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SKLADU SA EN 10219-2



Okrugli šuplji profili – Okrugle cevi po EN 10219-2

Circular hollow sections - Round tubes according to EN 10219-2
Spoljni prečnik Debljina zida cevi - Wall thickness
(u mm ili “) 1.5* 1.8* 2 2,5 3 3.5* 4 5
Outer diameter
(all in mm U tabeli su vrednosti po dužnom metru (kg/m) - Values in table are weight per 1 meter (kg/m)
except “ in inch)
16* 0.573 0.680 0.747
17.2 (3/8’’)* 0.620 0.716 0.809
18* 0.644 0.764 0.841
20* 0.708 0.842 0.927
21,3 (½’’) 0.755 0.899 0.990 1.217
22* 0.785 0.934 1.029
24* 0.867 1.034 1.139
25* 0.903 1.075 1.186 1.462
25.4* 0.920 1.097 1.210
26* 0.944 1.125 1.241
26,9 (¾’’) 0.973 1.160 1.280 1.580 1.870
28* 1.014 1.210 1.335 1.649
30* 1.079 1.287 1.422 1.756
32* 1.156 1.379 1.524 1.884
33,7 (1’’) 1.215 1.450 1.602 1.982 2.353
38* 1.374 1.640 1.814 2.247 2.671
40* 1.450 1.732 1.916 2.375 2.824
42* 1.527 1.824 2.018 2.502 2.977
42,4 (1 ¼’’) 1.538 1.838 2.034 2.522 3.000
45* 1.638 1.958 2.167 2.689 3.200
48* 1.756 2.100 2.324 2.885 3.436
48,3 (1 ½’’) 1.793 2.141 2.135 2.938 3.492 4.035 4.567
50* 1.833 2.192 2.426 3.012 3.589
54* 1.950 2.583
56* 2.045 2.709
57* 2.098 2.509 2.780 3.454 4.095
60* 2.210 2.644 2.929 3.640 4.343
60,3 (2’’) 2.239 2.677 2.967 3.682 4.385 5.077 5.758
76,1 (2 ½’’) 2.822 3.383 3.751 4.662 5.561 6.449 7.326 9.045
88,9 (3’’) 3.955 4.386 5.456 6.514 7.560 8.596 10.634
101,6 (3 ½’’) 5.017 6.244 7.459 8.663 9.882 12.209
114,3 (4’’) 7.031 8.404 9.766 11.116 13.784
127 (4½’’)* 7.805 9.342 10.860 12.367 15.347
139,7 (5’’) 8.586 10.282 11.956 13.620 16.913
150* 11.044 12.845 14.636 18.183
159* 13.622 15.524 19293
*Dimenzije i debljine koje nisu obuhvaćene EN 10219-2
*Dimensions and thickness not included within EN 10219-2

“Utva Silosi” a.d. Kovin Dunavska 46 26220 Kovin Srbija

Telefon: 013/741-484, 741-494,741-671, 741-625 FAX:013/742-821
Kvadratni šuplji profili – kvadratne cevi u skladu sa EN 10219-2
Square hollow sections – square tubes according to EN 10219-2
Dimenzija Debljina zida cevi - Wall thickness
Dimension 1.5* 1.8* 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 5
(mm) U tabeli su vrednosti po dužnom metru (kg/m) - Values in table are weight per 1 meter (kg/m)
13x13* 0.573 0.680 0.747
16x16* 0.708 0.842 0.927
18x18* 0.785 0.934 1.029
20x20 0.903 1.075 1.186 1.462
22x22* 1.014 1.210 1.335 1.649
25x25 1.156 1.379 1.524 1.884
30x30 1.374 1.640 1.814 2.247 2.671
35x35* 1.638 1.958 2.167 2.689 3.200
38x38* 1.780 2.128 2.356 2.924 3.483
40x40 1.833 2.192 2.426 3.012 3.589 4.102 4.591
45x45* 2.098 2.509 2.780 3.454 4.095
50x50 2.327 2.785 3.086 3.837 4.578 5.256 5.909
60x60 3.667 4.524 5.355 6.163 6.946
70x70 4.295 5.309 6.297 7.262 8.202 9.852
80x80 4.923 6.094 7.239 8.361 9.458 11.421
90x90 5.551 6.879 8.181 9.460 10.714 12.992
100x100 7.664 9.126 10.559 11.970 14.562
110x110 8,449 10.065 11.658 13.226 16.112
120x120 9.234 11.007 12.757 14.482 17.702

*Dimenzije i debljine koje nisu obuhvaćene EN 10219-2

*Dimensions and thickness not included within EN 10219-2
Pravougaoni šuplji profili – pravougaone cevi u skladu sa EN 10219-2
Rectangular hollow sections – rectangular tubes according to EN 10219-2
Dimenzija Debljina zida cevi - Wall thickness
Dimension 1.5* 1.8* 2 2,5 3 3.5* 4 5
(mm) U tabeli su vrednosti po dužnom metru (kg/m) - Values in table are weight per 1 meter (kg/m)
30x15* 1.014 1.210 1.335 1.649
30x20* 1.156 1.379 1.524 1.884
40x10* 1.156 1.379 1.524 1.884
40x20 1.374 1.640 1.814 2.247 2.671
40x25* 1.538 1.838 2.034 2.522 3.000
40x30* 1.638 1.958 2.167 2.689 3.200
50x15* 1.538 1.838 2.034 2.522 3.000
50x25* 1.756 2.100 2.324 2.885 3.436
50x30* 1.833 2.192 2.426 3.012 3.589
50x40* 2.098 2.509 2.780 3.454 4.095
60x20* 1.833 2.192 2.426 3.012 3.589
60x30* 2.098 2.509 2.780 3.454 4.095
60x40 2.327 2.785 3.086 3.837 4.578 5.256 5.909
70x30* 2.327 2.785 3.086 3.837 4.578
70x50 3.667 4.524 5.355 6.163 6.946
80x40 3.667 4.524 5.355 6.163 6.946
80x60 4.295 5.309 6.297 7.262 8.202 9.852
90x50 4.295 5.309 6.297 7.262 8.202 9.852
100x40 4.295 5.309 6.297 7.262 8.202 9.852
100x50 4.609 5.701 6.768 7.811 8.830 10.637
100x60 4.923 6.094 7.239 8.361 9.458 11.421
100x80 5.551 6.879 8.181 9.460 10.714 12.992
120x40* 4.923 6.094 7.239 8.361 9.458 11.421
120x60 5.551 6.879 8.181 9.460 10.714 12.992
120x80 7.664 9.126 10.559 11.970 14.562
120x100 8,449 10.065 11.658 13.226 16.112
140x80 8,449 10.065 11.658 13.226 16.112
160x60 8,449 10.065 11.658 13.226 16.112
160x80 9.234 11.007 12.757 14.482 17.702
*Dimenzije i debljine koje nisu obuhvaćene EN 10219-2
*Dimensions and thickness not included within EN 10219-2
“Utva Silosi” a.d. Kovin Dunavska 46 26220 Kovin Srbija
Telefon: 013/741-484, 741-494,741-671, 741-625 FAX:013/742-821

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