Bobychan Assignment

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SEMCO was orginally founded in 1984 to provide Engineering service and management
support to the department of defense.The whole business based according to the
consisted of government contracts insted of this big groups they had many small
business and small minority owned business consern under SEMCO.With over 60 years
of dealing experience and specialised expertise in offshore and marine oil field services,
SEMCO is the result of the merger and acquisition of several companies in the industry.
Managment is an effective use and coordination of resourses such as capital , plant , material
labour to achive defined objectives with directing and running an organization. The classical
managment theory devoloped during the industrial revulation because this age devoloped
new problem related to the factory system.The classical managment theory devoloped from
efforts to find the one best way to perform and management task.Main policies are
following ,mainly by two theory these are

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