English Standard 5

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Basri and his friends were playing football when Roslan is twelve years old and he lives in

they saw smoke coming out of a house nearby. Kampung Limau. Every morning Roslan and his
Basri ran to the telephone booth and called the friends go to school by boat. Encik Leman is
fire brigade. His friends shouted for help. Some Roslan’s father and he sells vegetables on his
neighbours tried to put out the fire with pails of bicycle. Once a fortnight, Roslan and his parents
water but the fire spread rapidly. Soon a fire take a bus to town to do some shopping. Razlan,
engine arrived and the fireman put out the fire. Roslan’s brother has a white Proton Wira . He
The owner of the house cried because her house drives the car when he visits his family In
was almost burnt to the ground . Kampung Limau.

Every Sunday, Puan Hasnah and her daughter , Sunny is in year six and he loves animals. He
Nora go to the night market. They leave their has a pet parrot which he keeps in a cage. He
house at 7.30 p.m. Nora helps her mother to also has two white rabbits which he feeds with
carry the basket . there are many stalls that sell carrots every day. On his last birthday, his father
many things. Some sell clothes and shoes while gave him a puppy and his mother gave him a
other sell fish and vegetables. Sometimes Puan kitchen. Every evening he plays with his pets. At
Hasnah buys blouses and dresses for Nora. She night the puppy and the kitten sleep in different
also buys soe local cakes from the stalls. baskets beside his bed.

Last Saturday was Rofit’s birthday . He invited all Murad and his friend went on picnic to Pulau
his classmates to his party. They brought Pangkor. Murad’s mother made some
presents and sang the ‘Happy Birthday’ song to sandwiches. When they reached there, they put
him .When Rofit cut his cake, his friends clapped theirs things under a tree and changed into their
their hands. They enjoyed the foos and played swimming trunks. They swam and built
some games. His classmates went to hoe at sandcastles on the beach. Then they had their
7.a.m. lunch and some sandwiches. After tat they
continued swimming until 5.00p.m. Then they
This is a photograph of my family. The man packes up their things and returned home. They
wearing a necktie and a long-sleeved shirt is my were happy but tired.
father. He is a manager in the RHB bank. The
woman sitting next to him is my other. She is 36 Last Monday , Mrs. Tan woke up late because it
years old. She is a teacher in Sek. Keb. Lubuk was a holiday. She went to the bathroom to
Tupai. She is hardworking and loving to her brush her teeth but found the tap dry. She went
children. The boy sitting besides my father is my to the kitchen and found the sink full of dirty cups
brother. The girl sitting beside my mother is me. I and dishes. She and her husband went to buy
love my family very much . some water containers from the shop. Then they
waited outside their home for the lorry from the
Mr.Tan runs a canteen in the Kuala Lumpur Water Department .
General Hospital. He wakes up very early every
morning to go to the market. His wife helps him
to clean the fish and vegetables while he does
the cooking. Many customers come to his
canteen because the food is tasty and cheap.
One day he hopes to open a restaurant .

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