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Preparing for the Public Listening Session

Suggested Steering Committee Responsibilities:

1. To be identified, i.e. introduced publicly as an important community link
to the conversation
2. To be distributed across the break-out groups to listen, take notes, ask
thought- provoking questions. (Depending on the number of groups,
Committee members may stay at one table or move about).
3. To bring the notes back to the Steering Committee
4. To be able to answer questions (that night and at other times) about the
many ways that the larger community is encouraged to become involved.

Involvement opportunities include:

 Work on a Sub-Committee
 Share experiences and information sources (verbal, email, website)
 Come to the multiple community meetings and participate in
discussions, give input and share information
 Respond to surveys
 Interaction on the dedicated website -

Listening Session will be modeled after past Hampton "listening" meetings

with the addition of Steering Committee improvement suggestions

1. Information on the process
2. Introduction of the Steering Committee and their roles
3. Opportunities for others to sign-up to receive information or participate
on a sub-committee
4. Break-outs designed to launch the work of the Steering Committee/Sub-

Your suggestions?

Listening Session Date: Discussion on Steering Committee and Convention

Center availabilities.

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