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This time is the final game betwen California High School basketball team against
Seatle High School basketball team. The stadion was so crowded. The cheerleader from each
school shows they sexy dance that made the audience specially the boys more interested. The
audience shouted their school’s theme song so laudly on the bleachers. The team did warm-
up in the field before they start the game and after that the couch explained about the strategy
of the game. Actually they looked a little nervous bacause this is the final game to be a
champion. The upire blew a whistle which the game was started.

The California High School team played so great, in the first game they got high score
34-15. The upire blew a whistel for the second time and both of team started the game again.
Mr. Cole who was headmaster of California High School come from the door, he looked
panic and ran in rush. He was running into the field and looking for some one. Then, he
waved to the couch to stop the game. But coach couldn’t hear him. He stated anggry and yell
out to the coach.

“STOP!!!” he yell out

The game automaticly stop bacause of him. Everybody looked at him, they looked
confused and wonder why he try to stop the game. He waved his hand to a basketball player
who named James. James came to him and followed where the man go. The upire blew a
whistel to get attention from the audience. Until the game was over James and Mr. Cole
didn’t come back.




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