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Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347

A framework for supply chain performance measurement

A. Gunasekarana,*, C. Patelb, Ronald E. McGaugheyc
Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Springfield, One University Plaza, Springfield, IL 62703-5407, USA
Ace InfoTech, Inc., 406 Wellington Drive, Streamwood, IL 60107, USA
Department of Management Information Systems, The University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 72035-0001, USA


Supply chain management (SCM) has been a major component of competitive strategy to enhance organizational
productivity and profitability. The literature on SCM that deals with strategies and technologies for effectively
managing a supply chain is quite vast. In recent years, organizational performance measurement and metrics have
received much attention from researchers and practitioners. The role of these measures and metrics in the success of an
organization cannot be overstated because they affect strategic, tactical and operational planning and control.
Performance measurement and metrics have an important role to play in setting objectives, evaluating performance,
and determining future courses of actions. Performance measurement and metrics pertaining to SCM have not received
adequate attention from researchers or practitioners. We developed a framework to promote a better understanding of
the importance of SCM performance measurement and metrics. Using the current literature and the results of an
empirical study of selected British companies, we developed the framework presented herein, in hopes that it would
stimulate more interest in this important area.
r 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Supply chain; Performance measurements; Metrics; Empirical analysis; Framework

1. Introduction in many industries, especially those in manufactur-

ing, are trying to better manage supply chains.
By the late 1980s, outsourcing in US industries Important techniques/methodologies like just-in-
contributed to nearly 60% of the total product time (JIT), total quality management, lean pro-
cost (Ballou, 1992). In the UK, a survey showed duction, computer generated enterprise resource
that 40% of the UK’s gross domestic product was planning schedule (ERP) and Kaizen have been
spent on distribution and logistics related activities embraced. The concept of supply chain manage-
(Department of Trade and Industry, UK, 1990). ment (SCM), according to Thomas and Griffin
Such findings and developments present significant (1996) represents the most advanced state in the
visible impact of distribution, purchasing, and evolutionary development of purchasing, procure-
supply management on company assets. Managers ment and other supply chain activities. At the
operational level, this brings together functions
that are as old as commerce itself—seeking goods,
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-217-206-7927; fax: +1-217-
buying them, storing them and distributing them.
E-mail address: At the strategic level, SCM is a relatively new and
(A. Gunasekaran). rapidly expanding discipline that is transforming

0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

334 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347

the way that manufacturing and non-manufactur- European market, and the guidelines of GATT
ing operations meet the needs of their customers. and WTO have provided the stimulus for devel-
Development of cross-functional teams aligns opment of and existing trends in SCM. Supply
organisations with process oriented structure, chain integration is needed to manage and control
which is much needed to realise a smooth flow of the flow in operating systems. Such flow control is
resources in a supply chain. As suggested by Trent associated with inventory control and activity
and Monczka (1994), such teams promote im- system scheduling across the whole range of
proved supply chain effectiveness. They minimise resource and time constraints. Supplementing this
or eliminate functional and departmental bound- flow control, an operating system must try to meet
aries and overcome the drawbacks of specialisa- the broad competitive and strategic objectives of
tion, which according to Fawcett (1995), can quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost
distribute the knowledge of all value adding (Slack et al., 1995; Gunasekaran et al., 2001; De
activities such that no one, including upper level Toni and Tonchia, 2001). Control is also essential
managers, has complete control over the process. as both customer needs and supply chain perfor-
Such teams helped in the formation of modern mance might change with time.
supply chains by promoting greater integra- To meet objectives, the output of the processes
tion of organisations with their suppliers and enabled by the supply chain must be measured and
customers. compared with a set of standards. In order to be
Supplier partnerships and strategic alliances controlled, the process parameter values need to be
refer to the co-operative and more exclusive kept within a set limit and remain relatively
relationships between organisations and their up- constant. This will allow comparison of planned
stream suppliers and downstream customers. To- and actual parameter values, and once done, the
day many firms have taken bold steps to break parameter values can be influenced through
down both inter and intra firm barriers to form certain reactive measures in order to improve the
alliances, with the objective of reducing uncer- performance or re-align the monitored value to
tainty and enhancing control of supply and the defined value. For example, an analysis of the
distribution channels. Such alliances are usually layout of facilities could reveal the cause of long
created to increase the financial and operational distribution time, high transportation and move-
performance of each channel member through ment costs and inventory accumulation. Using
reductions in total cost and inventories and suitable approaches like re-engineering facilities,
increased sharing of information (Maloni and problems can be tackled and close monitoring and
Benton, 1997). Rather than concerning themselves subsequent improvements can be possible from
only with price, manufacturers are looking to analysis of the new design. Thus, control of
suppliers to work co-operatively in providing processes in a supply chain is crucial in improving
improved service, technological innovation and performance and can be achieved, at least in part,
product design. This development has produced a through measurement. Well-defined and con-
significant impact by expanding the scope of SCM trolled processes are essential to better SCM.
through greater integration of suppliers with There are number of conceptual frameworks
organisations. and discussions on supply chain performance
The growth and development of SCM is not measurements in the literature; however, there is
driven only by internal motives, but by a number a lack of empirical analysis and case studies on
of external factors such as increasing globalisation, performance metrics and measurements in a
reduced barriers to international trade, improve- supply chain environment. We will discuss the
ments in information availability, and environ- background for the research, review the selected
mental concerns. Furthermore, computer gene- literature on supply chain performance metrics
rated production schedules, increasing importance and measurements, develop a framework based on
of controlling inventory, government regulations the literature and an empirical analysis, and
and actions such as the creation of a single finally, summarize the findings and conclusions.

