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Group’s members:

Nguyen Thai Duong

Do Thi Huynh Mai
Pham Thi Thao Nguyen
Nguyen Ly Huyen Tram

Ability (n) (What one has learned over a period of time from both school and
nonschool sources; one’s general capability for performing tasks) : Khả năng, năng

Ability grouping (n) (The assignment of pupils to homogenous groups according to

intellectual ability or level for instructional purposes): Khả năng làm việc nhóm

Absence (n) Sự vắng mặt

Absence rate: Tỷ lệ vắng mặt

Absentee (n) Người vắng mặt

Academic (adj) Thuộc nhà trường.

Academic achievement: Thành quả học tập

Academic freedom (n) (The opportunity for teachers and students to learn, teach,
study, research, and question without censorship, coercion, or external political and
other restrictive influences): Tự do giảng dạy, học tập, nghiên cứu....

Academic learning time (n) (The time a student is actively engaged with the subject
matter and experiencing a high success rate): Thời gian học tập

Academic title (n) Học hàm

Achievement (n) (What one has learn from formal instruction, usually in school):
Thành tựu

Achievement gap: Sự cách biệt về thành quả học tập

Achievement tests (n) (Examinations of the knowledge and skills acquired, usually as
a result of specific instruction): Thành tựu thử nghiệm

Advance (n) Sự cần cù

Advanced placement: Sự xếp hạng học sinh vào chương trình học tiên tiến

Advisory group: Nhóm cố vấn

American Federation of Teachers (AFT) (A national organization of teachers that is
primarily concerned with improving educational conditions and protecting teacher’s

After-school snack: Bữa ăn phụ sau khi tan trường

Alternative school: Trường dự khuyết

Allocated time (n) (The amount of time a school or an individual teacher schedules
for a subject)

Apprenticeship: Thời gian học nghề

Aptitude (n) (One’s capability for performing a particular task or skill; usually
involves a narrower skill than ability (e.g., mathematics aptitude or foreign language
aptitude)) : Năng khiếu

To attend a vacation course: Học hè

To attend an in-service course: Học tại chức

Assessment (n) (The broad process of collecting, synthesizing, and interpreting

information to aid classroom decision making; includes information gathered about
pupils, instruction, and classroom climate): Sự đánh gía

Average (n) (The number derived by adding up all the test scores and dividing the
total by the number of pupils who took the test): Số trung bình

Baccalaureate (n) Bằng tú tài

Bachelor (n) Cử nhân

Bacherlor of Arts: Cử nhân văn chương

Benighted (adj) Dốt nát

Board of examiners (n) Hội đồng thi

Boarding school (n) Trường nội trú

Book (n) Sách

Book- club: Hội những người yêu sách

Book- hunter: Người thích mua sách quý

Book-learned: Có kiến thức sách vở

Book-shelf: Kệ sách

Book-work: Sự nghiên cứu sách

Book-ends: Kệ giữ sách

Bookstore: Hiệu sách

Brainy (adj) Có đầu óc, thông minh

Break (n) Giờ ra chơi

Candidate (n) Thí sinh

Certificate (n) Chứng chỉ, văn bằng

Checklist (n) (A written list of performance criteria associated with particular activity
or product on which an observer marks the pupil’s performance on each criteion using
a scale that has only two choices): Bản liệt kê những mục cần kiểm tra.

Class hours: Giờ học

Classmate (n) Bạn cùng lớp

Classroom (n) Phòng học

Classroom management (a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring

that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. The term
also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult
aspect of teaching for many teachers; indeed experiencing problems in this area causes
some to leave teaching altogether): Sự quản lý lớp học

Cognition (n) Nhận thức

Coherence (n) Tính mạch lạc, chặt chẽ

Coherent (adj) Mạch lạc

Coherently (adv) Mạch lạc, súc tích

Cohesive (adj) Dính liền

College (n) Học viện

Comment (v) Bình luận

Comprehensive school (n) Trường trung học công lập

Compulsory education: Giáo dục phổ cập

Continuing education: Giáo dục thường xuyên

Capacity (n) Năng lực

Copy-book: Vở tập viết

Creative (A human mental phenomenon based around the deployment of mental

skills and/or conceptual tools, which, in turn, originate and develop innovation,
inspiration, or insight): Sáng tạo

Critical thinking (Consists of a mental process of analyzing or evaluating

information, particularly statements or propositions that people have offered as true. It
forms a process of reflecting upon the meaning of statements, examining the offered
evidence and reasoning, and forming judgments about the facts. Critical thinkers can
gather such information from observation, experience, reasoning, and/or
communication. Critical thinking has its basis in intellectual values that go beyond
subject-matter divisions and which include: clarity, accuracy, precision, evidence,
thoroughness and fairness): Tư duy phản biện

Curriculum (n) (The skills, performances, attitudes, and values pupils are expected to
learn from schooling; includes statements of desired pupil outcomes, descriptions of
materials, and the planned sequence that will be used to teach pupils): Chương trình
giảng dạy

Dean (n) Trưởng khoa

Distance education (or distance learning) (A field of education that focuses on the
pedagogy/andragogy, technology, and instructional systems design that is effectively
incorporated in delivering education to students who are not physically "on site" to
receive their education. Instead, teachers and students may communicate
asynchronously (at times of their own choosing) by exchanging printed or electronic
media, or through technology that allows them to communicate in real time
(synchronously). Distance education courses that require a physical on-site presence
for any reason including the taking of examinations is considered to be a hybrid or
blended course or program): Khoảng cách giáo dục

Distractor (n) (A wrong choice in a selection test item): Yếu tố đánh lạc hướng

Divergent question (n) (A question that has more than one acceptable answer): Câu
hỏi mở

Doctrine (n) Học thuyết

Domitory (n) Kí túc xá

Educate (v) (To change the behavior of pupils; to teach pupils to do things they could
not previously do) : Giáo dục

Education (n) Giáo dục

Educational attainment (n) Học vấn

Educational film (A film or movie whose primary purpose is to educate. Educational

films have been used in classrooms as an alternative to other teaching methods): Phim
giáo dục

Educational games (Games, including video games of this genre, designed to teach
people, typically children, about a certain subject or help them learn a skill as they
play. Some people call these types of games edutainment because they combine
education and entertainmen)t: Trò chơi giáo dục

Educational objectives (n) (Statements that describe a pupil accomplishment that will
result from instruction – specifically, the bahavior the pupil will learn to perform and
the content on which it will be performed): Mục tiêu giáo dục

Educationalist (n) Nhà giáo dục học

Educationally (adv) Về phương diện giáo dục

Electronic lesson plan: Giáo án điện tử

Elucidate (n) làm sáng tỏ, giải thích

Emulation (n) Sự thi đua

Evaluation (n) (Assessment of learning and instruction) : Sự đánh giá

Examination (n) Sự thi cử

Promotion examination: Thi lên cấp

Exercise paper: Giấy học trò

Examinational (adj) Nghiêm ngặt, kỹ lưỡng

Examine (v) Kiểm tra

Examinee (n) Thí sinh

Examiner (n) Người chấm thi

Fellowship (n) Học bổng

Final exam (n) Thi lên lớp, thi cuối khóa

Formative assessment (n) (The process of collecting , synthesizing, and interpreting

information for the purpose of improving student learning while instruction is taking
place; assessment for improvement, not grading.)

Further education: Giáo dục bổ túc

General Education Development Test (GED): Tương đương bằng Tốt nghiệp
Trung học

General adult education (n) (education programs for adults undertaken for personal
enrichment,personal development,general interest or recreation. General adult
education programs do not have a specific vocational intent). chương trình giáo dục
dành cho người lớn nhằm phát triển sở trường sở thích cá nhân

Generic competencies (n): khả năng chung, khả năng thực hiện công việc trong
nhiều phạm vi khác nhau

Generic skill (n) (a skill which is not specific to work in a particular occupation or
industry, but is important for work, education and life generally, e.g.communication
skills, mathematical skills, organisational skills, computer literacy, interpersonal
competence, and analytical skills.See also key competency) kỹ năng chung, phù hợp
với nhiều thể lọai, phạm vi

Gifted (adj) (An intellectual ability significantly higher than average) Có năng

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) (n) (A program that offers supplemental,
differentiated, challenging curriculum and instruction for students identified as being
intellectually gifted or talented. (Ed Source)) giáo dục năng khiếu

GNVQ (in the UK) (General National Vocational Qualification (n)): Bằng chứng
nhận nghề quốc gia

Governor's Performance Awards (GPA) (n) (A competitive program that grants

awards to public schools in California that meet or exceed their Academic
Performance Index performance growth target each year. The financial awards were
discontinued in 2002–2003 due to lack of state funding. (Ed Source)) giải thưởng
thành tích do Thống đốc của một tiểu bang tổ chức

Grade level equivalent (n): Tương đương với trình độ cấp lớp

Grade Point Average (GPA) (n): Điểm trung bình

Graduate school (n): Trường sau đại học

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Graduate studies (n): Chương trình học sau đại học

Graduation rate (n): Tỷ lệ tốt nghiệp

Grant (n): Ngân khoản trợ cấp

Group training company (n) (a company which employs apprentices and trainees,
and places them with one or more host employers who are usually small to medium-
sized businesses. The host employers provide on-the-job training and experience,
while the group training company organizes off-the-job training, and handles
recruitment, rotation and payroll). công ty đào tạo nghề theo phương pháp chia
người học thành từng nhóm nhỏ; học và làm trực tiếp dưới sự hướng dẫn của
người có kinh nghiệm

Guardian (n): Người giám hộ

Guidance counselor (n): Cố vấn dẫn dắt tại trường

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Habituation (n) (An example of non-associative learning in which there is a
progressive diminution of behavioral response probability with repetition of a
stimulus. It is another form of integration) sự tạo thành tập tín, sự thích ứng

Handouts (n): Tài liệu phát tay

Head Start Program (n): Chương trình Giáo Dục Ấu Nhi Page 6 June 20, 2008

High-risk students (n): Học sinh có nguy cơ cao

High School and Beyond Plan (n): kế họach cho trung học và tương lai sau đó

High school graduation requirements (n): Điều kiện tốt nghiệp trung học

High school (n): Trường trung học cấp 3

Higher education (n): Giáo dục đại học và sau đại học

Highly capable (adj): Có năng lực cao

Highly qualified teacher (n):. (A teacher who has obtained full state teacher
certification or has passed the state teacher licensing examination and holds a license
to teach in the state; holds a minimum of a bachelor’s degree; and has demonstrated
subject area competence in each of the academic subjects in which the teacher teaches.
(Ed Source)) giáo viên chất lượng cao

High Priority Schools Grant Program (HPSGP) (n):. (A program created to

provide funds for schools in the lower half of the state rankings (Deciles 1-5) based on
the API. It focuses on schools with APIs that fall in the bottom ten percent of all
schools and replaces the II/USP.  Schools volunteer to be in this program. (Ed
Source)) chương trình tài trợ cho các trường được ưu tiên

Home language survey (n): Khảo sát về ngôn ngữ dùng tại nhà

Home language (n): Ngôn ngữ dùng tại nhà

Home page (website) (n): Trang chính

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Homeschooling: Học tại nhà

Honor roll: Danh sách học sinh được hạng danh dự

Human Rights Commission: Ủy Ban Bảo vệ Nhân quyền

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ICAE (International Council for Adult Education): Hội đồng quốc tế của nền giáo
dục dành cho người thành niên

ICEA (International Community Education Association). Hội Liên Hiệp Giáo Dục
Cộng Đồng Quốc Tế

Individualized instruction (n) (A method of instruction in which content,

instructional materials, instructional media, and pace of learning are based upon the
abilities and interests of each individual learner.) hướng dẫn được đặc thù hóa cho
phù hợp với từng người học

IELTS (International English Language Testing System.) Hệ thống đánh giá Anh
ngữ quốc tế

Illiteracy: Nạn mù chữ

II/USP (Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program) (n). (The

Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program was designed to
encourage a schoolwide improvement program in schools with very low test scores
and to provide assistance and intervention. Schools in the lowest five deciles of API
scores were eligible if they did not meet their API targets. It was replaced in 2002
with HPSGP, a similar program.) (Ed-data) chương trình can thiệp trực tiếp cải
thiện chất lượng của các trường chưa đạt chỉ tiêu

Immersion education (n): (A program that teaches children to speak, read, and write
in a second language by surrounding them with conversation and instruction in that
language. Note that English immersion may differ from other immersion programs.)
trình giáp dục hòan tòan bằng ngôn ngữ thứ hai.

