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Yoga Class – Assignment I

Name: Darpan Mahajan

Roll Number: PRG – 51

5 Key Learnings From Yoga Class

1) Yoga is very essential for our body, physical exercises only increases the metabolism
rate of our body but through Yoga we can control the muscles and the metabolism rate.
Yoga postures stimulate glands organs and muscles in ways that traditional exercise can
never do.

2) Yoga helps in increasing the concentration, which once developed increases the
proficiency by leaps and bounds.

3) It can solve many of the health problems , in case of MBA graduates it is very helpful
for back problems that students face due to excess stress on Spinal Cord because of
exhaustive working hours and sitting postures. By

4) Yoga can be very helpful for managers and MBA degree the origin of Yoga lies in a
Hindi word which means “Management of Muscles/Body” , and once we learn this we
can undergo very stressful situations and can still control our mind.

5) It also helps us to relax and achieve a calm attitude towards life.

Five Asans

1) 'Shava Asana' means posture of a dead body. This is done lying down in which we try
to relax each and every muscle of our body by concentrating individually on each
muscle. It is an asana which claims to provide a satisfactory relaxation of both the body
and the mind. 

2) Tadasana: It is a standing posture with feet together. Interlock the fingers and turn
the palms downwards . Inhale while stretching the arms over you head and try
stretching the abdominal area and then your feet and toes. Get back to your original
posture and exhale while doing this.

3) Tiryaka tadasana: In this we keep our feet 2 feet apart. Interlock the fingers and turn
the palms downwards . Inhale while stretching the arms over Exhale while bending to
the right side. Inhale while coming to the original pose and then do similar exercise on
the left hand side.

4) Siddhasana: This is known as dhyan mudra too. A sitting posture in which we sit with
both legs folded on each other and the spine is kept erect. The palms are placed on your

5) Markatasana: This exercise is also done lying down where we keep both our hand
under our head and then fold your legs. Move the legs towards right hand side while
looking in the opposite side. The stress is on the spine and the abdominal muscles.

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