A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347 335

2. Background for research tion (Schroeder et al., 1986). Performance studies

and models should be created so that organisa-
In this section, the literature is used in describ- tional goals and achievement of those goals can be
ing the general context within which measurement measured, thus allowing the effectiveness of the
of supply chain performance is undertaken. The strategy or techniques employed to be accessed.
works of various authors are used in establishing Most companies realise the importance of
the need for supply chain performance measurement financial and non-financial performance measures,
and to describe in general terms how it should be however they have failed to represent them in a
addressed—emphasis is on measurement systems balanced framework. According to Kaplan and
and approaches as opposed to specific measures. Norton (1992), while some companies and re-
The strategic, operational and tactical levels are searchers have concentrated on financial perfor-
the hierarchies in function, wherein policies and mance measures, others have concentrated on
trade-offs can be distinguished and suitable con- operational measures. Such an inequality does
trol exerted (Ballou, 1992). According to Rushton not lead to metrics that can present a clear picture
and Oxley (1989), such a hierarchy is based on the of organisational performance. For a balanced
time horizon for activities and the pertinence of approach, Maskell (1991) suggests that companies
decisions to and influence of different levels of should understand that, while financial perfor-
management. The strategic level measures influ- mance measurements are important for strategic
ence the top level management decisions, very decisions and external reporting, day to day
often reflecting investigation of broad based control of manufacturing and distribution opera-
policies, corporate financial plans, competitiveness tions is often handled better with non-financial
and level of adherence to organisational goals. The measures. Another area where inequality persists is
tactical level deals with resource allocation and deciding upon the number of metrics to be used.
measuring performance against targets to be met Quite often companies have a large number of
in order to achieve results specified at the strategic performance measures to which they continue to
level. Measurement of performance at this level add based on suggestions from employees and
provides valuable feedback on mid-level manage- consultants. They fail to realise that performance
ment decisions. Operational level measurements assessment can be better addressed using a trivial
and metrics require accurate data and assess the few—they are not really trivial, but instead are
results of decisions of low level managers. Super- those few areas most critical to success.
visors and workers are to set operational objec- The metrics that are used in performance
tives that, if met, will lead to the achievement of measurement and improvement should be those
tactical objectives. that truly capture the essence of organizational
Many firms look to continuous improvement as performance. A measurement system should facil-
a tool to enhance their core competitiveness using itate the assignment of metrics to where they
SCM. Many companies have not succeeded in would be most appropriate. For effective perfor-
maximizing their supply chain’s potential because mance measurement and improvement, measure-
they have often failed to develop the performance ment goals must represent organisational goals
measures and metrics needed to fully integrate and metrics selected should reflect a balance
their supply chain to maximize effectiveness and between financial and non-financial measures that
efficiency. Lee and Billington (1992) observed that can be related to strategic, tactical and operational
the discrete sites in a supply chain do not maximize levels of decision making and control.
efficiency if each pursues goals independently.
They point to incomplete performance measures
existing among industries for assessment of the 3. Performance measurements and metrics in SCM
entire supply chain. Measurements should be
understandable by all supply chain members and In this section, the literature on performance
should offer minimum opportunity for manipula- measurements and metrics in SCM is reviewed.

