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Blackberries can be susceptible to several types of disease.

Whether fungal or viral, the

diseases can have a disastrous effect on yields and survival of the plant. Careful
observation and education is the best defense, according to Iowa State University of
Science and Technology.

Plants infected with a fungus will generally not bear fruit. If fruitful, the infected bush
will have smaller, deformed berries but an abundance of foliage, according to Integrated
Pest Management

Failure to produce fruit is because of a genetic or chromosomal combination that will
eliminate self-pollination, according to Integrated Pest Management.

Bean Common Mosaic Virus

 Bean common mosaic virus, BCMV is a virus of snap and dry beans transmitted
through aphids and infected seeds, according to the Michigan State University Extension.
The appearance of disease in beans leads to lower yields and maturation delays. BCMV
is among the earliest identified plant viruses. The use of infected seeds leads to stunted
and unproductive plants. Earliest symptoms of the disease include dark green and yellow
mosaic patterns on the foliage. The foliage also starts to pucker and roll. The most
effective control strategy for BCMV is to use disease-resistant cultivars. It is not possible
to control the aphid mode of disease transmission.

Summary. Potyvirus isolates from asparagus bean (Vigna sesquipedalis) plants

in Zhejiang province, China, caused either rugose and vein banding mosaic symptoms
(isolate R) or severe yellowing (isolate Y) in this host, but were otherwise
similar in host range. Both isolates were completely sequenced and shown to be
isolates of Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV).

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