Immigrant (n): dân nhập cư

Immunization records: Hồ sơ tiêm chủng

Impoverished backgrounds: Hoàn cảnh xuất thân nghèo khó

Inclement weather: Khí hậu khắc nghiệt

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Inclusion (n) (The practice of placing students with disabilities in regular classrooms.
Also known as mainstreaming) sự hòa nhập lồng ghép các học sinh cá biệt vào các
lớp thông thường để giáo dục

Income verification: Sự kiểm chứng lợi tức

Independent study (n):. (Specially designed instruction in courses taught through a

variety of delivery methods that complement traditional high school curricula and
provide an accredited diploma) môn học tự do

Indigenous education (n): nền giáo dục bản xứ

Individual Education Program (IEP) : (A written plan created for a student with
learning disabilities by the student's teachers, parents or guardians, the school
administrator, and other interested parties. The plan is tailored to the student's specific
needs and abilities, and outlines goals for the student to reach. The IEP should be
reviewed at least once a year). chương trình giáo dục đặc biệt thích hợp riêng cho
cá nhân.

Individual health plan (n): Kế hoạch chăm sóc sức khoẻ cá nhân

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): Đạo luật Giáo dục cho Người
khuyết tật

Industrial skill training (n): Huấn luyện kỹ năng công nghiệp

Industrial trades (n): Các ngành công nghiệp

Industry certification (n): Chứng chỉ công nghiệp

Industry standards (n): Tiêu chuẩn của ngành

industry training council (or ITC) ((n; a body established by an industry or business
sector to address training issues)) hội đồng đào tạo kỹ nghệ

Informal education (n):. The acquisition of knowledge and skills through experience,
reading, social contact, etc. giáo dục không chính thức

Information literacy (n):;( the ability to identify an information need, and then to
find, collect, organise, evaluate,and use the information ) kỹ năng thông tin.

Information Technology (n): Công nghệ Thông tin

Initial education/training (n): General or vocational education carried out in the

initial education system, usually before entering working life.

In loco parentis (adv): Thay mặt cha mẹ

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Innovation (n): sự đổi mới, sự cách tân

Inquiry education (n): (sometimes known as the inquiry method) nền giáo dục yêu
cầu tìm hiểu thông tin; A student-centered method of education focused on asking
questions. Students are encouraged to ask questions which are meaningful to them,
and which do not necessarily have easy answers; teachers are encouraged to avoid
speaking at all when this is possible, and in any case to avoid giving answers in favor
of asking more questions.

In-service training (n) (training and professional development of staff, often

sponsored by the employer, and usually provided during normal working hours.) đào
tạo tại chức

Instructional capital (n)? (A term used in educational administration after the 1960s,
to reflect capital resulting from investment in producing learning materials). Chi phí
giảng dạy

Instructional design (n):. The design and development of instructional materials and
learning activities to meet learning needs. đề cương hướng dẫn

Instructional minutes (n). (Refers to the amount of time the state requires teachers to
spend providing instruction in each subject area.) thời gian truyền thụ kiến thức

Instructional scaffolding (n):. (The provision of sufficient supports to promote

learning when concepts and skills are being first introduced to students). cung cấp
kiến thức nền, xây dựng khung sườn kiến thức

Instructional theory (n) (A discipline that focuses on how to structure material for
promoting the education of humans, particularly youth). nguyên lý giảng dạy

ISCED International Standard Classification of Education: Nhóm tiêu chuẩn quốc tế

của giáo dục

Integrated assessment (n):; an approach to assessment that covers multiple elements

and/or units of competence from relevant competency standards. The integrated
approach attempts to combine knowledge, understanding, problem solving, technical
skills, attitudes and ethics into an assessment task with the aim of reducing the time
spent on testing as well as making assessment more ‘authentic ’. đánh giá tổng hợp

Integrated Basic Education Skills Training (IBEST): Chương trình Huấn luyện
Kỹ năng học Cơ bản một cách tổng thể

Integrated curriculum (n):

Refers to the practice of using a single theme to teach a variety of subjects. It also

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refers to a interdisciplinary curriculum, which combines several school subjects into
one project. giáo trình tích hợp

Integrative learning (n) (A learning theory describing a movement toward integrated

lessons helping students make connections across curricula. This higher education
concept is distinct from the elementary and high school "integrated curriculum"
movement.) kiến thức mở rộng

Intellectual properties (n):. (Ownership of works resulting from a person's thoughts.

Important issue in distance education as courseware is made widely available.
Copyright legislation provides for some protection) . sở hữu trí tuệ

International Baccalaureate (IB):

A rigorous college preparation course of study that leads to examinations for highly
motivated high school students. Students can earn college credit from many
universities if their exam scores are high enough) bằng cử nhân quốc tế

International education (n):. The practice and/or study of international cooperation

and aid among countries, including the exchange of students, teachers, and researchers
between countries. International education is connected to comparative education.
giáo dục quốc tế, giáo dục đa quốc gia

International Vocational Education and Training Association (or IVETA) (a

network of vocational educators, vocational skills training organisations, business and
industrial firms, and other individuals and groups interested or involved in vocational
education and training worldwide). Liên Hiệp Giáo Dục và Đào Tạo Nghề Quốc Tế

Internship (n): Thực tập

Intervention (n):
(The term refers to funds that schools get for students who are not learning at grade
level. They can be used to fund before-school or afterschool programs or to pay for
materials and instructors). sự xen vào, sự can thiệp, chương trình tài trợ

Intrinsic motivation (n): sự thúc đẩy bên trong. Evident when people engage in an
activity for its own sake, without some obvious external incentive present. A hobby is
a typical example.

Invigilator (n): người coi thi, giám thị phòng thi

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Job counseling (n): hướng nghiệp

Job creation (n): tạo việc làm

Job description (n): bản mô tả công việc, chức năng và nhiệm vụ

Job generation (n): tạo việc làm (also Job creation)

Job requirements (n): yêu cầu đối với một công việc

Job satisfaction (n): sự hài lòng đối với một công việc

Job Guide (n) (a guide produced by the Department of Education, Training and
Youth Affairs, giving information on jobs, education and training pathways. The Job
Guide is available as a book, on disk and on the internet) hướng dẫn việc làm

Job Network (n):; (a network of private, community and government organizations

assisting people to find jobs). mạng lưới việc làm

Jobseeker (n): người tìm việc; a person looking for and available for work

Job shadowing (n):. (A program that takes students into the workplace to learn about
careers through one-day orientations or more extensive internships to see how the
skills learned in school relate to the workplace). hoạt động tìm hiểu về các kỹ năng
đã học trên lớp và công việc trên thực tiễn

Joint school district (n) (School district with boundaries that cross county lines) khu
vực tập trung nhiều trường công được sử dụng chung

Just-in-time learning(n): (An approach to educational delivery in which small

segments of learning are delivered when and where the need arises. Not based on fully
understanding, but on specific problem-solving implementations. Response to need
education and training needs in a rapidly changing environment.) quá trình học tập
bào đảm đáp ứng đúng nhu cầu.

Justification (n): luận chứng, biện minh

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K-12 (kindergarten through grade 12): Từ lớp mẫu giáo đến lớp 12

Key competency (n) (any of several generic skills or competencies considered

essential for people to participate effectively in the workforce. Key competencies
apply to work generally, rather than being specific to work in a particular occupation
or industry) khả năng then chốt

Key information (n): người cung cấp thong tin chủ yếu

Kindergarten entry age (n): Tuổi vào mẫu giáo

Kindergarten (n): Lớp mẫu giáo

Kinesthetic learning (n):. (A teaching and learning style in which learning takes
place by the student actually carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a
lecture or merely watching a demonstration). học tập dưới hình thức vận động

Know-how (n): bí quyết

Knowledge Base (n): . (The body of information that guides and informs individuals
working in the field) nguồn kiến thức

Knowledge Management: (or KM). (A term applied to techniques used for the
systematic collection, transfer, security and management of information within
organizations, along with systems designed to help make best use of that knowledge.
In particular it refers to tools and techniques designed to preserve the availability of
information held by key individuals and facilitate decision making and reducing risk.)
quản lí tri thức

Knowledge representation (n): (KR). (Most commonly used to refer to

representations intended for processing by modern computers, and particularly for
representations consisting of explicit objects). sự tượng trưng cho tri thức

Knowledge transfer (n): chuyển đổi tri thức

Knowledge visualization:. (Knowledge Visualization aims to improve the transfer of

knowledge by using computer and non-computerbased visuals complementary.
Examples of such visual formats are photographs, information graphics, sketches,
diagrams, images, mind maps, objects) vật thể hóa tri thức

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Language acquisition process (n): Qui trình tiếp thu ngôn ngữ

Language acquisition program (n): Chương trình tiếp thu ngôn ngữ

language arts (n): (Another term for English curriculum. The focus is on reading,
speaking, listening, and writing skills). kỹ năng ngôn ngữ

Leadership training (n): Huấn luyện khả năng lãnh đạo

Learned helplessness (n): tình trạng không tự lực được, người học thụ động

Learner autonomy(n):.( Concept that learners have different capacities for making
decisions regarding their own learning. Relates to the structure and interactive
expectations of a distance education course. A key element in adult learning.) quyền
tự quản lý của người học

Learner-focused (adj):. (Descriptive of a humanistic perspective in education in

which the learner is assumed to have a high degree of autonomy.) người học là trung

Learning Assistance Program (LAP): Chương trình Giúp đỡ việc Học tập

Learning by doing (n): học thông qua hành, vừa học vừa làm

Learning by teaching (n): (Learning by teaching should not be confused with

presentations or lectures by students, as students do not only convey certain content,
but choose their own methodological and didactical approach in teaching their
classmates a certain area of the respective subject.) việc học thông qua giảng dạy.

