpo51$. filtor wilh ~i9h ,roj!;lction for thfrd hmm enle (; ompon~n~. The m fa red culpuf is fod to CI Ilavel detector wh icl'l I1fl~ an in~eref11 dQloy to pf[]\I'snt triJ)plng d'ue to ~pWJriOLJIS

:'I i 9ft e ~ s, Til 0 ~ evel del'Bc,tcr 0 n!:;Q iOttilJ:ed ~IQNS On IDMf tim!u

wh len ha~ Q prO' .. r~iOi1 for time

IJIUI II prier N Dr a ro Q,

SEll ode d by Q thu m bwhfHd switc h en rhe frOl'1t pcnol, Ailor t:im ing OUl, Ilie tim at el'!C'rgiS1!j~ ~he cu!put

rl'illoy ana l.wllI;he~ 00 If,. l.E.D'.

i ndjc,atiol"l provided Ol'! ri1 EI FrOf'l t panel. Thl s een bo lies.e,t by a push bu !t~11l swi rt h provf dad 00 rile front panal Q~ Iho module'.

3~2 •. 3 The Thir,d HcumQlni'c Voltage ("ompafotor (RMM (2)]

The blo:;;k drcgllCFTI o~ Ih~~ unit ~s 1h-n [1'1 fig. 3. nne ru~ubla~ end ond line end vahagles. an !:rOFlS' IMrmed' to drcui I' level vol~ag as by cu.!xi'iary IrClllsformers, ~n !'he raJay. The Ihird hcrmonic c;onrent WOil'! Ihe~o input' v~.1Iagas are ffl~.oo

out by Me sepororethird hll r-

m on le fi ~rarl w.iln a v,ery htgh

ra iedion c I III !iI furldo.rmmlal.

An ~eJ uf.e¥Qju~ of Ihe sal Ihrrd

11 Qlfffl CIflk .... 0[109 es r,tN 3) and

rvL]~ are de.i'l!'ed hom 1.110 MO

Fltter outputs. The ~Um of' Ihg gb~clllJle veluss of thai obove slgnols f/N3) + r'lLJ) I, deriv&d.

The signal rVNJI i~ s.bO~ed by a pohmtiomelflr la', producing (] slgrlQJ oulput arvN3l. Um diff,e·r· 19i'l1CO fD.I\fNJJ -rlJ13)J i~ then comp,ered wHh CJ pr§snr pmporlion o~ Ihu ;okl' tnircrhormonfcvohClge i( {{VN3j -.I- ~VL3n. where K I~ the delod !::HJll'Id MIffing. The!fJltir.g "c" is conH';lIOU ~Iy iCdf1.·'!;!Cibl~ betw~1'I O. J ~o J. 1 and ls OVCl ile b'e wi ~h ill Ilul tuklY· Tha slBUing faclor IO~ K

cell be adju ~ted from 15% to 75%





inl S% ~tep~ by CI ~olort IlWilch on me relay front panel.

ILiIl'ld. h~lllllly cg.,d,it'loru ~1'iI \j'i\ew of the 'ai' & 'K' 't(1IUDS lbein.g set '100 (;over otll116 neohhy rno,chiM c:ondilioln" the dlffl"ir'enc]~ to (VN31~~l'3n is les,~ them K!(VNJ~ -+ [VI.3U and lIne re.lay mmOir'l5, ~tClblo. 'FOE raullb e1xlemal to, thel

bltnd zone, !he compora'!or

op rares. Tho comparalor ooiput, 15

hid 10 a thrae i II'IputA!l\lO-gOlte who'se output triggers g timer "",hide! hen en 'ilojlJlstabte setlin.91 of o 10 95ec 1 n 1 $'etC IT- ps, Tha rimef ope.rctes, ,11o ol.ltplJl wley after $ot Ii mel wiilh an LILlO. lindicaHon. This can be resel by a pu~h button iwih:h provided on the 'front pan.el. Tho other 'toItO' il"lpu5 ,o,f IJ,g AND-gate 1l'11hibi~ Ihol u~la,y loperation !ijll\der Ih following condi Ii o .. s:

tal Abs nca of' Arming: ~Igncl. Ib) An oulpu hom rile VI ruSH

uo~eahhy detec;fion cin::uill opl1o~ClllbrDohr open condilion.