336 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347

The metrics and measures are discussed in the Strategic level measures include lead time
context of the following supply chain activities/ against industry norm, Quality level, Cost
processes: (1) plan, (2) source, (3) make/assem- saving initiatives, and supplier pricing against
ble, and (4) delivery/customer (Stewart, 1995; market.
Gunasekaran et al., 2001). Tactical level measures include the efficiency of
purchase order cycle time, booking in procedures,
3.1. Metrics for order planning cash flow, quality assurance methodology and
capacity flexibility.
3.1.1. The order entry method Operational level measures include ability in day
This method determines the way and extent to to day technical representation, adherence to
which customer specifications are converted into developed schedule, ability to avoid complaints
information exchanged along the supply chain. and achievement of defect free deliveries.
Purchasing and supply management must ana-
3.1.2. Order lead-time lyze on a periodic basis their supplier abilities to
The total order cycle time, called order to meet the firm’s long-term needs. The areas that
delivery cycle time, refers to the time elapsed in need particular attention include the supplier’s
between the receipt of customer order until the general growth plans, future design capability in
delivery of finished goods to the customer. The relevant areas, role of purchasing and supply
reduction in order cycle time leads to reduction in management in the supplier’s strategic planning,
supply chain response time, and as such is an potential for future production capacity and
important performance measure and source of financial ability to support such growth (Fisher,
competitive advantage (Christopher, 1992)—it 1997). Supply chain partnership is a collaborative
directly interacts with customer service in deter- relationship between a buyer and seller which
mining competitiveness. recognises some degree of interdependence and co-
operation on a specific project or for a specific
3.1.3. The customer order path purchase agreement (Ellram, 1991; van Hoek,
The path that an order traverses is another 2001). Such a partnership emphasises direct,
important measure whereby the time spent in long-term association, encouraging mutual plan-
different channels can be determined. By analyzing ning and problem solving efforts (Maloni and
the customer order path, non-value adding activ- Benton, 1997). Supplier partnerships have at-
ities can be identified so that suitable steps can be tracted the attention of practitioners and research-
taken to eliminate them. ers (Macbeth and Ferguson, 1994; Ellram, 1991;
Graham et al., 1994). All have contended that
3.2. Evaluation of supply link partnership formation is vital in supply chain
operations and as such for efficient and effective
Traditionally supplier performance measures sourcing. Partnership maintenance is no less
were based on price variation, rejects on receipt important. Performance evaluation of buyers or
and on time delivery. For many years, the selection suppliers is simply not enough—relationships must
of suppliers and product choice were mainly based be evaluated.
on price competition with less attention afforded The parameters that need to be considered in the
to other criteria like quality, reliability, etc. More evaluation of partnerships are the ones that
recently, the whole approach to evaluating suppli- promote and strengthen them. For example, the
ers has undergone drastic change. level of assistance in mutual problem solving is
Evaluation of suppliers: The evaluation of indicative of the strength of supplier partnerships.
suppliers in the context of the supply chain Partnership evaluation based on such criteria will
(efficiency, flow, integration, responsiveness and result in win–win partnerships leading to more
customer satisfaction) involves measures impor- efficient and more thoroughly integrated supply
tant at the strategic, operational and tactical level. chains.

A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347 337

3.3. Measures and metrics at production level 3.4. Evaluation of delivery link

After the order is planned and goods sourced, The link in a supply chain that directly impacts
the next step in to make/assemble products. This is customers is delivery. It is a primary determi-
the activity carried out by organisations that own nant of customer satisfaction; hence, measuring
production sites, and their performance has a and improving delivery is always desirable to
major impact on product cost, quality, speed of increase competitiveness. Delivery by its very
delivery and delivery reliability, and flexibility nature takes place in a dynamic and ever-changing
(Mapes et al., 1997; Slack et al., 1995). As it is environment, making the study and subsequent
quite an important part of the supply chain, improvement of a distribution system difficult. It
production needs to be measured and continu- should be noted that it is not an easy matter to
ously improved. Suitable metrics for the produc- anticipate how changes to one of the major
tion level are as follows: elements within a distribution structure will
affect the system as a whole (Rushton and Oxley,
Range of product and services: According to Mapes 1989).
et al. (1997), a plant that manufactures a broad
product range is likely to introduce new products 3.4.1. Measures for delivery performance
more slowly than plants with a narrow product evaluation
range. Plants that can manufacture a wide range of According to Stewart (1995), an increase in
products are likely to perform less well in the areas delivery performance is possible through a reduc-
of value added per employee, speed and delivery tion in leadtime attributes. Another important
reliability. This clearly suggests that product range aspect of delivery performance is on-time delivery.
affects supply chain performance. On-time delivery reflects whether perfect delivery
has taken place or otherwise and is also a measure
of customer service level. A similar concept, on
Capacity utilization: From the above assertion, it is time order fill, was used by Christopher (1992),
clear that the role-played by capacity in determin- describing it as a combination of delivery relia-
ing the level of activities in a supply chain is quite bility and order completeness. Another aspect of
important. According to Slack et al. (1995), of the delivery is the percentage of finished goods in
many aspects of production performance, capacity transit, which if high signifies low inventory
utilization directly affects the speed of response to turns, leading to unnecessary increases in tied up
customer demand through its impact on flexibility, capital. Various factors that can influence deli-
leadtime and deliverability. very speed include vehicle speed, driver reli-
ability, frequency of delivery, and location of
Effectiveness of scheduling techniques: Scheduling depots. An increase in efficiency in these areas can
refers to the time or date on or by which activities lead to a decrease in the inventory levels (Novich,
are to be undertaken. Such fixing determines the 1990).
manner in which resources will flow in an Number of faultless notes invoiced: An invoice
operating system, the effectiveness of which has shows the delivery date, time and condition
an important impact on production and thus under which goods were received. By comparing
supply chain performance. For example, schedul- these with the previously made agreement, it
ing techniques such as JIT, MRP and ERP have can be determined whether perfect delivery has
implications on purchasing, throughput time and taken place or not, and areas of discrepancy
batch size. In case of the supply chain, since can be identified so that improvements can be
scheduling depends heavily on customer demands made.
and supplier performance, the scheduling tools Flexibility of delivery systems to meet particular
should be viewed in that context (Little et al., customer needs: This refers to flexibility in meeting
1995). a particular customer delivery requirement at an

