Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Ke Inggris

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first of all let us pray toward praise and thank the gods swt.

Yang which today

has been given a chance to gather in this place in a healthy state wal'afiat.
amin.yang distinguished professor mother, and all my friends that I love.
This morning I stand here to deliver a speech about unsung heroes.
we all know what the intent with unsung heroes are the teachers
guru.mengapa regarded as unsung heroes in their duties because teachers do not
expect to get pengargaan.berbeda with heroes who have fought for
independence from colonial hands, the government awarded a badge Satia . but
the days of teachers who have fought in the independence struggle and to turn
the nation's intelligence, not to pengargaan Satia lencana.kita all know who
made presidents, businessmen, doctors, and the clever lainnya.ya, gurulah
which makes them good at what it is today . so many speeches that I can
sampaikan.mohon sorry if there are mistakes.

Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ke Inggris

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