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Submission of Synopsis for Research Project is mandatory and student should

start working on their respective topics from the onset of semester concerned.
Synopsis is basically a blue print, an outline or an abstract of what student wish
to undergo in their Research Project. Thus submission and approval of Synopsis
made mandatory in view so that students may not choose some unrelated area
of Research Project. Synopsis are screened by experts and provided with
necessary revisions and recommendations. Improper and unjustified Synopsis
are straightly rejected.

Topic of Synopsis

The topic of Synopsis should be chosen from the specialization area opted by the
students. E.g. the students of Marketing can not choose topics from Finance or
other specialization. The Title of Synopsis should be self explanatory and rough
or lengthy Titles shall be avoided. The same Title of Synopsis shall be valid for
final Research Project Report.

Submission of Synopsis

The fully furnished Synopsis (TWO COPIES) must reach us before 30.05.2005
with Project Fee of Rs. 1000/- payable vide Demand Draft “Central Delhi Centre,
New Delhi“ or in cash otherwise late fee shall be applicable as described in
following pages. Few sample synopsis are available in office for consultation and

Formatting of Synopsis

Each Synopsis must be prepared with utmost care keeping good language and
presentation techniques in mind. Synopsis shall be neatly typed in double space
and must be bind properly in file. The sample of cover page of Synopsis is also
provided in below pages. The cover page of Synopsis must contain details about
Student Name, Enrolment Number, Course, Guide and Study Centre details.
Research Guide

Each student will choose a Research Guide for preparation of Synopsis and
Research Project Report. Research Guide or Supervisor must be competent
person with relevant Research experience. A Research Guide may or may not be
a doctorate but must be having similar experience of supervision of Research
Projects of management and commerce. Synopsis must contain a written
approval by the Research Guide that he / she is ready to serve as Supervisor /
Research Guide for your Research Project. Synopsis must also contain a copy of
Bio-Data of Guide and Bio-Data must contain the details of research
experiences. A Guide / Supervisor must be from relevant subject areas i.e. like
management, commerce and economics. Good industry experts and top
executives from management or commerce having sufficient research
experience can also act as Guide / Supervisor.

Contents of Synopsis

Synopsis must be prepared strictly in accordance with the guidelines clearly

defining Research Methodology. Synopsis must describe the basis, design,
research methodology and rationale behind the study. It is not necessary that
Synopsis must go in dozen of pages. It is mainly the scientific techniques and
systematic organization applied to Research Study. One must undergo the
process of Research while conducting the study. Student must not go into
unnecessary details of the company, its products and other alternatives etc.

Objective of this paper is to expose the students to areas like problem

identification, problem definition, research methodology etc. and above all a clear
understanding of the functional area of management in which the proposed study
is to be undertaken and application of theoretical knowledge to practical

A Synopsis may be of 5-10 pages and shall be simple, straightforward depicting

your research study and tools and techniques applied.

A sample Synopsis may contain following topics:-

a. Introduction - Details about the topic, industry, competitive companies and

products, need of study and some history about the same etc.

b. Problem Identification and Problem Formulation - Core area of problem

and other related problems and their brief solutions. Same problem if
studied prior to student’s study and its findings and results.
c. Objective of Study - Objectives of the study shall be mentioned point wise.
Student can also divide the broader and narrow areas of their objectives.
The objectives of study must be near to the solution of the problem.

d. Hypothesis - Student shall mention the various assumptions to be tested

in their Research Study.

e. Scope of Study - Student can also mention the scope of study. They can
limit the companies, industry, time period and target group for their study.

f. Data Collection - Data to be used for the Research Study can be primary
or secondary. Data sources must be defined properly.

g. Research Tools Applied - Student shall mention the tools and techniques
applied to the study including the statistical tools, techniques and
packages to be used to measure the efficiency, volatility, liquidity and

h. Rationale of study.

i. Organization of Study - The chapter wise categorization of study can be

given under this topic.

j. References and Bibliography - Details about source of material, reference

books, articles, web resources etc. used for your research study.