338 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347

agreed place, agreed mode of delivery and with small quantities of wider range (e.g. JIT lot size)—
agreed upon customised packaging. This type of and (iv) number of Inventory turns.
flexibility can influence the decision of customers
to place orders, and thus can be regarded as 3.5.2. Customer query time
important in enchanting and retaining customers Customer query time relates to the time it
(Novich, 1990). takes for a firm to respond to a customer query
with the required information. It is not unusual
3.4.2. Total distribution cost for a customer to enquire about the status
Perhaps the most important research concerning of order, potential problems on stock avail-
logistics is going on in the area of design of ability, or delivery. A fast and accurate response
efficient and cost effective distribution systems. to those requests is essential in keeping customers
For this, an understanding of total distribution satisfied.
cost is essential, so that proper trade-offs can be
applied as a basis for planning and reassessment of 3.5.3. Post transaction measures of customer
distribution systems. The urgency of dealing with service
transportation cost was highlighted by Thomas The function of a supply chain does not end
and Griffin (1996), who argued that since trans- when goods are provided to the customer. Post
portation cost accounts for more than half of the transaction activities play an important role in
total logistics cost, more active research is needed customer service and provide valuable feedback
in the area. To deal with distribution costs, that can be used to further improve supply chain
measuring individual cost elements together with performance.
their impact on customer service encourages trade-
offs that lead to a more effective and efficient 3.6. Supply chain and logistics cost
distribution system.
The efficiency of a supply chain can be
assessed using the total logistics cost—a financial
3.5. Measuring customer service and satisfaction measure. It is necessary to assess the financial
impact of broad level strategies and practices
To a world class organisation, a happy and that contribute to the flow of products in a
satisfied customer is of the utmost importance. In supply chain. Since logistics cut across func-
a modern supply chain customers can reside next tional boundaries, care must be taken to assess
door or across the globe, and in either case they the impact of actions to influence costs in one
must be well served. Without a contented custo- area in terms of their impact on costs associ-
mer, the supply chain strategy cannot be deemed ated with other areas (Cavinato, 1992). For
effective. Lee and Billington (1992) and van Hoek example, a change in capacity has a major effect
et al. (2001) emphasised that to assess supply chain on cost associated with inventory and order
performance, supply chain metrics must centre on processing.
customer satisfaction.
3.6.1. Cost associated with assets and return on
3.5.1. Flexibility investment
Of the factors by which supply chains compete, Supply chain assets include accounts receivable,
flexibility can be rightly regarded as a critical one. plant, property and equipment, and inventories.
Being flexible means having the capability to With increasing inflation and decreased liquidity,
provide products/services that meet the individual pressure is on firms to improve the productivity of
demands of customers. Some flexibility measures capital—to make the assets sweat. In this regard it
include: (i) product development cycle time, (ii) is essential to determine how the cost associated
machine/tool set up time, (iii) economies of scope with each asset, combined with its turnover, affects
(Christopher, 1992)—refers to the production of total cash flow time. One way to address this is by