Learning culture (n) (an environment in which opportunities for learning are openly
valued and supported and are built, where possible, into all activities). văn hóa học

Learning curve (n): đường cong biểu diễn kết quả học tập, mức độ tiếp thu kiến
thức, kỹ năng

Learning disability (n): tình trạng không có năng lực học tập

Learning outcome (n):. (The set of knowledge, skills and/or competences an

individual has acquired and/or is able to demonstrate after completion of a learning

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process. Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know,
understand and/or be able to do at the end of a period of learning). kết quả học tập

Learning pathway (n) (a path or sequence of learning or experience that can be

followed to attain competency. Learning pathways may be included as part of the non-
endorsed component of a training package.) hướng học tập

Learning resource centre (or LRC) (n) (a place in a school or college housing a
collection of books and other resources (print, electronic, audiovisual, and equipment)
for reference or loan to support the educational programs of the institution. Learning
resource centre also conducts information literacy programs, providing instruction in
the effective use of information resources.) trung tâm nguồn tài liệu học tập và các
chương trình hỗ trợ học đường

Learning society (n):; (a society in which learning is considered important or

valuable, where people are encouraged to continue to learn throughout their lives, and
where the opportunity to participate in education and training is available to all.) xã
hội có học thức

Learning strategy (n):; (a non-endorsed component of a training package which

provides information on how training programs may be organized in workplaces and
training institutions. This may include information on learning pathways, model
training programs, and training materials). chiến lược học tập

Learning theory (n): thuyết phản xạ có điều kiện

Legal education (n):. (The education of individuals who intend to become legal
professionals (attorneys and judges) or those who simply intend to use their law
degree to some end, either related to law (such as politics or academic) or unrelated
(such as business entrepreneurship)). giáo dục về luật

Legal guardian (n): Người giám hộ trên pháp lý

Legislature (n): Cơ quan lập pháp

Lessons learned (n): bài học kinh nghiệm

Levy (n): Sắc thuế thu được

Liberal arts (n):. (Studies that are intended to provide general knowledge and
intellectual skills, rather than more specialized occupational or professional skills).
năng khiếu tự do

Library (n): Thư viện

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Lifelong learning (n) (the process of acquiring knowledge or skills throughout life
via education, training, work and general life experiences.) sự học tập cả đời, sự học
suốt đời

Life skills education (n): giáo dục về những kỹ năng sống, giáo dục về những điều
cần biết trong cuộc sống

Lifewide learning (n): sự học tập từ cuộc sống thực tiễn.

Limited English Proficient (LEP): Khả năng Anh ngữ Giới hạn

Listserv (n):. )A generic term that has been given to useful software programs that
enable e-mail-based dissemination of topical information to subscribers. When e-mail
is addressed to a listserv, it is automatically broadcast to everyone on the list. The
result is similar to a newsgroup or forum, except that the messages are transmitted as
e-mail.) một chương trình thảo luận miễn phí trên internet cho phép người dùng
trao đổi ý kiến với nhau bằng thư điện tử

Local education agency (LEA): Cơ quan giáo dục địa phương

Logical framework or logframe (n):. (A method that allows for a logical linkage
between the various elements in a project design and enables a successful
implementation of the expected results of the project) khung lôgic

Low income (n): Thu nhập thấp; lợi tức thấp

Low socio-economic status (LSES) (n): Tình trạng kinh tế-xã hội thấp kém

Lunch program (n): Chương trình ăn trưa

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Magnet school (n): (A school that focuses on a particular discipline, such as science,
mathematics, arts, or computer science. It is designed to recruit students from other
parts of the school district). trường chuyên nghiệp công lập, trường chuyên

Mainstream (v): Hội nhập

Mainstreaming (n) (The practice of placing students with disabilities in regular

classrooms) sự hòa nhập lồng ghép các học sinh cá biệt vào các lớp thông thường
để giáo dục

Manipulatives (n): (Three-dimensional teaching aids and visuals that teachers use to
help students with math concepts. Typical tools include counting beads or bars, base
ten blocks, shapes, fraction parts, and rulers.) dụng cụ dùng để đo đạc, mô phỏng các
công thức toán học

Major (n): Ngành học chính; môn học chính

Masters (n): Cao học

Mastery learning (n):. (An instructional method that presumes all children can learn
if they are provided with the appropriate learning conditions. Specifically, mastery
learning is a method whereby students are not advanced to a subsequent learning
objective until they demonstrate proficiency with the current one). phương pháp học
tập chú trọng vào sự tinh thông, nắm vững kiến thức của học sinh

Math facts (n): Những kiến thức cơ bản về toán

Measurable (adj): Đo lường được

Mediation (n): Sự điều đình, hoà giải

Medical Assistance Administration (MAA): Cục Hỗ trợ Y tế

Mentor (n): Người theo sát dẫn dắt

Mentor (v): Theo sát để dẫn dắt

Mentoring (n):. (A developmental relationship between a more experienced mentor

and a less experienced partner referred to as a mentee or protégé). sự cố vấn, chỉ bảo
cho người khác

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Metacognition (n):. (The ability to think about thinking is unique to sapient species
and indeed is one of the definitions of sapience. Metacognition is practiced to attempt
to regulate one's own cognition, and maximize one's potential to think, learn and
process stimuli from the surroundings). siêu nhận thức, kiến thức về sự tư duy của
mỗi người

Middle school (n): Trung học cấp 2

Military education and training (n):. (A process which intends to establish and
improve the capabilities of military personnel in their respective roles). giáo dục và
đào tạo lực lượng vũ trang

Mind map (n): (or mind-map). (A diagram used for linking words and ideas to a
central key word or idea. It is used to visualize, classify, structure, and generate ideas,
as well as an aid in study, problem solving, and decision making). sơ đồ tư duy

Minimum day (n): (A shortened school day that allows teachers to meet and work
together.) ngày dạy được rút ngắn

Minority (n) : Thiểu số

Mission statement (n): Phương châm

Migrant and Bilingual Education Program (n): Chương trình Giáo dục Di Dân và
Song ngữ

Mixed ability (n):. (A teaching group in which children of all abilities are taught
together rather than being steamed or set) học lực pha trộn

Mixed Mode Delivery (n): A combination of learning modes to deliver a course or

module, such as distance education and face-to-face study in classes, tutorials,
practical sessions or workshops

Mobility (n):. (The ability of an individual to move and adapt to a new occupational
environment ) tính di động, tính lưu động, tính biến đổi nhanh

Modernization (n): (The installation of new plumbing, air conditioning, floors,

cabinets, carpeting, etc. on school grounds.) hiện đại hóa cơ sở vật chất giáo dục

Module (n): học phần

Monitor (n): Giám sát

Multiskilling (n):. (Training workers in a number of skills, enabling them to perform

a variety of tasks or functions across traditional boundaries. Multiskilling may be

- 24 -
horizontal (broad skilling), vertical (upskilling) or diagonal (contributory skilling))
việc đào tạo rèn luyện cho nhiều nhiệm vụ khác nhau

Multiple-subject credential (n): (A credential required to teach in elementary and

middle-school classrooms. It qualifies a teacher to teach multiple subjects in a self-
contained class.) chứng chỉ sư phạm đa ngành

- 25 -
NCDA US National Career Development Association (NCDA is a division of the
American Counseling Association (ACA). The mission of NCDA is to promote the
lifelong career development of all people. To achieve this mission, NCDA provides
service to the public and professionals involved with, or interest in, career
development, including professional development activities, publications, research,
public information, professional standards, advocacy, and recognition for achievement
and service. )

NCDG. US National Career Development Guidelines (A set of competencies and

indicators for career guidance curriculum and programs developed for various age
groups.The National Career Development Guidelines are a competency-based
approach to career development that helps states, schools, human service agencies and
colleges and universities plan quality career guidance and counseling programs.)

NOICC. National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee. (Congress

established NOICC in 1976 as a federal-state partnership that provided a framework
for addressing workforce development and career preparation. In 1998 the new
Workforce Investment Act transferred NOICC’s occupational information functions to
the Secretary of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Employment and Training
Administration. The Perkins Act moved NOICC’s career development authority to the
U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Vocational and Adult Education).

Non-traditional careers.(Careers in which fewer than 25 percent of the workforce is

of one gender. There are many pros and cons for job-seekers considering working in a
non-traditional career path.)

NAEF , National Assessment of Educational Progress (Program to ascertain the

effectiveness of U.S school and student achievement)

NASDTEC, National Association of State Directors of Teachers Education and

Certification: (An organization, comprising participating state departments of
education, that evaluate teachers education programs in higher education)

NBPTS, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards: (A professional

organization charged with establishing voluntary standards for recognizing superior
teachers and board certified)

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NCATE, National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (An
organization that evaluates teachers education programs approved by the NCATE
receives licenses in over haft of the states, pending the successful completion of
required state exams)

NCS, National Curricular Standards (Nationally prescribed or recommended

standards, content skills, and testing)

NDEA, National Defense Education Act (Federally sponsored programs (1958) to

improve science, math and foreign language instruction in schools)

NEA, National Education Association (the largest organization of educators, the

NEA is concerned with the overall improvement of education and of the concern of
educators. It is organized at the national, states and local levels)

Naturalistic observation:(observation outside of a laboratory in the real world) sự

quan sát, sự theo dõi căn cứ vào tự nhiên

Nature-nurture issue (nature refers to an organism’s biological inheritance, nurture

to environmental influences. The “nature” proponents claim that environmental
experiences are the most important): vần đề về sự chăm sóc; sự khuyến khích, ủng
hộ tự nhiên

Near transfer (the transfer of learning to a situation that is similar to the one in which
the initial learning took place): sự di chuyển, sự dời chỗ; sự truyền gần

Need for affiliation or relatedness ( the motive to be securely connected with other
people): nhu cầu về sự tương quan, tương hỗ

Negative reinforcement: (reinforcement based on the principle that the frequency of

a response increases because an aversive (unpleasant) stimulus is removed) sự củng
cố, sự nhấn mạnh, sự ủng hộ thêm nữa tiêu cực

Neglectful parenting: (a parenting style of uninvolvement in which parent spend

little time with their children; associated with children’s social incompetence) viê ̣c
nuôi nấng sao lãng, cẩu thả, không chú ý

Neo-piagetians: (developmental psychologists who believe that Piaget got something

right but that his theory needs considerable revision: emphasize how to process
information through attention, memories and strategies) mới; hiê ̣n đại

Networking: (the term used to described the intentional effort to develop personal
connections with individuals who could be helpful in finding positions or gaining
professional advancement) mạng lưới, hê ̣ thống

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Network theories: (theories that describe how information in memory is organized
and connected; they emphasize notes in the memory network) hê ̣ thống lý thuyết

New England Primer: (New England one of the first textbooks in colonial America,
teaching reading and moral messages): sách vỡ lòng

