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What is email etiquette?

Email etiquette refers to a set of Do’s and Don’ts that are recommended
by business and communication experts in response to the growing concern that people
are not using their email effectively or appropriately.

Let’s look at Do’s & Don’ts of email etiquettes

Do’s Don’ts

1. One should address the email only to 1. Use of single words like “Hi”, “Hello” or
the relevant context holders. “Help” is strictly a no-no.

2. CC & BCC should be cautiously and 2. Do not write long titles in the subject line.
judiciously used. Keep it short & meaningful.

3. The email subject line should be clear, 3. Don’t attach large attachments while
precise & should indicate the message sending an email. (zip them)
4. Start the email with some salutation 4. Usage of single words like “Hi”, “Hello”
for e.g. Dear Sir or Dear Madam. for salutation should be avoided.
5. Get to the point of the email quickly. 5. Don’t write long messages. Keep it short
State the need of email clearly
& crisp.
6. Use subheadings and bullets if
required 6. Using jargons, slang & abbreviations in an
email is strictly a no-no.
7. Your signature should include your
contact number with your office address.
7. Don’t send forwards & chain mails.
8. Read your email for grammar,
punctuation and spelling mistakes. 8. On replying a group mails if you click on
9. Re-read the email to check the tone of reply all please check the To & CC field.
the message.
9. Don’t delay in replying to mails marked to
10.Last but not least proof read your you.
email before clicking on send.
10.Don’t use your official mail for personal

Let’s remember the etiquettes of an EMAIL in its full form.

E-mail only those people to whom your message actually pertains.

M-ake a point of responding to messages promptly
A-lways use spell-check and grammar check before sending messages
I-nclude your telephone number in your message
L-earn that e-mail should be used for business rather than personal use.

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