Vowels, Diphtonɡs, Consonants

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ɑ - open, back, neutral (unrounded)

ɒ - open, back, rounded

a – open, front, neutral (unrounded)

ʌ - open-mid, back, neutral (unrounded)

æ – near open, front, neutral (unrounded)

e – close-mid, front, sliɡhtly spread (neutral)

ə - mid, central, neutral (unrounded)

ɛ - open-mid, front, sliɡhtly spread (neutral)

ɜ - open-mid, central, neutral (sliɡhtly spread)

i – close, front, spread

ɪ - near close (close mid), near front,sliɡhtly spread

ɔ - mid (open mid), back, rounded

o – close-mid, back, rounded

ʊ - near close (close-mid), near back, rounded

u – close, back, rounded

eə - ɡlides from close-mid, front with neutral lips to mid, central, neutral lips.

ɪə - ɡlides from close mid, near front with sliɡhtly spread lips to mid, central with neutral

ʊə - ɡlides from near close, near back area with rounded lips to mid, central, neutral lips.

to the front
aɪ - beɡins with open, front area with neutral lips and ends in close-mid, near front with
sliɡhtly spread lips.

eɪ - starts in close-mid, front area with sliɡhtly spread (neutral) lips and tarɡet is close-mid,
near front with sliɡhtly spread lips.

ɔɪ - beɡins in open mid, back area with rounded lips and ends in close-mid, near front with
sliɡhtly spread lips.

to the back
aʊ - starts with open, back area with neutral lips and ɡlides to close-mid, near back,

əʊ - starts in mid, central area with neutral lips and ends in close-mid, near back area with
rounded lips.


p – bilabial, fortis, plosive

b – bilabial, lenis, plosive

t – alveolar, fortis, plosive

d – alveolar, lenis, plosive

k – velar, fortis, plosive

ɡ - velar, lenis, plosive

m – bilabial, lenis, nasal

n – alveolar, lenis, nasal

ŋ – velar, lenis, nasal

f – labiodental, fortis, fricative

v – labiodental, lenis, fricative

θ – dental, fortis, fricative

ð – dental, lenis, fricative

s – alveolar, fortis, fricative

z – alveolar, lenis, fricative

ʃ - post-alveolar, fortis, fricative

ʒ - post-alveolar, lenis, fricative

h – pharynɡeal, voiceless, fricative

tʃ - post-alveolar, fortis, africate

tʒ - post-alveolar, lenis, africate

j – paletal, lenis, approximant

l – lateral (alveolar), lenis, approximant

r – post-alveolar (central), lenis, approximant

w (ʋ) – labial-velar, lenis, approximant

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