h ij~ noc.'e~$Ci')' 10 ,h:Jbij1i!io !he relo,/ during me ~tCll'rup cOI'Idition wi In th £Ie n.erO tor brtl'!Okef open wneFi gr!l['lifmJt"ed tl)hd harmonic yollng agl\iiUd could b I roe low" lh 0 9 e riC fa'rot bieoku r o~n cOI,di,iLon is !ncfoiore lnp'll in!o th'liI relay I rough ':k .. bieoker r-.iC COF'lloct. An odditiorlalvolloge ch!lC~ ormif1g ci.cuil, with on odjln'::Jole ..,ollege ~I ing fo"ge

of 70· ,B.4%. ill 2% step Is "d~o provldedllhrough Il bLI'IIClI"J s,wh:h '0'1:'1 ~a Ifront pm'io~. The i opu I to !he 'Cl'lmtngl signal cirtlli' is dorl,ved from A-I phase '10 phcue vd ragB and If, i I enobl es Ihe relay to be opofioliOllC 00\)1' when fl1I,achi'll'le, VOhfiSIiI is above ~n, Scatting.

14.!0 Commissioning


4.,1 Plre Commission'ing Checks

Rem.o'ia ,the. relay cover a rid wiltldrQW a'il'lfloduliU. ItruuUJ frio. lite 'PCB edgo coonectC'!'s ore dean Wld h B from du~tl,adho-


CheCk the connection and

IQ'(min,a,l'lon ,o1 ell wiring IDt Iho rel'lY connectors.

The following litep' are to b0

carewily loHowed lfor comrnl~lOl\" 1fi9 of Ih h 'rtltay..


Secondo ry In jec:Hof'l Test

~mur,emel'l~ oi'ldl ~ludy or

'third harmonic mochine voltagB s.elecliOl"l of relay ~o'tling~

4.2 Secondary Iniedion, T,ests

01 Ch

01 Ih p'ower sU pply

~LJp rvi5~on contac! E7-iB opom on cpplying ro'![Jd D.C yols ac:;m~ A3-,A4 .. Ah.o cl10ck Inot tho green L.E.D, Is 'ON' in pow-or supp~y module.


bl Recordl D.C. drain II~ould, be, le.5s than 100 mA in the cose of 220'1/ fekay (! ndi :2 00 mIlA 'in 1I-Ie ca'D of 1 ~ 0 V rei arlo

c) R:accr,d olitpul ac.l'OU moI'iitoif po; lilts ~+ 1 8 & 7 (should be ,around "I-'~ 2V) and OCfO" unO!l!,tcr ~if'l,tlI l ... ) 9' & 7 [should btl aralJnd-~ 2: VI·

4.2.2 N.eutral, Displ,ac.em,ant Unit (,RMV 64):

all Se ac !he req ir,ed seffing ;n 'Is and ~et Ii Ii'! e !Eltli n ~ multi-


pi,el 'N' 'm 9.

b} Apply sing~e phase, 50 Hz vologe lhrough 000 pole o{ Q ""'0 pole !'w'c way swi'tch to eImif\!]I~ A5 &, M. COiNlQCt tho free pole 10 'STA_fl~ terminols of '0 timo" and any 01 po!eLllicl Iree COf'!'tocl (E 1 - E2, E3 . Ed'I E5 - E6 01" A 1 • A2J con be wiredl'l'o 'STat'

torm in IJ ls of tI, e timer. tRe-

h~'1I' fig~~.

cl App~y twice the relay !letting

ol~Qge. Closee ¥Wi't:h andl meo~ur!1l 'Ihe o'F'Qratin9 rima,

Ir ~ hould be ,0 round 40 ~~ond~,

dl Appl'ji fiv imes Ihe relay !fllting ".ohogA ~nd wilt; N 'to Q me opoJi"oiing lim~ ~c\Jld be oround 1 Q seconds.

,I'll A.ltefllolively, lIIIe ope>'oling "me T lin ~econ(hl een be



,Cheolced 01 any required lu,l1ing and is given 'by •

.ttl "" N~

t- l'1u' '1

'IVI '&i ~ ..