Newsletter: Lá Thư tin tức định kỳ

No Child Left Behind (NCLB): Không Bỏ Rơi Một Trẻ Em Nào

Non-instructional support services: Dịch vụ hỗ trợ không thuộc giảng dạy

Nonprofit organization: Tổ chức bất vụ lợi

Nonfeasance: (failure to exercise appropriate responsibility that results in someone

harmed) viê ̣c không thi hành điều kiê ̣n, nghĩa vụ

Nongraded school: (school organization in which grade levels are eliminated for two
or more years): trường học loại ra, loại trừ cấp bậcA

Nongraded (cross age) program: (a variation of between-class ability grouping in

which students are grouped by their ability in particular subjects, regardless of their
age of grade level) chương trình không phân xếp hạng; phân hạng; xếp loại chọn

Nonverbal communication: (the act of transmitting and/ or receiving messages

through means not having to do with oral or written language, such as eye contact,
facial expressions, and body language): giao tiếp không bằng lời nói, giao tiếp phi
ngôn ngữ

Norm group: (a group of similar individuals who previously were given the test by
the test maker) quy tắc, quy phạm, tiêu chuẩn nhóm

Normal distribution: (a symmetrical distribution, with a majority of scores falling in

the middle of the possible range of scores appearing toward the extremes of the range)
sự sắp xếp, sự xếp loại, sự phân loại chuẩn

Normal school: (a two-years teachers education institution popular in the nineteenth

century, many of which were expanded to become today’s state colleges and
universities) trường chuẩn

Normal philosophy: luân lý

Norm-referenced grading: (a grading system based on a comparison of a student’s

performance with that of other students in the class or of other classes of other
students) sự liên quan trong việc phân loại theo tiêu chuẩn

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Norm-referenced tests: (Tests that compare individual students with others in a
designated norm group) sự liên quan trong việc phân loại theo chuẩn trong các bài
kiểm tra

Northwest Ordinance (1785, 1787) provided for the sale of federal lands in the
northwest territory to support public schools:

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Objective: (the purpose of of a lesson express in a statement) mục tiêu bài giảng

Objective-referenced tests: (tests that measure whether students have mastered a

designated body of knowledge rather than how they compare with other students in
norm group): những bài kiểm tra hướng vào mục tiêu

Objective tests: (tests that have relatively clear, unambiguous scoring criteria, usually
multiple choice tests) những bài kiểm tra khách quan

Observation techniques: (structured methods for observing various aspects of school

or classroom activities) thủ thuật dự giảng

Observational learning: (also called imitation or modeling, a learning process in

which a person observes or imitates someone else’s behavior) học theo kiểu quan sát

OECD: (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) tổ chức hợp tác
và phát triển kinh tế

OET (Occupational English Test) bài kiểm tra nghiệp vụ bằng tiếng Anh

Off-set style: a classroom arrangement style in which small numbers of students

(usually three or four) sit at tables but not to sit directly across from one another:

Office of Civil Rights: Văn Phòng Đặc Trách Dân Quyền

Office of Professional Practices: Văn Phòng đặc trách về Hành nghề chuyên

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI): Văn Phòng Bộ Trưởng

Giáo dục Tiểu Bang

Office of the Education Ombudsman (OEO): Phòng Kiểm tra về Giáo dục

OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)

OLIMCH (Open Learning Information and Materials Clearing House, based at the
Adelaide Institute of TAFE).

OLM (Occupational Labour Market.)

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OLM (Office of Labour Market Adjustment.)

OLTC (Open Learning Technology Corporation )

OPCETE (Victoria) Office of Post Compulsory Education Training and Employment.

OSW (Office of the Status of Women.)

OTAE (Australian Capital territory) Office of Training and Adult Education.

OTEN (Open Training and Education Network.)

OTEN-DE (New South Wales) Open Training and Distance Education Network, an
institute of TAFE NSW offering a range of training and education courses through
distance education and flexible delivery.

OTFE (Victoria) Office of Training and Further Education, superseded by the Office
of Post Compulsory Education Training and Employment (PETE).

OTS (Open Training Services.)

OTTE (Victoria) Office of Training & Tertiary Education.

OVET (Tasmania and South Australia) Office of Vocational Education and Training.

OVTA (Japan) Overseas Vocational Training Association.

Occupation in demand (Also called: demand occupation) An occupation in which

there is an actual or expected shortage of qualified workers.

Off-the-job training (Training that takes place away from a person's job, usually off
the premises, e.g. at TAFE, but may be on the premises, e.g. in a special training area.)

Old Deluder Satan Law (1647): Massachusetts colony law requiring teachers in
town of fifty families or more and that schools be build in towns of none hundred
families or more. Communities must teach children to read so that they can read the
Bible and thwart Satan

Ombudsman: Nhân viên thanh tra (những than phiền của người dân về cơ quan
nhà nước)

On-site training : Training conducted at the work site (e.g. in a training room) but not
on the job.

On-the-job training : Training undertaken in the workplace as part of the productive

work of the learner..

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One Nation : A statement issued by Prime Minister Paul Keating in 1992. This
statement described the government's strategy to create jobs and strengthen the
economy, and included the Commonwealth's offer to assume responsibility for
vocational education and training

Online education: (Also: online learning and online training) (Learning or training
conducted via a computer network, e.g. using the internet and the World Wide Web, a
local area network (LAN), or an intranet.) lớp học trực tuyến

Open Learning Australia: (OLA) (An educational organization that enables people
to undertake tertiary or vocational study wherever they live and beginning at any time
of year, using materials supplied to their home, often supported by online study
resources and television and radio programs). học mở ở Úc

Open classroom: (based on the British model, it refers not only to an informal
classroom environment but also to a philosophy of education. Students pursue
individual interests with the guidance and support of the teacher; interested centers are
created to promote this individualize instruction. Students may also have a significant
influence in determining the nature and sequence of the curriculum. It is sometimes
referred to an open education) lớp học mở

Open enrollment: (the practice of permitting students to attend the school or their
choice within their school system. It is sometimes associated with magnet schools and
desegregation efforts) sự kết nạp hoă ̣c được kết nạp mở rộng

Open-space school: (a school building without interior walls. Although it may be

designed to promote the concept of the open classroom, the open space school is an
architectural concept rather than an educational one) trường học không gian mở

Operant conditioning: (also called instrumental conditioning, this is a form of

learning in which the consequences of behaviors produce changes in the probability
that the behavior will occur): có tác dụng; có hiê ̣u lực

Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (A professional association

of people interested or involved in distance education and open learning.)

Open entry : An admissions policy in which there are minimal entry criteria, or in
which standard selection criteria are relaxed or waived.An admissions policy, usually
at school level, where selection is not restricted by place of residence.

Open learning : An approach to learning that gives students flexibility and choice
over what, when, at what pace, where, and how they learn, commonly using distance
education and the facilities of educational technology. See also Flexible delivery.

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Open training market : A system of open competition among public and private
providers in the provision of vocational education and training, giving users greater
choice of program and provider. Adopted by the ANTA Ministerial Council (MINCO)
as a national policy to encourage diversity and competition among providers. See also
Deveson Report.

Opportunities to learn standards (also called delivery standards) (these standards

attempt to recognize and respond to individual differences and circumstances. Poorer
students learning in school with fewer resources should receive more appropriate and
adequate learning opportunities, and if some more students need more time to take
tests, additional time should be provided): cô hội học chuẩn

Opt out: Tự ý rút tên ra

Oral language skills: Kỹ năng ngôn ngữ qua lời nói

Oral tradition: spoken language is the primary method for instruction in several
cultures around the world. Word problems are used to teach reasoning, proverbs to
instill wisdom, and stories to teach lessons about nature, history, religion, and social

Organization: (Piaget’s concept of grouping isolated behaviors into a higher-order,

more smoothly functioning cognitive system; the grouping or arranging of items into
categories. The use of organization improves long-term memory) : tổ chức, cơ quan

Orthopedic impairments: (restricted movements, due to muscle, bone or joint

problems) sự làm suy yếu, sự làm sút kém; sự suy yếu, sự sút kém thuật chỉnh

Outcome: (In education or training, a result or consequence of participation in, or

completion of, an education or training program, e.g. employment, promotion, higher
salary, further study). hậu quả; kết quả, tác động

Outcomes-based education: (An educational system focused and organized around

clearly defined outcomes that students are expected to demonstrate on completion)
giáo dục dựa trên kết quả

Outsourcing: (The practice of having goods or services provided by a person or

persons outside the business or organization.) sự đồng ý nhận linh kiê ̣n, phụ tùng do
một nhà cung cấp khác hoă ̣c một nhà sản xuất khác cung ứng và như vậy đỡ tốn
kém hơn là mình tự làm lấy

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Outcome based education (OBE): An educational approach the emphasizes setting
learning outcomes and assessing student progress toward attaining those goals, rather
than focusing on curricular topics:

Overseas Qualifications Information ResourceThe Overseas Qualifications

Information Resource helps people with overseas professional and technical
qualifications to gain recognition in Australia.

Overconfidence bias: (sự the tendency to have more confidence in judgment and
decisions than we should base on probability or past experience) thiên về; thành
kiến; xu hướng sự quá tin, cả tin

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Paraprofessional: (a lay person who serves as an aide, assisting the teachers in the
classroom) người phụ tá có kinh nghiê ̣m để giúp một chuyên gia

Para educator, paraprofessional: Nhà giáo bán chuyên, bán chuyên nghiệp

Parent Advisory Council (PAC): Hội đồng Cố vấn Phụ huynh

Parent involvement: Sự tham gia của phụ huynh cha mẹ

Parent School Authorization Form (PSA): Mẫu đơn Chấp thuận của phụ huynh
cho nhà trường

Parent Teacher Association (PTA): Hội Phụ huynh Giáo viên (PTA)

Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA): Hội Phụ huynh, Giáo viên, và Học
sinh (PTSA)

Parent-teacher conference: Buổi họp phụ huynh-giáo viên

Parochial school: (an institution operated and controlled by a religious

denomination) từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) trường cấp 2 - 3 (của một tổ chức (tôn giáo)

Participant observation: (observation conducted at the same time the teacher-

researcher is actively involved as a participant in the activities or setting): người tham
gia, người tham dự quan sát

Passive style: (a way of dealing with conflict in which people are nonassertive and
submissive and don’t let others know what they want): phong cách, hình thức thụ

Passing score: Điểm đậu hay đạt

Pathway (area of study): Phương hướng học hành

PAVE Centre for Professional and Vocational Education, a research centre based at
the University of Canberra:

PAYG hê ̣ thống thuế; các thuế phải đóng

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PDF :Portable Document Format. A format for publishing documents in such a way
that they can be viewed and printed on multiple platforms using the freely available
Adobe Acrobat reader.

PEPES Public Employment Placement Enterprises.

PES Public Employment Service.

PETE (Victoria) Office of Post Compulsory Education Training and Employment.

PSDP : Post School Destination Program.

PSETA : Public Service Education and Training Australia.

PSITAB (New South Wales) Public Sector Industry Training Advisory Body.

