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Sample questionnaire questions:

Gender Male/ Female



1. What method do you usually use to place your meal orders?

A. Online
B. Customer service line (Telephone)
C. Walk-in
Why? Please state the reasons you choose the above method.

2. If you usually order meal, in which time period do you place your meal orders
most often?
A. 6am-10am
B. 11am-4pm
C. 4pm-6pm
D. 6pm-10pm
E. After 10pm

3. Will you place your meal orders through online or calling if there is an ordering
system that allows you to choose variety of meal from difference restaurants?
A. Yes
B. No
Why? Please state the reasons you choose the above answer.

4. What do you think about order meal monthly or get any event meal order like
buffet through phone call or online ordering?

5. Have you ever heard about TaPao2U system?

A. Yes
B. No

A. Newspaper
B. Friends
C. Brochure
D. Banner
E. TV ads
F. Online forum
G. Others. Please state it out.

6. Have you ever placed an order from our TaPao2U system?

A. Yes
B. No

7. In a scale of 1(poor) to 10(excellent), based upon what you have experienced,

please rate efficiency of our TaPao2U system according to our services, no matter
is from customer service ordering or online ordering.

8. In a scale of 1(poor) to 10(excellent), please rate on our meal quality according to

our food freshness and taste.

9. Overall, how satisfied are you with TaPao2U system?


10. Did you note any parts of our TaPao2U system that need improvement? Please
state which part and the reasons.
Sample interview questions:

Job position: order staff

1. Is there any delay or slow service speed provided to the customers?


2. Have you been experienced any peak customers’ call and you cannot handle

3. Is driver easily available under the old system? Is it a need to keep track of
drivers’ location?

4. Is it a necessary to change our old manually system to the new ordering system?
Please state the reasons to do so.

5. What should we include in our new TaPao2U system? And why?

Sample interview questions:

Job position: driver

1. Have you been received complain about any delay or slow service speed from

2. Have you been experienced any peak delivery of ordering and you cannot handle

3. If company is preparing to change the old manually system to the new ordering
system, would you spend some time to learn about the functions of the new
system instead of getting complain from customers of the slow services provided?

4. Is it a necessary to change our old manually system to the new ordering system?
Please state the reasons to do so.

5. What should we include in our new TaPao2U system? And why?

Sample Observation draft:

Based on the observation, we found out that there are similar systems in the market.
For example, the pizza hut and McD have the delivery service. Based on our
observation, the different of our system and their system is they only provide their
company’s foods delivery whereas we provide delivery from many restaurants.
Another difference is McD only provides home delivery through phone call and does not
have any online ordering, while pizza hut does provide online ordering and phone call

We wonder why kfc in Malaysia does not provide the delivery service but it’s available
in other country. We guess that Malaysia is prefer freshness of food, so kfc need to
ensure their quality of food is always the best. As your acknowledgement, Singapore
does have delivery service. Furthermore, they ride racing bike.

So, it is important to serve the fresh meal to customers.

From interview, we can knew that the order staff and driver were sick of old system that
made their job became low efficient and messy. When we discussed about complain from
customers, they were fed up with the slow system and they were mess up everything
when there were full with work load and received a lot of orders. Their eyes were
blinking when the company wanted to make the conversion from old system to the new
computerized system. It’s obviously needed to repeal the old manually system.

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