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Nabilah Test!

Some of the descriptions below are written in the third person, others- in the second; it is all
about you.

General Characteristics (gray table)

Readiness for emotional experiences + need for satisfaction + distrust

You are ready to openly enter a contact with others and take an active part in team events.
However, you are guarded against binding yourself with obligations, so you don’t allow
yourself to enter a deep intimate relationship, until the guarantees of complete protection and
personal security are given you.

Your Desired Objective

Feels too much is being asked of him and is tired out, but still wants to overcome his
difficulties and establish himself despite the effect such an effort would house on him. Proud,
but redesigned in his attitude. Needs recognition, security, and fewer problems.

Existing Situation

Impulsive and irritable. His desires, and the actions involved, are paramount, with insufficient
consideration being given to their consequences. This leads to, or arises from, stress and

Your Restrained Characteristics

You have to temporarily compromise and make concessions. By this reason, you have neither
moral satisfaction, nor a cordial attachment. You don’t feel emotionally satisfies and refuse to
consider yourself bound by the circumstances. You are emotionally inhibited, you have to
restrain your hopes and demands, and for a time you must give up some desired things.

Your Stress Sources

Suppresses his innate enthusiasm and imaginative nature, for fear that he might be carried
away by it only to find himself pursuing some will-o'-the-wisp. Feels he has been misled and
abused and has withdrawn to hold himself cautiously aloof from others. Keeps a careful and
critical watch to see whether motives towards him are sincere--a watchfulness which easily
develops into suspicion and distrust.

Your Actual Problem

Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to
anxiety. Desires recognition and position, but is worried about his prospects. Reacts to this by
protecting at any criticism and resisting any attempt to influence him. Tries to assert himself
by meticulous control of detail in an effort to strengthen his position.

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