PSTA : Property Services Training Australia, a national industry training advisory


Packaging: (The process of grouping competencies in a training package into

combinations that represent whole jobs or key functions that are meaningful in the
workplace.) cách thức giới thiê ̣u cái gì đó (một lời đề nghị, một sản phẩm...) hoă ̣c
người nào đó (một ứng cử viên, một tác giả...) cho công chúng biết

Part-time student: (A student who undertakes less than the full-time study program)
sinh viên bán chính

Part-time worker: (A person working less than the normal full-time working hours).
công nhân, nhân viên bán thời gian

Participation: (Taking part in an activity, e.g. participation in vocational education or

training; labour force participation.) sự tham gia, tham dự

Participation rate: (The proportion of a defined group of people undertaking a

specific activity). tỷ lệ tham gia

Partnership: (In vocational education and training, an association between a non-

registered organization and a registered training organization to achieve recognized
training.) sự chung phần; sự cộng tác

Password: (A password is a sequence of characters used to determine that a

computer user requesting access to a computer system has the appropriate authority).
khẩu lê ̣nh

Pathway: (A path or sequence of learning or experience that can be followed to attain

competency.) đường dẫn

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Performance criteria: 9The part of a competency standard specifying the required
level of performance in terms of a set of outcomes that need to be achieved in order to
be deemed competent.) tiêu chuẩn thành tích

Performance indicator: (Also: performance measure) (A criterion or measure for

monitoring or evaluating the efficiency or effectiveness of a system or service, that
may be used to demonstrate accountability and to identify areas for improvement.)
dụng cụ chỉ cho biết thành tích

Polytechnic: (An institution in some countries offering vocational or higher

education courses in technical areas. trườngcao đẳng dạy học cả ngày hoă ̣c một buổi
(nhất là về các vấn đề khoa học và (kỹ thuật)); trường bách khoa (International)

Portable skill: (A skill or competency that can be transferred from one work context
to another.) kỹ năng duy chuyển, thay dổi tình huống

Post-compulsory education (education beyond the compulsory age prescribed by

statute in each State or Territory, including the senior years of secondary schooling,
and all higher, further, or other post-secondary education). : giáo dục sau phổ cập

Post-secondary education: (All education beyond secondary school level, including

that delivered by universities, colleges, community providers, etc). giáo dục sau
trung cấp

Post-trade course: (A course that provides further or more advanced training for
qualified tradespersons.) khóa học thương mại nâng cao bổ sung

Pre-apprenticeship course: (Also: pre-traineeship course) (A course that provides

initial training in a particular industry or occupation. Successful completion of the
course can assist participants in obtaining an apprenticeship or traineeship) sự học
viê ̣c, sư học nghề; thời gian học viê ̣c, thời gian học nghề trước khóa

Preferred supplier arrangement: (An arrangement whereby a State training system

or other purchaser agrees to buy training from, or give preference to, a specific
provider or provider sector). sự phân công người (công ty) cung cấp, người tiếp tế

Prerequisite: (In vocational education and training, a requirement for admission to a

particular course or module, e.g. satisfactory completion of a specific subject or
course, at least five years in the workforce, etc). định trước hết; điều kiê ̣n tiên quyết

Present association: (Auditing/Technical advice) Any association the

auditor/technical adviser has, or has had with the training organization within the 12
months prior to participating in an audit. This could be through association such as

- 37 -
previous employment, close collaborative working relationships, provision of funding
or grants.

Prevocational course: (A course designed to prepare people for vocational education

and training or work, including bridging courses, basic literacy and numeric training,
or training in job skills.) khóa học để chuẩn bị vào nghề nghiê ̣p (giáo dục)

Prevocational education: (Education preparing students for the world of work,

including counselling on career choices, training in general work skills and habits, and
work experience.) giáo dục hướng nghiệp

Primary Recognition Authority (PRA) The State or Territory recognition authority

responsible for registering a training organisation that operates in more than one State
or Territory. See also Mutual recognition.

Prior learning (Skills and knowledge acquired from previous study, work, or life
experience.): ưu tiên học

Private provider: (A non-government training organization, including commercial

providers (providing courses to industry and individuals for profit), community
providers (non-profit organizations, funded by government or community sponsors),
enterprise providers (companies or other organizations providing training mainly for
their own employees), and industry providers (organizations providing training to
enterprises across an industry). nhà cung cấp riêng (tư nhân)

Professional continuing education: (Also called: professional development.

Education of adults in professional fields, updating and improving occupational skills,
often involving short-term, intensive, specialized courses.) giáo dục nghề nghiệp
liên tục

Program: (A plan incorporating a set of actions designed to achieve certain

outcomes, e.g. labor market programs, the Adult Migrant English Program.In full,
training program. A set of education and training activities designed to achieve a
specific vocational outcome, e.g. a course, module (subject), on-the-job training, etc. )
chương trình

Provider: nhà cung cấp

Publishing: (Electronic classroom/Internet) (The process of adding content to an

Internet or intranet website.) công viê ̣c xuất bản; nghề xuất bản

Peace studies: (the studies and analysis of the conditions of and need for peace, the
causes of war, and the mechanism for the nonviolent resolution for conflicts. It is also
referred to as peace education ) hòa bình học

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Pedagogical content knowledge: (knowledge about how to effectively teach
particular discipline) nội dung kiến thức sư phạm

Pedagogical cycle: (a system of teacher – students interaction that includes fours

steps: structure – teachers introduce the topic; question – teachers ask questions;
response – students answer or try to answer the questions; and react – teachers react
on student’s answers and provide feedback) vòng tròn sư phạm

Pedagogues: (term given to home school advocates motivated by humanistic rather

than religious goals) người dạy học; nhà sư phạm, người dạy học nghiêm khắc hoă ̣c
mô phạm; nhà mô phạm

Pedagogy: (the science of teaching): sư phạm

Peer review: (the practice of having colleagues observe and assess teaching, as
opposed to administrators) người cùng địa vị, người ngang hàng, người tương
đương; người đồng tuế (người cùng tuổi) xem xét, đánh giá

Percentile rank score: một trong những nhóm đó không lầm vào đâu được; rõ
rành rành

Perennialism: the philosophy that emphasizes rationality as the major of purpose of

education. It asserts that the essential truths are recurring and universally true , it
stresses Great Book

Performance assessment: (assessment that requires creating answers or products that

demonstrate knowledge and skill; examples conclude writing and conducting an
experiment, carrying out a project, solving a real world problem, and creating a
portfolio) hành động đánh giá thành tích

Performance criteria: (specific behaviors that need to be performed effectively as

part of an assessment) tiêu chuẩn thành tích

Performance orientation: (a personal stance of concern with the outcome rather than
the process, for performance-oriented individuals, winning is what matters and
happiness is believed to result from winning) sự định hướng thành tích

Performance standards: (statements that describe what teachers or students should

be able to do, and how well they should do it) chuẩn thành tích

Permanent license (although there is some variation from state to state, a permanent
license is issued after a candidate has completed all the requirements for full
recognition as a teacher. Requirements ay include a specified number of courses
beyond the bachelor’s degree or a specific number of years of teaching) : sự cho

- 39 -
phép; giấy phép, môn bài, đăng ký lâu dài, vĩnh cửu; thường xuyên, thường trực;
cố định

Permissive classroom management style: (a management style that allows students

considerable autonomy but provides them with little support for developing learning
skills or managing their behaviors) : quản lí lớp học lạc quan

Permission slip: Giấy cho phép

Personality: (distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the way
an individual adapts the world): cá tính

Person-situation interaction: (the view that the best way to conceptualize personality
is not in terms of personal traits or characteristics alone but also in terms of the
situation involved): tình huống

Phonology: (a language’s sound system) âm vị học

Philosophy: (the love of or search for wisdom; the quest to understand the meaning of
life) triết lí, triết học

Phonics (an approach to reading instruction that emphasizes decoding words by

sounding out letters and combination of letters (as contrasted with the whole language
approach)) : âm học

Physical education: Môn thể dục thể thao

Physical therapist: Nhân viên vật lý trị liệu

Placement exam: Cuộc thi xếp hạng

Political philosophy: (an approach to analyzing how past and present societies are
arranged and governed and how better societies may be created in the future) triết
học; triết lý chính trị

Portfolio: ( a systematic and organized collection of a students work that demonstrate

the student’s skills and accomplishments): că ̣p giấy (để mang giấy tờ, hồ sơ.. rời),
danh mục vốn đầu tư (của một công ty, một nhà ngân hàng), (nghĩa bóng) chức vụ
bộ trưởng

Positive reinforcement (reinforcement based on the principle that the frequencies of

a response increases because it is followed by a rewarding stimulus): củng cố tích cực

Postconventional reasoning: (in Kohlberg’s theory, the highest level, moral

development is internalized and moral reasoning is self-generated) : hành động hoă ̣c

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quá trình sử dụng lý lẽ của mình; những lý lẽ đưa ra khi làm viê ̣c đó; lập luận;
tranh luận sau hội thoại

Pragmatics: người thực dụng (hành động một cách thực tế)

Policy: Chính sách

Predictive validity: (the relation between tests scores and student’s future
performance): giá trị dự đoán (có thể có)

Prejudice: (an unsatisfied negative attitude toward an individual because of the

individual membership in a group: thành kiếnPremack principle: the principle that a
high-probability activity can serve as a rein forcer for low-probability
activityPreoperational stage: the second Piagetian stage, lasting about two or seven
years of age; symbolic thought is not yet present): thành kiến

Pre-registration: Ghi danh trước

Preschool: Trường mầm non

Prevention/Intervention Specialist: Chuyên gia Phòng ngừa/Can thiệp

Primary language: Ngôn ngữ chính; ngôn ngữ dùng thường xuyên nhất

Principal: Hiệu trưởng

Private school: Trường tư

(PESB): Hội đồng Quản trị Tiêu chuẩn Nghề nghiệp của Nhà Giáo

Primary school: (a separately organized and administered elementary school for

students in a lower elementary grades): trường tiểu học

Probationary teaching period: (a specified period of time in which a newly higher

hired teachers must demonstrate teaching competence. This period is usually three
years for public school teachers and six years for college professors. Generally, on
satisfactory completion of the probationary period, a teacher is granted tenure) giáo
viên đang trong thời gian thử thách, đang trong thời gian tập sự

Problem-based learning: (learning that emphasize authentic problems like those that
occur in daily life and ask students to work cooperatively to develop and demonstrate
their solutions) học dựa trên vấn đề

Problem sets (group of two or more multiple-choice or objective short answer items
that are related to the same stimulus, such as an illustration, a graph or a passage) đặt
vấn đề

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Problem solving: (finding an appropriate way to attain the goal) giải quyết vấn đề

Procedural memory: (knowledge in the form of skills and cognitive operations.

Procedural memory cannot be consciously specific events or facts): trí nhớ thuộc thủ
tục; theo thủ tục

Professional development: : phát triển theo chuyên nghành

Proficiency: Sự có khả năng làm việc gì

Program evaluation research: (Research that is designed to make decision about the
effectiveness of a particular program) nghiên cứu đánh giá chương trình

Progressive education: (an educational philosophy emphasizing democracy, students

needs, practical activities and school communities relationships) giáo dục tăng tiến

Prompt: (an added stimulus or cue that is given just before a response and increases
the likelihood the response will occur) sự nhắc; lời nhắc (cho một diễn viên, một
diễn giả.).