Submitted By:

Enrollment Number

Study Centre:

Central Delhi Centre


Research Supervisor

Name & Address of Supervisor

Submitted To :

Directorate of Distance Education

Guru Jambheshwar University
Hisar, Haryana (INDIA)
Research Project of MBA
As per the syllabi of MBA distance education program each student of MBA has
to work on Research Project selecting one of the current topic from his
specialization area. Research Project would be of 100 marks. In preparing the
Project, the students are required to follow the under mentioned guidelines:-

1. Research Project must be started at the onset of the semester concerned.

2. The topic of Research Project should be related to the area of

specialization from the broader field of management and the topic must be
finalized in consultation with the Guide.

3. Each student will prepare a synopsis on the topic chosen by him for
approval by the university department.

4. Each student will choose a Guide / Research Supervisor whose

acceptance with Bio-Data must be sent alongwith Synopsis for approval.

5. The Guide must have Research experience in the relevant field and same
must have been mentioned in his Bio-Data sent for approval.

6. The Research Project may be based on primary or secondary data.

7. The contents of the Research Project may broadly include :-

• Introduction and rational of the topic chosen.

• Literature review and concept formulation.
• Research Methodology
• Analysis of data and interpretation.
• Conclusions / findings and recommendations / suggestions
• References / Bibliography
• Appendices
 Questionnaires
 Interview Schedules
 Lift of companies and organizations studied
 Raw Data if any

8. Each Research Supervisor / Guide will issue a Certificate that work done
by the candidate is original and is of the standard expected of an MBA
student. This certificate duly signed by the Research Supervisor / Guide
must be added in the beginning of Project Report.
Each Research Project should be independent work of a candidate and the same
should have not been jointly prepared by more than one candidate.


Students are required to furnish and submit the Project Report after final
approval of Synopsis. The title of Synopsis shall remain same for Project

The Research Project Report would be equivalent to the marks of one paper.
The Research Project Report shall follow the Viva-Voce of same which consist of
50 marks in which students shall detail about their Research Project study being
undertaken. The Research Viva-Voce is conducted only after submission of
Project Reports. The viva-voce is held at university campus in Hisar.

Submission of Project Reports

Submission and passing the Project Report is mandatory. Students whose

synopsis get rejected will be required to furnish the fresh one for fresh approval
by the university. Preferably the Project Report should accompany various
supporting documents as described in paragraphs below. The Project work shall
be conducted strictly under the guidance of Project Guide.

The students are required to submit THREE hard copies of the project report
hardly bound in BLACK color only. No Project Report in color other than Black
shall be accepted. The Project Report must be hard bound and Project Reports
in PVC binding, Spiral Binding, Comb Binding, Thermo Binding are rejected. If
student wish they can make transparent slides for main topics of Project Report
for the purpose of presentation during their Viva-Voce.


The whole project report should be nicely composed and presented. Please refer
to marks distribution at top. Students should use only A4 / Letter (8.27 x 11.69
inches) size paper only. Students should leave atleast 3.00 mm margin from all
edges of paper. The project report should be nicely typed in good word processor
and should avoid spellings and grammatical mistakes. Students shall use one
side of paper for printing. The Project Report shall be Hardbound in BLACK Color
only. Double spacing shall be preferred.

Cover Page - Attractive and appealing cover page containing the Project Title,
program details, Student & Guide details etc. A sample of Project Report cover
page is also given below.

Letter of Authentication - To be submitted by students declaring that the

Project Report is the original work of student and no reward had been attained
for same Project ever before. Students are advised not to COPY the project
report from other students or web.

Authorization from Organization where such Project have been

implemented - If any student had undergone the Project Report in some
organization or did the study for some organization, he / she can attach the
relevant certificate provided by such organization. However Summer Training or
Industry work is not mandatory for Project Report.

Certificate from Project Guide - Certificate from the Project Guide certifying the
project work done under his/her guidance alongwith course, student, project
details complete in all respects.

Guide's Bio-Data - Detailed Bio-Data of Guide must accompany the Project

Report. The Bio-Data should be properly typed and duly signed by the Project
Guide. Bio-Data should contain detailed academic qualification and experience of

Particulars of Student - Project Report's first page should contain the details
pertaining to course, project title, student information alongwith enrollment
number, father's name, address, telephone, e-mail (if have), guide information,
date of submission etc.


submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of

Master of Business Administration,
Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar

Research Supervisor : Submitted By:

Name Name

Designation Enrolment Number

Institution Batch / Semester

Session ___________

Study Centre:
Central Delhi Centre
New Delhi

Directorate of Distance Education

Guru Jambheshwar University
Hisar, Haryana (INDIA)

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