A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347 339

expressing it as an average days required to 4. The research methodology

turn cash invested in assets employed into
cash collected from a customer (Stewart, 1995). The framework presented by Gunasekaran et al.
Thus, total cash flow time can be regarded (2001) was used in developing a survey used to
as a metric to determine the productivity of study performance measures and metrics used in a
assets in a supply chain. Once the total cash supply chain environment. A seven-page ques-
flow time is determined, this can be readily tionnaire1 was developed for collecting data. The
combined with profit to provide insight into questionnaire was divided into four basic sections.
the rate of return on investment (ROI). This They are as follows: plan (including strategy),
determines the performance by top management source/supply (order), produce (make/assemble),
is terms of earnings on the total capital invested and delivery (to customer). These four categories
in a business. correspond to the four basic activities or processes
With customer service requirements constantly in a supply chain—plan–source–make/assemble–
increasing, effective management of inventory in delivery. The questionnaires were mailed with a
the supply chain is crucial (Slack et al., 1995). In a cover letter and addressed to the CEO of each
supply chain, the total cost associated with firm. Targeted recipients were instructed to com-
inventory can be broken down into the following plete the survey themselves or refer it to an
(Stewart, 1995; Christopher, 1992; Slack et al., appropriate person for the same. Participants were
1995; Lee and Billington, 1992; Levy, 1997): identified using the ‘Kompass Register’ for UK
Opportunity cost, consisting of warehousing, industries (Volumes I and II) published by the
capital and storage; Cost associated with inventory Reed Business Information Ltd., West Sussex,
at the incoming stock level and work in progress; UK. A total of 150 large companies were selected
Service costs, consisting of cost associated with from a wide range of industry settings.
stock management and insurance; Cost of finished
goods including those in transit; Risk costs,
consisting of cost associated with pilferage, 5. Empirical analysis
deterioration, and damage; Cost associated with
scrap and rework; and Cost associated with too Of the 150 questionnaires mailed, 21 were
little inventory accounting for lost sales/lost completed and returned. A breakdown of the
production. survey response is shown in Fig. 1. Nearly all the
responses were received within 4 weeks of mailing.
3.6.2. Information processing cost Twelve companies said that because of the larger
This includes costs such as those associated with number of such enquiries they were unable to
order entry, order follow/updating, discounts, and reply. Ten companies returned the questionnaire
invoicing. On the basis of survey results from stating that they were not suitable candidates for
various industries, Stewart (1995) identified in- the survey because of changes in their operations.
formation processing cost as the largest contribu- The response rate was only 14%, but we felt that it
tor to total logistics cost. The role of information was adequate to assist us in developing our
technology is shifting from a general passive framework.
management enabler through databases, to a
highly advanced process controller that can 5.1. Planning performance evaluation metrics
monitor activities and decide upon an appropriate
route for information. Modern information tech- This section deals with financial and non-
nology, through its power to provide timely, financial strategic level performance measures.
accurate, and reliable information, has led to a The importance of these parameters was estab-
greater integration of modern supply chains than lished by calculating the mean of all responses and
possible by any other means (Naim, 1997;
Benjamin and Wigand, 1995). Available upon request from authors

340 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347

Responded with Said were not Table 1

completed questionnaire Ratings strategic planning metrics
14% able to reply

8% Assessment Strategic performance Percentage

metrics importance

Highly important Level of customer 16.42

perceived value of
Returned the
71% questionnaire Moderately Variances against 14.23
without important budget
Did not respond to completing it Order lead time 13.50
the questionnaire Information processing 12.68
Fig. 1. Breakdown of response for the survey. cost
Net profit Vs 12.46
productivity ratio
Total cycle time 11.80
ranking them accordingly. The ranks were con-
Total cash flow time 10.27
verted to relative percentages by dividing each
rank, by the total of all ranks for the group of Less important Level of energy 8.64
measures/metrics. This approach is similar to the utilisation
method used in Pareto analysis wherein problem
frequencies are converted to percentages to show
relative importance. The percentages better high- to validate the framework should employ a better
light differences in the importance of performance sample and more rigorous statistical techniques.
measures in each group (we used this approach in The first set of measures (five non-financial and
analysing performance measures in all groups three financial) pertain to planning, but more
discussed herein). We further categorized the specifically to strategic planning. Table 1 shows
measures based on importance (highly important, the measures and their relative importance as
moderately important and less important). The determined by our analysis of the survey data.
methodology employed for such was similar to the The importance rating survey results show that
methodology used in ABC inventory (inventory the level of customer perceived value of product is
item’s annual cost is stated as a percent of total of the utmost importance. It was deemed highly
inventory costs) to prioritize inventory manage- important which clearly reflects the perception of
ment decisions (item cost percentages sorted in practitioners that customer satisfaction is para-
descending order and grouped into A—most mount in importance in increasing competitive-
important, B—moderate importance, and C—less ness. The measures considered moderately
important based on their contribution to total important in descending order include variances
costs). We used this approach in analysing against budget, order lead-time, information-
performance measures in all groups discussed processing cost, net profit vs. productivity ratio,
herein. Please note that categorizing a measure as total cycle time and total cash flow time. Variances
less important does not mean it is unimportant, against budget, information-processing cost and
but rather it seems less important compared to net profit vs. productivity are of course financial
others in the measurement group. We believe a measures and reflect the importance of financial
similar approach could be used by managers in measures in strategic planning and control—
setting priorities in the development of a measure- financial stability is essential to organizational
ment system for supply chain performance. Our success. The other three moderately important
small sample size precluded the use of more measures were order lead time, total cycle time and
powerful statistical techniques. We believe our total cash flow time. Their rating further highlights
approach is adequate for our use of the data in the importance of non-financial measures in
framework development. A more rigorous study strategic planning and control and to subsequent

