Having Fun in College

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Having Fun in College

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You finally graduated from high school and you are either looking forward to your first semester
in college or already there. Your parents are telling you how important it is to study and stay
focused, but we all know what you are really looking forward to, having a good time! College is
definitely something you have to take serious, after all, your future depends on it, but you also
need to have a good time and learn how to live life a little bit. These means having college fun,
college life and of course college parties!

College Life is probably going to be your first experience away from home for any long period
of time. You will probably still have mom and dad feeding you money, but you are going to be
responsible for every other aspect of your life. Mom won’t be doing your laundry and cleaning
up your room anymore. The bright side of that is that you won’t have the parental units hanging
over your shoulder every five minutes or wanting to know where you were until two in the
morning either. College life definitely has its perks.

You are going to make a ton of new friends too. You are going to be exposed to students from all
different life styles and backgrounds. The beauty of dorm life is that you can have people living
with each other and becoming friends that would probably never happen in any other setting.
You may be from a normal middle class neighborhood and your roommate could be the son of a
millionaire. It makes for some very interesting times.

The more serious aspect of college life is dealing with legitimate stress for the first time in your
life. You are going to have to learn balance and this is not always easy. You are going to be
exposed to the possibility of having a good time all the time and you are going to have to remain
disciplined. There is also, of course, the exam schedules. Tests and homework are going to get
your blood pressure up a bit, but just stay organized and budget out your time between studying
and play time and you will be fine. Not what you may want to hear, but at times you are going to
have to act like an adult. Okay, enough of that serious stuff, let’s get to the good stuff about
college life!

You are going to find that you gravitate towards certain people right away. These new college
friends you make will more than likely be your friends for the rest of your life. This is not high
school anymore where at times you felt obligated to be friends with people. Now you are truly
being exposed to random people that have the same exact likes and dislikes as you. Naturally,
this leads to a lot of individuals joining fraternities and sororities. After all, they have the best

College parties, especially fraternity parties, are probably going to be your best source of fun. All
of your friends will be there, all the hot boys/girls are going to be there and most important, they
are always cheap. If they don’t supply the beverages, you are always allowed to bring them in
with you and they will usually supply the entertainment. Now you have a couple of hundred
college students in one room dancing the night away, it is a recipe for fun.
These parties are always easy enough to find. If they aren’t posted all over campus, someone will
be telling you about one sooner or later. The sure fire way to get into the loop is to actually join a
fraternity. If you are lucky enough to find a group that appeals to you, you are going to have a
front row seat to some pretty good times.

College is a great experience and is a very serious time of your life. It is also a time for you to
have fun and experience what life has to offer. As we stated earlier, you are more than likely
going to meet friends that will be in your life forever and who knows, you may even meet that
special someone! Regardless, make the most of you time in college and have fun.

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