Discover More About WordPress Squeeze Pages

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Discover More About WordPress

Squeeze Pages
Author Andy Phillips
Squeeze Pages For WordPress
Firstly let’s get one thing straight, Squeeze, Landing and Sales
Pages can use a lot of the same technology such as the platform
you use to present your Squeeze Page on. It could be a html built
site or a site which uses a Content Management System such
as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal.
It seems like the most popular choice is the WordPress Platform,
and there are some very good reasons for that. WordPress lends
itself to Landing Pages because of its ease of use where adding
content to the site is concerned and its ability to use suitable themes
which dictates the design.
Squeeze Pages For WordPress
There are some WordPress
Landing Page Themes available
which are worth looking at where all
you have to do is add your content, a
video and either a opt in form or a
PayPal Button, and it’s done.
So what are the main components of a high
Converting Sales Page?
Squeeze Pages For WordPress
It can be broken down in to 6 main sections.

The first is the “Killer headline”, the idea here is to capture the
interest of site visitors instantly.

Most of the time they would have reached your landing page through
one of two different routes, either from a search carried out on
Google or another search engine, which is called organic search.
The other way is through a paid link of some description, such as a
Google Ads or through Facebook Advertising.
Squeeze Pages For WordPress
Whichever way people get to your site, they have got there because
they are searching for a solution to a problem.

In the case of organic search (which is the one to really aim for
when optimizing your site) the internet visitor would have put a
keyword or phrase into the search engine and we have optimized
our page to get at least on the first page of Google so we have a
chance of getting this potential client to click through to our site.
Squeeze Pages For WordPress
Our Killer headline MUST answer the problem the searcher
was looking for. For example, if someone puts into Google the
query “brown trilby hat”

and gets presented with a host of results, one of which is your

site, you want to make very sure that when that prospect clicks
onto your site that the headline they read gives them the solution
to their query such as . . . . . . . . .
“Highest Quality Brown Trilby Hats
At The Lowest Prices In Europe
Delivered WorldWide – Next DAY!!!”

Now that’s an attention grabber!
Squeeze Pages For WordPress
Ok, the next item on our list which has proven to convert more people
when included is a video.
Video, has proven to keep prospects on a page longer and therefore
giving you a better opportunity to convert them.
 It is a great idea to reinforce the sales message in the video,
again stating that you have the solution to their primary problem.
Technically you need a video which is wide screen and in High
Definition if possible.
The most important thing with a video is the message. Strong
narration is essential.
Squeeze Pages For WordPress

Next we have our first “Soft Call To Action”. This is usually a phone
number, this is mainly because someone may have been to your
site previously and already decided to use your product or service
and just need to contact you.
The other reason is that your headline and video were so good and
the phone number in a prominent place will spur them into action.
Squeeze Pages For WordPress
The next element is the supporting text or “Body Copy” as it’s
This has to be carefully written; in fact this could be the most difficult
part of the process of putting together a great Squeeze or sales
page. But here’s a bit of advice.
Just be succinct and tell the truth about your product or service. Don’t
try and be clever for the sake of it and focus on benefits rather than
features. If fact, bullet point features and explain concisely the
benefits of those features below them.
Squeeze Pages For WordPress
The next part of the equation is getting their information. In other
words getting a lead, this is exactly what a squeeze page is for.
Never try to sell a product, concentrate on getting a “Name” and
“email”. To be able to do this we need to use the last two elements
in conjunction.
Squeeze Pages For WordPress

1 – Free Gift or “Ethical Bribe”.

2 – Opt In Form, to capture the lead.
Squeeze Pages For WordPress

It is a fact that people are more reluctant to give their name, email or
any other data without a really good reason. That reason is usually
that you will give them something of great perceived value in exchange
for their details.
Squeeze Pages For WordPress
This is where the “Ethical Bribe” concept comes in.
Depending on your niche or industry, you will need to create
something that people want; this could take the form of a specially
prepared report, a specialized technique, or a clever way of doing
something which most people have no idea about.
The report does not have to be a downloadable document, it could be
a DVD or CD delivered to their door, that’s if you need their address on
your database. If not, then you can create a simple video or audio
Squeeze Pages For WordPress
The point is that the prospect has to see this as a really good deal,
and therefore prepared to give you their details.

A sales page is very similar, with the exception that you want them to
click on a “Buy Now” button and purchase something. This works
best with downloadable product.

Building these sites is very easy with the right WordPress

Squeeze Page Themes , all you have to do is add the text and the
video and publish.
Squeeze Pages For WordPress

The Six Elemants Of A Squeeze Page Are

Killer HeadLine
Soft Call To Action
Supporting Text (Body Copy)
Ethical Bribe
Opt In Form

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