V is, the ,appfiod vollt!,ge

V s is .n I!I ~e~ay ~oili 1'19

N is the 'lime mulripHQT leffingl tolerance;, The tim@ mec;uur,ed should be w,iihin

:i; 100% 'orror.

~ W'ilTllthe Ire~Ci)" i~ ,operated

,condlti,ol'l, switch off A.C. inpull to \erminoh. AS and 1\6. Check ~haJ !rip l.E.'O. ind1co'~oJl1lr mlljn~ 'ON' ,o!,,!,dl the relay drop!> 'off. PrBSS Ike resol bullon and ~Be thQt ~Ul! U:.O.

g,oe'~ oR

Not .. : In the eesa of PVNiM 1164 all tho, OOOY8 teshi, ,ors'la be rgpectltd with A.C voltage acre:!.! F5 and F6. He(!hhine~1 c~ ell contects ueross H l-H,2, HJ.H4, Hl-HB and, H9·H1O au, w, be cQnnrmoo. [R,ofer fig~7)

4~2.,3 lhird Harmonic

Unit (RMM 62)

Extend 'the above singh;. phoso le:5t set up []cro~5 tBrmijna~~ Al·AB lAB phase of lino side inputt through (] ~witch.

c) Armilng Circuit

Se1 minim'um 'time' setting of zero ~'ElCond.


5a1 tne roqutred arming circuU iII'etlingl "L

Adopt !IIIinlmum dead bond

letting K.

C10111 '1M ~h and incr,lIOs'e

Ihe vohag,. 9fadUC!Uy. Notelhe "'C!1:f8' 'at ~lcln rel.C)' operoles. Pick \:J p voltage slnooldl bo 'wi thin :t ~ 0% tole:rCnt:8 of sat vol,ue,

Hote:: The, InhBi'Bl'lt rillrd harmonic c:ontant pr.ent in the 5'')r'$tem wpply. mako$ the compc!(QIQI' ~o operale. Ul'ld r th.i~ condi,ion, if !he crmil'lg drcuU is enab''ld. Ihe retoy wll~ op er ate.

En IUI1B the al.:! 5.ent;e, of ,oxl er llal

full) failure s19nal du r~n9 ih I ~ te~t.

b)1 Operating Time:

\Nhh the sarno s.,d up. 'TIMER.' skirt 1$ initiated ,throug,'h ~Ul' olher pod!. olf the swlleh and ,cny polen'lioJ freG' ,conk!~t (B l-B2, B3-M, 1'15-86 or B7.aS} ecn be usod rOf

~m.H "STO",.

Sot 1118 required time saltil'lg l~· Sot 1 ~ 0 V cc ross A7-AS

C!o~ the SWllch ol"ldl mOCl~ur'o

!he operating limB. h should be within ± 10-% of set volua,

Arming Cili"c~i" Drop OH 'Detay~

HUll drop off delay p(o""id~ UI'I t1Fming cI'fcuH can be m osured by selecting ~!t limer slor~/~hop rum:,ion ~or 'INC' od~. Wi . th ralay in Clparc'l~d condilion, ~wHck eff the A.C. Input and ,ho drop oH



d!!!~ IrOr the ,,,ming circu~t to r18i.i!1t can be, m ealU tad. \t r.hould, be, ..... illnln1 SO 10 250 rnsec.

fuse, Failure l'ICKking,:

Wltt. the rel,Q)' in op!!i''CIled coodi~ol'l. ftlend, D.C vO"Clg(; acton fuse failure inhib.Uon ctrcui~. The relay should drop ort 'Ql\d LE_D. shou Id '9,0 of) rose tJ11"L9· IFQf different 'D.C,. voltages dropping rO$LliICfS arB bu;h in. Qftd folkJ'.wing em! thi'lll.ormlnc!

d Jails;

50 V D.C. ; El0 l"·l ond B10H 110 V I).C.: E9 1+1 ond am H 220 V D.C.: B9 [ ... ) end lIn 0 H

e} Dead Band Setting



Conna<:t another slngle phase WJi(]b~,B 'lJIp,p!y ClcrOS-S A5 and /1;.6 InauITal ~ide inpulll in cddihon 110 the on,e ccros.5 IV o!"ld AB.