A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347 341

Table 2 warrant monitoring by management and improve-

Importance of order planning metrics ment effort. Cross-functional teams, rapid proto-
Assessment Metrics Percentage typing, and concurrent engineering involving
importance suppliers would seem appropriate in efforts to
improve product development cycle time. Many
Highly important Customer query time 19.11
alternative techniques are available for forecasting.
Moderately Product development 17.37 If forecasting accuracy is a concern, firms might
important cycle time examine the techniques employed with an eye
toward improvement. Because the forecasts of all
Less important Accuracy of forecasting 16.59
supply chain links can influence supply chain
Planning process cycle 15.90
time performance, a concerted effort by all should be
Order entry methods 15.51 made to assure accurate forecasts. This is empha-
Human resource 15.51 sized by a survey participant (a machine tool
productivity manufacturer) who said that supply chain partners
should ‘‘Use better forecasting techniques to remove
uncertainties in supply chain.’’ Many under-
organizational success. The only strategic planning stand the consequences of weak forecasting
measure deemed less important was level of energy performance and recognize the need to measure
utilisation which may suggest that it is not of and improve it.
strategic significance. That, of course, could vary By benchmarking their forecasting methods
from firm to firm, depending on energy cost as a with those of the best, a better understanding the
percent of total manufacturing cost and on energy techniques might be gained and greater accuracy
price levels relative to the prices of other manu- achieved. Also, by integrating production sche-
facturing inputs. dules with others in the supply chain, more
The percentage importance (relative impor- accurate day to day demand forecast might be
tance) of the strategic performance metrics clearly possible for all links in the supply chain. Planning
suggests that non-financial measures of perfor- process cycle time, order entry methods, and
mance are considered by practitioners to be human resource productivity were the less im-
important in assessing the competitiveness of an portant order planning measures. Planning process
organization. This is not to say that financial cycle time and order entry methods could be
measures are no longer important, but rather that improved through reengineering efforts that in-
non-financial measures are important and neces- clude multiple links in the supply chain, because
sary in assessing a firm’s ability to compete. the actions of multiple participants interact to
In Table 2, the order of priority for the order influence performance in these areas. Improve-
planning level metrics is presented. At the order ments in customer query time, product develop-
planning level, customer query time was highly ment cycle time and planning process cycle time
important, which would seem to emphasize the might be brought about by greater human
importance of customer service. Product develop- resource productivity, so although it was rated
ment cycle time and forecasting were moderately last in importance, human resource productivity
important. These two factors relate to meeting should not be dismissed as unimportant. Improve-
customer needs and doing so in a timely fashion. ment in order entry methods, customer query time,
Although there is no statistical evidence contained forecasting accuracy and customer query time
herein to prove such a link, common sense might be brought about through the application of
suggests a link between these and the perceived information technology to increase accuracy and
customer value of the product, rated number one expedite the flow of information throughout the
among the strategy performance measures. The supply chain. Process cycle time can be tackled by
importance ratings of product development cycle using techniques like single minute exchange of die
time and forecasting measures suggests that they and group technology, whereby similar facilities

342 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347

for production will be grouped to reduce manu- Table 3

facturing lead-time. Importance of supplier metrics

Assessment Metrics Percentage

5.2. Supply link evaluation metrics importance

Highly important Supplier delivery 23.20

Due to the growing importance outsourcing, performance
whereby firms outsource a major part of their
products, evaluation of supply link performance is Moderately Supplier lead-time 19.69
very important in managing the supply chain for important against industry norm
Supplier pricing against 18.30
peak efficiency and effectiveness. In this section,
the importance of performance measures/metrics Efficiency of purchase 15.42
in a supply chain link (includes purchasing and order cycle time
supplier management activities) are rated in
importance. Based on the literature, six key Less important Efficiency of cash-flow 12.38
performance indicators (KPI) pertaining to the
Supplier booking in 11.01
supplier link were included in the survey and procedures
ranked by participants. These measures include:
supplier delivery performance, lead-time against
industry norm, supplier pricing against market, schedules and terms of the order as well as prompt
efficiency of purchase order cycle time, efficiency delivery of goods have become order winners.
of cashflow method, and supply booking proce- Firms would do well to not just use supplier
dures. The main objective here is to identify the metrics for selection of suppliers, but rather they
KPI in supply link performance evaluation. The should work closely with suppliers to see that they
KPI can be defined as the performance indicators have in place within their organizations, measure-
that have significant impact on the overall ment systems that will foster significant improve-
performance of an organization in the areas of ment in all of these areas. Such improvement
strategic, tactical and operational planning and contributes to the overall success of a supply
control. The percentage importance ratings of the chain.
six measures are included in Table 3.
As can be seen in Table 3, supplier delivery 5.3. Production performance evaluation metrics
performance emerged as the most important
measure pertaining to the evaluation of supplier In this section, supply chain production link
performance. It was the only highly important metrics/measures are rated in importance. The
measure. One can see from the table that it is literature provided the production link measures,
clearly set apart from the others by its percentage and as with other metrics evaluated in this paper,
importance rating. The moderately important the survey responses provided the basis for rating
measures in descending order are supplier lead- the importance of these measures. The perfor-
time against industry norm, supplier pricing mance measures for the production link included
against market and efficiency of purchase order percentage of defects (a measure of product
cycle time. The less important supplier measures quality), cost per operation-hour, capacity utiliza-
were efficiency of cash flow method and supplier tion, range of product and services, and utilization
booking in procedures. Most notable about the of economic order quantity. Table 4 contains the
supplier metrics is that firms regard the supplier’s measures and their percentage importance ratings.
capability to reliably deliver goods in a timely From the table one can see that the percentage of
fashion as more important than price. Price has defects emerged to be the most important
increasing become an order qualifier rather than (24.27%), but two others, cost per operation hour
an order winner. Other aspects of supplier and capacity utilization, were also highly impor-
performance such as adherence to agreed upon tant. The latter two are essentially measures of the

