Mobile Phone Network Service Providers in India, Market Survey Questionnaire

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Department of Mechanical Engineering


Dear Respondent,

We are the students of NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, CALICUT pursuing M.Tech.

(Industrial Engineering and Management) and as a partial requirement of completing our course

work in marketing management, we have undertaken a mini project on “Factors affecting the

selection of Mobile Phone Network Service Providers”.

We request you to fill up the following questionnaire to facilitate us in collecting the relevant

data. We would like to assure you that this assignment is purely academic in nature and we will

maintain the privacy of your information. We will be very thankful to you for your attention.


Kailas Sree Chandran

Shibin K T
1) Which age group you belongs to?
a) 17-25 C b) 25-35 C c) 35-55 d) >55 C
2) Your Gender?
a) Male C b) Female C
3) Your Educational qualification?
a) 10th C b) Plus Two C c) Graduation C d) Post Graduation C e) PhD C

4) Your monthly income range?

a) <`5000 C b) `5000 - `10000 C c) `10000 - `20000 C d) >`20000 C

5) Which type of mobile connection do you use?

a) Prepaid C b) Postpaid C
6) Which kind of mobile network do you use?
a) CDMA C b) 2G C c) 3G C
7) Which connections you presently own?
a) Aircel b) Airtel c) BSNL C d) Docomo e) Idea C f) MTS C
g) Reliance C h) Uninor C i) Virgin Mobile C j) Vodafone C
8) Which scheme you using?
a) Life time C b) Students pack C

c) Normal monthly plan C d) All India pay per second plan C

9) From how long you are availing the services of your present service provider?
a) <1 year C b) 2 years C c) 3 years C d) >4 years C

10) Are you using more than one SIM at a time?

a) Yes, of different providers C b) Yes, of same provider C c) No C
11) Reasons for choosing your service provider..
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
i. Tariff
ii.Brand Image
Network Coverage
v. Customer Service C C C C C
12) How much is your monthly expenses on mobile phone?
a) `10-50 C b) `50-150 C c) `150-400 C d) >` 400 C
13) How many minutes you talk in your mobile phone per day?
a) 1-30 minutes C b) 30-60 minutes C c) 60-120 minutes C d) >120 minutes C
14) How many SMS you send per day?
a) 0-25 C b) 25-75 C c) 75-150 C d) >150 C
15) Which services you use in your mobile phone (other than voice calls and SMS)?
a) MMS C b) Internet C c) Video call C d) SIM Services C e) Nothing C
16) Which tariff you prefer?
a) Pay/second C b) Pay/minute C c) Pay per several minutes C

17) How many times you have changed your connection in the last three years?
a) 0-2 C b) 2-5 C c) 5-10 C d) >10 C
18) For a new connection, which services will you prefer (give the order of preference)?
a) Call rates b) SMS rates c) Value Added Services d) Internet Charges
e) Validity f) SIM Cost g) Roaming Charges h) Coverage

1st____ 2nd____ 3rd____

19) From where you are getting information about new offers?
a) TV C b) Newspaper C c) Magazine C d) Internet C e) Hoardings C f) Word of Mouth C
20) Is there any impact of celebrities on your purchasing decision?
a) Yes C b) No C
21) Who advised you to take the connection of your present provider?
a) Family members C b) Friends C c) Relatives C d) Others C e) My decision
22) From where did you bought your SIM?
a) Company Outlet C b) Nearest Retailer C c) Road Side shop C d) Others C
23) Which offer you like the most (Tick only ONE)?
a) Free unlimited local calls to one number(same provider) C
b) Free 3000 SMS/month C c) Free 2GB GPRS/month C

d) Reduced Roaming charges C e) Reduced STD charges C

f) Reduced Video call charges C g) Reduced night calling charges C

h) Reduced call charges to 5 numbers(same provider) C

24) Are you satisfied with the customer service of your present service provider?
a) Yes C b) No C
25) Would you like to change your current service provider in future?
a) Yes C b) No C c) I can’t say C

If yes, please specify the new provider ________________________

26) Any one thing that you don’t like about your service provider and would like them to

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