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Presentation on

Who Are You? And what others Think About You
What is Brand?
The American marketing association
defines a brand as “a name, term,
sign, symbol or design or a
combination of them”
The role of Brands.
 Brand identify the source or maker of
 The Brand name can be protected
through registered trademarks.
 Loyalty can also translate into
customers willingness to pay higher.
 Strong brands result in better
earnings and profit.
The scope of Branding.
Branding creates mental structure
that help consumer organize their
knowledge about product and
services in a way that clarifies their
decision making and in process
provide value to the firm.
 The added value gifted on product
and services.
 It may be reflected in the way
consumer think feel and act.
 It also reflects price, market share
and profitability the brand
commands for the firm.
Three Key Point of Brand Equity
• Brand Difference.
• Brand Knowledge.
• Brand Response.
Brand Elements
Managing Brand Equity
 Brand Reinforcement

 Brand Revitalization
Brand Reinforcement
As the company’s major enduring
asset, a brand needs to be carefully
managed so that its value does not
Brand Revitalization
Changes in consumer tastes and
preferences, the emergence of new
competitors or new technology or
any new development in marketing
environment can affect the fortunes
of brand.
Thank you…

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