Property tax: (local real estate taxes (also cars and personal property) historically
used to fund local schools) thuế riêng

Provisional license: (also preferred to as a probationary license, a provisional license

is frequently issued to beginning teachers. It may mean that the state requires several
years of teaching experience before it will qualify the teachers for permanent
licensure) bằng cấp tạm thời; lâm thời

Prototype matching: (a process in which individuals decide whether an item is a

member of a category by comparing it with the most typical item (s) of the category.)
người đầu tiên; vật đầu tiên; mẫu đầu tiên, nguyên mẫu

Psychoanalytic theory of gender: (a theory that stems from Freud’s view that the
preschool child develops a sexual attraction because of anxious feelings.
Subsequently, the child identifies with the same sex-parent, unconsciously adopting
the same-sex parent’s characteristics) lý thuyết phân tâm học vầ giới tính

Public law 94-142: the Education for All Handicapped children Act, which required
that all students with disabilities be given a free, appropriate public education and
which provided the funding to help implement this education.

Pull-out program: Chương trình kéo học sinh ra khỏi lớp đề kèm thêm

Punishment (a consequence that decreases the probability that the behavior will
occur) : sự trừng phạt, (thông tục) sự hành hạ, sự ngược đãi

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QCA: ((United Kingdom) Qualifications and Curriculum Authority) tài liê ̣u có thể
làm căn cứ đáng tin cậy về chất lượng và giáo trình

QE: sự xác nhận; sự tán thành về chất lượng

Qualification: (Certification awarded to a person on successful completion of a

course, in recognition of having achieved particular knowledge, skills or
competencies. See also Australian Qualifications Framework.) khả năng chuyên
môn, trình độ chuyên môn, tiêu chuẩn chuyên môn; văn bằng, học vị, chứng chỉ

Quality: ( Under Australian Quality Training Framework arrangements, the level of

satisfaction with, and effectiveness of, vocational education and training
organisations, their products and services, established through conformity with the
requirements set by clients and stakeholders.) đă ̣c tính, nét đă ̣c biê ̣t; năng lực, tài
năng; đức tính; đă ̣c trưng

Quality assurance: (The systems and procedures designed and implemented by an

organisation to ensure that its products and services are of a consistent standard and
are being continuously improved). bảo đảm chất lượng

Quality endorsement: (The formal recognition awarded by a State or Territory

recognition or training authority to a registered training organisation on the basis of its
implementation of a quality system). sự chứng thực chất lượng

Quality management: (Encompasses all activities that determine quality policy

objectives and responsibilities, implemented by means such as quality planning,
quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement within a quality system.)
quản lí chất lượng

Quality system: (A management system designed to ensure that an organization’s

products and services always meet, or exceed, defined quality standards and are
subject to continuous improvement). hệ thống chất lượng

Quality-endorsed training organization (QETO) A registered training organization

that has been granted recognition by a State or Territory recognition or training
authority on the basis of its implementation of a quality system. Once quality-
endorsed, a registered training organization can receive delegated powers of self-
management for the scope of its registered operations, and self-management of

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accreditation of its own courses, within the parameters set by the Australian
Recognition Framework. (Note: In accordance with the June 2001 ANTA Ministerial
Council decisions on the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF), QETO
status had no national standing after 2003. A new policy on delegations under the
AQTF came into effect 1 March 2003.)

Quality Assurance The systems and procedures designed and implemented by an

organisation to ensure that its products and services are of a consistent standard and
are being continuously improved (Knight and Nestor, 2000).

Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre(QTAC) Provides and operates a centralized

tertiary application system. QTAC receives and processes applications for admission
to all undergraduate courses offered by the publicly funded universities in
Queensland, Bond University, the Australian Maritime College in Tasmania, and to
some courses at universities in Northern New South Wales. QTAC also processes
applications to full-time associate diploma, advanced diploma and diploma courses in
Queensland institutes of TAFE and some private providers of post secondary courses.

Quid pro quo sexual harassment: ((threats by a school employee to base an

educational decision ( such as a grade) on a student’s submission to unwelcome sexual
conduct) vật bồi thường; miếng trả lại(từ hiếm,nghĩa hiếm) điều lầm lẫn, điều lẫn
lộn sự quấy rối tình dục

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Randomization: (A process by which subjects are allocated at random to different
interventions and/or intervention and control groups. Random allocation implies that
any member of the population has an equal and independent chance of being selected
for intervention or control groups. (Drug and Alcohol Findings, 2000)) tùy tiê ̣n,
không theo nguyên tắc

Resume: (A document containing a summary or listing of relevant job experience

and education, usually for the purpose of securing a new job. Often the r sum is the
first item a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker, and therefore a
large amount of importance is often ascribed to it.) bản tóm tắt ( Mỹ) lý lịch

Role Adequacy : (The extent to which a worker feels that he or she possesses the
knowledge / skills to intervene or respond to drug-related problems (Ask et al, 1998))
tương xứng, xứng đáng; thích hợp, thích đáng, thoả đáng vai

Role Competency : The extent to which a worker feels that he or she has the ability
to intervene or respond to drug-related problems (Ask et al, 1998). vai trò cạnh tranh

Role Legitimacy : The extent to which a worker feels that he or she has the
responsibility to intervene or respond to drug-related problems (Ask et al, 1998). vai
trò hợp pháp

Role Support : The extent to which a worker feels that he or she has access to
appropriate advice, support and assistance when needed (Ask et al, 1998; Cape, 2001).
vai trò hậu phương

RATE (Register of Australian Tertiary Education) The qualifications system used in

the higher education sector before the introduction of the Australian Qualifications

RCECS: Regional and Community Employment Councils.

RCIADIC: Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

RDF : Resource Description Framework.

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RGC: Research Grants Committee.

RGTE: Retail Group Training and Employment.

ROE: Recognition of Equivalence.

RTA: Retail Traders Association.

RTCA: Rural Training Council of Australia Inc., a national industry training advisory

RTCC: Research Training and Careers Committee.

Reciprocal Recognition Authority(RRA) The recognition authority of the State or

Territory in which a registered training organisation operates through mutual
recognition, while registered in a different State or Territory. See also Primary
Recognition Authority.

Recognition: The formal approval of training organizations, products and services

operating within the vocational education and training sector (as defined by State and
Territory legislation): sự công nhận, sự thừa nhận; sự được công nhận, sự được
thừa nhận

Recognition of current competencies(RCC) The acknowledgement of competencies

currently held by a person, acquired through training, work or life experience. More
commonly known as Recognition of prior learning.

Reframing The Future: (A staff development project aimed at helping trainers,

teachers, and people in industry, to understand and use training packages, the
Australian Quality Training Framework, New Apprenticeships, user choice and other
major vocational education and training initiatives) hoạch định cho tương lai

Refresher course: (A course that revises or updates previously acquired knowledge

and skills). khóa học ôn lại kiến thức cũng như các kỹ năng

Registered Training Organization(RTO) An organization registered by a State or

Territory recognition authority to deliver training and/or conduct assessments and
issue nationally recognized qualifications in accordance with the Australian Quality
Training Framework. Registered training organizations include TAFE colleges and
institutes, adult and community education providers, private providers, community
organizations, schools, higher education institutions, commercial and enterprise
training providers, industry bodies and other organizations meeting the registration

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Registration: (The authorization of training organizations under the Australian to
deliver training and/or conduct assessments and issue nationally recognized
qualifications) sự đăng kí

Reliability: (In assessment, the consistency of an assessment outcome; for example,

different assessors using the same evidence making the same judgement, or the same
assessor making the same judgement about the same evidence on different occasions).
sự đáng tin cậy; tính đáng tin cậy

Remote access (computer): (The ability to access a computer or a network from a

remote site) phương tiện điều khiển

Renewal of registration: (In relation to registered training organizations, the

subsequent registration of a training organization following an audit and evaluation,
conducted prior to the expiry of the initial registration period, of a registered training
organization against the requirements of the Australian Recognition Framework
Standards for Registered Training Organization. See Australian Quality Training
Framework) sự phục hồi, sự khôi phục, đăng kí

Research Centre for Vocational Education and Training (RCVET) (A research

centre at the University of Technology, Sydney. An ANTA Key Research Centre for
2000-2002 under the Key Vocational Education and Training Research Centers
National Project). : trung tâm nghiên cứu đào tạo và giáo dục nghề nghiệp

Research partners :Funded by the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA)

to carry out a major research project over three years (2000-2002). The Centre for
Research and Learning in Regional Australia, University of Tasmania, is working on
the role of vocational education and training in regional Australia. The National
Research Centre for Post-Compulsory Education and Training, University of
Melbourne/RMIT University, is researching the experiences of young people in
vocational education and training and higher education and those who leave school
early and do not participate in education and training.

Retention rate: (The proportion of a group of students or participants starting who

continue to a particular level, e.g. the proportion of school students who complete
Year 12) sự duy trì

Retraining: (Training to facilitate entry to a new occupation) đào tạo trước nghề

Risk management: (The systematic application of management policies, procedures

and practices to the tasks of identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating and monitoring
risk) sự rủi ro, sự nguy hiểm trong quản lí

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Radical discrimination: ( actions that limit or deny a person or group any privileges,
roles, or rewards on the basis of race) phân biệt chủng tộc

Racism: (attitudes, beliefs, and behavior based on the notion that one race is superior
to other races) chủ nghĩa phân biê ̣t chủng tộc; sự mâu thuẫn chủng tộc, sự thù địch
giữa các chủng tộc

Random assignment: ( is experimental research, the assignment of participants to

experimental and control groups by chance) bài tập (nhiệm vụ) đánh giá ngẫu nhiên

Range: ( the distance between the highest and lowest scores) loại, hạng

Rapport talk( the language of conversation and a way of establishing connections

and negotiating relationships; more characteristics of females than males): quan hê ̣,
giao tiếp, hoà hợp

Rationalism: (the philosophy that emphasizes the power of reason and the principles
of logic to derive statements about the world. Rationalists encourage school to
emphasize teaching mathematics, because mathematics involve reason and logic) chủ
nghĩa duy lý

Raw score: ( the number of item that student answered correctly on the tes)t điểm số
chưa xử lí

Reach out to: Liên kết với

Reading fluency: Khả năng đọc lưu loát

Readability formulas: (formulas that use objective, quantitative measures to

determine the reading level of textbooks )thể thức; cách thức đọc

Receptive language: ( the reception and understanding of language) ngôn ngữ dễ
tiếp thu, dễ lĩnh hội

Reciprocity: (states recognize and honor another state’s actions, such as recognizing
a teacher’s license in one state as valid in another) sự nhân nhượng lẫn nhau, sự
trao đổi lẫn nhau, sự có đi có lại; sự dành cho nhau những đă ̣c quyền (giữa hai

