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NAME : _________________________________________

2. AGE: ____ SEX: female/male

3. Education Qualification

A. School B. U.G C. P.G Other specify __________________

4. Occupation

A. Private employee B. Public employee C. Self employee

5. Have you ever taken any polices

A. Yes B. no

6. Have you taken Wealth Policy?

A. Yes B. No

7. In which company you have taken the wealth policy


8. What made you to prefer that company?

A. Service B. Interest C. Premium

9. What is the payment mode for the policy?

A. Regular B. Yearly

10. How much amount you pay as the premium ____________________

11. Have you clam for the cover amount

A. Yes B. No

12. What is the response of the company?

A. Good B. Bad

13. Have you received any settlement of the claims from your insurance company?

A. Yes B. No
14. If so how many days they took to settle your claims _______________________________

15. Rate the importance of the following features in your insurance company

S. No Features RATING

1 Customer services

2 Claim settlements

3 Available of product category

4 Agents advice

5 Premium collection

(1- Bad 5- good 10- very good)

15. Are you satisfy with the service provided by your insurance company

A. Yes B. No

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