The iil'lhorent third harmonic 'ClvoHa\J1 in Ihi! syslcmwill b presentod to lIle comparators.

Se~ dead bend ~affing5 nl 15%. Set timo salting cl.z.ero ~6COIld. Apply 11 10 V across ~lll"!o ~id6

input rminah AJ·p.B ~obo"'Q arming clreui! 1evclJ.

Sarno random \ioltc'99 between

30..100 V (roled 1.40 VI is applied ceross n,autro~ $id" ; ~arminals


By lIJ,QIi odlusl~n9 'tha, null

potentiometer or by controlling me

f'IiMroI sido il'lpu't rile 'Picku p hwe~ is ,CibllllVed ,~I' which Ittig, ,mlay just opercn.~,.

IU i-iis co.rtdi'lion. the D.C levels of t.itd harmoniC sigflal!S ,al". meo.wii'ed at Ihe foUcwlng monitor paiml's Iby digiklll ml.Plfimeter.

Vn3 - AcrciS5 3. and 7

CI\il'NJ, ~ A,u,I)SS 4 Clnd 7

Vl3 ~ Aeross S. end 7

Ii)oo d band sel1i 1'19 con be

ediculaTed by 'lJIsing Ihe Formu'ia,

K _{a:~ :~~3}

1M hut ee n be re~ted for oihetr' selti'ng' Q~ K.

4.3.11 Measurement' and ,Study of GenerCJtor Third Harmonic Va!ltages

The rl'Kll,uired service 50tling for !'his 9:.5-1 ()()% pro'lecfion C 01'1 be salec:ted only ons hJ dyif'i g themedii 'third harmonic behaviour.

at M- 50ure til , fiheraa third harmonic volrages hom rmlUl1'DI ~ide (VN3l' and line side ~1 01 me fonoW"ing I!J~II sock. t pin~ in Rl'vVY\ 62 module., Digi 01 mulfirne er in A.C. milli v ah~ rOl'lgM con 6 ~n"d [or I ' i ~ purpo~ -

VNJ Acro'u 1 and 7


b1Theso rnea'5U remenl1 are to be made, duri n8 VOhUBB build up of S&neIiOI'lx tb6f~ •• ynch~on izationJ, a I'll'll aftsr Iynchronizingl a'f diIfelnent load [M~ ,and excitalicn (MVAt)

oen di IiQlu ..

4~3.0;2 Study af ThIrd [Harmonic Voltage

The th,i'l'Idi harmorni'c voltages measured aMve are plalfed in a graph wilh VNJ on X axis_and Vl3 on Y axis, A Ifyph::cJII graph w.ill be as shown '~fI' tl1e figure.

Draw ....... o' line.s, OA and DB endosin,g all meQ~ured vQI~es with .liQme, '1olSl"ol'iCe. Evaluate .slope!

m 1 and m2 of Ihose ill no!:.. As it is

-- • II

,commonly mown !lo1pil c;a11 be

calcula ted by leloctij I'Igl any pain t along, Ihe line arid by c:ompuling ib Vl3/VN3 r~;l'lfo.

Note: The graph 5Ca~ e sheul d

be, ~ olec'ted nroh tho til sfam &o.m

zero volts on bOoth axis as otherwis . e s[opa computal'ion 9 .5 'alt'_roo.

Alternatively. calculate

Vl3 {VN3 rIO Ii [I from each 'fd of refldings under different load COj'ldi~on~. Sele<:' liFIe mCllllimum end minimum '1ah,HU of' lhosCl rorio. Then m 1 will bf'I mOl'l'lrnlll'll'l (Vl/VN,3!+S% and m2 will bo minimum rv13/VN3)·5%.

