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Rome, 29 December 2010

Finmeccanica win orders for more than EUR 185 million

Finmeccanica has won orders for a combined value of more than EUR 185 million through its
companies DRS Technologies, Alenia Aeronautica, Oto Melara and SELEX Communications.

DRS Technologies has won orders worth a total of approximately USD 67 million.

Specifically, DRS Technologies, through his wholly-owned subsidiary DRS Defense Solutions, LLC,
was awarded a USD 37.1 million contract for the production of an Electronic Warfare Battalion (EWB)
System for the Jordanian Armed Forces.

In addition to this order the company has been awarded a USD 30 million contract from the
Australian Department of Defence for the production of DRS’ Multi-Spectral Surveillance Suite (MSSS)
for the Australian Light Armoured Vehicle – Surveillance variant (ASLAV-S).

Alenia Aeronautica and the industrial consortium Panavia GmbH have signed a contract worth a total
of some EUR 65 million to upgrade 25 of the Italian Air Force’s Tornado aircraft. This represents the
completion of the Mid Life Upgrade (MLU) program for the Air Force’s Tornado aircraft, 18 of which
are operational after having been upgraded, with 15 still being upgraded.

Oto Melara has won an order worth around EUR 40 million from the Polish company, BUMAR, to
supply a further 53 kits for the production of HITFIST 30mm turrets in the company’s Gliwice facilities.
This new order, following on from the initial contract signed in 2003, which included the transfer of
technology to allow Polish industry to produce the turrets on site, brings the number of HITFIST 30mm
turrets built under licence in Poland to 365.

SELEX Communications has signed a frame contract with the NATO Air Command and Control
System Management Agency (NACMA) worth approximately EUR 30 million (including options) for the
supply and the installation of communication systems in a Link 16 network. The Link 16 network will
enable the real time exchange of tactical data among ground and air platforms at an altitude of 29,000
feet in the European air space, thanks to SELEX Communications' systems that will be installed in
several land sites within 14 NATO countries.

Finmeccanica plays a leading role in the global aerospace and defence industry, and participates in some of the sector’s biggest international programmes through its
group companies and thanks to well-established alliances with European and US partners. A leader in the design and manufacture of helicopters, defence and security
electronics, civil and military aircraft, aerostructures, satellites, space infrastructure and defence systems, Finmeccanica is Italy’s leading high-tech company. It also boasts
significant manufacturing assets and skills in the transport and energy sectors; it is listed on the Milan stock market and operates via a number of group companies and joint
ventures. At 30 September 2010, the Finmeccanica Group had around 76,000 employees, including some 12,000 in the US, approximately 10,000 in the UK, nearly 4,000
in Poland, 3,700 in France and over 1,000 in Germany. As part of its drive to maintain and build on its technological excellence, the Finmeccanica Group spends 11% of its
revenues on research and development.

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