Reciprocal teaching: (a learning arrangement in which students take turns leading a

small group discussion) giảng dạy tương hỗ

Reflective teaching: (predicated on a board and in-depth understanding of what is

happening in the classroom events) dạy có suy ngĩ, học có phản hồi

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Refugee: Người tỵ nạn

Refugee Child School Impact Grant: Quỹ Tác động Trẻ em Tỵ nạn nơi Nhà

Registration: Ghi danh

Rehearsal: (the conscious repetition of information over time to increase the length
of time information stays in memory )sự diễn tập

Reinforcement : (a consequence that increases the probability that a behavior will

occur) sự củng cố

Reliability: (the extent to which a test produces a consistent , reproducible score) sự
đáng tin cậy; tính đáng tin cậy

Remedial class: Lớp học bổ túc

Report talk: ( talk that gives information; more characteristic of males than females)
từơng thuật, báo cáo

Representativeness heuristi (making faulty decisions base on how well something

matches a prototype – that is, a common or representative example – rather than its
relevance to the particular situation để tìm ra, để khám phá tình trạng có xu
hướng đàn áp, sự thô bạo, sự hà khắc

Request for proposals (RFP): Kêu gọi nộp đề án

Response cost: taking a positive reinforcer away from an individual: giá trị cậu trả

Résumé: a summary of a person’s education and experiences , often use for

application to school or employment: sơ yếu lí lịch

Resources: Nguồn hỗ trợ

Resource Center: Trung tâm Cung cấp các Nguồn Hỗ trợ

Revised Code of Washington (RCW): Bộ Luật Hành Chánh Được sửa lại của tiểu
bang Washington (RCW)

Revenue sharing: (the distribution of federal money to state and local government to
use as they decide) chia sẻ ngân khố quốc gia; sở thu thuế

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Robin Hood Laws: as a result of court actions, many states are redistributing revenue
from wealthier to poorer communities to equalize educational funding, a process not
unlike the efforts of the hero of Sherwood Forest.

Romantic critics: (critics such as Paul Goodman, Herbert Kohl, and John Holt who
believed that schools were stifling the cognitive and affective development of
children. Individual critics stressed different problems or solutions, but they all agreed
that schools were producing alienated , uncreative, and unfulfilled students) những
phê bình, chỉ trích viển vông, hão huyền, không thực tế

Rubrics: ( a scoring guide that describes what must be done, and often describes
performance levels ranging from novice to expert, or from a failing grade to
excellence) đề mục, chuyên mục

Running Start: Chương trình Running Start; Chương trình cho phép học sinh
đang học lớp 11 và 12 và hội đủ điều kiện được lấy lớp ở trường cao đẳng hay đại
học trong khi còn học trung học

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Scaffolding (Support offered by teachers characterised by explicit teaching of skills
and knowledge to assist students to achieve learning outcomes): Sự gợi ý, hướng dẫn

Scheduled hours (i.e. the hours of teaching activity (including examination time) that
the provider schedules for a module or unit of competency enrolment) : Thời gian

Scholarship (n): Học bổng

School (A place designated for learning. The range of institutions covered by the term
varies from country to country)

School-based council: Hội đồng nhà trường

School board: Hội đồng quản trị nhà trường

School bus (A bus used to transport children and adolescents to and from school. The
first school bus was horse-drawn, introduced in 1827 by George Shillibeer for a
Quaker school at Abney Park in Stoke Newington, London, and was designed to carry
twenty-five children. Since then, school buses of many types have become
widespread, and motorised, and are used in all parts of the world) : Xe chuyên dùng
để đưa đón học sinh

School closure: Đóng cửa trường

School counselor (A practitioner who meets the needs of students in three basic
educational domains: academic development, career development, and personal/social
development. This is accomplished through the implementation of a comprehensive
school counseling program that promotes and enhances student achievement through a
guidance curriculum, individual planning strategies, responsive services and
comprehensive school counseling program support/advocacy) : Cố vấn học đường

School discipline (A form of discipline found in schools. The term refers to students
complying with a code of behaviour often known as the school rules. Among other
things these rules may set out the expected standards of clothing, timekeeping, social
behaviour and work ethic. The term may also be applied to the punishment that is the
consequence of transgression of the code of behaviour. For this reason the usage of

- 51 -
school discipline sometimes means punishment for breaking school rules rather than
behaving within the school rules) : Kỷ luật nhà trường

School environment: Bối cảnh học đường

School, family and community partnerships: Sự hợp tác giữa nhà trường, gia
đình và cộng đồng

School holiday: Ngày nghỉ lễ của trường

School improvement programme: Chương trình cải tiến hoc đường

School nurse: Y tá nhà trường

School psychologist (A practitioner who applies his psychological training to assess

and help school children) : Tư vấn học đường

School report card: Bảng thành quả của trường

School to Work Program (A government program aimed at developing partnerships

between schools and industry, business, and the vocational education and training
sector, in order to establish accredited vocational education and training) : Chương
trình liên kết giữa trường học với diều kiện làm việc thực tế

School to work transition (The process of transferring from school to the workforce
or further study) : Sự chuyển giao từ trường học đến nơi làm việc

Score appeal (WASL): Khiếu nại điểm

Secondary education (a period of education which, in most contemporary

educational systems of the world, follows directly after primary education, and which
may be followed by tertiary, "post-secondary", or "higher" education (e.g.,
university) : Giáo dục trung học

Secondary school (education following primary education) : Trường trung học cơ sở

Sector (a division of a field of activity, e.g. the vocational education and training
(VET) sector of further education, public and private VET sectors) : Khu vực giáo

Selected Study Program (A program that allows students to choose one or more
modules from different fields of study) : Chương trình học tự chọn

Self-assessment (a process in which learners or organisations assess their own

performance against particular standards or criteria; (in competency-based training) a
process in which learners assess their own performance against competency standards;
(in quality endorsement) a process in which an organisation assesses the extent to

- 52 -
which it satisfies the criteria for quality endorsement, identifying opportunities for
improvement) : Sự tự đánh giá

Self-directed learning (learning in which the learner is the principal driving force,
deciding how, when, and at what pace learning takes place) : Sự tự định hướng học

Self-paced learning (learning undertaken at a student ’s own pace) : Không gian học
tập của học sinh

Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (SSCE) : Bằng tốt nghiệp trung học

Service learning (A method of teaching, learning and reflecting that combines

academic classroom curriculum with meaningful youth service throughout the
community. As a teaching methodology, it falls under the category of experiential
education. More specifically, it integrates meaningful community service with
instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility,
encourage lifelong civic engagement, and strengthen communities) : Học tập từ tình
huống thục tế

Sex education (Education about sexual reproduction in human beings, sexual

intercourse and other aspects of human sexual behavior) : Giáo dục giới tính

Short course (a course of vocational education and training which stands alone and
does not usually lead to a full qualification. A statement of attainment may be issued
on successful completion) : Khóa học ngắn hạn

Simulator (a device used especially in training to reproduce the conditions of the

working situation, enabling tasks to be learned and practised safely and economically)
: Dụng cụ thay thế

Situated learning (Education that takes place in a setting functionally identical to that
where the learning will be applied) : Học tập từ tình huống thục tế

Skill (n) (an ability to perform a particular mental or physical activity which may be
developed by training or practice) : Kỹ năng

Skill formation (the development of skills or competencies which are relevant to the
workforce) : Sự hình thành kỹ năng

Skill recognition (the recognition or acknowledgement of the validity of skills and

qualifications by educational institutions, professional bodies, employers, registration
authorities and other organisations) : Kỹ năng nhận thức

Skill training: Huấn luyện kỹ năng

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Social studies: Các môn khoa học xã hội

Special assessment arrangements (i.e. Alternative instruments of assessment and/or

support to enable a candidate to demonstrate competence against the qualification
standards) : Tiêu chuẩn đánh giá đặc biệt

Special education (describes an educational alternative that focuses on the teaching

of students with academic, behaviorial, health, or physical needs that cannot
sufficiently be met using traditional educational programs or techniques) : Giáo dục
dành cho học sinh có nhu cầu đặc biệt

Special Learning Needs (SLN) : Nhu cầu được học những chương trình đặc biệt

Special Training Needs (STN) : Nhu cầu đào tạo dành cho những đối tượng đặc

Stakeholder (a person or organisation with an interest or concern in something. In

vocational education and training, the stakeholders include governments, purchasers
of training, providers of training, industry, industry training advisory bodies, clients
and the community) : Người đầu tư cho giáo dục

Standard (a level or measure of achievement; a statement of performance or outcome

criteria. See also competency standard) : Tiêu chuẩn đánh giá

Standards and Curriculum Council (SCC) (a body formed by an amalgamation of

the National Training Board (NTB)and Australian Committee for Training
Curriculum (ACTRAC) to enable a close link between standards and curriculum. The
SCC was replaced by ANTA ’s National Training Framework Committee) : Hội đồng
soạn thảo tiêu chuẩn đánh giá và chương trình giảng dạy

Standardized testing: Việc kiểm tra thi cử theo tiêu chuẩn chung

Student (In widest use, student is used to mean a school or class attendee. In many
countries, the word student is however reserved for higher education or university
students; persons attending classes in primary or secondary schools being called
pupils) : Học sinh, sinh viên

Student activism (A form of youth-led community organizing that is specifically

oriented towards engaging students as activists in order to create change in the
educational system) : Sự tích cực của sinh viên

Student-centered learning (An approach to education focusing on the needs of the

students, rather than those of others involved in the educational process, such as
teachers and administrators. This approach has many implications for the design of

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curriculum, course content, and interactivity of courses) : Hình thức học mà học sinh
giữ vai trò trung tâm

Student load (the total student contact hours for the program(s) being undertaken,
e.g.540 or more hours per year is considered a full-time student load) : Thời lượng
hoc tập của học sinh

Student loans (Loans offered to students to assist in payment of the costs of

professional education. These loans usually carry lower interests than other loans, and
are usually issued by the government) : Hình thức vay vốn dành cho sinh viên

Student organization (A voluntary association of students at institutions of secondary

and higher education for a specific legal purpose. Such organizations are often
sponsored through and receive funding from a student government) : Hội sinh viên

Student report card: Bảng thành tích học tập của học sinh, học bạ

Student voice (the distinct perspectives and actions of young people throughout
schools focused on education itself) : Ý kiến và suy nghĩ của học sinh

Study habits: Thói quen học tập

Study skills: Kỹ năng học tập

Subject area: Bộ môn học tập

Subtitute teacher: Giáo viên dạy thế

Summer school: Lớp học hè

Supplement: Bổ túc

Supplemental educational services: Dịch vụ giáo dục bổ túc

Supportive learning environment: Môi trường học tập có sự tương trợ

Syllabus(n) (an outline of a course or subject (module) which lists what is to be taught
or learnt) : Đề cương khóa học

- 55 -
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (An educational taxonomy that classifies
educational objectives into three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

Teacher: In education, one who teaches students or pupils, often a course of study,
lesson plan, or a practical skill, including learning and thinking skills. There are many
different ways to teach and help students learn. This is often referred to as the
teacher's pedagogy. When deciding what teaching method to use, a teacher will need
to consider students' background knowledge, environment, and their learning goals as
well as standardized curriculum as determined by their school district) : Sự phân loại
các khía cạnh thuộc về giáo dục

