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Friend (1) : It is your family business, still your father has made you number two
and an outsider number one in the management hierarchy.
Friend (2) : Are you a fool? I am number one as Director and he is number two
as Managing Director.
Friend (1) : How?
Friend (2) : Your father is Superintendent in the police as such he is number one.
Deputy Superintendent will be number 2 as he has two words in
his designation. Similarly, I with one word, “Director” is number one
and that two worded outsider “Managing Director” number two.
Friend (1) : It means you are the boss.
Friend (2) : Yes, it is I as number one who creates problems for him to manage.
That is why he is the “Managing Director”.
Friend (1) : Now I fully understand.
Friend (2) : What?
Friend (1) : Why you live in the fools’ paradise?
(A Hindi teacher wishes to highlight the extra-ordinary brilliance of a student,
in English language to look impressive)
Teacher : (With his hand on that student’s shoulder) He is my champanion.
(unmindful that the word is Champion)
Student(2): Sir, it is not champanion.
Teacher : Then it is what?
Student(3): (Appearing innocently speaking) Sir, it is Chimpanzee.
Teacher : (Trying to sound convincing) Yes, I mean he is my Chimpanzee.
(Chimpanzee : An African ape resembling man)
Husband : Are you coming to my friend’s party?
Wife : Not in a mood to go. There ladies having no sense of beauty and
make up. But if you insist let me make up my mind.
Husband : Then , what will you do?
Wife : After that I shall make up myself.
Husband : But before doing anything else, you need to make up your wisdom.
Wife : (Angrily) How do you say so?
Husband : I am saying so to support you.
Wife : How ?
Husband : In such a gathering, a mediocre lady like you depending on make up
to look beautiful can have the satisfaction that she looks a fairy.
Among the ladies, can you have the self-satisfaction of having much
needed wisdom also.
(Visitor to a Swamyji’s Aashram)
Visitor : Swamiji, what should be our reaction to success and failures.
Swamy : Success should not result in such over joy that leads one to lethargy.
Visitor : And Swamyji in case of failure…..
Swamy : Failure must be followed up to the extent that efforts are crowned with

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