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ited to new or still.forming congregations. Although

'" C reatlve ClilSI»
the Palefskys agree

up. Flisa says

lished congregation,
it is exciting for the communi-
ty to be pan of building a synagogue from the ground
me family is more interested in an estab-
so as not to have to contend

,;\\\ with a costly building fund.

<Ae, "e 0/ . ,,9:, ''At this stage, I want to join a synagogue that
\. Social Cltstom CClte,'i\\
has been in place for many years," she says. "I under-
stand that the new congregations would like their
members to contribme to a building fund, but it's
Weddings not something that I wane ro commit to."
Growing up, Eisa belonged to The Temple in
Brit Milot Midtown, where she fondly recalls religious school,
family get-togethers, and attending b'nai mitzvah
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
and weddings. Eric says he also felt a strong con-
Event Planning nection to the traditional Orthodox congregation
his f.unily belongal to growing up in Savannah. Despite
Wedding & Baby their different observational backgrounds, the Palefskys say they are inter-
ested in a synagogue steeped in tradition, one that would expose their
children to more Jewish themes as they grow older and become more
aware of religion in their lives.


The two are willing to meet halfway on the ideological spectrum:

Eric is moving towards Eisa's Reform views, and would join a Conservative
or Reform congregation, he says. 'Tm very open-minded," he adds. "It
is just important to find a place where we feel like we belong."
In their search, Eric and Elisa attended a smorgasbord ofShabbat
services and welcoming functions at several congregations. When they
sought Out the membership director or executive director at a shul, Elisa
and Eric say that their talks were brief and they did not hear from the
director again.
"Every shul that we visited did not call us or mail any informa-
tion," says Eric.
"We understand that the synagogues might be busy," Elisa adds.
"But I think they should make more of an effort."
The couple had considered joining an established congregation
closer into town, but decided they lived too far away to make that com-
mittmenr. So for right now, me Palefskys have decided to wait. As their
children grow, Eric says, mey may change meir minds and become active
in one of the nearby shuls. "Maybe in a few years, we will try it again,"
he says. "But for right now, we are not sold."
Susan and Scott Grunwald, both 36, were sold on Alpharetta's
Congregation B'nai Doror, despite the lack of a building. The couple
and meir two children - Sydney, 6, and 1 112-year-old Bailey - joined

32 • atlanta jewish life july/august 2002

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