A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347 343

Table 4 5.4. Delivery performance evaluation metrics

Importance of production metrics

Assessment Metrics Percentage After the orders are planned and goods sourced,
importance produced and assembled, the remaining task is to
deliver them to customer. Table 5 shows the order
Highly important Percentage of defects 24.27
Cost per operation hour 22.51 of importance of delivery performance measures.
Capacity utilization 21.61 Quality of delivered goods is first in importance,
followed by on time delivery of goods and
Moderately Range of products and 18.01 flexibility of service systems to meet customer
important services
needs. These three measures are highly important.
Less important Utilization of economic 13.60 Note that there is very little difference in the rating
order quantity of quality of delivered goods and on time deliver of
goods. Here again, we believe that these three are
related to the perceived customer value of the
product, the top ranking strategic planning mea-
efficiency with which resources are used in sure. Providing the customer with a quality
manufacturing (produce/assemble), and good per- product in a timely fashion, and maintaining
formance in these two areas translates into lower customer satisfaction with a service system de-
cost per unit to manufacture products/provide signed to flexibly respond to customer needs are
services. Efficiency of operations is important for key in producing value for the customer.
all supply chain partners, if the elusive goal of The effectiveness of the enterprise distribution
supply chain optimization is to be achieved. Note
that the percentage importance of each of these
three clearly sets them apart from the moderately Table 5
important and less important measures. We should Importance of delivery performance measures
caution that maximum efficiency of each partner Assessment Delivery performance Percentage
in all areas might not be a desirable because metrics rating
tradeoffs are necessary in order to achieve a global Highly important Quality of delivered 12.34
optimum for the supply chain—local optimums in goods
all parts do not necessarily lead to global On time delivery of 12.20
optimization for a system. goods
The only measure rated moderately important Flexibility of service 11.43
systems to meet
was range of products and services. As noted in the customer needs
literature, a broader range of products tends to
result in fewer new products being introduced and Moderately Effectiveness of 10.31
a more narrow range is associated with greater important enterprise distribution
product innovation. For this reason, the measure planning schedule
Effectiveness of delivery 10.23
does seem worthy of the attention of managers, invoice methods
especially in making decisions about the breadth Number of faultless 10.05
and depth of product lines. The least important delivery notes invoiced
measure in the production link measures was Percentage of urgent 9.32
utilization of economic order quantity. It was the deliveries
Information richness in 8.76
only measure rated less important. It may be that carrying out delivery
the participants, in assigning their ratings, re-
garded the use of EOQ as a means to an end rather Less important Percentage of finished 7.76
than an end in and of itself. In short, quality and goods in transit
efficiency seem to be more important considera- Delivery reliability 7.70
tions in evaluating production performance.

344 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347

planning schedule, effectiveness of delivery invoice mid-level managers who are generally the ones
methods, number of faultless delivery notes responsible for tactical decisions.
invoiced, percentage of urgent deliveries and The items in each cell are listed in the order of
information richness in carrying out the delivery importance based on percentage importance rat-
are moderately important. According to the rating ings. Those ratings can be seen in Tables 1–5.
of measures, while unquestionably important, Readers can refer to those tables in order to more
these measures are not as important as the quality closely examine the importance ratings of indivi-
of the delivered product and on time delivery. It dual measures/metrics. Some measures appear in
would seem, at least on the surface that on time more than one cell, indicating that measures may
delivery would result from an effective enter- be appropriate at more than one management
prise distribution planning schedule, so it level. Measures used at different management
would probably be unwise to ignore the obvious levels will most assuredly require adjustment to
importance of the enterprise distribution plan- tailor them to planning and control needs of the
ning schedule—one is the means and the other different levels. For example, appropriate mea-
the end. surement may require that data used by the lower
In the survey, companies were asked to express level of management be aggregated in some form
their views on reducing the cost of a delivery or fashion to make the data appropriate for the
system. Their responses tended to emphasize next higher level (convert data into information
techniques like JIT and the application of auto- appropriate for the context). There is nothing
mation alternatives to reduce costs. Trade-offs novel about this approach, as it has been used
between centralisation of the distribution system for years in management planning and control
and decentralisation of the system were mentioned systems.
as was third party logistics. The approach we used in organizing the
measures for the framework could be used by
organizations in development of a performance
6. A framework for performance measurement in measurement program for SCM. Managers and/or
a supply chain consultants could identify measurements (we
recommended many such measurements herein),
In this section, a framework for performance rate their importance using the methodology we
measures and metrics is presented (see Table 6), used for rating importance, and construct a matrix
considering the four major supply chain activities/ like our own to identify the supply chain activity/
processes (plan, source, make/assemble, and de- process to be measured, the measurement, and
liver). These metrics were classified at strategic, level of management to which the measure should
tactical and operational to clarify the appropriate be applied. More detail could be added to fix
level of management authority and responsibility personal responsibility for measures with indivi-
for performance. This framework is based in part dual managers, or management positions.
of a theoretical framework discussed by Gunase- Readers should keep in mind that this frame-
karan et al. (2001) and on the empirical analysis work is based largely on metrics discussed in the
reported herein. Measures are grouped in cells at literature. Individual firms will certainly have
the intersection of the supply chain activity and performance measurement needs that reflect the
planning level. For example, Supplier delivery unique operations of their business and of course
performance can be found at the intersection of not all supply chains are identical. Thus other
the Source activity and Tactical planning level measures may be desirable and should be devel-
indicating that it pertains to sourcing activities oped by firms and supply chain participants to
(source) and the tactical planning level. Supplier reflect their unique needs. This framework should
delivery performance would thus be a measure be regarded as a starting point for an assessment
useful in analyzing the performance of mid-level of the need for supply chain performance mea-
managers as they undertake sourcing activities— surement. It is likewise important to understand

