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Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility

Product : Part Name :

Gauge Name: Part: Upper Spec Limit : 65.97
Gauge ID: 1.000 Operator : Lower Spec Limit : 65.77
Place: 测量房 Trial: 3 Spec. Tol. : 0.20
Characteristic : 长度 Unit: mm
(For one-sided limit, choose reasonable second limit based on expected observations.)

Part # 1st trial 2nd trial 3rd trial Range 1st trial 2nd trial 3rd trial Range 1st trial 2nd trial 3rd trial Range
1 65.90 65.91 65.91 0.01 65.91 65.91 65.91 0.00 65.90 65.91 65.91 0.01
2 65.90 65.90 65.90 0.00 65.90 65.90 65.90 0.00 65.90 65.90 65.90 0.00
3 65.90 65.90 65.90 0.00 65.91 65.91 65.91 0.00 65.90 65.90 65.90 0.00
4 65.90 65.91 65.91 0.01 65.90 65.91 65.90 0.01 65.91 65.91 65.91 0.00
5 65.91 65.92 65.92 0.01 65.91 65.91 65.91 0.00 65.90 65.90 65.90 0.00
6 65.91 65.91 65.91 0.00 65.90 65.90 65.90 0.00 65.91 65.91 65.91 0.00
7 65.92 65.91 65.90 0.02 65.91 65.91 65.91 0.00 65.91 65.91 65.91 0.00
8 65.90 65.91 65.90 0.01 65.90 65.91 65.90 0.01 65.90 65.90 65.90 0.00
9 65.91 65.91 65.91 0.00 65.90 65.91 65.91 0.01 65.91 65.91 65.91 0.00
10 65.91 65.90 65.90 0.01 65.91 65.91 65.91 0.00 65.91 65.91 65.90 0.01
Total 659.06 659.08 659.06 0.07 659.05 659.08 659.06 0.03 659.05 659.06 659.05 0.02
Sum 1977.200 Ra 0.007 Sum 1977.190 Rb 0.003 Sum 1977.160 Rc 0.002
Xa 65.907 Xb 65.906 Xc 65.905
Ravg = 0.004 Xavg = 65.906 Xdiff = 0.001

Calculation Factors Test for Control

Trial Trial Operator UCLr = ( Ravg )x( D4 )
# Tr, Op (k1) D4 (k2) ( 0.004 )x( 2.580 )= 0.010
2 4.560 3.270 3.650 If any individual range exceeds this limit, the measurements or readings
3 3.050 2.580 2.700 should be reviewed and repeated/discarded as appropriate.
# of samples = n = 10.000

Measurement System Analysis % Tolerance Analysis

Repeatability-Equipment Variation (E.V.) % E.V. = E.V. x 100

E.V. = (Ravg) * (k1) USL - LSL
= ( 0.004 )x( 3.050 ) = 0.012 x 100 = 6.100%
= 0.012 ( 65.970 - 65.770 )
Reproducibility-Appraiser Variation (A.V.)
A.V. = ( [(Xdiff)*(k2)]2 - [(E.V.)2/(n*m)] )1/2 % A.V. = A.V. x 100
= 0.003 USL - LSL
= 0.003 x 100 = 1.414%
( 65.970 - 65.770 )
Repeatability and Reproducibility (R & R)

R&R = √ E . V .2 + A . V .2
%R&R = R & R x 100
= 0.013 0.013 x 100 = 6.262%
( 65.970 - 65.770 )

Criteria: Under 10 % R&R: ACCEPTABLE

10 % to 25 % R&R: Need Improve


E.V. and A.V. are estimates of the range over which 99% of the measurements will occur.

The k1 factors are appropriate only if (#operators) x (#samples) is greater than 15.

Prepare By: 张知用 Date: 2010/5/30 Approval By:张闯 Date:2010/5/30

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