!Me ,re'quired dend band settillg K and mull set1ing polennomoter 'a' cen 'be cak:u'cl'ed a, ahrel1l b Io.w:

_- __

- - ~ -

m l-m2'

K - x 100%


m 1 +m2+2m 1 m'2'

,r4~,3,.3 SelectiDn Df Relay SeHi'lI1g

De ad Bond s a'tli ng (K): Tho

IIJ7VQ ila bole sel1ins rOIll.g,e is 1.5-75% in !ivo equal .5feps. ChoQ~ CI K valllJ g hi 9 her lhgn 1-hat calcul o ted Icbov,e.

NIJIISetfir!g Factor (0'1 ; To .5e'


Ihe calculaTod valve or '0' proceed- ~ O~ fo1lows:

Goon,act a 1i>.C vol tmelel V~ across monilor poinh 3 & 7 gllid record VN3. The D.C voltage IV21 across, menUO!' Ipoinb!, 4 & 7 gwsl aVN3. Adjust thel nuU pctenliomeh~f ~,tl! the, rc ti 0 of '112 IV 1 i s e q wei

o Ihe required abev value.

After cltcblis!'ing cillhe required ~()ltin9s, Iho relay can be pul inlo s rvice,

CircuilllteL _~~ ~~ ~~ ~~_~ ~ __ _;_ _

Model No.

Au~.V~roge: __ ~ ~ ~~

__ ~_~ ~ Seriol NOl. : __ ~ ~~~_ ....... ~_

DC Drcin : ~_~ ...... ~ _


Stator Earthfault Re'la-y Type PVM

Secan.dary ~niedio:1I1 Jests

INsflltnJIIDilp.l!a()ement Urdl fRMV 64)

1. lnverse time ch(]rccIQristk~ check. Apply 50Hz AC Input to ca~e ferminalls A5 a d AO.




VoItog. ~11_



Opo rlm.~S ... '

AeIUaI 'htlOn!rkaJ' Achml·

lOp_ Tim.' f~I' Op •. r:im.!'.S-'I' Op .. rim. rSKSJ

(a) Arming C.ircuit Check

........ . __ _ •• __ . ._ _ ._ ""_w:;-.--__ .. _. _,_,_,-- -- ' ".-_. __ .. _'_ __ .. -------- .. -- • ..,-.-- ...

SI. No.

% Vrl5etfing

51. N'o.

Delay 00 Drop off lime - ~ __ msec,

Cd) Arming Circuit Drop off Del.ay

Chocked Q,K,/Not O.K.

(a) Dead Bcmd, Seltin,g, Check

DMid Bi2lId S.ninQl %01('

wo,r~A~1 AS·,u Vol"

D.C. In'R5 AT M ONJlOR POlms

-----. -- --,--._- -- .. ., ... -",.,.-- --. _ .... _-_ .. _- ,..-- _ .. - -- ._._ -- - ......

.111'" (VN3J 4&7 (0 ""3JI S&7tW3

AJI Trlp aJ"ld AJcnn Contcu::!3 C~ecked : O.K./NOT O.K.

CUtlOiifun S~te

__ ~ __ ~ ~ ~_T~By;~ __ ~ ~ __



- f_ ~

CH~ ,I .





Third hQi"1IT'IOtl.ic voItaoe dlSldbulion -durilrlg hooJlhy oonditiOOs

No-{ 1



Q - H~(1lU"Y cDndUIon F- Fa""'r ~IUCl"

IAg.:2 Third Hamonic vdllage di5hibutloo heonhy ond··fotdly cood II Ions.

®' flJlI klo;f e



fig. 3 VCIiklfIron a naufn.j and line Ik:kJ fhlrd harmonic iYOItages w1th lcod.




'''I'I.',r. :5., '

r'I!V I~--~~ ~ __ ~~~ ,~


Fig. 4 Block di'ogrcm ct Nautrd displacement Detac10r unit


l »

,t'YJ \I'I<n ~~ ,IVl
*"'\..I GI " .. ,--.I.
SFR '11 .~- 1

, •
fy; V anN'!
l"I It .... " \'iO H2 n',
,1l.1. I ~ i. f1 I:
~~.W\ ~ I Ii( I rv'~
'It Vl) I
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-t>- ~
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It.Ii!'8filON Flg,.5 Glock dlagrom or thIrd harmonic vcllaQo comoorotc» unit


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- !!.J

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ai N .
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,1:£ ...

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