A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347 345

Table 6
Supply chain performance metrics framework

Supply Strategic Tactical Operational


Plan Level of customer perceived value of Customer query time, Product Order entry methods, Human
product, Variances against budget, development cycle time, Accuracy of resource productivity
Order lead time, Information forecasting techniques, Planning
processing cost, Net profit Vs process cycle time, Order entry
productivity ratio, Total cycle time, methods, Human resource
Total cash flow time, Product productivity
development cycle time

Source Supplier delivery performance, Efficiency of purchase order cycle

supplier leadtime against industry time, Supplier pricing against
norm, supplier pricing against market
market, Efficiency of purchase order
cycle time, Efficiency of cash flow
method, Supplier booking in

Make/ Range of products and services Percentage of defects, Cost per Percentage of Defects, Cost per
Assemble operation hour, Capacity utilization, operation hour, Human resource
Utilization of economic order productivity index

Deliver Flexibility of service system to meet Flexibility of service system to meet Quality of delivered goods, On time
customer needs, Effectiveness of customer needs, Effectiveness of delivery of goods, Effectiveness of
enterprise distribution planning enterprise distribution planning delivery invoice methods, Number
schedule schedule, Effectiveness of delivery of faultless delivery notes invoiced,
invoice methods, Percentage of Percentage of urgent deliveries,
finished goods in transit, Delivery Information richness in carrying out
reliability performance delivery, Delivery reliability

that the rated importance of metrics in this expected levels after implementing contemporary
framework is based on a relatively small sample, supply chain management (SCM) practices. The
and thus, care should be taken in generalizing 76% affirmative response to that question clearly
results to all supply chains. The importance of showed that effort focused on carefully managing
individual metrics presented herein might not supply chains produced financial benefits for
apply to all supply chains in all industries. Again, participating firms. From a financial perspective
the framework is only a starting point. It is hoped alone, a proactive approach to SCM is advisable
that this framework will assist practitioners in for firms wanting to enhance competitiveness.
their efforts to assess supply chain performance. The SCM literature suggests that effective SCM
help to win customers and improve customer
service. Some 66% of the respondents in our
7. Conclusions survey noted the positive impact of SCM on
market share, providing more evidence of the
In our survey participants were asked whether strategic importance of successful SCM. The
their return on investment had increased to potential benefits of SCM make it attractive, but

346 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 87 (2004) 333–347

improved performance is not automatic. As with come together to discuss how they will address
any other organisational undertaking, it must be the measurement and improvement of SCM
done well to yield positive results. This is why we performance. Industry consortiums, consultants,
believe it is important to assess performance in and researchers could be helpful in promoting
SCM and the reason we developed the SCM SCM performance measurement generally, and in
performance measurement framework. developing measures and measurement techniques
To bring about improved performance in a specifically. They could play a significant role in
supply chain and move closer to attainment of the helping firms address the present and future
illusive goal of supply chain optimization, perfor- challenges of managing supply chains. Clearly
mance measurement and improvement studies tremendous opportunity exists to develop mea-
must be done throughout the supply chain. All sures that facilitate progress and promote greater
participants in the supply chain should be involved supply chain integration.
and committed to common goals, such as custo-
mer satisfaction throughout the supply chain and
enhanced competitiveness. A performance mea- Acknowledgements
surement program for a supply chain should be
complete—important aspects of performance in The authors gratefully acknowledge the con-
any link are not ignored—and they must be structive and helpful comments of two anonymous
tailored to varying needs of participants. A good referees on the earlier version of the manuscript.
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