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Story board presentation

Jamal,mohit and ajay.

This is a Long shot of the boy skating.
This is another Long shot of the boy walking away from the skate
This is a Medium close up of the boy entering the pub.
This is a Medium long shot of the boy in the pub with his head down.
Dream transition scene.
Long shot of boy and girl sitting in a café. (dream mode)
Medium long shot of the boy talking with girl ( 180 degree shot)
Extreme close up on the watch.
Medium close up of boy looking at his watch.
Long shot of boy walking out of café.
Medium close of angry girl.
Long shot of girl running towards the door to search on the boy
Another long shot of girl running back from the door to get her
This is medium long shot of the girl paying the bill.
Medium close up of girl texting
Extreme close up of the boy with a worried face.
Long shot of boy sitting down receiving text message.
Extreme close up of the text message.
Medium long shot of the boy falling of the skateboard.
Long shot of boy going into thoughts of happy moments with his
Medium long shot of boy going out of the thoughts and going out of the
Medium close up of boy running in search for his girlfriend.
Medium long shot of boy still running.
Long shot of boy running again, this time at his girlfriends house.
Long shot of boy waking up from the dream.
Another long shot, with boy leaving the pub, drunk.

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