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I don’t own anything, all characters belongs to Stephanie Meyer!

After Eclipse, Bella really wants to get changed, she’s afraid of Edward
leaving her again, and she wants to be equalled…

Bella POV:
“Change me, I know, I’ll marry you! I’ll do anything just change me!” I knew I was going to
get rejected once more, but I needed this. I had to get myself changed; otherwise I can’t get
forever with Edward.

“Bella please… We have been through this…” I looked at his eyes and saw it was darker then
usual. “When was the last time you wet hunting?” I knew he would starve himself to stay
with me. “Edward could you please go hunt, just for a few days, maybe one week, yet again
I know you want to stay, but for a week think about maybe changing me… And no, you can’t
stay your going to go hunt with your brothers, EMMET! JASPER!” I jumped up before he
could dazzle me and change my mind.

“Take him away boys! And not later then 2 weeks-“

“Bella, please don’t do this!” Edward interrupted my ranting.
“See you later babe” I kissed him on the cheek and went to go get Rosalie and Alice.
He stood there mouth a gape, probably not believing how bold I got!

~ 5 Hours later~

“Please Alice, he’s not going to change me, can’t you just do it!?” I was begging her to
change me, so when Edward comes back, he wouldn’t worry about his ‘soul’, I loved him,
and wanted him to change me but I knew he wouldn’t allow it.

“Bella, he won’t forgive me…” She was truly sad.

“I’ll let you dress me for eternity!” Wow, did I just say that, must be really desperate!

“Bella, this is more important than clothes… Loads more, it’s your life, Rosalie talk some
sense into her!” Alice stormed off into the kitchen.
“Bella I agree with Alice, don’t give up your life, not yet… Wait till you’re older, please!”
Rosalie has warm up to me, and I know her story, so I understand why she would agree to
keep my human life.

“I love Edward and want to be the same age as him! I want to spend my eternity with him! I
want him! But, I can’t live for another 7 years, with Edward being careful the whole time! I
have needs too! Just change me!” I started screaming at the end of my speech.

“Okay, I’ll do it, but only because I will tell him, you begged me!” Esme said stepping into
the living room.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I jumped into her arms, and then realization hit me!

I am going to be: equal!

“When is good for you dear?” Esme asked me.

“I want to awake when Edward is here, so Tuesday late night, I’ll wake up at Friday midday
most probably.” I smiled and I will be smiling till tomorrow night.

“Who’s going to tell Carlisle?” Rosalie screamed.

“I’ll keep him away, oh and Bella I am so dressing you when Edward sees you!” Alice

~ Tuesday 11pm~

I am ready. I know I am. Calm breath Bella. “Esme, I’m ready” I truly was.

“Okay, this may hurt Bella, but I am staying here until Edward gets here.” She smiled at me,
kissed my forehead and bit down hard on my wrist; I decided I wanted to make it my wrist
and not my neck.

At first it just stang, and then the real pain started, I was on fire. The flames consuming me, I
could here murmurs of ‘I am sorry’ or ‘I am here’, but I couldn’t concentrate, I was thinking
about the burning, I was numb but filled with lava.

I don’t own anything, all characters belongs to Stephanie Meyer!

Bella POV:
It continued for hours, but then I got a rhythm of thinking about all the good memories of
me and Edward.

I was doing this for him! And only him! I won’t scream, I promised myself! I didn’t want him
to read his mothers mind and see me screaming and in pain I will smile! Smile and think of
only him.

~Friday 11:58am~
“Bella, I know you can hear me, your going to feel quite dizzy so, wake up now, and you’ll
see Edward afterwards, come on, open your eyes sweetie!” Esme mused.

I could open them, and I did, at first I had to get used to all the different colours, it was dark,
light, normal and just too much! I looked at my Vampire mum, and gasped, she was
beautiful, more so, than when I saw her when I was human.

“Hello, how you feeling?” She was careful with her movements and her voice sound extra
soft. I was completely fine; did she think I would hurt her?

“Good, are you afraid of me mum?” I knew she would feel better if I called her mum. At first
I was happy, but then I realized my voice was much richer and it was warm.

“My darling, I am so sorry, you did amazing, I am so sorry! Forgive me!” She started dry
sobbing and I pulled her in a hug.

“I am fine, I feel so much better, refreshed!” I smiled and we laughed together.

“Edward is here…” She whispered.

I don’t own anything, all characters belongs to Stephanie Meyer!

Bella POV:
Showtime, I was so nervous I haven’t seen myself yet, but I knew I was wearing a black dress
with a gold neckline, that showed a bit of a cleavage but looked good!

I walked down the stairs, realizing that I can walk now without falling; I chuckled and heard
a gasp inside the living room. Edward was at my side in 2 seconds.

“Bella!?” He said.

“Edward-r-r-d-d…” I stammered, not knowing how he will handle this.

I got my answer as he kissed me like I have never been kissed; it was romantic, passionate
and loving. Someone cleared their throat and if I was human I would be blushing.

“You look amazing, who did this!?” Edward started out nice, but he looked livid now.

“I did, and I am glad I did, she’s now my daughter and she is here to stay.” Esme smiled at
me, and gently put her hand on Edwards’s cheek. “Son, this was going to happen, but you
would have tried to prevent it, sorry, but it was also her choice.”
“I am not mad, mum! Thank you!” He hugged her and looked back at me.

“Have you seen yourself? My love, you are an angel sent from heaven above, your beauty
surpasses all I have seen in my existence…” Edward picked me up bridal style and took me
to the mirror in Alice’s room.

I looked beautiful; I was perfect without any flaw! Edward stood next to me and whispered,
‘I love you’… I knew this was how I wanted to live, FOREVER!

Want me to continue, give me some ideas, Bella + Edward or Bella + Alec? Maybe Bella
falling for a wolf? Bella leaving Edward like he left her? Well, you can review, don’t mind 
Thanks for reading <3 I’ll Post soon! 

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