Teacher aide: Phụ giảng

Teacher assistance programme (TAP) : Chương trình hỗ trợ giáo viên

Teaching load (a teacher ’s normal number of teaching lessons or class contact hours
per week) : Thời lượng giảng dạy của giáo viên

Technical And Further Education (TAFE) (A publicly-funded post-secondary

organisation that provides a range of technical and vocational education and training
courses and other programs, e.g. entry and bridging courses, language and literacy
courses, adult basic education courses, Senior Secondary Certificate of Education
courses, personal enrichment courses, and small business courses. Each State and
Territory has its own TAFE system)

Technical and vocational education(TVE) (used as an equivalent term for

vocational education and training (VET) in some overseas countries) : Dạy nghề và
công nghệ

Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) (used as an equivalent

term for vocational education and training (VET) especially in the Asia-Pacific region.
This is the term now used by UNESCO) : Giáo dục đào tạo nghề và công nghệ

Technology education (The study of the human ability to create and use tools to
shape the natural environment to meet their needs. The goal of technology education
is to spread technological literacy or in some countries technacy, which is
accomplished by bringing laboratory activities to students. The term "technology
education" is frequently shortened to "tech ed") : Dạy về công nghệ

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Technology Integration (A term used by educators to describe effective uses of
technology by teachers and students in K-12 and university classrooms. Teachers use
technology to support instruction in language arts, social studies, science, math, or
other content areas. When teachers integrate technology into their classroom practice,
learners are empowered to be actively engaged in their learning) : Ứng dụng công
nghệ vào giảng dạy

TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) : Việc dạy tiếng Anh

Tertiary education (formal education beyond secondary education, including higher

education, vocational education and training, or other specialist post-secondary
education or training; sometimes used to refer only to higher education. Also called
post-secondary education or further education) : Nền giáo dục cao hơn, sau trung

TESL (teaching English as a second language) : Việc dạy tiếng Anh

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) : Một loại hình thức thi lấy bằng
tiếng Anh

Textbook (A manual of instruction or a standard book in any branch of study. They

are classified by both the target audience and the subject. Textbooks are usually
published by specialty printers to serve every request for an understanding of every
subject that can be taught. It is a big business that requires mass volume sales to make
the publications profitable. Although most textbooks are only published in printed
format with hard covers, some can now be viewed online) : Sách giáo khoa

Trainee (a person receiving training or undertaking a traineeship. See also New

Apprenticeships apprentice) : Thực tập sinh

Traineeship Training Program (TTP) (training the development of skills,

knowledge, attitudes, competencies, etc.through instruction or practice) : Chương
trình đào tạo

Training and Development (T & D) : Chương trình đào tạo và phát triển

Training organisation (an organisation which provides vocational education, training

and/or assessment services. See also registered training organisation) : Tổ chức
hướng dẫn đào tạo

Training plan (A program of training and assessment that forms part of atraining
contract for New Apprenticeships and is registered with the relevant State or Territory
Training Authority) : Kế hoạch đào tạo

- 57 -
Training program (a set of education and training activities designed to achieve a
specific vocational outcome, e.g.a course, module (subject), on-the-job training, etc) :
Chương trình đào tạo

Transcript: Học bạ

Transition program (a program, class or course designed to prepare people for the
transfer from one level of education to the next, or from education to the workforce.
See also school to work transition) : Chương trình học chuyển tiếp

Translating Research into Practice (The process of applying research findings into
practice in the "real" work setting. This process can be affected by a wide range of
variables including organisational, individual and workplace factors) : Ứng dụng
nghiên cứu vào thực tiễn

Truancy: Trốn học

Truant students: Học sinh trốn học

True-false exam: Bài thi trắc nghiệm có sự lựa chọn đúng hay sai

Tuition (Instruction, teaching or a fee charged for educational instruction especially at

a formal institution of learning. Tuition is charged by educational institutions to assist
with funding of staff and faculty, course offerings, lab equipment, computer systems,
libraries, facility upkeeping, and to provide a comfortable learning experience for its
students) : Sự giảng dạy, học phí

Tutor: Gia sư

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Upskilling ( further training) : Cải thiện kỹ năng

Unit cost (the monetary cost of delivering a defined amount of training, usually one
student contact hour) : Chi phí cho một giờ học

Unit of study (a subdivision of a course, subject, or program of study or training):

Đơn vị học phần

Universal preschool: The notion that access to preschool should be available to

families similar to Kindergarten. Child advocates have different definitions of the
definition of who is included and how it is to be funded. There has been a move to
change the name to Preschool for All. Like Kindergarten, the concept is to have a
voluntary program, unlike education, that is mandated by law in the United States
with exceptions to allow for homeschooling and alternative education.

University (an institution of higher education, usually offering degree and higher
level courses. Some universities also offer vocational education and training courses) :
Đại học

Unexcused absence: Vắng mặt không có lý do

- 59 -
Virtual learning environment (VLE) (A software system designed to facilitate
teachers in the management of educational courses for their students, especially by
helping teachers and learners with course administration. The system can often track
the learners' progress, which can be monitored by both teachers and learners. While
often thought of as primarily tools for distance education, they are most often used to
supplement the face-to-face classroom): Môi trường học tập cụ thể

Visual learning (A proven teaching method in which graphic organizers, such as

webs, concept maps idea maps, and slide shows are used to help students of all ages
think and learn more effectively): Cách học thông qua ghi nhận bằng thị giác

Vocational education (education designed to develop occupational skills. See also

vocational education and training): Dạy nghề

Vocational education and training (VET) (post-compulsory education and training,

excluding degree and higher level programs delivered by higher education institutions,
which provides people with occupational or work-related knowledge and skills. VET
also includes programs which provide the basis for subsequent vocational programs.
Alternative terms used internationally include technical and vocational education and
training (TVET), vocational and technical education and training (VTET), technical
and vocational education (TVE), vocational and technical education (VTE), and
further education and training (FET)): Bộ giáo duc và đào tạo nghề

Vocational Education Community Online (VECO) (a web site for people involved
in vocational education and training in schools, especially structured workplace
learning program co-ordinators): Chương trình dạy nghề trực tuyến

Vocational Education Training (VET) (allow school students to combine

vocational studies with their general education curriculum. Students participating in
VET in Schools continue to work towards their secondary school certificate. The VET
component of their studies gives them credit towards a nationally recognised VET
qualification. In this way, participants can keep their options open to pursue further
full-time or part-time vocational training or to move into tertiary studies after school) :
Dạy nghề

Vocational programs (Programs intended to develop skills of relevance to the

workplace. Defined as those courses/qualifications with vocational intent and

- 60 -
those modules/units of competency enrolments not associated with a
course/qualification with vocational intent) : Chương trình đào tạo nghề

Vocational Training Board (VTB) : Hội đồng đào tạo nghề

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Whole language approach (A term used by reading teachers to describe an
instructional philosophy which focuses on reading as an activity best taught in a
broader context of meaning. Rather than focusing on reading as a mechanical skill, it
is taught as an ongoing part of every student's existing language and life experience.
Building on language skills each student already possesses, reading and writing are
seen as a part of a broader "whole language" spectrum) : Cách dạy sử dụng ngôn ngữ
toàn diện

Work-based learning (Programs for both secondary and post-secondary students that
provide opportunities to achieve employment-related competencies in the workplace.
Work-based learning is often undertaken in conjunction with classroom or related
learning, and may take the form of work placements, work experience, workplace
mentoring, instruction in general workplace competencies, and broad instruction in all
aspects of industry) : Việc học tại nơi làm việc

Work-based training (Training provided by an organisation primarily for its own

employees and using the employer's own staff or consultants. Work-based training can
be conducted either on-site or at an off-site location) : Chương trình đào tạo thông
qua môi trương làm việc cụ thể

Work experience (A period (usually one or two weeks) of unpaid work undertaken
by secondary school students as part of their careers education, to provide some
insight into the world of work) : Thực tập

Work study programme : Chương trình đào tạo việc làm cho học sinh trong lúc
đang đi học

Workers Educational Association (WEA) (a non-government adult community

education organisation, providing vocational and leisure courses) : Liên đoàn giáo
dục công nhân

Workplace English Language and Literacy Program (WELL) (A program

provided in the workplace to develop worker English language and literacy skills) :
Chương trình dạy tiếng Anh nơi làm việc

- 62 -
Workshop (A brief intensive course, a seminar or a series of meetings emphasizing
interaction and exchange of information among a usually small number of
participants) : Hội thảo

- 63 -
Youth Pathways Programme (or YPP) (a government program designed to assist
students in the transition from school to work by developing links between schools,
industry and the local community, and through support, guidance, education and
training) : Chương trình định hướng cho giới trẻ

YTI (Youth Training Initiative) : Sáng kiến đào tạo thế hệ trẻ

Youth activism (Youth voice engaged in community organizing for social change.
Around the world young people are engaged as activism planners, researchers,
teachers, evaluators, decision-makers, advocates and leading actors in the
environmental movement, social justice organizations, and anti-racism and anti-
homophobia campaigns. As the central beneficiaries of public schools, youth are also
advocating for student-led school change through student activism and meaningful
student involvement) : Sự năng động của giới trẻ

Youth allowance (a government income support scheme for young people who are
studying, training or looking for work) : Sự trợ cấp học tập cho giới trẻ từ chính phủ

- 64 -
ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 1998, Small business in Australia, 1997, cat. no.
1321.0, ABS,


—— 1999a, Labour force, Australia, July 1999, cat. no. 6203.0, ABS, Canberra.

—— 1999b, Labour force, Australia, August 1999, cat. no. 6203.0, ABS, Canberra.

—— 1999c, Persons not in the labour force, Australia, September 1998, cat. no.
6220.0, ABS,


—— 2000, Forms of employment, Australia, August 1998, cat. no. 6359.0, ABS,

Ackerman, Frank et al. 1998, The changing nature of work, Island Press, Washington

Ainley, John & Fleming, Marianne 1996, School-industry programs: National survey
summary report,

Australian Student Traineeship Foundation, Sydney.

ANTA (Australian National Training Authority) 1997, The report of the ANTA Board
on the

implementation of new apprenticeships (including user choice), ANTA, Brisbane.

—— 1998, Annual performance report 1997–1998, ANTA, Brisbane.

—— 1999a, Australian recognition framework arrangements—updated January 1999,



—— 1999b, Process for training package development, ANTA, Melbourne. [online,


16 June 2000] available:


- 65 -
Web sites:

ACT Department of Education and Community Services (DECS)

Adult Learning Australia Inc.

Adult Learning online database

Adult Multicultural Education Services (AMES)


Australian Bureau of Statistics

Australian Competency Research Centre ˜acrc

Australian Council for Educational Research

Australian Council for Private Education and Training

Australian Curriculum Studies Association

Australian Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs

Australian Education International

Australian Industry Group

Australian Institute of Training and Development

Australian National Training Authority

Australian Qualifications Framework

Australian Research Council

Australian Student Traineeship Foundation

Australian Training Products Ltd

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