Chess Puzzle

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BVG - January Event Cache Prize Puzzle #1

In order to be eligible for the event’s puzzle prize drawing,

you must solve this chess puzzle. In front of you is a full
chess board and 8 queens. Your task is to place each queen
on the board so that no queen attacks any other queen. For
those that are not familiar with chess, a queen’s attack
range extends to any square vertically, horizontally, and di-
agonally (ignore the fact that same-color pieces technically
do not “attack” one another).
The two queens on the dark squares are “attacking” each
other since they are
within each other’s at-
tack range (in this case
in-line vertically).
Whereas the queen on
the white square is not,
since it is not in line with
any of the others.

To help you solve it,

print this image and cut
out the queens to allow
you to move them around if you need to. There are multi-
ple solutions. Bring this paper to the event cache where
your solution will be evaluated and, if deemed correct, your
name will be entered into the drawing for a cool geo-prize.


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